Masthead header


i downloaded the Parenthood soundtrack.
(i used itunes though…cheaper)
i have listened to it three times already.


these boots are now mine in black.
they will be my favorite shoes this winter i promise.
oh yeah….and these too in gray.

and i let my dad buy me this coat.…in charcoal….it is just so cute.
thank you dad.
my birthday card came just in time.


the dining room is almost done.
it is not like that is exciting news….but i will be happy to be finished painting things and thinking about it.

had to share these three pics.


i have a soft spot for babies that suck their thumbs.
i was one of them.


thanks for the encouragement about my moody posts.
i like that we are all in this motherhood, sisterhood, trying-to-be-a-good-wife thing together.
and that it's ok for me to tell you how i feel.

i feel comfortable here….if you didn't notice.

and my wednesday was GREAT.
thankful for that. 

Cheryl - Well i’ve been visiting your blog for some time and have not commented yet – but i see a lot of similarities in this post, so figured it was time to “out” myself! 🙂
I was just looking at that coat in Old Navy the other day! Super cute boots. Another Parenthood fan here! Such a great show – and good music too.
I really enjoy your blog – your stories, pics, recipes – thanks for sharing! 🙂

Melanie - I am LOVING that coat. Can’t wait to see you in it. Pics please.

Toni :O) - I heart your blog so stinkin much…it’s nuts…you’re so real life and I love that about you and your blog. Love Parenthood…it truly is such an amazing relatable show, scary how much it is like my life. Great boots and coat..what a lucky gal you are and I’m glad you had such a nice deserve it cause you’re like a SuperWoman/SuperMom with all those beautiful kids of yours…I admire you so much! Great photos as always, that baby is so smoochable.

dawn - Love your new treats! I’ve been wondering how your 31 Bits party went… Maybe I missed a post? I was thinking of having one — I love what they stand for and I also love their jewelry!
And feel free to share how you’re feeling — I think that’s why we all like your blog so much — we can relate!

twolittletots - so happy you had a great wednesday! good days are the best. and i love the coat that you got…i have my eye on that one too…in charcoal as well!

Kelli - Love the pics Meg! We had a wonderful time! We can’t wait to see the rest of them!

Kelly - Really cute coat! You inspired me to go shopping on zappos for some boots. love thumb sucking babies as mine is one. 🙂 Kelly

Kristin S - Keep the real coming. We all need the encouragement to be real and honest.
You got the ruffle pea coat!!! I posted about it last week and my friends laughed at me for posting about coats. I don’t care. I love them. Love THAT one.

Jenn T - Friday night will be fun – so what kind of drinks are you serving?? Does it depend upon what type of day you had?? just joking – it will be fun to be with the girls

karen - ooo..can’t wait to see your dining room!

kim - have you heard the song “live forever” from the “namaste no more” episode!?? the song is by drew holcomb and the neighbors, and if you don’t know them yet you will LOVE them. drew’s wife, ellie is in the band, too. so cute. such amazing voices. i just heard them sing that song at a young life retreat, and it is beautiful.

Michelle - Meg, I have those boots in black. LOVE them, they’re super comfy! You have fabulous taste.

Renee - You are FABULOUS! In case no one has told you lately! 🙂 thanks for sharing so honestly!

Ellen - I’m not a mother…nor am I a wife…but it’s great to read a blog that is real and not sugary all the time. When I get married (eventually…still waiting on God to give me some prospects!), I hope to be just as honest with my feelings and not feel as if I have to be perfect all the time.
I love reading your blog posts…moods and all!

Jennifer - i luuuuuuuuuuuuurve the thumb sucking baby picture!! it makes my boobs hurt! i know that sounds really really odd, but i married into a family who says that and it has stuck with me! sorry to be the creepy weird girl!

Christi - I love the coat and boots you selected. I’ve been holding out on buying a few of their coats, hoping that they will do their $20 coat sale again this year!
Question for you — do you have a meatloaf recipe that you make and love? Your recipes always turn out and I am trying to find a good, classic meatloaf.
Thanks Meg!

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - Thank-you for sharing life with us, Meg.:)

jennnibell - I love, love, love your style!!! I think I may need a pair of those boots too. . .but I’ll take brown 🙂 My black ones have gone out of style and are now back in — ha! Thanks for the great links. Love the coat too but I will have to get rid of one to buy another and I just don’t have one I’m willing to part with yet. . .
Thanks for being your real self here. . .makes me feel like I’m sitting down with a real friend with real joys and struggles and advice 🙂

Lindi - glad your wednesday was great!! here’s to a whole year of great days!! thanks for being you and REAL all the time and for being soooo inspiring!!

Emily - tahnk you for being you… and inspiring me.

Angela - I’m loving all the new banners lately! Very fun.
And keep sharing those feelings – we can all soooo relate.

Laura - i love that you share such simple things that bring great happiness
you are always good for that
im getting my tooth pullet today at 3..ugh
toothless at 40
now I need me a little happiness!!!
and my annie still sucks her thumb 🙂

shauna - i like the new header.
and the middle picture of the two babies. so great!
also, my husband got one of those necklaces last night, what are they 21 bits? well i saw them on your blog and was wishing you weren’t so far away and could stop by and get one of yours, but then we saw some at a little shop and i was so happy.
i love it.
ps. i heart feelings

Diana - I have boots like your gray ones… mine are a soft light brown and sooooooooooooooo comfy. You will love yours. ♥

Lisa - I have been looking for boots for so long and they were all over $100!! I had settled in my mind that I wouldn’t be able to get any. Love Old Navy prices…I may end up copying you with the first pair. 🙂

`Kelly - AH! I want those boots (in the lighter brown)! I even tried them on a few weeks ago and almost convinced myself to get them but I decided to wait for my birthday to roll around. The coat is super cute too! I bet the Parenthood soundtrack rocks! I might have to go have a listen!

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - Those boots ROCK!!! And the ruffles on that jacket totally look like you!!!

Carrie K - oooh thanks for the heads up on the soundtrack! im in love with that show!!
the black boots are AWESOME and the coat is freakin ADORABLE…cant wait to see you rockin it 🙂

Dana@Strawberrytart! - Because of you I started watching Parenthood. I am not sure how I missed it before. I will have to check out the soundtrack!

Staci - And now, I’m off to buy those boots in the cognac brown!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad your Wednesday was better 🙂

Amy G - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Parenthood!!!It is sooooo like real life! Do I get a sticker now?? LOL! Have a Blessed Day!

Sugar Mama - Because I have no sense of fashion, could you please do a post on how to wear those boots? Maybe put together a few outfits that work with boots like that. I love the boots, but I know I would wear them all wrong.

Tam - I’m happy to hear you had a great Wednesday. I LOVE Parenthood, would love the soundtrack, I’m embarrassed to admit, I dont know how to use iTunes, maybe I’ll need to learn! I’m loving the boots, I wish I could find ones that would fit my calves. 🙁 Can’t wait to see the dining room! HAPPY THURSDAY!

angela carter - coat = adorable, boots look comfy, i have a grey pair similar. your blog always brings a smile to my face!
by the way – i love that your links don’t take you away from your blog.

Trish - oh my word that coat is scrumptious!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I must have missed that post. My parents have been here for a week. I’ve been moody too. Sad really for no reason at all. Hope it lifts. I think I’m gonna go for a run…maybe have a good cry. PRAY!

Annie - Oh…. I want the Parenthood soundtrack so badly!! Is it worth buying? I love that show, and the music is always spot on. Maybe I’ll bit the bullet and go to iTunes now…

Kimberly - Ahhhh….retail therapy 😉 I LOVE that coat!!! I may take a little trip to Old Navy today….
Oh, and 2/3 of mine were thumb suckers. My ovaries hurt just a smidgen when I see little ones doing the same.

Maureen - Okay, me pushing music selections again since you brought it up. Love the Avett Brothers and Josh Ritter that are on the Parenthood soundtrack. “Emotionalism” from Avett Bros. is one of my all time favorite discs and “The Animal Years” from Josh Ritter is great as well.

Mindy Harris - dream part II: oh and you decided to pay me BEFORE i did all the work. so before you guys headed off to paris, you stuffed some bills down my shirt so i wouldn’t argue with the amount or lose it.
i need to get a life i think.

Mindy Harris - both my kids suck their thumbs and i find it adorable.
also, and i promise i’m not a weirdo, last night i dreamed that you hired me to babysit your kids for 1 full week so you and craig could go to paris (!). you didn’t have an instruction sheet so i was a little overwhelmed. except in this dream you had 2 blond-headed girl twins who were around 2, and all over the place. the first thing i did was breathe in the wonder of your home!

Heather R. - Have those first pair of boots in the camel lookin’ color…love ’em. The baby is so sweet. I love that first pic. Love the ruffle coat.

Tara - i was a thumb sucker, too.
and so was my middle child.
we’re going to the orthodontist today to start braces.
{the not so fun part about thumb sucking}
love parenthood.

n - cute boots! and adorable baby!
i’m glad you feel comfortable in your OWN blog!! 🙂

jodi @ back40life - love the coat…wish I didn’t already have one super similar {with no ruffle 🙁 oh well}
ah…the parenthood soundtrack…bet that is a fun one…we LOVE that show!
love all your sharing…feelings or not…yours is one of my favorite spots to check in on every morning!

kristin - you won’t be shocked to know that i have those same boots.
hee hee hee.
and i LOVE that coat!
and i wish i could come tomorrow night, but we have friends coming from out of town…don’t know if i can pull it off. we’ll see.

leonie - OMG I think I am in love with you…. not creepy I promise….. I clicked on the link to look at the boots to see that old navy now ships to Australia I couldn’t be happier! we have very similar tastes
Leonie x

Amy Lynne - Awesome boots and jacket! I am glad you had a better day!! I think we all have days where we want a do over button. Happy Thursday!

Kathleen - Love the boots….I’ve been thinking that I need some boots….must be that time of year. The coat is great!

Julie - Hang in there Meg! Buying boots always makes me feel better!! Yours are very cute! LOVE the thumb sucking baby ~ too cute. Only one of mine sucked her thumb and I miss that!! And she looked just like this little sweetie ~ blonde and blue eyed!

Nikki - Glad you had a great Wednesday. I love hump day….it’s all downhill to the weekend… woohoo!
Love your boots and coat.

Kat - Nice work with the pressies Meg!
Must go listen to the Parenthood cd. I love that show and we are only on the first series down here in Aus.
Hope tomorrow is a great day too!!

Ruth - i am heading to new york next week (from london) and oooooooh i am looking forward to the shopping – love your boots and coat!

annalea @ our hartbeat - we just finished painting our living/dining room area monday. (trim went from stained wood to white as well). finally put the room back together and it feels so good to be done.
my youngest sucks his thumb and it might just be the cutest thing ever.
and i want a new pair of boots now.
hope the rest of your days this week are great too! happy belated birthday!

Jenni Carlisle - Love the first pair of boots! I have been looking for some and never thought about Old Navy…I know, lame sauce! Woot, woot..thanks! PS Told Julie that David Crowder is a local…next road trip? 🙂

Heather - I’m glad, too that you had a great day. I really enjoy reading your blog. - Glad you had a great Wednesday! Here’s to many more great days!

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