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waffle is stylin.

waffle was looking a bit scruffy.
he got a fresh haircut yesterday finally

(and he has fleas!! yuck. can't anything just be easy?!)

he has two new collars from elisalou and i didn't want to show you until he looked handsome again.
that's better.
mr. waffle with short hair and a fancy collar.

i think he wishes he was a model.
he is always posing.

the black collar is nice but we all know that i am partial to the red and white polka dots.

polka dots make dogs happy too!
it's a scientific fact.

elisalou has pages of different styles….these are a few of my favorites.





and my most favorite….
it's the cutest!

go check out elisa's shop.  i love that you get to customize everything.

but SHE HAS ETSY if you don't like to pick every detail.
already done.

she has really cute bags too!  

and she has pouches for phones, cameras, video games, your kindle or your computer!

and gift certificates! 

can you tell i love elisa?  :) 
you will too. 

(ps…did you know waffle has his own blog category? any posts about waffle all in one place?! )

he is so handsome & stylin’

melissa @ the inspired room - Winston just got a bath today because he STUNK. No fleas, thank goodness, just a smelly hound. He is so white and fluffy now, he is happy because we will pet him again.
I sure love Waffle. 🙂

Karen - I love that you said “Can’t anything just be easy?” That is the day I am having this month (hee hee). I just wanted to replace the blinds in my two kids’ rooms. Easy right? Wrong. After now 4 trips to the store, I am unable to get the screws in, have to grind off the edges for one window (31″ too small and fall out–32″ too big! Aargh!), then to top it all off, the drill bit totally just broke off IN then hole!! I said something naughty and gave up. The biggest problem is, it’s probably easier to solve this myself than have to get hubby to help. H-E-L-P! CAN’T ANYTHING JUST BE EASY!?! This is going into its third week now. Your post made me feel I’m not alone. 🙂

j - the polka dot collar is so you….
…thanks for the fun Meg. see ya.

Tracy - Love Waffle’s new haircut and bling bling and the fact that he is stylin! He is adorable and I will go check out the website and etsy shop to make some new collars for our baby too. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Toni :O) - OMG…that first picture of Waffle….it seriously CRACKED ME UP!!! I love your dog almost as much as mine (just minus the fleas…thank goodness we don’t have that issue, good luck rectifiying it). Love those colors too…may have to get one for my sweet doggie’s first Christmas with us! Happy 6th B-day to your sweet girl too! What a charmer she is!

Sugar Mama - I’ve said this to you before, but if you ever get tired of your dog I will take him for you.

Susan - VERY cute! I am so sorry about the fleas. We are battling a case of them in our house, as well. Just when we thought they were gone, a friend of my daughter’s found one on her leg. Gross! Flea pill, flea bath, flea collar…the little buggers are putting up a fight, I tell you! All I can say is vacuum, vacuum and vacuum. Good luck!

Mindy Harris - i want to bury my face in his fur!! sweetie.

karen - such a heart-breaker that Waffle!

valerie @ chateau a la mode - I’m a dog lover and I love your post about your dog, Waffle. He’s one styling dog!

Suzanne - He looks like quite the gentleman styling his new cut and collar. I can’t get over his smile, how adorable.

Jessie Hurst - My boys are dying for a dog and think yours is so cute. If only a puppy came totally trained:). What kind of dog is waffle, he is so adorable.

april's craft nest - waffle is so cute! i kinda like him all scruffy and fluffy!

tara pollard pakosta - waffle is so cute!
he reminds me of my cockapoo, what kind is he again?!
love those collars!!!

Cassy - I have loved Waffle ever since the first time I saw him on your blog. A year after our previous dog passed, we were ready for a new, four-legged family member. I showed my family (and anyone who would look) your adorable pooch in my campaign for a Goldendoodle. Now we have Mickey! He has his own, unique look and personality, but we’re just crazy about him!

Melanie - I love Elisa too. I have one of her bags and it is really fabulous.

Sissy - Could he be any cuter? OMGOSH I just want to kiss his face. LOL

Katie - I have a dog named Waffle too! That’s actually how I found this blog! Aww. 🙂 My Waffle is a black lab mix that I rescued in April. So there’s a black and white Waffle in the world. How nice 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - i need to get one for my fergie…maybe for christmas! fleas are the worst…yikes!

Gemma - My animals seem to think they are models too..heeheee!
Gemma x

Susan - Waffle looks wonderful.Living in the desert here we are lucky that fleas can’t suvive.

Lyndsey Bowman - WAFFLE!! That is so cute!!! Those collars are great~ Rock It Waffle!!!!
Lyndsey Bowman

Jen Christians - Poor Waffle… Poor Meg!!!!!!!! I found a flea on my dog once and my husband came home to find every piece of fabric/washable item, in the kitchen awaiting the washer and dryer…. AND an exterminator…Needless to say, the exterminator told my husband that I must be a hypochondriac, and that I “over exaggerated the emergency” OOPS… but yet, GROSS… I guess the only thing worse would be a house full of kids with head lice (luckily we have avoided that so far). We now use comfortis it is a pill and we have never had any problems. Good Luck!

Staci - I am liking the red and white polka dot the best too 😀 That Waffle…I do love him so 🙂 Hey, just a question….do you keep him on Frontline all year long?? We live on 30 acres and I have my little Westie on it all year and don’t have any trouble at all with fleas or ticks. Just a thought 🙂 Good luck! Fleas are NO fun!!!!

elisa - Love you AND Waffle 🙂
May be planning a trip to Dallas next month- I am thinking a layover in Kansas is needed!!

Tracie - We use k9 advantix on our dog and she has never had fleas or ticks. We used to put it on her monthly from April – October, but we just moved and live with a lot of trees in our yard now so we’ll probably do it all year just to protect her. Waffle looks so cute with his collars!

kristin - I have an Elisa bag and now I need a collar for my dog?!?! 🙂
Very cute stuff….

Samantha - Is Waffle a labradoodle?

sarah - In the words of my four-year-old son, Waffle is “cuuuute and fuzzy!”. I want a Waffle! : )

Brooke - Waffle is indeed lookin’ fine!! Good grief we have a weenie dog diva that WILL be wearing that weenie dog collar!! On my way to order it now…..

Holly - Waffle is adorable!!! I’ve been reading your blog for a while – I love it! Your photos are amazing too. 🙂

Holly - Waffle is rockin that new collar! Precious!

Penny - Love Love Love Waffle! He looks nice and neat. He does look like he is posing. Eliza’s stuff is great. We are going to have to take our goldendoodle in for a new do soon, too. She is a shaggy mess. But we still love her. I prefer a shaggy doodle, but the mats are starting, so we have to get her trimmed up. Give Waffle a big hug from the Adams Creek doodle lovers!

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