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thinking about…..

i hope for this kind of day soon.

i would be wearing these… 
while wrapped up in this….


drinking a peppermint latte…..


reading my Holiday magazine….


listening to my favorite christmas music….


while my kids decorate the tree….


sounds nice doesn't it?

happy weekend to you.
did you shop for black friday?
i always do.
you couldn't keep me away from stores on black friday!
i love it.

Yaz - the whole thing made me salivate!

julia - Didn’t you mention that mag before??? I get the feeling that it’s following you around from room to room whispering “read me”

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Girl I got those exact slippers on right now, except mine are pink and orange. So comfy and cute! We were driving home on Friday. I’m holding out for Cyber Monday;)

Kathryn - eeps! i ordered those exact slipper boots from ON and they came the day before thanksgiving! looooove them!! 🙂 they make me happy. 🙂 hope you get a day like that very soon! 🙂

amac - Charlie Brown Christmas is my favorite too! I just LOVE it!!! So soothing, so classic, and wonderful in every way 🙂 I live in a country that doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so no black Friday sales 🙁 I did online shop a little. Does that count?!

AshleyAnn - You couldn’t pay me to deal with crowds on Black Friday! All those pictures make me miss flip flops and iced lattes…debbie downer i am.

Kristin S - Hilarious to read through the comments.
Yep, hit Target around 4am and watched everyone in the LONG organized line. Once they all got in, I entered. Thankfully I wasn’t there for electronics. Those people were psycho. I got everything on my list and people-watched. Went back later with returns on some impulse buys I think will be cheaper later. 🙂
Drove through Chick fil A drive thru around 5am and was back in bed by 5:30.
Now dish. Where are those slippers from???

Stephanie - I did shop, but from the comfort of my chair! I don’t like shopping much by going out. I usually find ideas and items for people throughout the year, then supplement with handmade gifts. Much nicer that way, plus I spend shopping time making things, which makes me feel much better!

Margo - I did the black Friday shopping thing for the first time in my life – it was crazy! I felt sorry for the guy in line in front of me at super Target at 3:45 am who said he only went there to get Deli meat! The woman in front of him asked him why he didn’t just go to the grocery store – he didn’t have an answer!

Charla - You are crazy. I can’t fathom the frenzy that is Black Friday. My sanity is worth more than saving a few bucks. End of story.

The Fairy's Apprentice - hope you’ll be doing that soon! No black friday shopping for me, even on internet, but I wish I would have done it. I ordered some photo funny gear from (a big THANK YOU!) and I’m waiting for it to come. I didn’t buy any of the Christmas presents, but I have a nice list on my mind.

Gemma - Looking forward to seeing some Thanksgiving pics!!!
Gemma x

leonie - tell me thats not your tree! I read it as though its a ‘dream’ day not one that has happened yet… am I wrong???? just wondering is this black thing you speak of crazy shopping day???I have no idea….love love those slippers!

Melanie - I’d be the one at home with the slippers, coffee, and music while you were out shopping:)

danielle - love!

Janelle - No Black Friday for me – the only store on the island that has a big sale is Kmart and I’m not getting up at 5:30am to go to Kmart. No thanks. Can’t wait for the container of Christmas trees to reach the island though – I’m ready to decorate our tree!

Regina - that looks like a lovely day indeed! how in the world do we get a day like that . . . or i’d settle for an afternoon that way!

Grace - A peppermint latte sounds perfect for this chilly day!
I did go shopping yesterday—but didn’t have to face Black Friday crowds. I went to the Fiestaware outlet to get ready for Christmas!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend with your family. 🙂

Lisa - Love the slippers and that tree, WOW, that’s great inspiration for decorating our trees this year, huh??! I didn’t do Black Friday shopping this year because my oldest daughter was ‘t able to be home from college this year, and she is my co-conspirator! I missed her and the shopping! I did do some online Black Fri. shopping though 🙂

Kelly Webb - I want the boots! Where did you find the boots??? They need to be on my Christmas list 🙂

Becky - Sounds totally wonderful. I too would love a day like that – any ideas how I can make it happen ??!!!!!

Chris - I braved the Black Friday nightmare and then came home and had some hot cocoa and read that same magazine while the husband took a nap.
Have you tried the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks? It’s total happiness in mug…or cup.

Sheila - No, no and another no. Did black Friday just one time, long time ago, and never did it again. I admire your spunk for getting out there though.

april - Yum for the latte….and I had a craft day instead of shopping…have a great weekend!!!

coffee and daisies - i LOVE your taste. Just fabulous!!! Have a great weekend 🙂

Tanya H - ohhhh I want that day. sign me up!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I can. Not. stop thinking about the SNL “I Love It” thing you introduced us out-of-the-loopers to. Thanks for reminding me all over again. Every time I or anyone else says “I love it!” I think of that funny guy…

Rach - Well that just sounds like the perfect day to me!!!

Leigh - No Black Friday shopping for me. I had to work but I’d probably avoid the stores/crowds even if I’d had the day off. I’m 90% done with my Christmas shopping anyway:)

Crystal Siltman - I love this post! This is so me! Enjoy your weekend!

Julie - this year i have a 3 month old, so i was planning on sleeping in (haha… sleeping in with a 3 month old!) but when i woke up, i HAD to go shopping. it’s a tradition my mom and i do every year, whether we have a list of things to buy or are just window shopping. at 9:00 i called her up and said “Be ready in 15 minutes.” so we went for 2 hours while baby napped at home with dad and brothers. we are usually out there between 4 and 5, but better late than never is what i say!

Holly - I love it! We are having some major house stuff done on monday that requires a lot of furniture to be moved around for a day so no tree this weekend for us. I did do a bit of shopping but today I have photos all day and maybe an hour to kill in betweeen so I might have to do some more then! Happy weekend Megan!

Jana - No Black Friday shopping for us. Stayed in and played in the craft room today. Hope you found some good bargains.

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