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a week ago today….

this post has moved over here….come read it!







Nicole Q. - Can’t wait to hear more. Meg God really is using you to influence others. I’m sure you keep asking “What are you doing with all this God” but how awesome to have a front row seat at His plan for your life.
I loved your comment on “women not talking to other women” – I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve said that – especially with our moves. Sometimes i want to scream . . . do i HAVE to be the one to initiate a conversation? I’m the new person here. AHHH!
Anyways – it’s exciting to see how God is using you.

Von - I haven’t read through all the comments but I think the consensus is: it had to be you. I’m new to “Whatever” and it’s now part of my daily browsing. I love the colour, the richness of your family life and the way you weave in your faith in a totally un-annoying manner. On ya!

Kirsten J - Oh how very cool – of course they wanted YOU!!! Don’t leave us hanging for too long – And. For the record? I always talk to people. My friend Debbie and I have traveled here and there, and she’s shy and quiet and I know I embarass her, but we’ve met the most interesting, kind, fun people, simply by my starting up a little conversation – love it 🙂

julia - mmmeeeegggggggg…you visited the mother ship…my frien-enemy…COCACOLA….{pause for sobbing}…..I…{gasp, pause, while I sob some more}……how could you go WITHOUT ME???

Kit - Megan, this is so awesome. I’m really really proud of you. Way to go, sister!

Christina - That is very cool!
And all those women rocking the Coke company must figure out how to keep the soda from expanding the bottoms of the women who drink it (diet…not an option). 😉

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Oh my stars!
I’m just a hop, skip & a jump away from Atlanta!
You have to let us know when you’re headed back this way!
Looks like you have lots of southern readers!

Kristin S - Congrats girl, you’ve earned it!

Kat - Why wouldn’t they want you Meg?! You are amazing and inspirational in so many ways!!!
Sounds like it was one of those experiences that you grow from in lots of ways.
Time on your own has got to be a good thing, although I must admit I am not used to being on my own either, but I bet it was liberating?!
Good on you. You go girl!

Ruth Elder - ARGH! I live 7 hours away in Florida and I SO would have packed up my hubby and 5 kids just to have you take our pictures!

Judy - I LOVE your blog. I hope you had a GREAT time and felt VERY special, *’cause you are*

Tracy Fisher - I am so proud of you! -Tracy Fisher

Leanne S. - I love Atlanta! We were just there in June and visited the World of Coke. Can’t wait to hear more about your trip!

Sara - And you didn’t come to Cameli’s Pizza????? Wah!!!!! Would have loved to have seen you, that is only a few minutes from our house…Can’t wait to hear about your trip!!!

Michele - Very cool! I can’t wait to hear more.

amy jupin - wow.
you look super skinny!!
please eat some candy or cake.
just kidding.
not about you looking skinny though.
can’t wait to hear more about your trip.

Christine Ishmael - Give us a list of all other bloggers invited…would love to see the different blogs!

Lori - I have never commented on your blog, although I read it almost daily. I know exactly why you were chosen! You are down to earth and your kind heart shows in your posts. You often make us laugh and show us that you are not perfect, just like the rest of us. Thanks for always bringing a smile to my day:)

se7en - Sigh, the life of cool blogger just got totally cooler!!! Fun, fun, fun!!!

Eileen - Oh my goodnss — you got to meet Bossy! I recognized her in your piture and hopped over to her blog to see if she mentioned the conference… and she HAD!
Wooot! I’m glad you had great time! Can’t wait to hear more…

kristine - of course you were invited. you’re rad!
can’t wait for the unveiling…

grace garland - what a great opportunity! i would have totally come and hung out with you. i live in atlanta! you were living my dream….to be in a hotel with a driver take me there. can’t wait to hear about the rest of your trip.

Lee Anne - Wow, what a neat experience. And to answer your question: Why wouldn’t they want you to come? You have one of the best blogs. I’m always inspired and entertained when I read it! Hope you have a great trip.

christine - so happy for you and your experience-wow!!
that took courage and i hope you felt good about yourself!! People love you!:).
{you look thinner….is that ok that i said that?? hope all is well.}
have a great week!
p.s. i love what your family does for operation christmas child, you’ve given me some
good ideas….thanks.

*LuLu* - So Exciting! I Love That You Posted At 1:31 AM!

Mary Beth - Look what God is doing with you now! In your own simple way, you are INFLUENCING all of us. I love the internet. I love that you share with us. YOU are AWESOME!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I understood your nervousness. I would have felt the exact same way. Out of my comfort zone I’m a different person. You need to shake that place up a bit. Water… for Africa. God it working through you Megan. He has a plan. Can’t wait to see what you are doing in another few years.
Thanks for letting us join in the journey.
Always a happy reader,

Lisa - You are a total ROCK STAR!! I love it!! Congratulations! 🙂

jennifer - That is so cool Megan! Of course they picked you! You’re honest, real, encouraging and inspiring. Doesn’t get much better than that!

virginia - !!!

kasey - I knew i should have gone!
If i knew you were going to be there then i wouldn’t have turned my invite down.
Oh well….

elz - You were there with one of my favorite bloggers, Georgia. Who is not Bossy, but quite lovely in real life. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Remember, you ARE worthy of every litle thing.

Wendi Siyajuck - Very cool.

Beth - As an Atlanta, I hope my city treated you well. 🙂 What an honor and adventure to be a part of the social media conference!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, look at you! That is so awesome! I can’t wait to hear about your adventure!

Sugar Mama - I’m sure you rocked it out! You represent SO many of us… and that is why you were there. You are awesome! Congrats!!

Lisa - That’s awesome! Can’t wait to hear more…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - What an honor! Of course they chose YOU…you rock girl:)

I hope you enjoyed it. If you are ever back in Atlanta, you should go through the aquarium. Its awesome.

Kim - Jen
I went to a convention all alone in 2007, all the way across the country and I talked to the woman sitting next to me….and now we are good friends! Even though we have only seen each other briefly, but email and text often, I don’t know what I would do without that friend. Such good advice to talk to the person sitting next to you, you never know!

Susan - That is so great! What an honor for them to have a blogger with such heart, vision and creativity.

Cari - Is it weird that I was totally getting nervous for/with you as I read about you being alone?! Lol! I can totally relate!! But, you survived! Or so it seems since you’re able to blog about it. Ha! Our family traveled from Little Rock to Charleston, SC this summer and Atlanta was our stopping point. Loved it!

Holly - How exciting! I cant wait to hear more!

Jessica @ My Ardent Life - Oh, Meg! I live a little south of Atlanta – would have loved to have been a friendly face for you. (I know you haven’t met me exactly but I swear my face is friendly!) But all those other women look friendly, too. 🙂 Can’t wait to hear more about it!

Gevay - Go for you! I hope it was fun! I’m looking forward to your next post.

Jodi - I’ve lived in GA pretty much my entire life and I’ve yet to visit the World Of Coke… I know, random…
how AWESOME you got to go and experience something like that! So very cool. You were chosen for a reason. God knows. :o)
Also, I’m sure I’m supposed to know what else Coke does besides soda, but I can’t think of it. I’m sure when you write about it, I’ll think: “Oh YEAH!!” At least I better b/c I’m a GA girl, I should know these things…

Gemma - Wow Meg..Go you! Such an achievement : )
Gemma x

Heather Richter - So cool! A car service, that is POSH! I read part of the list of brands from Coca Cola…I wonder what a “Bimbo break” is?! I love their Mezzo Mix, we had that in Germany. Part orange fanta, part cola. You look fab in the pic. Can’t wait to hear all about it! 🙂

Janelle White - WOW! How exciting! I actually got goosebumps thinking about how exciting that must have been for you!

Bethany - That’s awesome!! I’m a new reader….can’t wait to hear more about it!!

tara - We’re from GA….about an hour Northeast! Of course, we live in Orlando now…but we’re FROM GA. 🙂
Did you love ATL? great city!
Happy for you, Meg…We all GET why you were invited!!!
Can’t wait til your next post!

Lori - DANG!! And I was only about 45 minutes north at the time. AND my husband earns the bread and butter in the very same building for the very same company AND I blog AND they didn’t ask me. Shoot. Sounds like fun. (I would have been completely terrified, too.) Sounds like you had a fabulous time. You go girl – you, you… invited one.
Signed: The uninvited one. 🙂


Sarah - Wow! How awesome! Can’t wait to hear more!

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