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i dream about laundry rooms.

this is my laundry room.


it's a real beauty.
it's freezing.
it's small.
it's ridiculous.

so i day dream….about pretty rooms like these.

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SR_Laundry_room 9









Laundry room2  Canadian house and home- laundry room
of course the last one is my favorite…with the map.
i found all of these through google images so if one is your laundry room….then you are a lucky lady.

my dream laundry room would have a table for folding, a sink, a convenient place for soap that didn't require
bending over twice per load, heat, AC, windows that opened, room to move around and bigger than a closet.

craig just said to me "people in africa would love to have your laundry room"


he's right.

and i have some laundry to do.

Rose - These are gorgeous rooms.

plastic laundry hampers - I think you can make your own little space at home. I have tried making my own after all the chaotic clothes I have.

Mister Steamy - Interesting post regarding the laundry room. Even though it may be difficult to keep it clutter-free, the examples given would give any stay-at-home mother the willingness to strive towards that level of neatness.

Yaz - I drean of those too! just found your blog. its fantastic 😉

Christa aka the BabbyMama - Hee, at least you have a laundry room! Our laundry area is a corner of the unfinished half of a my basement, a bit too close to the catbox corner for my particular tastes.

Christine - Another one here with a laundry room looking more like yours than the photos…..a girl can dream. Thank you so much for being REAL. I will never forget the picture you posted of the laundry piled high on your couch. It helps me to know I am not alone in my laundry battle! I forwarded the link to this post to my husband in defense of our own laundry room! 😉

kristin - Um, I live in AZ and our laundry room is in our garage. boo.. there’s no way it will ever look pretty! But love the inspiration you posted!!

Vanessa - I firmly believe that those photos belong to people who don’t do laundry.. There’s no way. I think most of our laundry rooms look like yours. I know mine does!

Sheryl - Man! I was agreeing with all of things you are wishing for…then I had to agree with Craig! Men….

Tanya @ LIfe in 3D - I dream of laundry rooms too.
Mine = dungeon.
The End.
P.S. As if one of those pics has A CHANDELIER in their laundry room!
Oh..the lives people lead. 🙂

Natalie Anthony - I only have 2 kids so far – one on the way- but laundry is a bad bad situation at my house. I’ve decided the only way I’d ever be on top of laundry is if I had a washer/dryer right next to where we spend most of our time- the kitchen, or living room? one day…

Courtney Walsh - The only people who have clean laundry rooms are either a) kid-less or b) nudists.

susan - drool worthy! but at least we have a laundry room, right?

julia - Meg!
Call the cops – you house has been vandalized!

deborah@applesinwonderland - those are almost too lovely to do laundry in….maybe a little chaise for napping and reading instead. i might forget about the grass stains and wet stinky towels with a room like that. aw….if it makes you feel any better i have a craig too. i call him big red. 🙂

Georgia - I think Craigs comment is just a cop out of helping you make a better laundry room!! 🙂
Although i think you could put a splash or bright paint in there, or cover the walls in interesting photos, quotes, jokes, OR
Get your readers to send post cards and pictures, etc then you will always have interesting things to look at in your laundry room!!! 🙂

Janelle - I too dream of such a lovely laundry room. My washer & dryer are in our garage – where the ceiling is starting to crumble, so sometimes we have rusty re-bar (sp??) and concrete fall on top of them. And during heavy rains? It pours in from the ceiling and leaves huge puddles we have to wade through – and if we don’t get it shopvac’d up quick enough, mosquitoes lay eggs in the water and we get to wade through that too. Again, still better than most people around the world. I’m going on a trip to Haiti next month, so I’m sure my perspective will be put in check on quite a few of these things!!

Sam - I have a small washer, no dryer and live in a small house in england. No space whatsoever for a dryer and I’m kind of glad because they use a lot of electricity! (We don’t have a dishwasher either for the same reasons!) So most of the year, my washing hangs up on the curtain rails in the living room and on all the radiators in the house. It looks like a chinese laundry:-) I guess its the difference between living in a real home as opposed to a show home, like those photos;-)

Shelley - Oh my… I dream of those same rooms… and maybe a maid to keep feeding the washer dirty clothes. (-:

emily carmack - …on the bright side, i see some awesome hardwood floor peeking out from under there!!!
total plus!

Jess - I totally feel your pain! I love my home but for whatever reason my laundry room is LITERALLY the hallway! I don’t know what they were thinking when they built the house and more importantly, I don’t know what I was thinking when we bought the house!
Who knew a laundry room would be the object of all of my affection?!

Phoenix_Rising - You are a better woman that me. I’d have let Craig have it and sent HIM straight to do the laundry!!

Lisa - I’m only able to drop by here on occasion as life with 5 children ages 5 and under keeps me running – but this post brought much needed smiles today! I think I have just about every one of the images you posted saved on my computer – I saved them all earlier in the week as I had 20 loads of laundry due to a leaking washer! I wasn’t about to take a 5 week old to the laundromat – let alone all the others! I was just so giddy that someone else is dreaming of a laundry room… I even drew mine out and asked my husband if we could put our house on the market soon – so we could have a huge laundry room and a “family closet” … Read the Duggar book to find out more on their family closet – you’ll be inspired…
Love this! Thanks so much! One day I’ll get myself one of those cute hats from a post a couple days back… That would help the laundry room woes, right? 🙂 Smiles to you!

linda@limein the coconut - Um…I’ve seen your laundry. You, Girl…need a laundry Mansion.
Just sayin’.
So do I. So do I

Stephanie - I love that you posted a “real” picture of your laundry room. Sometimes people post pictures of rooms in their house that look as if they were arranged for the picture so they would look messy-neat. I actually believe that your laundry room looks like the picture and I love it! It makes me feel normal. So thanks. 🙂

kristy - You know you have a sizable laundry room when you are able to put decorations in the room. I’m lucky to be able to fit the detergent on a shelf.
That said, when I had my first kid and she was a baby, the apartments laundry room was down 4 flights of stairs (no elevator) and across the parking lot. That was quite the trek!

jennifer delossantos - I dream of having a laundry room too. One where we could just put dressers and clothes racks and just keep everything in there even after it was clean. Reality is our laundry room is a closet. It was either that or put it in the basement which is really more of a cellar. When the drier door is down, it is touching the wall. That’s how tight it is in there. But I guess we are lucky just to have one at all!

tasha roe - the last one with the map is my favorite!! my laundry is in the basement. ugh. so u-g-l-y!

Robin - Thanks for sharing your pic of your laundry room! It sooo made me laugh! You are very brave for sharing that photo…mine looks exactly the same and I wouldn’t dream of letting people see it! HaHa!!! I am fortunate enough to have a laundry room…one that I decorated when we loved in to our home…one that used to be a porch and is enclosed with all windows with lots of natural light…one that is fairly large with room to move around…and one that STILL LOOKS LIKE YOURS! There is just more room to throw clothes around and leave piles in baskets! I HATE LAUNDRY..but I am thankful for my room, my machines and the clothing which piles up!!!

Lori - Gorgeous! And he’s just cruel. A girl’s gotta dream and if it’s about a dang laundry room, well, then in my book it’s okay. 🙂

Jodi - I began cleaning my laundry room today… didn’t get very far…

merlin - You can still dream while you give thanks that, in fact, you do have a laundry room, thank you very much Craig!
Nice that he decided not to point out that the Queen has someone do her laundry…..perspective is amazing isn’t it?!!!

Sugar Mama - No matter how many coordinating bins, beautiful shelves, or freshly painted cabinets I had… my laundry room would still have mounds of clothing, tacky detergent stains, and lint dust.
It’s not a place I every plan to spend tons of time. I get in and out as quickly as possible.

Tracy - I dream of laundry rooms too…some day…one day….sigh.

amy nicholl - I am drooling. My laundry room is in the basement and I just explained to my husband how we are going to tackle the area to make it beautiful…he agreed after seeing the pics you posted. 🙂

Becca Rojo - Meg,
As a mother of six, (seven in January) heed this advice(if you haven’t already started this). Teach your children to do the laundry. This has been the singlemost freeing chore that I have assigned out to-date. I do all the grown-up laundry, mine and my husband’s) and twice a week my son (11) gathers up all the kids’ laundry, splits lights and darks, and washes and dries. The other kids fold and put everything away. Seriously. It will give you great relief!

nora - Jeez, Craig is such a Debbie Downer! 🙂

Suzanne - Yeah, with my family if I had one of those bigger laundry rooms, it would just mean more room for more diry clothes.
Off to do laundry too! Have a good weekend!

Keri - I linked to you today! Hope you are having a great Saturday! - My laundry room looks just like yours! I would love a new and bigger one too please

Shivaun - I love your blog!!!!!!!
This made me laugh out loud!!!!!! The conversation is so real. I could relate! I’m off to do laundry for my family of 9…

Julia - I’ve got the laundry in garage thing going on. The saving grace is that he machines are right below a window that looks out onto the backyard.
But it’s still the garage. I hate it when I drop a just cleaned shirt on the floor – ick. I’ve put a rug down….but it’s still the garage.

jennifer - I dream about them too! Mine is so small! We’re hoping to buy a front loader washer and dryer to stack on top to clear up some more necessary space. I can’t wait until that day! (Can I still want/ dream of that space and feel bad for Africa at the same time? I really know I am blessed… just want a neat laundry room really bad! :o) )

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - The rooms are beautiful!!!
Gemma x

sarah - I’d kinda like your room too. Mine are shoved out in the garage. I wedge myself between the car and machines. Summer laundry here in AZ is brutal out there. I think I just figured out why I never have the laundry done. Do you think people with those swanky rooms always do their laundry. And does the room stay that pretty?
But, I’m still blessed. Running water and a machine that I load and leave. Plus, I have clothes to put in it. Very, very blessed.

karen - I love the second one!!
Your so cool for showing us your laundry room!! Mine looks like that with 2 adults a toddler a baby and a weimaraner…so you are doing great!!!

eryn - I looove that last one, too! I do have laundry room, I’ll admit, a little nicer than yours, but no dream laundry room. It also has no heat 🙂 I have a lovely bucket of robin’s egg blue paint, even, waiting to cover it’s walls. but, I have not done it.
I was getting ready to dive into my day of laundry, when I saw your post on FB. It helped me get ready to dive in, at least we can dream of lovely laundry rooms (that are empty of laundry) while we heft our loads off the floor today!

jaz - I hear ya sister, I hear ya…

TRACI - Craig is a wise man!!! I don’t even live in Africa and I would take your laundry room. I should send you one of mine and you would give yours a hug. Mine is in the garage with BUGS, toads and whatever finds its way in….most of the time it’s so cold we are having to put a little heater out there just so we CAN do laundry and not freeze to death. Be grateful Meg, you have MUCH!!!

Tiffany - Well Craig did put it in perspective!! I’ve been drooling over everyone’s laundry rooms too…and mine is GAGOLA! Guess I’ll be grateful now that I have one!! Thanks for sharing!! Suddenly my “pit of mess & clutter” seems like a blessing now!♥

Penny - When our dryer broke and we had to run five loads of clothes to the laundromat I really appreciated my basement laundry “area”. While at the laundromat I did not think ahead and loaded all the dryers up (five of them) and put in my money and sat to read my book. Well, they all stopped within a minute. I felt like Lucille Ball on the candy assembly line. How do you fold five loads at the same time! So I loaded another quarter in each a couple minutes apart, so they wouldn’t get wrinkled! Live and learn. This made me really appreciate what I have at home. But we can dream!

CAROL B - Craig is so right…makes me put it in perspective! I was going to say at least you have a room.. 🙂 mine is stuck in a closet! But those other pic’s of laundry rooms makes me swoon!! Love them!

Rebekah - My laundry “room” is a 3×5′ closet in our downstairs bathroom. Laundry day (or, ahem, DAYS) means piles of dirty clothes lining the wall in our foyer. The mythical dream house my husband and I sometimes talk about has a gorgeous, sun-washed laundry room with a designated crafting space. Someday, maybe. Until then, I’m thankful not to have to wash our clothes on a rock down by the river.

Katy - I too dream about laundry rooms. *sigh* Pretty sure I would dread doing laundry MUCH less if I had a room like that to do it in.. PS: Glad I’m not the only one with a mountain of clothes on the floor. 😉

Dawn G - Wow. Those laundry rooms are nicer than my living room! I too love looking at laundry rooms – mine is the washer and dryer in the basement. The end!
It’s fun to dream!

Julie Campbell - Oooh! I SOOO empathize with you! My laundry room is terrible! We live in an old farmhouse, where I’m sure laundry was originally done with a washboard & tub. So… our ‘modern’ laundry room is in an area that use to be a porch. It’s SUPER tiny & unheated. For some reason, no one ever uses our front door. They all come to the side of the house where the laundry room is & get to gaze at my dirty clothes as they enter my house. Your pictures make me almost giddy. Wish one of the rooms could be mine one day! 🙂

Sonia - my laundry room is small. but i did paint it purple! that makes me happy.

elma riedstra - Love all the pictures!! I hope someday to have a dreamy place as I have so much wash to do with eight kids:) Mine is smaller than a closet and I can’t even open the cupbord under the sink as the dryer is in front of it. Oh well my Al won’t let me complain. Some times I have to remind myself that others have it far worse than me.Have a wonderful weekend!!!

carols - All gorgeous pics, but none of them have any LAUNDRY in them!? Wow, with five kids it really does multiply, doesn’t it? I picked up more hours working part-time and hubby agreed to takeover the laundry. We have baskets of clean clothes all over since he doesn’t put away (and our boys haven’t figured that out yet), but gotta say, in the big scheme of things, we are not slaves to laundry and can’t be judged by our piles! Have a glorious weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!

Pamela M - If Craig ever complains about your cooking, you could tell him the same…ha ha!
It’s good to have dreams.

Sandy - Do people really have laundry rooms like that?! Mine looks like yours.
When I saw that last picture I thought maybe you were going to tell us you did remodel because it looked so much like you with the map and floral curtain under the cabinet (or is it a sink?). 🙂 You’ll get to remodel and then you can donate your leftovers for crafts in Africa.

Shann - Craig is probably right…although it is not fun to hear when one is dreaming. 🙂 I am fond of the first one. One thing about my laundry room that is nice is that it is upstairs. That is where all the bedrooms and showers are. I bet a woman designed this house. A man would simply not understand that concept. 🙂

PaisleyJade - haha – sounds like exactly what my husband would tell me! Our laundry is in our kitchen (and both are old and need to be renovated). It’s especially cool when the dryer is going and I use the microwave and then the power overloads and shuts off!
Loving those photos – inspiring!

Brittany - You know what’s funny? Just last night I was thinking about your laundry room…I was wondering where it was in your house because I had never seen a picture of it (and now I have) 🙂 Then I started daydreaming about laundry rooms too! Our washer and dryer is in the garage *sigh* But, we should take Craig’s advice and think on the bright side…at least we have a washer and dryer. Thanks for sharing!!

Jess Mead - Yay! Now I don’t feel so bad. Mine looks the same. Laundry is one thing that never ever ever ever ends! Thank goodness for a door to hide the mess!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Thank you for showing me your laundry room. I appreciated it. Mine looks pretty much the same. But now I know I’m not alone. I feel lighter, happier, less guilty.

se7en - People in Africa may love your laundry room, I wouldn’t – just saying!!!… but no one in Africa would like your laundry pile, well unless what you wash you can keep… but otherwise it’s all yours!!! Have a fun weekend!!!!

Christina - I hear you…and husbands have a way of inserting reality into our day dreams, huh? 🙂
Our laundry room is just the back of my kitchen. Lovely. It’s always awful looking, and I can’t hide it! It’s a good thing I don’t have people over. Blech.
Those laundry rooms are BEAUTIFUL!

McCall - I don’t have a laundry room. We have stacked machines in a closet. Even a hamper on the floor means you can’t shut the door. When I’m trying to make the house clean but the laundry is over-due (which is always,) I throw all the dirties in the guest bathroom’s tub. I call it “the tub of denial.” It’s pretty much ALWAYS full. I would love one of those big beautiful rooms too… And then a maid to do the laundry anyway. =)

christy - i’m right there with ya! i think because laundry is such a dull chore, a beautiful laundry room would just make it so much more fun.

Kori - Ugh. The laundry room. Mine is in the kitchen, behind doors and off to the side, but still. When I sort everything, I end up with dirty clothes what feels like everywhere. It feels unsanitary to have dirty undies in such close vicinity to the kitchen, you know?? 😉 I grumble more than once when I have to traverse Mount Laundry to get to the pantry or the back door, but I know I shouldn’t complain though because Craig is right on.

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh i hear you. i have the tiniest little laundry room and i’ve dreamed of a window & a sink and room to stinkin turn around. sheesh! and now we are moving in 3 weeks to a rent house that has the washer and dryer in a closet behind by-fold doors. ….sigh. reminding myself of the people in africa….. 😉

Kristin - Oh I love them all, but the last one is my favorite too. 🙂 I feel you, we remodeled the main part of our basement this summer and the last part is the super dingy laundry/utility room. I am hoping my Hubby gives the go ahead next spring for that to happen too. 🙂

Mindy Harris - Oh, honey. Here is my laundry room. I can relate except mine is bigger than yours…but still so icky.

Sophie - Those are gorgeous laundry rooms to dream over. Dreams are good too!

Michele - A girl can dream…

Jen H. - That last laundry room you love so much actually belongs to my friend Sarah, my former coworker at Cdn. House & Home mag. I’ve been telling her for years that if she ever wants to get rid of that map, I will buy it. Here’s her website:
And the rest of her house you can see here, as it was shown on Design*Sponge:

Holly - Oh Meg! Your laundry room looks familiar…I mean with all the laundry, Ha! I am fortunate to have a decent laundry room although those you pictured were amazing but even cooler mine has a laundry shute so the kids can toss their clothes down from upstairs each day! We just put it in a few months ago!

Melissa's Heart and Home - Come say Hi! “”

Melissa's Heart and Home - Hello! Oh what a fun post. I just did a laundry room post as well. It is a blessing to have aa nice one for sure. Your images are gorgeous!
It’s nice to meet you! Found you at Melanie’s.
Warmly, ~Melissa 🙂

Melanie - I love my laundry room. I linked it up at Kellys Korner. 🙂

Stacia - I love your laundry room picture.
It is so amazing to see that other people are like me…I am not alone!

Nicole Q. - Now you have me dreaming of an amazing laundry room . . . one thing was missing in all those pictures . . . clothes all over the floor!! Those fresh flowers would SO be in the way. They’d be knocked over for sure.

nicole i - i would love to have A laundry room and i live in california…i have a laundry closet in my kitchen!!!

Maria - ok, who let you in my laundry room (that first pic!)…glad I’m not the only one…although I have a laundry GARAGE which is not good at all…way to much room for stuff to pile up!

tara pollard pakosta - I am happy to have a laundry room after not having had one for 5-6 years and going into a dark icky basement! mine has a sink and shelves and cabinets, but doesn’t look as nice as these ones! I think perhaps a coat of paint and a map would help mine look “almost” as nice! BUT, you are right, women in africa would like your laundry room just to live in! I bet doing laundry in one of those rooms, would make you even HAPPY to do laundry! I love doing laundry myself, if I lived close, I would come over and heLP!

Angie Parks - My laundry room looks just like yours.seems like i will never get done. Those rooms are beautiful. I would love one of those.

Rach - Our laundry room is in our living room so when the old as crap washer hits the spin cycle, you have to turn up the TV, so I am with you in wishing for a fabulously “Real Simple” or “Martha Stewart” laundry room too.

Courtney - I take that back – I think all of those are bigger than my kitchen. lol
I day dream about bathrooms if it makes you feel any better. 😉

Courtney - Craig is right, but that doesn’t mean you can’t day dream either. And oh holy cow, some of those are bigger than my kitchen (although that’s not saying much lol!)

Grandma Jacque - It really is hard to keep one’s perspective. Without my husband to remind me now, I framed two pictures a friend took in Africa of women washing in a stream and drying clothes on bushes – plus a minature washboard that says “give thanks” and hung them in my laundry room. I once had five children too and laundry that looked just like yours. Now they are grown and I have to scrounge to get a load together. (: Hang in there.

Debbie Smallie - When my husband says things like that, I call him a “dream killer”. Two washers and two dryers…can you even imagine?! If we ever build a house, I’m definitely designing it around a laundry room because it’s where I spend most of my time!

Lori - aack! I’ve been on the edge of my seat since TUESDAY waiting to hear more about being whisked off to Atlanta. And now you’re talking about laundry??? Although I have to admit, I’m drooling over those laundry rooms too…

Carrie - I would just love a laundry room that is heated so I don’t have to use my hair dryer to thaw out the pipes every.single.morning during the winter.

Tanya - Craig is so wise but seriously, those laundry rooms are just photos. No room is that clean.

melissa @ the inspired room - I dream of them too and now I have a new favorite inspiration photo. Thanks. I think.

apirl - husbands are great that way huh….always bursting the bubble..lols…thats funny!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox - { sigh }
those ARE dreamy!
the best most beautiful kind!
just threw in a load myself.
thankful too for that running water… for our machines!

Lisa - I dream of laundry rooms too, my house now doesn’t even have one, they are in the garage. My last house had a huge one, but that was the only thing that it really had going for it, so I sacrificed the laundry room for a bigger house w/ more character. The pictures you posted are gorgeous!!

mandy friend - um, ya. just be glad you have one. we’re a family of 6 with no laundry room at all, just a washer and dryer hid behind a curtain in the kitchen. People in Africa would be grateful for just that too though*sigh*

melissa - ok…seriously…i’ve come back everyday waiting for your big reveal…PLEASE TELL US!!!!! or not. i love reading your blog!

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