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it was good.

bat girl.

football player (easiest costume ever!)



trick or treating with the neighbors.


half our pumpkins are rotten….gross….but still pretty all lit up.


the weather this year was gorgeous for trick or treating.
i don't know that for sure because i only went around the block…..
but it seemed nice as i opened the door to pass out candy.  

everyone gave me their butterfingers because it is my favorite.

my kids asked me today what we were doing for new year's eve.
not really on my list of thoughts right now kids!

i think my run will need to be extra long today.
but i would rather eat butterfingers and take a nap.


the winner for the Studio Mela Print will be tomorrow….November 2.
leave a  comment in the post below if you haven't already.


Wendy - LOL, my son & his cousin play football and they were also football players for Halloween. Yay for easy!

mel - super cute costumes! And, I will send you ALL our Butterfingers (yuck!) as long as you send me Reeces Peanut Butter Cups! 🙂

jaz - Hey she scored BIG TIME!!!

Renee - Love kids in costumes. So cute! My daughter was Dorothy, too. It was my favorite costume so far for her! Love the jackolanterns. We completely forgot to carve our pumpkins this year. Crazy?!?

lorel - I am probably the only one that would think this, but the pic of Annie and Sean reminds me a little of “The Blind Side.” ha He seems so much bigger than her. Glad you had a good Halloween!

stjerneglass - Ruby slippers! 🙂

Four Flights - ahhh, I had a Dorothy too 🙂 Love Bat Girl!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Butterfingers are not common here. We have Crispy Crunch…do you have those?
Similar but more peanutty-salty and less peanutty-candy-ish.
I love the pics of the kids and I love that they’re carrying the plastic pumpkins…love it!

Mrs. - Mr. has been out of work since February. That poster is practically a necessity here at our house!

Kerri - I love the look of your porch and street – oh to have sidewalks in our town….

Courtney Walsh - I love the picture of the jack-o-lanterns all together…so festive and perfect!! 🙂 FUN!!!

Kellie - Prettiest Dorothy I have ever seen! We also had beautiful weather here in GA. I stole all the kids snickers and threw them in the freezer for my rainy days. hehe!

aimee - eating butterfingers sounds like a plan to me! and i love that demented pumpkin!

Tracy Sharlette - Love the costumes! Esp the ruby slippers!! One of our favorite movies? You could do the whole Wizard of Oz main cast if your kids would agree….lol…I know I’m funny! 🙂

Lyndsey Bowman - My son plays tackle football too and he was a football player for halloween… No money spent= Job well done 🙂
~ Lyndsey

rosemarie - at least you remembered to carve pumpkins this year!!

Tracie - We only had a few trick or treaters, but the majority were teens and ADULTS! It was crazy. We give the Butterfingers to my husband and I eat the snickers! Enjoy the candy.

crystal beutler - Love your pics. Hope your kids had fun trick or treating and brought you home lots of Butterfingers. I go for the dark chocolate candy bars. 🙂

kayem - Love the colors of this print!!

Camelia - Beautiful! They are so cute and seem so nice to each other! So pretty!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - We had perfect weather too. Great pics. You captured it all:)

julia - gimme some TWIX!!!

jennifer - Funny… the rot makes the pumpkin look scarier. Perfect!
My kids give my husband all their butterfingers for the same reason. Lucky him!

Sugar Mama - The pumpkin with the bow… perfect!
I also like the one with the eyes looking to the side.

Ann R. - Loved Halloween, glad it was on a Sunday, weather was beatiful, but am sorta glad it is behind us and now omg Nov. 1st!
Great pics!!

sara's art house - Butterfingers are my fave too! Cute, cute pics!

Niki - I thought of you as I dressed my youngest up as her favorite character, Olivia! Your bathroom makes me smile every time I see that picture of her!

kat - So cute! Love the pic of Talby and Sean walking down the street! We had lovely weather too. My little girls walked their little legs off. They were exhausted, but we had a wonderful time. Happy New Year!!! (couldn’t resist, so, have you figured out your plans yet? ;P)

Sandy - Love the halloween pictures and the prints you posted. I especially like the It’ll be OK…my best friend’s answer to everything when I’m feeling down. I love all of them though!! Pick me, Pick me!! 🙂

Rebekah - Thanks for reminding me about New Year’s Eve. We have a party every year and it’s time to get my invitations out before people make other plans! Your kids are cute. And I love that crazy headdress the little pink fairy neighbor girl is wearing. Very Bob Mackey! 🙂

Laura Phelps - Luke just asked me what day the Easter Bunny comes.

Kimberly - I scoured three kids’ baskets for a Butterfinger. Not a one to be found. I love Butterfingers.

Mary - Such sweet faces and forever memories. I do have one Butterfingers leftover from passing out treats if only you were closer.

Sally - Hi Meg,
I absolutely love your blog – have been following it now for a number of years. You are an inspiration as a Christian, Wife and Mom. I wonder if you could give me some advice. I’m a relatively new Christian and really struggled with Halloween this year. Our eight year old love’s T&Ting and we always spend the weekend with very dear friends. However, alot of people in our Church frown upon the event and I struggled between feeling guilty and not wanting to spoil it for my son and friends. How do you handle it?
Thanks Meg, would love to know your thoughts.

amy - We had beautiful weather for trick or treating here in Indiana too. Your kids looked so cute! I noticed that your oldest wasn’t in the Halloween pics. My oldest (15) wasn’t around much this year with the other 6 kiddos and it made me so sad! Would love to win the print! I need those kind of remiders everyday! Thanks for the chance.

Kimberlee J. - Rotten pumpkins are the scariest!

Crystal - Love, love, love that picture of Annie!! The one with the candy. You MUST frame that one!!

Grace - Memories being made—love it! And you’re right—Butterfingers are the best!

Tracy - Looks like a lot of fun, Meg! The kiddos look cute as ever and looks like they “scored” big! Love the neighbors cute kid costumes and Annie’s red shoes with her Dorothy costume – too cute! Enjoy your run and relax today! xoxoxo

Kerry - Oh they all look super sweet!! Love the Dorothy shoes 🙂 Happy Halloween!
Kerry x

Susan - For some reason the dog looked super clean? LOL. Pics as usual where great.Off to bed.Night Night from Nevada.

Gemma - I love their costumes and your pumpkins..they’re great!!
Hope you have a good day!
Gemma x

Ali - I love that picture of the two of them from behind – looks like you guys had a really good time!

Tressa Duerr - Meg,
We also had nice weather here in Ohio – no coats yeah! they just spoil the costumes- the sunset was absolutely amazing. It could not have been a more perfect night. Your kiddos are adorable! But I couldn’t help but notice the older two were missing. Only our baby went this year. It is kind of sad when they feel too old for trick or treating.
My daughter showed me this artist on Etsy and I immediately thought of you! Thanks for sharing your colorful view of your world with the rest of us. Your testimony of faith in Christ has blessed my life in many ways. I will never forget the story and pictures of the African children. I thought of them the other day when we carved our pumpkins that are now rotting on the porch. I thought of how much food we waste just for the fun of it. – dyeing eggs and carving pumpkins Because of your testimony, I was reminded of those children and said a prayer for them. God is using your life, your blog to show His love toward all of us. Thanks for being a willing vessel. Tressa Duerr

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