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calling all crafters!!

last year we had a weekend in the fall where we got together to craft for Water4Christmas.
we filled the etsy shop.
through those sales we were able to build TWO wells in africa.
$10,000 in etsy sales!
clean water for a village….just from our crafts!
that is SO AWESOME!

this year….life has gotten in the way of having a craft weekend.
we thought this year we would ask YOU to help.

could YOU make something to donate to the Water4Chistmas etsy shop?
could YOUR craft help bring clean water to someone in africa?


the answer is yes.

you can make one thing or you can make 20.
it's up to you.
you get to be creative and choose what it is.
what are you fabulous at creating?
make it for africa!
make it for clean water!

i am making these t-shirts again.

i will make some for boys too….i promise.

and some burp cloths also.

(i googled AFRICA and clicked on images and printed out a map of africa for the pattern.)

do you think that we can raise enough money for a well AGAIN this christmas?

i do.
but i bet you knew that already.

email me for details on where to send your items. (
items need to be delivered no later than December 1.
yes….that is not much time at all….i know!

but God is BIG.
God cares about every single one of those people in africa that do not have clean water.
HE KNOWS what we need.
HE KNOWS how to get it done.

even if you can only send one small item you will be making a difference.

what could you make today?

(ps…i wrote and posted this from the waiting room at the doctor's office…i love technology!!) 

your craft does NOT have to be africa related.
and it doesn't have to be Christmas related either

if you make/made something cool then it will work.  :)


Nicole - Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-23
This is so awesome and exciting! thank you so much Meg!

thedirtyshow - if you make them for boys make it camo, regular and digital. some desert storm ones for the troops. wish i could sew. use your talents cuz GOD said so.
thedirtyshow (a guy who loves your blog)

katey - I had a whole Saturday to myself as the boys were gone to a flag football tournament at church. I crafted all day and thought of other crafters across the country working too. I love this idea where everyone can be involved to help some way, using the talents we have been given. God is so good.

Yaz - I will like to buy a boy one or two to help out. Where can I do that?

Laura - Meg – I am a Youth Minister here in Ohio. At our church, we have planted a Biblical Herb Garden and make potpourri from our harvests called Heaven Scent. On the labels we have our website on which I have a tab that lists all the herb, their Biblical references, history, and significance. If I can ship several bags to you on Monday – would that be too late??? We devote 100% of our profits to charity. Let me know if it is too late – we would love to help!!!!!

DESTINY - I would love to donate a couple of paintings on canvas. I’ll email for the details!

abby - Bracelets and necklaces are packaged and ready to go in the mail Monday morning. I’m hoping I’ll get a few minutes to make a couple baby slings…
Can’t wait for the shop to open so I can start Christmas shopping!

MW - We’re making flower fairies – we made them for fun last year and when friends saw them on our blog they wanted them for themselves. The are fussy to make, which makes selling them for a purpose all the more meaningful! Fabulous!

Jenn A. - I would love to buy some of those Africa shirts, but in onesie form…is that a possibility?

ashley - Awesome idea! I can do some jewelry. Will email. - I’d love to donate something…I make baby/children clothing, quilts, fabric buntings amongst some other sewn goodies! O.k. I’ll email you too…thanks for doing this! -Tyler

Mindy Harris - i make magnets out of upcycled bottlecaps; will donate some. let me send u an email.

julia - If I survive Disney tomorrow I’ll email you for address…I have a princess beach bag that I’d love to donate but I don’t know if it’ll get to you in time.

lena - i will donate 1-3 tile necklaces. pls email the deatils JOYfilledfamily at gmail dot com.

Melissa Mae - I would love to donate some illustrations!

Kelly - This is greatness! Will you make shirts for grown-ups? I would love one. Size small. 🙂
I am praying about this about what God wants me to do to help. Kelly

Loretta Arena - I will send you a bunch of my cards. I emailed you for details on where to send them.
Thank you,

elisa - I will get some items off to you soon!! And let me know when the etsy site plans to go live and I will post on my blog as well.

Tamara - I would love to help! I made a craft today, do think its a good one….
i would love to know all the deatils

Kimberle Gamble - I’m so excited about this. I do have some ideas for crafts on our blog

april's craft nest - what a fabulous idea! i would love to send in a little something(s). please send me the address of where to send them! can i add this request to my little blog too?

Laura Phelps - hmmmmmmmmmm…..oh man, Meg…I want to help…but all I can do lately is cry and yell at my kids!
I can’t send you cake…
let me think about this
I NEED to do something
I will pray on this one

Leslie @farm fresh fun - Only you and this great cause could help me to actually get into my crap room and make something… Count me in, for one or two simple things (and more shopping).
hugs and thanks,

Casey Wrenn - My sister and I have a craft site and we sell our stuff at all the local craft shows. I’d love to donate something. Take a look at our website or visit our Facebook page called “chic sisters” and let me know what you’d like and where I need to send it to!

Gina - awesome!!! I just e-mailed someone at Water4Christmas last night about this. 🙂
We bought our kids shirts last year and plan to again this year too (assuming I can snag some!) This cause really moves me. God has used it to touch me over and over again.

Lisa - I’m also not crafty…like not crafty at all. But I will be praying that God does more than you could imagine! Love this whole idea!

Brooke - I am going to try to make something. I bought an africa shirt last year and I will definitely buy something this year. Now we are in the midst of beginning an ethiopian adoption, so we need some things from his native home…haha!! 🙂

Brook - Just sent you an email! So excited. Crafting is fun but crafting for a good cause is even better!

Shanalea - I would love to buy something, but I have boys. Is there a way to do the shirts in a boy style?

Heather - For you!? I’m in.
And the short timeline works for me. If I had longer I’d not do anything. I’m going to decide today what to make. I’ll need to know where to send this.

*LuLu* - I bet we can do it! I will send you some stuff!

Cate O'Malley - Love the idea! Sent you e-mail – happy to donate some photos.

Melissa - Count me in! I’ll be sending you at least 1 baby… let me see what I can do. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Meredith Salmon - I will make something. I love the idea. I will think some things up this week. I am so excited!!!

kristiina - I WISH I were crafty…I’m only crafty with my wallet 😉 Can’t wait to see the goodies and support this great cause. Thanks for doing this, Meg 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Calling all buyers…that’s me. 🙂

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - It doesn’t have to be Christmas-y, right? Just something that someone will buy. Right?

Kait - I’m not crafty at all.
But we are adopting two little boys from Lesotho, Africa and would love to buy two of those shirts for my daughters to wear when their brothers come home. If you make them for boys I’m really tempted to buy some for them too, even though we’re not entirely sure what size they’ll be.
Incidentally, when you went to Africa I was the winning bid on the Puddin Pop Kids doll that you auctioned. It sits in our daughter’s bedroom while we wait on our adoption to finish. Every night the girls pray for their brothers and hug the doll and tell him to take it to their brothers. It’s the sweetest thing in the world.

colleen nori - We can make a tutu to match your red/pink africa shirt! We sold a few tutus on their site last year.
I will talk with my mom/partner about sending them a link to post on their etsy site. THANKS!
colleen nori (love your blog)

Merissa - Quick question: Does the craft have to have something to do with Africa?

purejoy - sent you my email. super excited to be creating with a purpose. brilliant idea!

angela - hummm. not crafty. i take pretty pictures though. But pictures of Texas and my kid so I don’t think that would help. I know lots of kiddos so I can help with buying stuff!
Anywho, I am in to this song right now that I thought you might like since sometimes you post song lyrics on your blog…
lala… i posted the youtude vid on my blogger…
it’s by jj heller called “What Love Is…”
Happy day to you and “Well” wishes 🙂

Holly - I have an apron I would love to send for the cause. I’ll email you for the details. Thanks for doing this!

april - I dont know how to sew but I could buy one….are you going to make boy shirts??

Lindsay - I’m in! I’ll make a God Box. I would make more than one but won’t have enough time! 🙁 Here’s what a God Box is…

Ryanne - Unfortunately I am not crafty. But could I place a custom order for a toddler long sleeved T and a 3-6 month onesie?

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