Masthead header

may i have your attention please.

i need to clear the air.

yes….i have ads now.
which you very well know.
there was a comment left recently that said she missed my old blog where it was just family.

and i understand that.

in the words of Zeke Braverman….i hear you and i see you.

if you have felt jipped about my "family" blog then i truly feel bummed about that.

BUT if i may defend myself for a few moments…. (on my my own blog?)

some of the reasons things have changed a little this year:

1.  since i started this little blog in january 2007 i have had a child at my hip every single day.
     she let me take a zillion pictures of her.
     well…SHE LEFT.
     she decided to become a kindergartener and leave me in the dust.
     a big chunk of my blog-able family photos went with her.

2.  i have a new-ish photography business that took a BIG part of my time this year.
     i spent several hundred hours on that….and i love it.

3.  i have much less creative personal crafting/sewing time that i can photograph.
     i wish i had more.
     and this winter i will….but i haven't for 7 months. 

4.  i don't have any house projects going on now to blog about.
     no wallpaper being stripped….bathrooms being demo-ed….furniture being painted.
     there is plenty of laundry which i always show you.

5.  when you have BlogHer ads on your sidebar….you get paid!

     and seriously…that is cool.

     because for 3 years i was blogging for free.
     and that is great…but after all that time it was awesome to get a check in the mail for 
     what i was doing everyday anyway. 
     BUT when you have Blogher ads….you can't blog about other companies because that
     would be
like running two tv commercials at the same time side by side….not fair
     to either company.

     SO i have the other identical blog (without the BlogHer ads) for when i want to
     talk about other companies.

 Blogbanner2   Bannerlic

     AND with those other companies….i GET PAID.
     please realize that i have potentially five college tuitions in my future….
     and possibly three weddings.
     oy vay.

6.  i like having new opportunities to learn new things, meet new people, and earn money.
     i like this new blog world i have entered.  
     it's exciting and FUN.
     i am in a new phase of life….
     kids ALL in school….mom to a teen & tween…no babies or toddlers…or even preschoolers.
     i expect t0 grow and change and the blog will grow and change with me. 

i appreciate every single one of you who reads my words.

i read the comments.
i treasure your emails. 
YOU encourage me in so many ways.  
(except for mean commenters….they are not awesome.)

it's your choice AS ALWAYS to continue reading or not.
i hope you stay.
i promise not to start advertising for motor oil or after shave….
but Sara Lee…GAP…French Bull…

those are great companies!  
i like them.

i have a give-away for every ad post!
that is super fun for ME to be able to give you cool prizes.
i really really love that.

i promise to continue to be true to ME…
to the person God is calling me to be…
to share my passion for helping the needy….
to showcase ways for others to GIVE….
to blog about what i like and see and enjoy and create different every day. 


thank you for all the support & BLOG LOVE you have given me all along the way!

(or maybe i will just pregnant miraculously and get to start all over again!!) 

Laily - wow, I’ve been looking through some of your blog and you are really amazing. I love how creative you are and i just looked at the hand print ornaments that you drew little snow men on. They were SO cute. I have a five year-old brother so i hope to make one with him next year. I am definitely bookmarking your blog! I think it’s cool that you can get paid for having a blog..why not? right? I mean you have a lot of kids so that money can come in handy. Anyway, i just wanted to say that i love your blog and you should keep up the good work. πŸ™‚

TammyR - Meg –
I don’t know when I stumbled upon your blog, but I’ve been reading it for some time now. It doesn’t bother me one bit that you have ads, nor should it. It is YOUR blog! I know that blogs take time, and kudos to you for getting paid to do it!!
I enjoy reading about your family, your crafts, and your trip to Africa! I don’t even have kids, but I admire all that you do for your kids. To have crafts every Thursday? That is awesome and I know your kids will remember that for the rest of their lives. I also read the story about how you and Craig started. The fact that you are still married, and have more kids and are happy is amazing. I’m sure the odds were stacked against you.
It’s just nice to peek into your home and see what you’re doing with your kids, and Waffle! I have a dog, at least, so I can relate! πŸ™‚ Also, your photos are amazing and I enjoy taking photos, too, so I appreciate you sharing your talent there.
So, there.

jennyonthespot - *fist bump*
You… I adore πŸ™‚

Tara @ Tara Being Tara - I think what you’re doing is great – you absolutely deserve to be compensated for all of your hard work!!

Rebecca - Girl,
do what you need!
I’m so glad that you’re able to bring some cash with ads,
particularly from BlogHer–
being all wise with your time and investments!

Wendy - Meg-
If i can only read one blog a day, it is yours that I always pick! You inspire me. I want to be you. Thanks for sharing and I am with most of the commenters where i didnt really get the two blog thing because I really didnt notice the ads. I think we are lambasted with them in so many places that you dont notice them too much. I love your blog. I do miss pics of annie but I get it. She is busy!
Keep charging ahead and you will always have me reading!

Ashley - I love you blog Ad’s and all! πŸ™‚

julia - I don’t understand the other blog thing! I’m so confused.
Err. like how much do you make from the BlogHer ads?

Summer - wow … when I read your blog I could care LESS whether you have ads! Actually, I take that back! I’d rather you get paid! You are awesome and your blog is a favorite of mine for sure! πŸ™‚

The Fairy's Apprentice - Good luck with both blogs! I’m happy for you, and your blogs are the best!

Jeannette - I think that you should blog about WHATEVER you want, it’s your blog, says it right there in the name, right? I don’t mind the ads/sponsors at all, like someone else said I too have found things I otherwise would have never know about. Keep doing what you are doing, we all LOVE it. Changes come along in life whether we want them to or not (preschool for my 5 year old, kindergarten for Annie) and you just have to roll with it. You said it very well, things have changed since starting this in 2007 and it’s their choice to come back again or not. Sounds to me there will be more of them staying than going. I always feel inspired when I come here either to be a better mom to my 2 (you have 5 and keep it together), spiritually (Water4Christmas, books you suggest…lots of other things), and the crafts…..i LOVE them and so do my kids.
your blog is real life, keep it up, you ROCK!!!!!

Christina - I love when you show us your laundry!! πŸ™‚
And all the other stuff, too. This is one of my favorite blogs. Keep on, sister.

Gina - I just wanted to give you a high five for the Parenthood reference!!! Heck yeah! lol *virtual high five* πŸ˜‰

Sheri Slowey - Love love love your blog. I’m new to reading all of these blogs and yours I must say is one of my very favorites. Thanks for all your share. Merry Christmas.

Julie - Been busy with family visiting, but wanted to quickly say that I for one am happy to see you doing well with your blog. I love your blog, and I too have five college educations to pay for and three weddings so I totally understand!! Hurrah for you Meg ~ happy for you!!!! πŸ™‚

melanie - your blog is so one of my favorites. i dont mind the ads! i am happy for you!

mary - . . . in the words of Zeke Braverman….i hear you and i see you.
I love! that show

Andrea - It’s your blog, sweetie.
I love your blog, I am so impressed with your family and your family values and the effort you put into being the best you can be. You inspire me to craft more, enjoy more, and to realize that every day is what we make of it, and in the long run, should the house be perfect or the kids and hubby feel loved?
When I read your blog I feel good.

Courtney McIlwain - I love love love your blog. Dont change a thing!!!!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Meg….ads or not….I truely enjoy your blog…glad you are going to … on………Happy Holidays!

andrea - i saw that comment and was like, wow that was mean…i am glad you wrote this post to clear any air. live your life, we are just the audience, it wouldn’t be your blog if commenters told you how to do it, geez.

Amnah - No way dude. You DO NOT have to justify yourself or your actions. It’s your blog. Since when are people supposed to tell us what we are and aren’t supposed to have in our blogs? Good for you. Make that money, baby!

Richelle - I think it is fabulous that you can get paid for something you love to do and are good at! You go girl!

Lorri - POO on people that try to ruin someone else’s day by being just rude. I totally enjoy your blog, the links and especially seeing your family. Keep on doing what you do best.

elizabeth highsmith - I would just like to “ad” my two sense worth you’re blog is great any ole which a way. the end.

Ruth - high five – i think you’re awesome. hot picture too!

Jess - Can I just say, I love your honesty! Keep it coming…especially the honest pictures of your home. It’s about time we see real homes instead of being ambushed with flawless homes where people obviously have no laundry and no 5 year olds that spill juice every where!
So please keep the honesty coming…and I’ll be here to read it!

Amy - Rock on, Meg. I hope you make a million, bazilion dollars off of your blog. I think it’s awesome that you are getting paid to be your fabulous self!

Emily - I love your blog…with advertisments or not! Hey, if you can get paid doing what you love…go for it! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, I don’t comment often, but it’s great to see how normal you and your family are. I love all your photography, sewing…and your piles of laundry!!! =) Keep up it…your blog makes me smile everyday!

Whitney - Meg, I love you blog and I will continue to read…the ads dont bother me a bit! πŸ™‚

natalie k - meg, you will always be the coolest. love you.

Marcia - So unrelated to all of this, but a backhanded compliment: what shade & brand of lipstick or gloss do you have on in that photo at the bottom? It is great and looks pretty on you! πŸ™‚

Carrie - I enjoy your blog so much and read it everyday. I still think your content is as good as it’s always been, if not better. I don’t mind the ads and talking about the companies. You wouldn’t promote something you didn’t believe in. A girl’s got to make some money, and why not make money doing what you love?Keep up the good work and God bless!

Jodi - Rock on Meg! You are amazing as always.

Jenny Joy - Boo to the complainers. I lurve you and your blog. You’re special. And honest. And sweet. You’re the kind of person that I would give anything to have coffee with once a week or live next door to. Truly, lady. You’re sporting a metric ton of awesome!

Cindy in WA - You rock! And so does Waffle! Love to see Waffle and hear about his day..along with your family. πŸ™‚ Keep bloggin. I love it!

Kristina - Well Cutie, I just got your blog from a friend and think you are charming. DONT CHANGE A THING!!
God bless you in this new stage in your life!

amanda - love your voice and your blog – ads or no ads. πŸ™‚

Amanda Garrett - You keep on keeping on, girl! I just adore you and your blog- ads or no ads! πŸ™‚

shauna reed - you are gracious and brave. and generous to share all of this. it’s really your own buisness, and it bugs me to think anyone would want to butt in and feel entitled to your life! CRAZY!
also, you have very nice lips.
are they always that glossy?

Juli - Ditto to what Tara said. I had NO IDEA that the French Bull, Gap OR Sara Lee posts were “ads”! I honestly just read the concept of less baking from scratch & more time playing with family & thought…now THAT’S a girl after my own heart (and my, that Sara Lee cake looks YUMMY!) Dude, you need to get Great Value to pay you because you are FOREVER using their groceries!
I had NO idea who Zeke Braverman was so I Googled it. Do you know that you’re the 4th (FOURTH!) link that comes up when I Google that name?!! That must be a good thing.

Tiffany - I say phooey on anyone who wants to tell you how your bloggie should be. It’s your baby…and it’s none of our business what you decide to do! And if you can may extra money doing what you love…then a BIG PHOOOEY on anyone who wants to stop you. I L.O.V.E your blog….ads or no ads….I’ll still faithfully be reading!!

Hollie - I’m a new reader to your blog and didn’t realize you had 2 blogs till the other day. My kids and I did the pound cake thing last night, awesome! I love your blog and check it every day. I think it’s great that you make money from it! And I could care less if you have ads or not. You’re an inspiration to me – keep it up!

Heather - love your projects and recipes
love your photography
love your home
love your blog
love that you get paid to do it
love the giveaways
love you! πŸ™‚

Chris - I don’t care about the ads! I think you’re cool, exciting and fresh! Keep it up!!

kim york - NO DEFENDING NEEDED!!!! It’s your blog to do with what YOU want to! It’s a privilege that you share it with all of us. You keep growing, changing, sharing anyway you want and if can earn money doing it go for it…Although another baby would be awesome πŸ™‚
Thanks for sharing your life all of it with me, just a blog stalker(found you from the Macs)…but I do love your blog.

Jane Little - I am always surprised by the flap over ads. For the *hours* blogging takes and the creative ideas shared, I for one am very glad when someone can get compensated for that.

Gevay - Wow, I am consistently amazed in the blog world that people feel they have the right to make mean comments about what YOU do on YOUR blog. Do what you have to do contribute to your family. If people don’t like it, they can find someone “ad-free” to read! Your blog is very enjoyable ads or not!

leigh - I love your blog and will stick around for any changes!! Have a great day!

cassie o - i think you’re great! don’t give those nay-sayers the time of day!

Stephenie - You deserve to be paid for this. I will always be a fan even if I had to be the one paying you.

Kori - Your blog is rad. Simple as that!

Taryn - Holy Cow!!!!! May you feel affirmed and blessed by the responses here! (only holy cow to how many of them there are!!!!….i know you’re accustomed to this, it took me forever to read through them!:) ) I have to say it’s all i can do to not respond directly to the negative comment. Oh my, so many thoughts and words i could have there. But i will refrain and simply add my support to the other millions of readers that love you! I found the Sara Lee blog very fun!!!! and found myself tucking that idea away for one of our family nights. I love how you captured the individual family member’s “creations.” Of course, all of this can be expected, though. When you are doing ministry, the enemy will try to discourage, destroy and derail you! I’m proud of the way you’re handling it! Continuing to pray blessings on you and over your work! Love ya!

Jessie - LOVE your blog with or without ads! If I could blog like you and get paid for it too, I definately would. YoU RoCK GiRL!!

Melissa S - You go Meg!!! Love your blog either way. It is always the first one I go to in my reader and many days one of the only ones that I make time to read! Meanies be gone!

G. - I’m sticking around! I love your blog, even though I’m a new reader. I think it’s great you have an opportunity to earn some money doing something you love and you are good at. I don’t think you owe anyone an explanation. πŸ™‚ - I was actually wondering why you didn’t have ads earlier. Blessings!

Tammy - I’m glad you explained it, I was confused- but blamed it on lack of coffee. I was more worried about having to rebook mark it, and if I was going to have to ask my 13 yr old how to do that again.
You go girl- bring home the bacon! It is reality.

jessica kiehn - that’s weird. That’s one of those things that you may think to yourself, and choose not to keep reading that particular blog, but certainly not something you’d TELL the writer of the blog! Oh well, obviously, you have tons of support.
But it’s really not about what people think of you, anyway. You’re here on earth for the Father, your man, and those kids. Not the “blog world” and what “they” have to say about you.
So, go on wit it Momma.

Suzanne - rock on Meg.

jennibell - Blog love to you!!! It’s YOUR blog. . .do with it what you want is what I say. And get paid too?!? It really doesn’t get any better then that, does it?

Talysa - Ha! I didn’t even notice the ads. πŸ™‚
In the word of Bobby Brown…it’s Your prerogative. πŸ˜‰
I’m quoting Bobby Brown. Good indicator I just took Nyquil. Sorry. πŸ™‚
Love your blog.

Jen R - Oh my gosh…I love, love your blog…. I didn’t even notice the ads – just thought you were sharing the things you love. I can’t believe people would actually let you know that this bothered them. Silly! I’ll read – ads or not….you are fabulous! πŸ™‚
PS I love Parenthood & the Bravermans!See…that is why I read. You are too cute….you quoted a Braverman! πŸ™‚

Fran Gospodarek - Meg, I have been a follower of yours for some time now. I absolutely love your blog and outstanding photography! Keep up the outstanding visual and emotional entertainment…

Michelle - Australia - I have a narrow screen. Add that to the constant fog that shadows my oh too busy life of being a wife, Mum, friend, sister, daughter, and working and volunteering and Christmas silliness…..AND not too clever me hadn’t noticed the ads. But don’t tell your advertisers that πŸ™‚
Even if you start typing in a foreign language, I’ll still read Meg. Although if you stop posting pictures, even of the washing pile (how colourful is that???), I might have to contemplate where else to get my rainbow colour fix πŸ™‚ Thank you for your blog. Thank you for sharing your life. Thank you for your inspiring writing. And GOOD on you for getting some $ for it. Go Meg!

Margo - Keep up the great work – LOVE your blog – it’s the first thing I look at on the computer every evening!!

karen - I would have explained myself too..but you really didn’t have to.
Yeaaah…get paid for what you do!! If the opportunity is there…
heck, i still think you should have a reality show or even a movie made…I would watch!

Miss Muffs Cottage - Meg, well said. I love your blog – with or wothout ads…my only request – just don’t stop blogging. I just love you!
My best wishes, Anita

Nichole - The only thing I had wished was an update on why you were posting to a second blog – it super confused me! I don’t mind ads, though, they’re a part of life and if you need the money for the future, then you gotta do what you gotta do.
Besides, you could have just spammed the entire blog with ads all over the sides. I feel as if this was a nicer way.

Jerse - The way I see it, if things bothers a person about a blog, don’t read it. I happen to love what you write and I understand why you’d like a little income from it. Good for you, finding ways to supplement the income without enrolling in the work force. Keep on keeping on.

Amy - I have read your blog for about a year now, and never posted. All I have to say is, “Go you!” I will keep reading.

Kara Jane - I say GOOD for you! You are my favorite blog – love your family, love your house, love you, love your mess (cause I don’t feel so alone in my heap of laundry! LOL). I just come to smile at your sweet family. If people don’t read because you are advertising and making money for doing what you do so well, then they need help! Take care and keep making me smile and giving me decorating ideas!

Nicole Q. - Well said! The fact that you are growing and changing means you aren’t stuck in one stage! :))

Heather - You put your heart and soul into this blog, which equals honest (and frequently funny) entries every day. That’s why I keep coming back! I think it’s fair for you to get paid for all of the work you do. It’s not like you’re obnoxiously shilling products or anything.
Also- I love Parenthood so much!! I feel like it’s so under-appreciated. Glad you like it too, although it’s hardly surprising since we seem to have very similar TV/movie taste. πŸ™‚

Kae - Hi! Please keep doing whatever you’re doing. I love your blog!!

Juli B. - Don’t mind the ads at all. Good for you for getting paid for doing what you love. Isn’t that what we all want out of life? Just one favor, when you have a giveaway, please don’t make us post, comment, attach, link, twitter, or stop by ten different sites just for a chance to win. Now that gets annoying.

Vera - I love you and your blog just the way you are. That picture of you is GORGEOUS. I totally think you should get pregnant again because your babies are adorable AND it would make for some fab blogging material. πŸ™‚

Linette - Of all the blogs I get in my feedreader, yours is the ONLY one I read every single day. I skip the others at least a few days a week and catch up on weekends, but I gotta have my daily fix of Whatever. And it is precisely because this blog grows and changes and reflects real life that I am so devoted to it. I don’t comment often (this is only the second or third time), but Whatever is part of my life. You keep on doing what you do, and I will keep on reading and relating. Thank you, Meg, for being you.

Shauna Howington - I say good for you! I for one will continue to read, ads or no ads!

holly - I just adore you! Thanks for always keeping it real. Who cares about a couple of ads. Seriously?

Suzanne D - I have been reading your blog for a while, and I love coming here every single day! I enjoy reading about your family trips, your craft Thursdays, projects, other people’s projects, charities, and wonderful places that you have found – either online or IRL. Thank you for sharing your life and being the woman God created you to be!

Susan - Ok, I am pretty sure I started this. whoops! πŸ™‚
I apologize if what I wrote came across as rude, because I really didn’t mean it that way. I should learn to read things over a couple of times and think about the way other people could interpret them. I sincerly apologize if I hurt your feelings. But yes, it’s me that misses the family posts. But I guess I didn’t think about your last one not being around to be in most of your shots.
I still love your blog, even though it has changed. I guess what I meant to say I already get the “commercial feeling” from HGTV and Food Network, so I’ve always found reading blogs that have a personal touch so refreshing and honest.
I think it’s great that you’re getting paid to do something you love and don’t consider work. I was just one of those people that was really confused by the whole “ad-free” blog. I don’t blog myself, so I was unaware of the rules of advertising.
I am not sure that you’ll even read this since there are so many comments above mine. But if you do, I hope you accept my aplogy! πŸ™‚

elisa - I would love for you to have another baby- hehehe
either way, you rock πŸ™‚

amber - I think that’s awesome. Another baby is always awesome too:)…hehe

Georgia - Hi Meg,
Hopefully you get to this comment, as there are tons on this post!
But i am doing a princess lasertron radvent blogging event, and i have written about you, and linked to your blog from mine.
Hope you dont mind.

Mindy Harris - you go girl! i admire you in so many ways.
also, as a fellow blogger, how does one get “in” with blogher? i want to get paid, too.
to fuel my estate sale addiction.
actually, we really need the money.

Mendi - Meg,
I am new to your blog! And I LOVE it. I was looking for a craft to do with my children and one of friends (who is not a mother yet and LOVES your blog)told me about your blog. It is the best. I love EVERYTHING you do. Love the crafts, the pictures, the recipes and the house! I love the fact that you are a real mother and you are keeping your posts that way. Keep on doing what you are doing because it is fabulous!!! You inspire me in many ways! Thanks for the blog and all the works it takes!

Jamie - Ha, ha…you’re awesome, Meg!

Theresa - I LOVE your blog, and have followed for a long time but I will have to say the Sara Lee post seemed very fake & forced and I was turned off by it. The ads don’t bother me either, you work really hard on this blog, just don’t stray from your authentic self!

Beth @ Dirty Laundry - Geez Louise, someone is always going to complain about something. You do what you have to do! You’re still the same blogger we know (well, not personally) and love, with or without ads.

dawn - It’s unfortunate that people even make this an issue. Fortunately, it appears you have a large following that’s just fine with the ads — or the “commercials” as someone called it. This is YOUR blog — and you’re very good at what you do. There are no other blogs I follow as diligently as yours. Keep doing what you want to do. Be true to you and what feels right. If you can get paid for doing what you’re doing anyways — why not?!? And to be honest — the ads and “commercials” open my eyes to new products and ideas. I’ve been thinking about that pound cake ever since you blogged about it!

alaina - Girl – you owe no one an apology or explanation! This is your blog!! YOUR BLOG! Not THEIR blog! Urrgg…people can make me so irritated sometimes! Personally – I think YOU’RE AWESOME MEG!!!!! I love reading your blog every single day! HUGS!! (Go away mean people!)
There…I feel better now! πŸ™‚

Sarah - It is YOUR blog! I would totally do the same if I was half as talented as you! People WILL keep reading, Your blog is beautiful, colorful, fun and most of all….REAL. Keep being YOU…..and get paid while doing so….you deserve it!

Gina in Louisville - I don’t even notice the ads. Your blog entertains me for free.

Leslie - you go, girl. πŸ™‚
By the way, your lip gloss looks pretty.

Courtney - Who the HECK cares if you run ads? It doesn’t effect your content. You deserve a check. A BIG ONE!

Ayca - Dear Meg,
I love everything about you and I enjoy reading your blog with a big mug of tea while snuggling on my couch. I am praying for a beautiful baby like yours and reading you gives me hope and courage. Please continue to write and upload pictures with or without ads. You enlighten my life πŸ™‚

sara @ it's good to be queen - i think you’re great and your blog is great. reading your blog is my treat in the morning before my crazy day gets going. blessings!

Laura Phelps - πŸ™‚

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Um…really?
People complaining about what *you* do on *your* blog?
You are fab
and your blog is fab
and that’s all I have to say about that.

Angela Atkins - Anytime someone complains about the lack of family posts, just post another picture of your laundry. We are lucky to see ANY posts from you with all that is going on in your life. Just keep writing about your life and where ever God takes you in that.
As far as the ads, it was only a little confusing cause the link said it was a link to your ad-free blog, but was really a whole ad in itself. Your explanation helped.

twolittletots - Love your blog still and I am on the wait list right now for BlogHer…and I can’t wait until they email me!

Jill - Keep doing what you are doing! Love you the way you are Megan, and love the blog the way you do it. It should change with you – that’s what keeps it real! πŸ™‚

Emily Z - trying to think of something really clever and spectacular to say, but all I can think of is…YOU GO GIRL! Love your blog!! Love all of the hope and inspiration it gives me as a mother, wife and christian. Thank you!

Kerri - I want to be like Meg when I grow up!! :)) No worries!!

Ashley - Ads? What ads?
In all seriousness, you do what you do well, and why not get paid for it? Meanies can find another blog to hate on, and the rest of us can keep following your stories and sharings. Keep on keeping on, Mama!

Sarah B - I didn’t even notice…I just know that your blog is a part of my morning block to myself and I have always it for maybe the last two years now and I love it to pieces and will love it with ads or not! Thank you for letting me share in your life. πŸ™‚

Victoria - Seriously? You rock with the content. I am never disappointed. Keep it real and I’m sure you won’t have a problem with traffic. I know I have personally referred half a dozen ladies to your site because it is THAT GOOD.
Blessings to you and your family.

Lynn - The ads don’t detract from your blog at all. I come her for YOU and every post that you put up is wonderful.
You don’t need to explain yourself unless you want to.
I’m definitely staying! πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Meg, you just keep being you! I love your blog and obviously so do many others. You don’t have to defend yourself. You are an awesome blog mommy!

Lana - Kudos to you for finding a way to be an involved mom, pursue your dreams AND make money. (The haters are probably just jealous, anyway πŸ™‚ )I’m still reading and will continue to do so. Blessings!

Becki - I did not even realize there was anything different! Love your bolg,been reading it for so long. Every day. Keep it up. Doing what you love and get paid for it, awesome!!

T.O. - Ads….or no ads……I still heart you!!!!!

J - I love your blog! I was confused by the double blogs so thanks for clearing that up. And for the record- after your french bull post I went to their site and ended up spending $130! =) And I (legally!) downloaded a ton of songs from the playlist you posted a couple months back.
And, I just wanted to say, our lives could not be more different- I live in NYC, lesbian, no children, struggling with my faith- and yet I feel such a connection to you through your words. Keep up the awesome job!

Alisha Gibb - Ads or no ads, you ROCK and I will always be a faithful follower. Word of mouth (i.e. “advertising”) is the best way to find out about cool new stuff! You just keep on keepin’ on!

Michelle - ads or not. . . you’ll still be my first online stop in the mornings! Good for you for getting paid. . .I wondered why you hadn’t done it sooner!

krystall - you go girl, wish I could get paid for reading (i’d be rich)!
Still lovin’ your blog:)

Kelly - This is a great post. For those of us in the blogging world who have not explored ads I had no idea about how they work, etc. and this shed a little light on that. Amen on your blog (and all our blogs) being about you/us (this is getting confusing) and whatever stage of life we’re in. And I didn’t even mean to use *whatever* in that last sentence. πŸ™‚ Rock on. Kelly

Cris - Meg, I think it is AWESOME!
You are a smart girl. You are making money while still doing what you love…

Jessica - I can’t believe somebody said that. You don’t have to defend yourself. This is your blog…you can say and do whatever you want. Honestly, some people are so lame…

renae - I will read your blog no matter what you write about! I love how honest and open you are. I think people are just jealous that you get paid to blog! I wouldn’t mind seeing more about Waffle. He’s pretty cute!

vanessa - Still love it. And it’s YOUR blog to do with as you wish. I don’t in any way feel you’re selling out. You’re evolving, your life is evolving, ergo your blog is evolving. I’m sure we will continue to have glimpses of your very real life, but that life has changed since the time you started your blog. People need to realize that these things aren’t static, and they need to get over it.
Keep on doing what is right for you Meg!

gina f. - i love your blog! It is your blog and you should do what you want with it!!

Talia - Love your blog with or without ads AND if you can get paid to do what you love then you are blessed.
Keep being real and for what it is worth — my laundry strongly resembles yours. Ugh! πŸ™‚
Hugs to you…

Amelia - Get paid for doing something that you love? What a novel idea. Everyone should be so lucky. God Bless.

Erin - It’s your blog..Love your blog. What can be better making some money doing something you are doing anyway! As other have said your blog rocks son’t worry about a thing!!!

Jen - Love your blog! ads are no big deal, just part of life!

Lori Michaud - You go girl! It’s your life, live it your way.

Erin - It’s your blog so you shouldn’t worry what other people think/say (although I know easier said than done) I love your blog and I LOVE your house! I am dying to see the dining room you were painting! Did you ever blog about the end result? (I hope I didn’t miss the big reveal!) Keep up the awesome job! I love reading your blog!

Kellye P. - You don’t have to explain to anyone, this is your deal and trust that I will NEVER stop reading you. You are one of the highlights of my day…every single day! The picture of you at the end of the post should be your new profile picture on here. LOVE IT!

Renee - i loveeee you’re blog, it brightens my day. it’s so real! you are so creative & amazing you deserve to make that money honey!

Tracey - Don’t apologize or feel the need to explain! The readers enjoy your blog and therefore benefit, you should too. Keep it up!

Sophie - I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and I absolutely love it, ads or not.
I love how you’re honest about the reasons you have ads. A lot of blogs use the ‘I’m not doing it for the money’ thing. Yeah, right.
Ads or no ads, you’re so inspiring and your posts are a joy to read.
In fact, your trip to Africa inspired me so much that I signed up to go on a mission to The Gambia in June with my school. All because of what you and those wonderful ladies did there!

Vicki - Okay Miss Meg…I have noticed an interesting thing in blog land. First folks seem to start out with their basic free blogger lay out. Then when they start to get followers, they seem to “upgrade” a bit…get a fancy layout. Then come the blogher ads…and then…so on and on it seems to go. I think that some folks stay grounded and continue to do what got them the thousands of followers in the beginning, some folks just become a blogging bill board or commercial. I think this is totally in your hands, own it, work it. Be you. I did find the Sara Lee deal a little odd. It felt very commercial. I think if it had been more clearly stated what was going on it wouldn’t have set people so confused. I think you cleared things up beautifully today. I also think that honest opinions from people are sometimes different than mean comments. I don’t expect my girlfriends to only feed me fluff and positive statements all the time…I want the truth too. I also appreciate it when it’s said in a nice way =). This bloggy thing is quite the journey. I think you have a great influence on women. Keep on your own path, your own journey. We’re listening….

Angela - Wow. People are dumb. You ROCK!
I *love* the Zeke Braverman quote.
Best. Show. Ever.
And your blog is the best ever, too!

Lisa - You are just fine. Any one of us – if given the opportunity to make some money doing what we love – would take it! I wish you (and other bloggers) didn’t have to explain yourself so often, but I guess that’s part of putting yourself out there, eh? Your blog, your business in my opinion. I’m just happy to be along for the ride!

Lisa - I haven’t noticed a difference in your blog at all except the couple times you sent us over to your “other” blog! You still share the good, the bad and the ugly! πŸ™‚ With awesome pictures and creative things and ways to help others. I only know you thru this blog, but you seem the same to me. (in a good way!) I love your blog and am excited for you to be getting paid. I think that’s awesome!

Shelly - GO FOR IT GIRL! I always believe you have to do what is best for YOU and your FAMILY. I love your blog and read it every chance I get. I love your words and on many levels you make me feel more normal. I am a working mom with two busy kids and a husband that is gone all the time. Basically I am a married woman with a single parent life. Keep going and don’t let anything or anybody stop you. Good Luck and THANK YOU!

Stacia - I love your blog. I think it’s awesome you get paid:)

Meaghan - Is it wierd that I read your blog EVERYDAY and had no idea there were 2 or that you post ads?!?!? Its prob just because I ADORE you and everything u blog about. Go make your money girl!!!!! I’ll keep reading πŸ˜‰

Lindsay - Ads don’t bother me at all. You should get paid for every bit of work you put into this blog and more! You’re my favorite blogger to read!

Ashlyn - If something that starts out as your passion can actually turn into money…thank goodness!!!!

staci amy - I say, bring on the ads!!! Why shouldn’t you get paid!!?? I will always, always read you!!!!! And that last picture of you is just plain simply beautiful!!!! Go Megan!!!!!

Diana Thompson - Funny thing, I never noticed the ads, but now that you mention…there is a Hewlett-Packard ad and my wonderful husband works for HP!!! You ought to get paid for what you do, you do a great job on this blog and should be compensated! You are very inspirational and I would follow your blog with or without ads!!!!!

Regina - Well, I hope we’re making it VERY obvious…WE LOVE YOU MEG!!!!!
***YOU***GO***GIRL!!!!! - Hadn’t even noticed the ads because your entertaining posts capture my attention first. And I love that you plug places that you like (i.e., French Bull), because if not, I would have never been introduced to it. So please keep sharing whatever you’d like to share and I’ll keep reading. - Love you, Meg! Do whatever is necessary for you and your lovely family. I enjoy your blog so much that I didn’t even notice the ads. . .oops! πŸ˜‰

heather - i love seeing the evolution of blogs, especially yours. it’s encouragement for the rest of us that are trying to grow into the people that God wants us to be to. i say- you go girl!

Linda Garcia - You rock, Meg! Ads or no, I think most folks will agree with me that we’re okay with it. Happy holidays!

Brook - Love your blog. I think it’s great that you have ads. Getting some extra money for something that you loved enough to do for free is awesome!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Seriously!
Words. Right. Out. of. My. Mouth.
You are amazing. Thank you for stating this so beautifully. Love you, love you, love you, love you!

Toni - Love your blog. Especially loved that you quoted Zeke Braverman. LOVE PARENTHOOD!
Also, did I notice zwieback on your Thanksgiving table? As a Mennonite girl in central CA, I can spot those anywhere…

erica - good for you! πŸ™‚ you don’t owe anyone anything, but who wouldn’t want to get paid to blog?? that’s exciting!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - I’m an advertiser’s worst nightmare. I fast-forward through TV ads, I flip right past them in magazines, and I have an incredible talent to ignore them on blogs. Seriously, I read you every day and I hadn’t noticed you’d added them. I am THAT capable of ignoring them. And on certain sites where they pop up, I x them out to close them before I even see what they are. If you pop up in my face while I’m trying to read something, I close you without looking. Ha!
I do MUCH more clicking when you recommend something you love or that you’ve given a positive review. That’s just how I do it. And I hope that others will stick around for what we’ve come to know and love about your blog. If the ads help you, I’m happy.

Jeannine - I don’t mind the ads! I love your blog.
I rarely comment, but I take a peek at your blog almost daily.
Thank you for continually inspiring me.
You rock =)

tobi d - I can’t account for the blog before but I think this blog is awesome!
Thank you!

Christy - I love Parenthood and I totally only watch it because I read about it here!! Your blog is my favorite and I will always read and I think it is AWESOME you are getting paid for doing what you love!!

Heather K - You go, girl!
Don’t ever feel that you have to apologize for making money! I WOULD if I could!
You rock!

Jody - I think it’s great that you’ll get paid for blogging because hopefully you’ll continue to do it for a long time!! I love reading your blog and love change as well- not only that but I trust you…so enjoy hearing about products that you endorse! Love you and your blogs Meg!! Keep up the great work : )
Jody B.

nicki - I love your blog. plain and simple. you touch my heart in a REAL way. And if it means you share great products, even better. I take what is applicable to me and my family, and file the rest. πŸ™‚

Jeni - Girl, if you can get paid to do what you’ve been doing, why WOULDN’T you?? duh! so, F the haters and just remember, that as long as they are still talking about you, you’ve still got it!! I love your blog! i think it might be my favorite!!

Jenni Carlisle - You are a rockstar and you couldn’t keep me away from your blog if you tried. I love free stuff, so really it’s the best of both worlds for me! I {heart} whatever and the gorgeous Meg who writes…does that mean you are the blog owner? {enter snarky sarcasm and a cheeky smile} XOXO

Laura in LA - I come to your blog for the entertainment you provide me. I love your style, attitude, and creativity. Anywhere else I would have to pay to be entertained (movies, books, sports events, etc) so I would never think of complaining about you getting paid to provide me free entertainment! Rock on!!

Megan Jernovics - You go girl. I will be right here waiting for your next picture of laundry! Thanks for even taking the time to do this.

Shanna - I think its AWESOME that you get paid for SOMETHING YOU LOVE!!!!!! Don’t listen to those sillies! WE LOVE YOU!

Lindsay - I love that you LOVE Parenthood! I l-o-v-e it!

beth - i LOVE YOUR BLOG…AD OR NO AD BUT DON’T STOP…I know so much more about you than other friends in real life…maybe one day I can meet u…that would be awesome! Too bad I didn’t know you were in Atlanta…maybe I could have been on the same road and at least could have waved..nah really I am in Georgia and your Annie and my Lexi would have a great time…
Sorry some people are just so rude….Keep on bloggin!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - You take a good picture Megan. I’m also thrilled that you are taking your blog to the next level. How wonderful that you can be compensated monetarily for your efforts here every day. Good for you!

Phoenix_Rising - Ads are on every site we use nowadays. They are white noise. With the amount of time you spend sharing with us (and from our end, entertaining us!), you deserve to be paid by ads.
Disregard the nay-sayers.
And with Annie growing up, it’s impossible to blog about life as a mom with a child at your side 24/7. Anyone should be able to understand that πŸ™‚

Michelle - I’ve been on the BlogHer Ad Network for awhile and always forget that other people don’t know about the rules set up for reviews, etc… and the need for a duplicate blog for those (though truly I wish they would find another way around it) and that people can be confused about it. It always gives me pause when I see people all in an uproar about it.
BTW, for those who don’t want to read the blatent paid or giveaway posts, you don’t have to click over to the review blog.
I say, you work your ass off Meg to bring quality content daily and it shows. I think you do it for the love of blogging (doing it for free for 3 years) and that you shouldn’t be begrudged in the least for that check monthly.

jennifer delossantos - First, let me say I love the Bravermans. Crosby is my fav.
Didn’t notice the ads, I’m observant like that.
It’s your blog, do what you want. If people don’t like it they don’t have to read it. People like to judge and feel like they can say whatever they want. If they didn’t think you were awesome, they wouldn’t be reading in the first place. We should be paying you for letting us read about and see your family!

Suzette - You are AWESOME! Do it however you want to do it–I’ll be here!

karen - As long as you keep showing pictures of your laundry, I will keep reading πŸ™‚
Have you ever noticed that those fabulous laundry room pictures have no laundry anywhere in them?
Can you tell it is laundry day at my house???
You are awesome,,,,,,,,,

Wendy - THats right- it’s your blog! Do whatever you wAnt. You rule, Meg duerksen!

Tara - I’m laughing….I’m always slow on the uptake with these kind of things…I seriously thought you just made the dessert with saralee pound cake…had no idea it was ad..
BUT. it DID make me want to buy one those pound cakes for my family so the ad WORKED! :)))))))
you rock cause you’re real.
I’ll be back for as long as you’re in blogland.

Deb Meyers - I love your take on life, always will; I hate the ads, always will. But it’s a fact of blogging life and do not begrudge you a penny of the income! more power to you.
So odd, I just emailed another blogger this morning about this very thing. I hope she doesn’t cross read and think I triggered this post from you! because it wasn’t me : )
deb meyers

Jill Franklin - “I promise to continue to be true to Me” …that’s all I needed to hear.

Cindy - I rarely comment but wanted to today. I always wondered why you didn’t have ads on A LONG time ago – you deserve to be compensated for your great blogs. You are the 1st I go to every morning. Keep up the great work! You are inspiring in so many ways!

Carolynn - I love your blog! Double Whatever blogs means Double the fun! Will always be a reader! My kids would miss the Waffle stories too much :)….and me too!

Sara W - Yay for you! I’m glad you are doing what you need to do for YOU and your family. Nobody else can make the right decisions in regards to what is best for you and your 7.

Michelle - 1. who doesn’t like giveaways?
2. If i’m not interested in a post, I don’t read it. (i.e. I don’t like Sarah Lee poundcake)
3. i love your blog. I love your honesty and encouragement. My husband and I are foster parents to a 1 year old with the hopes of adoption- I love reading how families grow and change.
4. I want a giant bell in my kitchen now too.

jill - i love your blog, i love your style, i look forward to reading your posts when they pop up in my reader. but wait, isn’t there a dining room remodel in the works? can’t wait to see that! =)

deborah@applesinwonderland - ah….i hope you wrote this post for yourself. but, you also wrote it for all of us that hem and haw at this very issue. what to do? follow your gut. it will steer you well. and to imagine that someone shouldn’t be paid for their hard work, is not cool. it just isn’t. let us all cheer other women on….it’s all good:)

Kate - You rock. So does Zeke Braverman.

Kerry - Hey Meg,
I didnt even notice the ads – haha! I love your blog for what it is – a colourful, happy, REAL place for me to be for a few minutes every day with my mug of coffee.
Thank you for just being you, and for sharing your world with us.
Now.. best I go look for these ads!
Love Kerry x

Meaghan - I rarely comment, but I had to say that I love your blog and am inspired by what you do…with your kids, with your photography, with your home (and your recipes..I use them all the time!). As a reader, I appreciate that this is your life, and you don’t have to share it at all! But you do, and I hope I am as awesome as you are when my kids are all in school! Thanks for sharing with us, Meg.

Niki - Sorry there are people in the world that HAVE to share their negativity. I don’t understand why they don’t just STOP reading if they don’t like what they see. It isn’t really any of their business.
As for turning a memory into a commercial…whatever. I love that you share about things you love. If I find a new food or product that I love, I tell my friends about it! I’d get paid for it, if I could, in a heartbeat. You don’t make compromises and advertise for things you don’t use/love. That’s intergrity in advertising.
Love you. Love your blog.

Juli - I didn’t even notice the ads (but, then again, I joke that God intended me to be blonde! HA!)
This is why I don’t blog. I couldn’t handle comments from readers who have such inflated self-worth that they feel they have a need to “critique”. I am too sensitive. I’d sit & cry all day!
YES! Another baby!! Y’all make such cute ones and what’s another college education & wedding when you have that many to pay for, anyway?!

Emily - More power to you, Meg! Ads schmads, I don’t care. I’ll keep coming back everyday! πŸ™‚

SJ - I didn’t even realize you had ads! You can’t expect someone not to change over time, and I think you’re doing what is best for you and your family. It’s YOUR blog, don’t forget! And I love reading it.

Cathy - GOOD FOR YOU!!!! KEEP GOING!! I’ll still devour every word you write!

Holly - ok Megan I am totally with you in that new phase of life. My baby is in kindergarten also and I have a teenager and 2 tweens! I am sticking around for sure!

Tonya - Meg, I totally get where you’re at in this stage of life! My youngest is in 1st grade now. Last fall, when he went off to kindergarten, I found myself sorta lost in my own home. It was very weird! During that time I was able to really talk and listen to God; tell Him my fears, desires, etc…now I’m back in school and on my way toward fulfilling a lifelong dream of being a physical therapist! So much has changed and friends have commented that they never see me, but I know I’m doing what God wants me to be doing at this stage.
So, you just continue being the woman/wife/mom/friend/blogger that God’s called you to be and everything else will fall into place!

Annette - Love your blogs, ad’s do not bother me at all, they are just a fact of life anymore! no worries!

Shannon - Amen sista! I’m all about it! I am wanting to get into the photography business myself and i am hoping for a camera to do so for christmas….how did you get into it? what editing program do you use? πŸ˜€ Any helpful hints and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Also how in the world were you able to get paid to blog? I would love that….I am a stay at home mama and could use the extra $ too!

Lynne - Maybe I’m a little slow but I didn’t even realize the difference- ha! Love reading your blog and what you have to say- Great that you get paid some $ to do it!

Megan Austin - I am so proud of you for turning something you love (and WE love!) into something that can help earn a little spending money. Good for you! I love your photos and posts – even the adds! Thank you for letting us be all snoopy into your personal life!!!

jennifer - Rock on Sistah!
And three cheers for miraculous pregnancies!
Shhh! Don’t tell my husband I just said that. πŸ™‚

Donna - Thank you for working to keep us fulfilled and entertained. I, like many others, could care less that you have ads supporting your blog. Rather it should inspire others to find ways to get paid to do what they love! If those people are bitter, perhaps they are focusing on the wrong things in your blog. You continually send a great message and in the meantime, keep it real!! I love it!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Good gracious!
Put those ads up! You deserve to make money due to your efforts/time/trouble/annoyingcommmentleavers/creativity/writingability! (pick one)

Heather Richter - I love your blog. I now have Whatever in my favorites…and Whatever 2 πŸ™‚

kasey - i hate having to defend ourselves on our own blogs…seriously.

Jill - Ads or no ads you bring color into my day. I love your blog. Keep up the being awesome!

MommaH - What a great way to help out and stay at home!! I applaud you!
BTW – Your pic is gorgeous! Of course, having a gorgeous subject to photograph helps.

Lisa - I think it’s awesome you are able to make extra money this way! In fact, if you can share how to do it, that would be great!! Whenever a person can make a living doing what he/she loves, that is never a bad thing! I can think of a lot of products I wouldn’t mind promoting, let’s fact it, we are all consumers and we all have our favorite brands.
P.S. Where has Parenthood been the past two weeks??? I am so upset it hasn’t been on!

katy - i just saw the word “fake” in a previous comment and it made me sad.
…that aside, i kind of get the impression that it would be blog (with a few ads here and there) and let us stay part of your life, or not blog at all (or as much)… i say BLOG!
and i agree w/ another previous comment- you should probably make more money than you do for this! πŸ˜‰
thanks for doing what you have to to make the best life for your family while staying connected to the rest of us! πŸ™‚

Mama Sue - I can’t imagine not reading your blog every day! It is sad that it is so easy to be negative on the internet:) I think some folks use that as a way to blow off steam. Seriously, this is your blog and many of us love it and enjoy watching it grow for you. Of course we look forward to seeing the kids grow and change too!

Rebecca Kriner - I love you times a thousand and what ever you do I will read it. period. I won’t tell you what I think of anyone mean who writes ANYTHING mean to you becuase, well, it would be shocking and inappropriate and Lauren might be reading this and I don’t want her to see anything bad. Long live Whatever! Whatever it may be!

Lindsey - I love your blog and I admire what you are doing! I don’t have any children of my own, and I simply love seeing the beautiful photos of your family. I don’t blame you for wanting to be paid. Getting paid to blog sounds like a dream job! Best wishes to you!

melissa*320 sycamore - there will always be those who don’t like what you’re doing, but as long as *you* love what you’re doing, all is well. πŸ™‚ xo

Cari - Love your blog – with or without ads. Keep your chin up, brush off the haters, and bring in the money! πŸ˜‰

Missy @ It's Almost Naptime - I got accepted to BlogHer and didn’t complete the process for almost a year. I had some reason about integrity or something. When I finally did and got that first check I was like, WHY was I so stupid to wait so long???

Missy @ It's Almost Naptime - I got accepted to BlogHer and didn’t complete the process for almost a year. I had some reason about integrity or something. When I finally did and got that first check I was like, WHY was I so stupid to wait so long???

Sarah - I love your blog. I don’t mind the direction you are taking it. You are still real and God-fearing in your posts. Love, love, love that honesty. Keep it up. I’m all for making money how you can. I feel like ads are a pretty innocuous way to provide.

Jodi - As long as your happy and staying true, who cares if you’re getting paid!? I think it’s awesome. :o)

Curious Details - High five on getting paid!!
Opportunity is my favorite word…..

Donna - That’s a no brainer to me. Why WOULDN’T you get paid for your hard work? Rock on!

adrienne - we should be encouraging one another here anyway… so, with that said, keep doing *whatever* feels right to you πŸ™‚

Jill - I absolutely don’t mind the ads, promotions, or giveaways. I LOVE that it is allowing you to follow your path in life. Keep up the great work.

Nikki - Blogging is alot of work… you deserve to get paid!
Great explanation… I hope the negative Nancy appreciates you addressing their concerns (not that you had to).
My husbands been ICU this week so I missed the double blog thing.
Anyway, keep up the good work πŸ™‚

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - go for it girl! i’ve been trying to decide when i should allow advertising and how all of that works. i know my husband would whoop and do a happy dance if i got paid to blog. seems like a natural progression…one i feel you really don’t need to defend. 5 kids through college…yikes!

Erin Kirby - oh, silly ads. don’t even worry about it, a stay at home mommy (and photographer) could use all the help she can get.
and where are pictures of the dining room? or did i totally miss that?
your blog, your words, your ads. i will totally continue reading!

Taryn Smith - i LOVE reading your blog and I check it everyday! I especially loved the one you recently posted about how you don’t have it all together and showed us your “real” house! Keep up the good work and get paid!

Christina - More power to you, Mama!

Kerry Wiebe - You can’t see me but I’m standing up and giving you a standing ovation!!! You go girl! I’m so glad that you can do this for you and your family and for the nay sayers well they just have the GREEN eye!! So keep it up, you are doing an unbelievable job!! You rock!!! Love ya Girl!

Whitni - I will chime my voice in with the others who said they hadn’t really noticed the ads. I wanted to add every piece of French Bull dining ware to my
Wedding registry after you posted about it, I thought sweet Annie was adorable in her new not-hand-me-down Gap clothes, and I hardly noticed the Sara lee bit because I was focused on your beautiful tree and how clever you are to tuck away the ornaments in separate boxes.

Jessica - you’re the best Meg!! ((hugs))

Carol S - Great post and explanation. You should get paid for a valuable service you provide all of us…entertainment and inspiration. There are some blogs that are so ad heavy, they take a long time to load and become such a heavy collection of products featured, they lose their heart and honestly, I’ve stopped following a number of them. But I hear you on the material drying up! I notice people don’t talk as much about teens and their issues…privacy concerns big time. Sooo,,,thanks Meg for doing what you do. I never realized you had ads on this site (don’t tell Blogher). Maybe I’ve made subliminal observations and purchases. πŸ™‚ God bless Meg.

Annie - This post is so gracious~ thank you for continuing to take the time to blog and share your life with us. I’ve never noticed the ads (maybe because I use a reader?), and the double blog thing just doesn’t seem that odd to me… Whatever the case, I certainly plan to keep reading. Keeping doing what you do!
(and love me some zeke braverman!)

barb c - you are totally awesome, and fully deserve to get paid for being so. We should all be so lucky! No justification necessary. xo

Deb Bounds - Meg, I love the blog, it was so incredible to find it and see how you have blossomed as a woman, wife, mother, and entrepreneur. You have a gentle clear and honest voice that I admire. To be honest, I have never noticed the ads, and as long as you are getting paid to report about a job that you dont get paid for, go for it, especially if you get paid in currency AND pound cake or French Bull or Gap!

courtney - i’m so happy you’re getting paid!
speaking of zeke…did you hear a nasty, terrible, ugly rumor that parenthood might be getting cancelled? because i will cry. i am totally addicted. tell me it’s not true!

TonyaElise - “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirableβ€”if anything is excellent or praiseworthyβ€”think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in meβ€”put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” As I see it, you are still using this blog first and foremost to “put into practice” what you have learned and seen and heard through our Saviour. I admire your ability to 99.9% of the time avoid the negative, when we all know life is full of the negative. That’s why people read. That is why I read. (And, I think cake falls under “praiseworthy” – especially when it means family time, right?) I appreciate your testimony and openness about seeking the Lord in your life and his purpose for you as a mom, and as a bread-winner. So…”Do not be anxious.” I’ve prayed for you this morning, that God will give you his peace that passes understanding so you may continue to share his love, unbridled. May God continue to bless you and your family!

Sharon - All of us should get paid for doing what we love. Keep it up ads and all.

Routhie - I must admit I had not noticed the ads. I just enjoy reading your words during the few minutes I give myself in the mornings. You must be doing something right to get paid, etc…and it’s well deserved. πŸ™‚

Hannah - LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog…if i could get PAID to write….i would do it in a heartbeat! i love your honesty…about everything from laundry to teens! keep up the great work..people have way too much time on their hands if all they can do is complain about OTHER PEOPLE! πŸ™‚ MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sara - Love your blog-have for a long time! I’m expecting my first baby in June and I just love your honest posts about your family……..I admire your family and you. πŸ™‚

Anna - I don’t mind the ads at all! If I had a blog I would want them too; Why not get paid for the work that you put into this?
I check your blog everyday and love it! Keep up the good work!
Oh, and early Merry Christmas in case I don’t leave another comment for you.

Penny - You are a wonderful blogger. Do what works for you and we will be there! I don’t find the ads a bother. I did wonder about the other blog and you were nice enough to email me and let me know. You are so thoughtful and your blog is and will always be one of the first I open in the morning. Keep up the good work and I enjoyed the Zeke Braverman quote. Love Parenthood!

kristiina - Meg–this was straight from the heart, as usual, which is why you have such loyal readers. You did not owe us an explanation, but I’m sure you feel better after ‘clearing the air’ LOL
I read you and Ashley first while eating my breakfast M-F…a very inspirational way to start every day! I am grateful that you both can get a post out EVERY DAY. I wonder if the people who are a little turned off have every written a daily blog (with awesome photos and while raising a family of 5)? The time and effort it must take is beyond me–you’re hard working, you’re good at what you do, and you’ve managed to make it a paying job. My hat’s off to you!!

Amy Lynne - I think you are great and you are doing what is best for your family. I love your blog and check in everyday. I say keep up what you’re doing because it works!!

Renee - Love your blog, either way. I think it is wise to advertise…5 college tuitions and 3 weddings- yikes!! Can’t wait to see what this new season of your life brings!

Micah - Haters just need to evaporate. Love your blog with or without ads. Honestly I never noticed them.
I’m enjoying a new phase too and it IS time consuming… but FUN πŸ˜€
As for starting over… been there done that. (18 and 5) Talk about oy vay!

Anne - do what you do well and get paid for it? sounds reasonable to me :). never mind the haters — if they don’t like the ads, they can stop reading. i, though, will continue to enjoy your blog.

Lori - You go girl. And that bottom line just gives me shivers. πŸ™‚

stacie - Grow and change. Live out your purpose! I think you’re one amazing gal!!
I’m the same age as you and my kids are younger than yours (plus I only have 4) but when I see what you’re doing, I see hope and excitement in my future. Thanks for that! Right now I’m elbow deep in diapers and toting kids like they are accessories and teaching kids to read. My blog is home and family.
I love where you are growing too. And I love that you are so close to God. Your devotion is inspirational.
Go girl! Thanks for sharing your words every day. You are my favorite blogger!! Although I don’t comment a lot, I appreciate you. xoxoxo.

elma riedstra - I did’t get the double blog either but it did’t bother me and I didn’t even know you were advertising for sara lee I figured you liked the pound cake:) I thought what you all did with the pound cake sounded yummy:) Keep up the fantastic blog you are my favorite!! As my eighteen year old said last night she loves your blog and one other the best!!! I agree I LOVE your blog!!!

Martha - I’m a new reader (I’ve been reading your whole blog for the past week…love it!).
You SHOULD get paid. It’s a lot of work to write the nice, long posts you write.
Keep on keepin’ on, sister.

chasity - you go girl.
i’m amazed at all that you have accomplished.
you are truly an inspiration.

Emily@remodelingthislife - What a grinch that person is!
I haven’t noticed any difference.
Bah humbug. I think I just mixed grumpy Christmas character references!! πŸ™‚
Love you and your blog.

Brooke - I was confused about the double blog too, so thanks for the clarification. πŸ™‚ I don’t think anyone judges you, if they do…{they suck}. You are a momma, a wife, a woman of God…you don’t owe it to anyone to blog about anything in particular…and if you can make money…
I say that’s even better!!
You are awesome.
I’ve been reading for several years now.
And I will continue.
And you sent me to Ashley Ann, years ago…who I have also watched change so much…so thanks, Meg.
You are awesome. And I appreciate you.

Naomi - Can’t believe people would have a go at you for changing your own blog, like they pay to read it or something, and have the right to complain?!
I will continue to read (and hope that you have another baby!)

Grace - It can be hard (especially for moms) to find something they like to do, have it fit in with family, and actually get paid to do it. Happy for you that this seems to fit so well. πŸ™‚

Gina - I love your blog and will certainly keep reading. You are an inspiration….you go girl!

katherine - You are a great writer and I’d certainly prefer to read your reviews which are well tailored to me and my family, than a quick plug or ad. It makes me smile hearing how much fun these everyday products can bring to your family!

paige - atta girl!

pam - I think this is so funny. I didn’t even notice a difference. But I tend to ignore all the excess stuff on every blog…just get down to reading the post. You’re bright and shiny as our youngest would say so we like to come peek in here.

ellen - i should have said that i don’t begrudge you getting paid for it. saying that i don’t mind implies that it’s even my business, which it’s not! bottom line, you’re awesome!

ellen - i know someone has already said this but blogging is work. i don’t mind you getting paid for it!

Jeannine Airo - I read your blog…..every day. You are such an inspiration to me and I for one am happy that you are getting paid for what you do. The money could never cange the value and beauty of what you give your readers. Spend your paycheck happily my friend. God Bless!

Lynn - love u and ur blog just the same as ever … muacks from Singapore!!!!

kari - Bottom line…you are awesome…ads or no ads. xoxo

Sue - People need to lighten up! I love the “sponsors” I’ve come across so many new things that I would have never known about otherwise. Triple love your blog and your laundry piles!

Amanda Ferguson - lol, now I totally get the double blog! I realized I had adblock and was like “ad-free? They are both ad free…” and head-desked a little when I figured it out.

Janine - I understand the ads, but I understand the concern too. I don’t mind seeing ads as banners and stuff around a page. I’m so used to it from facebook and yahoo and other sites that I barely notice, but do occasionally click on a link. I think it was the Sara Lee commercial that touched a nerve. And yes I am calling it a commercial. I have to say I thought it was super weird that you took a sweet moment of decorating your tree and turned it into a cake ad. It seemed fake, forced, not your usual voice that we are used to reading. I love your blog and your honesty. Keep getting paid for blogging but don’t let it take over what you write and what makes your blog so special. Thanks for sharing with us.

Catriona - Really well-articulated and, as ever, full of grace and gentleness. You are being wise, intentional and realistic with your resources – a Proverbs 31 woman for the 21st century.
For a minute, though, I was worried you were going to say you were quitting – NOOOOOOOOO! X

michelle - blogging is A LOT of work! you deserve to get paid for all the inspiration and encouragement you provide. you go girl!

Daniele Valois - I love it. I would do it too! Great post, as always.

Kait - I don’t mind about blog ads so long as it doesn’t turn in to this thing where is you shilling for something.
Since I don’t see that happening, I don’t begrudge you a moment (or a penny) of the blog ads.

sue - To be honest it never bothered me about the ads.I was confused the other day with the double blog thing but i go to your blog to see the pics and if i feel down i always know you will cheer me up.!!

Meredith - As usual Meg you’ve stated things beautifully, graciously and honestly. I actually don’t find the ads in anyway obtrusive and if they allow you to open up your blog to fab giveaways – surely it’s a win-win situation:)
Hope you’re having fun with the Christmas countdown. If you do manage to find time to sneak in a photo of your vintage Santa mugs, that would be awesome. I love those mugs. We don’t have anything like them in Australia. {But we do have Oprah, which is weird….she just arrived yesterday.} Meredy xo

Jennifer O'Steen - i’m glad you posted this. i was a little confused about the double blog. i am still a faithful reader, and i will always be. i love finding out that i can get paid for the things that i love to do. you are just being a smart lady πŸ™‚

Stephanie Quilao - A girl has got to get paid!! Besides all blogs evolve. I’m new to your blog and do this for a living too so I TOTALLY get it. Although I monetized from day one so no biggie for me.
As long as you keep rocking awesome content, people will stay and new ones will find their way!

Denise - I don’t blame you at all for running ads, and I will certainly keep reading.

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