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six is too big.

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annie decided that she could turn SIX.
i didn't agree but she did it anyway.
she has been ready since july.

she received money in the mail from great grandma….the best!


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we are starting a new tradition of getting a photo with the birthday child with mom and dad only.
this way when they grow up they will have some pictures without their siblings and with their parents.
this was the best of 20.
oh my.
(my sweater is from the dress barn…..moo….i HATE the name of that store with a passion) 

birthday dinner: spaghetti with garlic bread and fruit salad.
wearing her new clothes she had just opened.
other presents: toy story 3 dvd, toy story barbie, littlest pet shop set, purple boots.

big enough piece of cake or what?!
i had specific instructions for the cake design.

she gets nervous when everyone looks at her.
she said "i don't want you to sing happy birthday".
we turned off the lights to blow out her candle and it seemed weird not to sing happy birthday.
so i said "what should we sing then?"
craig started "we wish you a merry christmas…."  and everyone chimed in.
it was very funny.
everyone said "merry christmas annie!"

and there it is.

whether i like it or not.
happy birthday to my sweet baby.    (and a happy new year!)

anna cordes - i LOVE this. i also hate the birthday song, so my family sings we wish you a merry christmas as well! which is slightly appropriate, being that i’m a new years eve birthday! such a fun birthday!

deb meyers - Happy Birthday Famous Annie~!
deb meyers

Deb - Love the photo tradition!
My youngest turned 5 last week and she requested spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread, she got Littlest Pet Shops and watched Toy Story 3. What a fun age!

Jen - adorable pictures of your birthday girl! (and glad to know I’m not the only one who hates the name Dress Barn…what were they thinking?!)

aimee - happy birthday to your baby!! what a gorgeous, grown up girl! we have that flower print dress and LOVE it!

Quinn - My gosh… she is so big. I remember reading years ago and her being so tiny.. I love growing up with you guys.
Hope it was a wonderful day 🙂

The Fairy's Apprentice - Happy birthday, Annie! It seems that if was a very nice party! Have a good week ahead!

kristine - she is soo cute! i love her expressions and humor!
i love your chalkboard drawing! and i love your craft thursday sunflowers bordering it! i love her cake drawing. and you did a great job creating it! i also love that you take the birthday kid’s picture with parents only. good call. i’m going to do that!

Lin - Six was hard for me too. It happened so quickly. One minute she was a baby, and the next she’s a big girl of six! I don’t know how it happened so fast.

linda lou - annie i’m singing happy birthday to you !!!! (: and next time call me I Love Chocolate cake (: yummy yummy for your tummy little girl!! love and blessings, amy d’s Mom

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I love the instructional picture submission for the cake it! Great shots 🙂

Juliann - I remember bringing over lasagna after she was born – so little – in your house in Des Plaines – I remember holding her and giving her some of her bottle while you put dinner in the oven…. I also remember her cardiology appts, especially when David (who is now three!!) was born, and he needed to go to….

Ranee Brokaw - So sweet…the cake, the directions for the cake, the chalkboard cake…And the idea about the picture of the birthday kid with mom and dad–love it! I think I’ll steal that one too!

Tracy - Happy Birthday little miss Annie. She gets cuter every day, Meg! I love the idea of just the birthday child and the parents picture alone – it would have been perfect had she been looking at the camera with you and Craig. I laughed out loud about the no happy birthday singing but the wishing you a Merry Christmas singing was too funny! xoxoxo

Beth - Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! They are so disobedient about growing up, aren’t they? 🙂
Can’t get over the colors in your home–love it!!!!

Melanie - Happy birthday Annie! To funny about the cake and the picture! Looks like she had a good day.

Danielle Farley - That is too funny!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Birthday Annie! My goodness. The cake looks just like the instructions! Great job, Meg.
Dress Barn might be my favorite sweater store of all time. I have to wait to go back to Texas ~ haven’t found one out here yet!

Kacey - Happy birthday to Annie! She is the cutest. Love the cake “instructions”!

Nicole Q. - Love the cake directions she gave you!! — I just sent off for my 31 bits party stuff! Can’t wait!

valerie @ chateau a la mode - Oh so cute….to be 6 again and have We Wish you a Merry Chtistmas sung to me at my birthday party. Love the cake by the way,

karen - so cute!!!!!!
Dress Barn???

Miss - This is my favourite blog posting of yours I’ve ever read! Too cute!

candace - love the cake. love the song. love everything!
you guys set a great example of not squashing the individual nature of your children. thanks!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oh dear. I saw this title on my sidebar and I knew what it meant and I didn’t want to click over, because if Annie’s six, that means Calvin will be in four more months. Wahhhh!
Calvin always chooses spaghetti, too. Always.
I hope the “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” thing becomes Annie’s tradition. What a story that’ll be one day!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - awww happy birthday annie. my baby turned 7 this year. it’s crazy to have them that big already! loved your outfit from the “moo” dress barn…very cute. BUT it’s the cake that got my attention. that looked sooooooo good!

Becky - Adorable. Great idea to take a pic with the birthday girl! Six is a fun age!

sara's art house - Cute, cute- and I love the idea of a pic with mom and dad every year.

Christina - So wonderful! She is darling. I love everything about her day and what you did to make it special! The cake is amazing! 🙂
I think the picture of you guys with her is really cute…she looks like she’s pulling a fast one on you both. She’s turning six, even though you said no way! 🙂

Kat - What a sweet girl!
Looks like a beautiful b’day.
My #2 has just turned 6, #3 has just turned 4 and #4 (my baby) is about to turn 2 on Tues. (*sob*)
How are you coping with your baby growing up Meg?
I am seriously grieving no more babies and wondering if we should stretch ourselves to adding #5 like you guys?
Hm, it is so hard to let go of them being really little huh?
Meg, were you looking teary in the photo with you, Annie and Craig?
Love the photo idea 🙂

Gemma - Happy birthday Annie!!!
Gemma x

Sandy - Happy 6th Birthday, Annie!
The cake looks delish!!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - Ahh that is so sweet! And I competely understand what you mean about Dress Barn.

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday Annie! ( believe me, you wouldn’t want me to sing to you…you’d run and cover your ears, they would hurt so… ) My baby just turned 11 – how fast they do grow! And lol at the “Barn” – what were they thinking????

elisa - Why do they have to grow so fast. Happy birthday Annie! My youngest son lost his tooth the other day and my husband and I both were emotional…we are so sappy.
Have a blessed day.

taralee - meg,
look – there’s a RAINBOW etsy treasury!!
wonderful pics, as always. annie’s adorable – please send her a “happy birthday” for me!

cheryl - it’s my baby’s birthday today too! my sweet baby James, youngest of 6, turned 8 today…i cannot believe it has been 8 years. he will always be my baby, as all of mine still are. i still call my 24 year old “baby”. 🙂

Mindy Harris - this made me cry. you still call her your sweet baby.
i think wilder and story will be packing up for college and life will end as i know it and i will cry because they are my babies–4ever my babies.
craig recommending we wish you a merry christmas is a HOOT. you guys are too fun!

shelley - Happy Birthday Annie !! what a sweet tradition. I can see the love in all your photos.

Beth @ Dirty Laundry - My baby just turned 6 too. I keep telling him to stop it! No more growing! None of them are listening to me though.

Tara - Happy Birthday Annie! My oldest turned six this summer. I told her no way was she bigger than five, b/c I only went up to one hand. So, she had to stop growing! She thought I was funny, but really… where do the days go?!!

jodi @ back40life - Happy Birthday to Annie – looks like such a fun time! Love your sweater – HATE the dress barn name…in fact, I can’t even bring myself to go inside due to the name…but that red sweater might change my mind!
enjoy your weekend 🙂

Gekakel - Happy birthday, Annie!

Cari - Awww!! Merry Christmas, Annie! What a sweet memory! And you two look like twins in the mom, dad, and birthday girl picture. All of your babies now have to use two hands (or more) when they show how old they are. That’s sad! 🙁 Have a great weekend! 🙂

Kori - You’re funny. I also HATE the name ‘Dress Barn’. So much so that I usually can’t go inside. Although they do have the random really cute item… And Annie is such a cutie and I would have never guessed she gets nervous with everyone looking at her! My son never liked us to sing to him either and it *does* feel weird not to!
Merry Birthday, Annie!! 😀

Juli - Merry Christmas, Annie!

*LuLu* - Happy Birthday Annie!!!

Laura Phelps - six IS too big
the nerve of her
but not too old for us to show up with a box of American Girl dolls to pay with? right??? we can still do that??
happy Birthday Big little girl Annie

se7en - Oh Annie you didn’t turn six already!!! Happy Happy Birthday… I hope six is a totally awesome year for you, full of fun and lovely surprises!!!

mel - Love the idea of the family picture with just the birthday kid! We will have to start doing that! And, that is HYSTERICAL you guys sang “We wish you a Merry Christmas”. So fun!
Happy Birthday & a very Merry Christmas to Annie!

Staci - Happy Birthday Sweet Annie!!!!!! My Jake will be six in March….so, we have a little more time…but I am NOT ready!!!!!!!!! But are we ever?

vonda - Happy Birthday Annie! She is so cute, and it looks like her birthday was very special-just like her! I am still laughing at the “moo”! We had a dairy farm for 10 years. Thanks for making me laugh and smile this morning again! You are a very wonderful Mom. We love birthdays at our house too!

tara pollard pakosta - she is too cute!
these are the BEST pix ever!
love them all!
reminds me how I used to be when I
was little, wanted NO attention on me
at my birthday, hated IT! used to hide under my bed
when people came LOL!

Lisa - Wow! Are you sure, because it seemed like she just turned 5. They grow so fast.
Happy, I mean Merry Christmas Annie.

Rach - My mom says it only really kicks you in the butt when your baby turns 30. 🙂 I’ll have to take her word for it since mine is only 1 1/2. Happy 6th birthday sweet Annie.

Elise - What a cute girl! I don’t like being sung to on my birthday either. Annie and I can be friends. 😉

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
What a great idea for the picture. I will be adopting that one, Thank you.
Loved the cake, the blackboard sign, the “you rock” gift bag and your sweater and jewelery. Your home does look like something out of a movie, even though I know it isn’t. At least it would appear a prop stylist resides at your house. Talent… you’ve got that je ne sais quoi!

Katie Fisher - Hi Megan! I don’t know if you remember me but I used to watch your three youngest my freshman year of college at Bethel. Annie was just a tiny baby then!!! It was wonderful to find your blog and see how the kids have grown and the house has changed! I’m so glad to see you all doing so well!

april - AWESOME!!! shes a big girl now!!!

barbara - what a sweet post! and an awesome lookin’ cake! happy 6th, annie! 🙂

purejoy - awww. i love how she designed her own cake! love the chalkboard. soooooo cute!! she’s so adorable. i would basically swoon if i got toy story 3 dvd for my birthday!!
merry christmas, annie! you are so loved!

Holly - Merry Christmas Annie.

shea - Love this post. Happy Birthday to Annie and Merry Christmas one and all!

Jennifer - Happy Birthday sweet Annie!

Heather - happy birthday to annie, or maybe i should say feliz navidad annie!!

Trina McNeilly - so sweet….. birthdays seems so sweet at you’re house!

Beth - She is so precious, and what a WONDERFUL birthday she had! You know exactly how to make each child feel special and unique – it shines through their eyes. An amazing gift.

Cutzi - Awww… I love it! Singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas is just something our family would do. Thanks for the giggle.

Heather R. - Happy Merry Birthday Christmas, Annie! I love the idea of a pic with just Mom and Dad. 🙂 And I love the blueprints for the birthday cake. I hope she got spoiled rotten. 🙂

Rebekah - Ginny will be 4 tomorrow, also without my permission. I hate it when she does crazy stuff without like checking with me first. I used to have a baby girl and now I have… I don’t even know what.
Merry Christmas, Annie!

Amy James - Merry Christmas Annie!

Gevay - Happy Birthday Annie!

pam - Great post…I think she made GRAND choices…she knows what she wants…but don’t all of us who are the baby of the family. :o) Merry Christmas Annie!

Kelly - Ah my baby turns three tomorrow & I think that is too big too. He has ordered up a Toy Story 3 party (appropriate don’t you think?) but I’m not sure I’m ready. In fact I have nothing for this party yet. I must be in denial. Just a smidge.
My middle boy is desperately shy and hates when we sing happy birthday to him. He covers his head, poor kid. Maybe we should try We Wish You A Merry Christmas next year. 🙂

linda - happy birthday to your sweet annie. my son is five but will turn six dec 21. i didn’t realize they were so close in age. i will keep that in the back of mind as i read/see things with annie. love to observe other kids the same age as mine. i also have a 4 1/2 year old. so your baby is my oldest…but i am about 5 years older than you (that was a gift for you, lol). i get having a hard time with 6…weren’t they just born?!?! i want time to slow down, maybe even stand still sometimes. especially since i will be the big 4*0 december 29. ugh. i love your sweet family…you are an amazing mom!!!

Sharla - What a sweet birthday. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to Annie!

Tara - Really cute.. My 7 year old requested we hum the Star Wars theme music instead of Happy Birthday last summer.. tricky.

Amanda - How cute! And happy GIVING birth day to you. 🙂

Suzanne - Merry Christmas, Annie!
Your adorable!

Anna Marie - Happy birthday to Annie!
You look cute in that red sweater, Meg. I love it!

deborah@applesinwonderland - i love that new tradition. i’m totally stealing that. is it still stealing if i say, *i am stealing that*? my youngest will not allow us to sing to him either. your annie looks so much like my sweet adorable niece–that just makes me smile everytime you post a pic of her:)

Beth - Happy (belated) Birthday sweet Annie! I love being her art teacher! That look in the money picture is priceless! Milestones with your baby seem so much bigger somehow, don’t they?

Jennie - oh my – I just laughed out loud that y’all sang “We Wish you a Merry Christmas.” Can I please come stay at your house a few days? I’m pretty sure I would like it. Happy Birthday to Annie!

Holly - So sweet! Happy birthday Annie!

Art Cant Hurt - such a special event, even though it may feel bittersweet.
all mothers know how you feel and we understand ♥
my youngest turns eight in 41 days.

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