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one hundred years.

i flew to chicago last week for a celebration.
a major celebration.
my great aunt turned 100 years old.

she is in the sailor suit on the right.
my late grandfather is on the left.
isn't it unreal? 
can you even imagine?  ONE HUNDRED YEARS!!!

my sister, my parents, my grandmother and my aunt and uncle flew from kansas for her party. 

she is described as "sharp as a tack" by everyone.
she lives at home and up until last week only had part time care.
she fell down last week and hit her head so she was bruised up for her party but is back living at home again.
pretty impressive.




so many friends in one room.
i asked everyone how they knew Liza and for how many years.
it was so cool to hear their answers.

my sister and i sat with the women that owned a boutique with her in 1965 – 85.
loved hearing their stories.

talby, annie and i painted a banner to bring their birthday wishes along.

i was saying "i have missed you!"

when i lived in illinois i would see liza fairly often.
i always brought my kids over in their costumes on her birthday since it was so close to halloween.

this summer liza sent me a shirt she'd embroidered for her son in college.
she asked me to make it into a pillow for her.
it took me months because i was so worried about ruining it.
but i pulled it off.
and she was thrilled.



i sat by this lady.
she asked me about how many children i had….i told her five…and she said "i'm the oldest of five"
then she said "it's so wonderful. you will be surrounded by so much love the rest of your life"
and i lost it.
she just seemed to get it.
get how special a big family is and how much i love them all.
i was a weepy emotional girl… a good way.
hearing all the stories and having it be such a special day made me choked up.

you always know what liza is thinking.
she will just say it….no holds barred.
her son thanked everyone for coming and it was her turn to speak and she said
"thank you all so much for coming…but i wouldn't wish this on anybody" 

that IS liza.



it was a beautiful celebration of her life.

Pam Bryant - Meg just wanted to let you know I read the article in the Arkansas City Traveler. I noticed the web site so I wanted to check it out. I also happen to know the Kim Ranney thats in the picture. We rented from him for 6 1/2 years. We lived south of town on the Pretty Penny Horse Farm. I was wondering how you are related to Kim.
Also want to share with you that my grandmother will be 98 in Feburary and is doing pretty darn good for her age. It’s totally amazing for someone to live such a long life. Congrats to Liza
on celebrating 100 years. God Bless Her!!!

Amy Brewer - How awesome! I hope as look as great as she does when I am 100! My great grandmother lived to be 104. When she turned 100 our preacher announced at church it was her birthday and how important her birthday was, she scolded him after church because “you should never tell the age of a lady”. She was a spunky old woman and I hope to be just like her.
Family is fantastic. We only have three kids, but every day I am overjoyed with the fact that we have the three we have!

linda lou - meagan i was so touched by your great aunt liza’s celebration! (: so sorry about her accident just before the party sounds like she was very lucky, God was looking over her (: blessings,

deborah@applesinwonderland - such a sweet sweet post. that funny fiesty attitude works for her, gotta love that!!!! my dear grandma was also born in 1910. it was a very good year:)

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I LOVE old people. Love them. They are a rich heritage that are overlooked far too often! I am so impressed at how many people were there who seemed quite advanced in age! I always think it’s sad when someone is “on in years” and they have no friends or peers left.
Great post, great pics, great tribute.

Karen - Awww. How sweet. I have 5 kids too, and that woman got it exactly right. Though I sometimes thought I might go off the deep end, it all pays off in the end. My most troubled child is now my most vocal in voicing his love for his whole family. He never fails to make me tear up, because he has come so far, and I fought so hard for his soul! The kid who couldn’t wait to shake the dust of this home off his feet, has since bought a house only one road away, and I get to babysit for his daughter, plus they have one on the way! God is good! Two others are out of state now, but always keep in touch. The two youngest are finishing college, so we’ll have to see where they end up, but they always want to come home. When they all get together, they always, even as adults, end up in a (literal) tangle on the floor, resting on each other and discussing how things are going. After everything is discussed, they eventually they end up in laughter! That’s LOVE!

Trasie - It is so funny that you posted this. We are getting ready to go to SW Kansas to celebrate my Great Grandmother’s 100th birthday as well. She still lives on her own, drives, and is still sharp as a tack and I too love to hear her stories. I am so blessed to still have her and blessed that nearly all of my kids are old enough to remember her. She still plays games with them, reads to them, tells them stories, prays with the every night before they go to bed when we are there…..It is just amazing. Like your Aunt, however, she is so ready to go and says she never knew what lonely was until she got old and all of her friends have long gone, some of her family has gone on, and she tells everyone she is just ready to check out and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t wish it on anyone either.

Jenny B. - Oh, wow. How wonderful! I got all choked up when I read what the lady said about having five kids. And then I read that you cried too! And then I cried some more. πŸ™‚

Jane Mc - Beautiful Meg….just beautiful

Sarah Kate Branine - I came to your blog to thank you for the link to my yarn letters…..
but I found so many more things to comment about!
Let me just say that I love this post and it brought tears to my eyes. Love your great Aunt’s pretty red jacket and her sweet face. What a celebration–100 years! amazing!
oh, and your necklace? hello? I might need a little tip on the source of that one;-) that necklace is super fantastic!
many thanks for the link,
sarah kate

Kirsten J - Oh how beautiful!!! Loved every word – and you know, once I read an interview with Martha Stewart (*before jail…*) and she said her only regret in life was not having more children. I wish I had a “middle” in between my 20 and 11 year old….

Lisa - Beautiful post! Your comments about a big family bought tears to my eyes. We can all hope we will live that long and be surrounded by so much LOVE!

Sandy - That’s so wonderful! Thanks for sharing Liza with us.
I have to admit I didn’t read very carefully in the beginning and I thought she was your grandmother. The whole time I was reading I couldn’t get over the fact that your grandmother and grandfather knew each other at such a young age. (how cool would that have been?!) Anyway, before I commented about it I went back up to make sure I had it right and, sure enough, I was wrong (and I’m admitting it anyway – ha).
Looks like a wonderful time and it’s just like you and your lovely daughters to make her a sign. I’m sure she loved it.

Ann R. - Awesome! We just lost our gram on sept 10th and she was going to be ninety two this past month. We miss her dearly and am sure you have the same sort of relationship with your aunt. I just adore older people….i make the kids understand the importance of respecting and taking time for them too. Would have been cool to bump into you – oakbrook cheesecake factory? My mom and sister and i are going to go away shopping next weekend to oakbrook/aurora for a christmas/girls weekend and I am so excited! Thanks for sharting,,,,,

Tammy - Happy Birthday to your Great Aunt Liza!
Beautiful pictures, post & family!

AshleyAnn - That is amazing…and some pictures that will be cherished for generations to come. I love her quote about big families…

Genn - Happy Birthday to your Great Aunt Liza! She looks fantastic for 100!! My Nana (who is my mom’s grandmother and my great grandmother) is 97 and it is so crazy to think of all that she has lived through and seen change in this world!! I think it is also sad to think of all the people they have loved and lost too by the time they are 100 years old. They must know a lot of people in heaven already.
How great for you to make it to her party.
That picture of you with the pillow for her is so sweet.
And the one of you with the lady who said how much love you will have with your 5 kids too. You can see those happy tears in your eyes.
Beautiful post.

Michelle - Australia - Beautiful post Meg. Lovely photos too. We leave our little home in Australia tomorrow morning to fly to HAWAII!!! I am very, very excited. I’m going to miss my internet access whilst I’m away so I’ll have to catch up on WHATEVER when I get home in three weeks. But in the meantime I’ll be able to buy Reese’s pieces without paying $5 each for them. My waistline isn’t going to like this trip but my tastebuds are very excited!
Keep up the great work and thank you for letting us in ‘blog land’ share on your journey.

Christina - Truly beautiful and special…the time with your aunt, family, and the people in her life. That’s all! πŸ™‚

lori lucas - This is to Angie above. I hope you see this. We also were surprised (to say the least) about our number 5. Our youngest two are exactly to the day 14 months apart. My husband was in shock for about three weeks. I got over it more quickly, …..because I had to! Our #5 was delivered in the car…by my husband…on the way to the hospital. I still say it was God’s way of making sure they would have a special bond. And they have. That shock at finding out about #5 is long forgotten. We often say, “Can you even imagine if we had not had #5?” Angie if you see this you can contact me. I have SO many stories about God’s plan in our lives by giving us Five. Believe me. You are blessed. You will know that soon. Lori Lucas

Valerie - Such a sweet post and wonderful tribute to your Great Aunt. At first I thought we must be related, but then realized only the minor details were different…I flew to Oklahoma City to celebrate my grandmother’s 90th birthday. My mother is the youngest of 6…she has FIVE older brothers. Can you imagine if my grandmother had not had “just one more”?!!!
I only have three, but they came after years of struggling with infertility. I love Mimi’s comment that it isn’t necessarily the number of kiddos you have, but the nurturing that you do with the ones you are gifted with. While I would love to have more, I know that three after the age of 35…my youngest is 3 months and I delivered 3 weeks before my 41st birthday…is truly a blessing!
So glad you were able to partake in the celebration. May longevity be yours as well!

Kat - More tears here from me too!!
Meg, I just adore reading and looking at your blog and seeing and hearing the emotion you convey, it’s beautiful!
You have such a lovely warm, open face too.
I have been going back and forth wondering if we should take the plunge and have #5 this week, so how timely that I read your post!!
Angie, it will all work out and must be meant to be.
Sometimes I think making the decision to have another is the hardest part. Well it is for me.
Still undecided on that one.
What a lovely lady and what am amazing life she must have had.
My Nan is 97 and I am sure she will make it to 100, although she has dementia now which is very sad.
Keep enjoying your beautiful family Meg and sharing all the good and hard bits with us.
I LOVE checking in every day with you πŸ™‚

jessica kiehn - looking at that last picture, i just thought “she’s done that 100 times”
I about lost it on the 5 children thing, too. My husband’s the oldest of 6, I’m the middle of 5…we love big families. And she’s right, there is so much love.

kristine - happy bday liza! the pillow is great! what a sweet gift “the oldest of five) gave you. I was about in tears!

Laura - It’s true…I’m the youngest (at 40) of six children and have been surrounded by love my whole life. Beautiful post! πŸ™‚

traci in virginia - Ok, you made me cry! So glad you were able to go! And to Angie above…you can do it! It will be wonderful! Congratulations!

Angie - Just found out I am pregnant with #5. #4 isn’t even one year old yet and we were done. I was nursing and on birth control. AND I just opened my own dental practice one month ago. So much debt, so many kids, not enough of me or my husband. But for some reason God decided we needed a surprise. Who gets pregnant on birth control, breastfeeding, and hardly doing what it takes to make a baby because we’re too tired? ME. It’s unthinkable how I’m going to make it. But after days of tears I now try to remember this baby is an encore performance and God will walk us through this because HE made it happen:)
My sister is the only one who knows besides my husband & me. She forwarded me your post to encourage me that 5 is amazing and I will never regret this surprise (SHOCK!). I know in my heart this is true & I’m thrilled that God chose to give us another. Just don’t know how it’s going to work since it wasn’t in my plan:)
Anyways, thanks for your post and your encouragement…I need to see moms of 5 doing it well!!

Rachel - How wonderful!
Meg, every time I read your blog, I wish I had a big family and that I came from a big family. You have so much love and happiness surrounding you. You are blessed!

talysa - Well shoot…now I’m choked up. What a great day. I can just feel all of that love through your pics. Your aunt Liza is precious. And may I just say you always have the best necklaces. πŸ™‚

mimi - Amazing to think of what she has witnessed in her lifetime! My Nana passed away 3 years ago at 95. Her mom and dad were one of 8, she was one of 5, and she had 5 kids of her own. On my wedding day she asked me how many kids I wanted to have. I told her that I didn’t know at that point…perhaps as many as God had planned for me. She told me to always remember that it wasn’t the number of ties that bind one’s heart, but rather the strength of those ties. She said she had witnessed plenty of large families that barely got along, and those members that got together out of obligation. Love can be strong in families of any size, shape or just needs to be nurtured well!

citymouse - I love what you said about big families. I am the oldest of five and have five children of my own. I couldn’t imagine it any other way!

Sarah - Beautiful Post….Simply beautiful!

Fruitful Harvest - Beautiful~
I have tears….Old people carry a key to the past.
I love listening to their stories of yeteryear!
What lovely memories,awesome pictures and gift to have shared time with your Great Aunt…..telling her how much she means to you! πŸ™‚
Peace, Love and Joy,
Georgiann {momma of 6 so far}

kylie - Oh that’s fantastic!
She’s fantastic!

amber - That’s awesome. Family is so cool.

mel - That’s wonderful to be able to celebrate such an awesome milestone with your loved one. And I just had to comment to tell you how right that lady you talked to was. I’m your age and the oldest of five. My siblings are absolutely the most wonderful gift my parents ever gave me. I adore coming from a big family. The only thing better would be having my own. I only have two but I love coming to your blog and reading about all your kids!

lori lucas - I also have FIVE childern. I raised them in Hiawatha,Kansas (which is the northeast corner). I now live in Oklahoma. My children are 21-28 years old now. Yes, if you did the math, I had five children in seven years. All single births. And I lived through it. And when I say that I mean I LIVED through it. They were the most wonderful years of my life, so far, while I was busy every single night going to ballgames and concerts and practices and lessons. It was a wonderful, magical time. Now when we are all together it is special, since everyone lives different places. My uncle passed away in January and he too had five children. I took all 5 of them to see him in the hospital and we filled the room. He wrote me a note (he could not speak at the end), and he wrote, “Who would have 5 kids.” I said, “Only a couple of crazy people I know.” He wrote back, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you it is not GREAT (he wrote it like that) to have 5 kids.” I said, “I agree. But there are very few people that know the secret these days.” He wrote back, “But you and I did. And we’ll always be happy we did.” That was the last time I saw him alive. But when I think of five children, there is nothing but wonderful memories. Enjoy every minute of it! Lori Lucas

Ruth - congratulations! wonderful pictures. wonderful people. and such a photogenic family!

tara pollard pakosta - it’s funny how when people live to be 80 or above, they sometimes are just ready to go meet the Savior, they feel they are done. I can’t believe it, 100 years old! she’s so cute!!!
love the pillow! love your being sweet and crying at the love of a big familY! I am the youngest of 7 and I so “get it”….we have 19 grandchildren, 2 greats and 1 more great on the way, always someone to talk to, be there for you, I LOVE IT!
glad you love having lots of kiddos! I always wanted manY! I only got 2, so I love reading your blog!

Courtney Walsh - oh my gosh, I almost lost it just reading those comments about being surrounded by love for the rest of your life.
I love that. πŸ™‚ Love it.

Camelia - Happy, happy birthday! She is an amazing little lady, I wish her all the best in the world!

Suzanne - Great Post! Today is the 1 year anniversary of my Grandma’s passing – she was 97 years old. I miss her wisdom everyday.

Rach - Weepy is good. I cried reading it. She must be a pretty amazing woman with some wonderful stories. What I wouldn’t give to sit down with a pot of tea and and afternoon to spare to talk to a woman who has been around for so long.

LuLu - wow! a lot of years for one person.
oh! and i am just asking but who won the giveaway?

Elizabeth Highsmith - i will confess i did not cry, but i might if i don’t find out where your beautiful necklace is from? love it! and love big families as I am from one. sweet post, meg. your blog is always ubberly delightful!

purejoy - surrounded by love… indeed!
i went to my husband’s great grandmother’s 100th birthday last summer in colorado. i had never met those people before in my life… but i had the best time. talking to so many older folks and seeing how they all fit on the family tree. it was fascinating!
glad you had such a great time. 100 years… it’s amazing. my own grandmother lived to be 103. what a sweet treasure!

Lyndsey Bowman - Hey Meg! I am 1 of 6…. The youngest. Being surrounded by people I love is great! Great post! You are beautiful. I loved the banner in multiple different pictures.. so cute!

Julie - Meg, thanks for sharing this beautiful post. As a mother of five, it’s nice to be reminded that being surrounded by all that love for the rest of my days is worth every bit of the “grunge” work I do today. What a GREAT old family picture. Your Aunt is what I’m afraid I’m going to be when I’m 100 years old ~ very blunt. Guess if you live that long, you’ve earned the right to be. Looks like she had a good day despite her bruises and bumps. πŸ™‚

`Kelly - Add me to the list of people who are all choked up & teary. How special that you got to be there for such a wonderful celebration! Is it weird that I can see a resemblance between you & your grandpa from that photo at the top?

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love that that sweet lady said you’ll be surrounded with so much love the rest of your life. that’s so good. i always say, i want my house to be full of family forever. that makes me all weepy too! i cannot imagine being a little girl in the time period she was little and then seeing how the world is now. wow.

Celia - I’m in tears reading about your large family and all of the love shared. My husband and I have a two year old and hope to have many more children. We both come from large families… many aunts/uncles, cousins, and knew many of our older relatives (great grandparents, great aunts, etc). We hope to have the love in our immediate family that you have in yours…. and be surrounded by your children and memories throughout our lives. Love your blog. For some reason this one just hit a soft spot. Have a wonderful day! πŸ™‚

elisa - Oh Meg- no words. Perfect.

Tracey Husted - Simply Beautiful! I only have one child but I come from a family of 13. It’s awesome to have so many siblings. Your family is awesome too. You can just feel the love through your blog. Even when the kids are being naughty…it’s so worth having all 5 of them. You’re an amazing mom! You make me smile!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - that is just the sweetest thing. you are blessed meg…5 children. someday all the work will pay off and you will be surrounded by their families and children…wow! thanks for sharing such a tender post. 100 years – AMAZING:)

Laura Lee - Now you’ve got me all weepy πŸ™‚ What an incredible thing to get to celebrate!

Susan - Now I am crying ! What a wonderful written memory of your family.I applaud you.

Cari - Beautiful!! Beautifully written, and such a beautiful lady. She’s seen a lot in her 100 years!

Staci - So beautiful Megan πŸ™‚ And that first picture with the birthday cake….LOVE IT!! What a beautiful life πŸ˜‰

Denise - Thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚

Anna Marie - Wonderful post! Poor thing I feel terrible for her with that huge bruise on her head and face. Ouch! So glad you got to go out to celebrate!

Sophie - Liza seems like such a sweet lady, and 100 is such an amazing age.
I totally understand the large family thing with the lady near you… I really want a big family some day, at least five kids… When I tell people they always see fit to remind me how much money it’s going to cost, how much laundry I’ll have to do, how often I’ll have to drive my sons to soccer or baseball and my daughters to dance class. I always tell them that I know all of it, and that the love I will be able to give all of them and my husband will be totally worth it. I’m so glad that there’s at least one more person out there who understands.

Wendy - Love this! What an inspiration!

Diana - wonderful celebration for a wonderful lady. so glad you were able to go and share such a special time with your sweet aunt. awesome job on the pillow. =)

MGF - My grandmother turns 94 this year. I think that is amazing to see how things have changed for her in her life.
Glad that you got to spend it with her.

Aimee @ In THIS Life - Wow, you got me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Liza!
Now I miss my Great Aunt Mattye…she would have been 100 in a couple of years. Her brother, my grandpa, who died before I was born, would have turned 100 this coming Christmas day. Sniff.

jeannett - I love it! The pillow is priceless. Im actually going to make one for my gma from my gpa’s old ties. Terrified.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Beautiful!
And I’m glad I haven’t put on my mascara yet. *sniff*

pam - Beautiful. I have a 92 year old Mother in law who could easily live to 100…so healthy. She too is pretty bold. I think as she got older there were just a lot of things she had figured out and didn’t want us wasting time. So cool you could go.

Brooke - That sounds amazing. I am so glad that you were able to go. And the sweet lady that is the oldest of 5…..such a good reminder!!
PS…i love your necklace!! πŸ™‚

kat - Precious! I lost it too when I read what that lady said to you. How sweet! You are truly blessed.

alaina - She’s beautiful. I had a lump in my throat when I started reading, and then I got to your pic with her and I boohooed! Geez Meg…i have to go to work!!!!! Seriously, what a beautiful legacy.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
She does look sharp as a tack. My Nana is 93 and i see how hard getting older can be. You aunt does speak truthisms. I’ve already decided living to ripe old age isn’t all its cracked up to be. The Beep Beep pillow for her son, and he is likely a great grandpa himself. So special. We never stop being moms do we?

erica - that had ME teary eyed! wow, what a precious lady and special time to celebrate!!

Christy - so touching, what a great lady

Amelia - I love the comment about the 5 children. I have 3 and have always wanted 5. I’m currently trying to talk my husband into just 1 more. I think I’m going to send him this link…

Janie Fox - Crying here! I get it ! I had 5 but lost my twins when they were 17 days old. I was able to have 2 daughters after that , but then I had to quit… doctor recommended. I am blessed to have 3 grown daughters who all have married and live close by with my it is all good. My dad is 91 and my mom is 86… hope we have 100 yr celebrations too. God bless you.

Jodi - This entry brought tears to my eyes. You are so blessed to have Liza in your life!!!

Linda - Thank you for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes and memories filled my heart. My own grandfather lived to be 101. And I loved him so dearly. I am the youngest of 5 and it truly is the best to be from a large family. That woman you sat to is right there is so much love. Thank you for sharing. I know am I am complete stranger to you but somehow it really touched me. So thanks again.

Holly - My grandmother turned 100 in February and I’ll never forget when she told everyone that she was 2 years old when the Titanic sank. Wow!

Mandy - This is a wonderful post, thank you! My grandmother will be 83 on Christmas Eve and I am overly grateful that my five children are able to know and love her. We have five living generations going right now. She comes from a line of women that have lived up to 103 yrs. of age and I do pray that one day my future grandchildren will also have the chance to meet her. Amazing!

amy jupin - meg, you made me cry.
at work.
and it’s not the first time, either, missy!
but these pictures–gheez, so emotional and full of so much wisdom.
makes me feel so…so many things. but mostly, makes me miss my grandparents and family far away.

Cutzi - I love this post. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Annie - You had ME tearing up with this post! What a precious gift family is!

Denise - This *is* amazing. I got teary-eyed, too. My Nana is 87.5 years old, and I can only hope and pray that one day we’ll all be celebrating her 100th birthday. God bless Liza!

Deb - I teared up with you at the thought of being surrounded by so much love. I’m even more glad I had four children πŸ™‚

Kimberly - Ah, geez…now I’m teary-eyed. Great post, Meg.

Karen H. - Okay, I cried too. My husbands Grandma turned 92 last week. They asked her, “Do you have any regrets?” and she said “I regret not having MORE kids!”…. She has 8 children, dozens of grandchildren, several GREAT grandchildren and a few GREAT GREAT grandchildren! She said when you have lots of kids, you get to be around lots of babies your whole life. sob…

Jessica - She is beautiful! She doesn’t look like she is 100! What wonderful stories she must have to share.

Sugar Mama - I see other readers cried too…. so I don’t feel like such a cry baby. I lost it just reading the post and looking at the pictures. Having 5 kids was my dream, I have 3, and I’m happy. But I see so much truth to that… you WILL be surrounded with love because you are an amazing mother.
The picture of you with your great aunt is very touching. I’m especially emotional this week as I’m missing my own family. Thank you for sharing these moments!

Jenny - Wow! What a wonderful celebration to be a part of!! And as always, beautiful pictures!!!

Alysa - Whew. Glad I didn’t have the mascara on yet. Cry-baby over here in Chicago lost it when you said what the lady next to you said about having 5 kids. Beautiful. All the weary days of today will bring love and joy in the decades to come. A great reminder.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Awww – That is amazing!!!
It must of been a lovely day for her : )
Gemma x

Heather - Beautiful pictures. Beautiful woman. Incredible milestone. Happy Birthday Liza. God Bless her!!
I get choked up like that at family events- any family event. I am always filled with such gratitude that it overwhelmes me.

Sara - sweet post – and what a sweet celebration.
thanks for sharing with all of us

Georgia - Meg, i was in tears at the photo of you telling your aunt you missed her.
Then again in tears when you said about having 5 children… i want a big family to be surrounded by love.
Lovely post πŸ™‚ xxxx

Christine Ishmael - Hey Meg – LOVE this post…I have 6 kids and although it’s been difficult, the blessings are amazing…I bawled reading it right along with you. People have thought I was crazy having 6 kids but we have so much fun together! Happy birthday to your great aunt, she deserved a big party!

Jen - now I am in tears and also laughing at your aunts remark!
great post.
noticed she has her natural teeth πŸ™‚

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