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thirty five is going to be a big year.
i can feel it.
i don't what i feel exactly but i can tell that it is going to be…something.

deep thoughts….i know right?  ha.

but i am just saying it now.
i feel different.
i feel a change coming.

i hope it's not menopause.
i would prefer it be something more fun than that.

and i have no answers.
i am not hinting at anything.
i just FEEL like 35 is the beginning of SOMETHING big.

so there.
ps….thanks for all the birthday well wishings….so many de-lurkers yesterday….cool. 


after i had been awake for a total of three minutes my husband and kids gave me their cards and
in one of the cards was a spa certifcate.
happy mama.
but the kicker was that it was for 12:40 that day.
during my martini lunch that i was so excited about.

i will be honest with you ladies……it took me awhile to let my lunch go.
i really was craving some girl time.
i miss my friend.
i contemplated changing the appointment all morning…but i wanted to honor my husband.

so i didn't.

i went to the spa (i know i know…i am a big baby…whining about a spa…get a life meg!! )
i did not talk to the girl giving the massage.   (even though i desperately wanted to say "i have that shirt!" i refrained)
i just wanted my massage.
i didn't want to hear her gasp when i said i had five kids.
i didn't want to hear her say "well no wonder you are so tense!"
so i said nothing at all except that i wanted full body and to be firm.
(that is graphic…sorry)

well…it was….she did her job.
it was nearly painful.
but in a good way.
soooo good.
clearly i needed THAT more than i needed my lunch.
i felt fabulous.

thank you craig.
you are so kind to me….even when i did not jump up and down with excitement about my awesome gift.
i totally should have.
that could be the best gift you have ever given me!
definitely in the top five.

i saw jane get that gift on mad men and i said "anytime you want to get me that…go for it"
and you did.
and i was totally surprised by it…..i thought it would be an ice cream maker like talby wanted to pick.
it was a STELLAR gift. 
i am such a baby.

someone left this on my door.
i think i know who….but i am not positive.
will the real slim shady please stand up?


in my other target ruffle sweater.
no makeup….massage and facial still evident.

i cannot believe our smoke detectors didn't go off.
that reminds me……i bet we need new batteries in our smoke detectors.

then everyone got the gimmes and wanted the first piece.
but we all know that the first piece of ice cream cake goes to the birthday girl….don't we?

i ate it and it was YUMMY.

now….i must get some sleep.
my body is exhausted from all the pampering it endured. 
it's rough being queen for the day.

35…'s gonna be a big year.

bring it. 

Ann R. - Wanted to comment on the last two posts… It seems to me, (I have come to the conclusion) that when I have a day like you first had, i.e. have your own schedule, can do what you want when you want to, get errands done, maybe have your fave drink at starbucks or something and the day just seems so on target. Either later that day or the next day, something in the atmosphere shifts and gives you a totally poopy day, like you referred to….it’s almost as if we are getting punished for having a lil carefree mommy time without guilt or something. Do you know what I mean? I mean it all comes crashing down – and you wonder – why, what did i do, seriously! Tell me if you can relate. And not to bust your bubble now that your daughter is in all day kindergarten, but I too said the same thing about getting stuff done and I just cannot get motivated or stay on task. Seems halloween is around the corner, then thanksgiving, then christmas, then our school fundraiser and it all is still there waiting for me. Although you seem more organized than I, although I try to be! Enjoy the time to yourself and I for one love your blog and appreciate your frankness, because that is what makes us who we are and I hate when women act like all is just roses, when really we all have our moments etc. Its one big family of women who can relate to each other!
Take care – and as my mom says “this too shall pass”!

Trina McNeilly - Happy Birthday, a little late. Hope you had the best day ever. i know 35 will be a beautiful year for you!!!!!!!

Kelly - So glad you had a wonderful birthday!! I turn 35 in June! Kelly

Lisa - Happy belated birthday! I hope you do have an absolutely amazing year.

crystal beutler - Something amazing is going to happen this year. I just know it. My thirties were my best years ever. I didn’t even get married until I was 35. And look at you . . . and what you have accomplished. You are miles ahead of me. I can’t wait to see the story of your life continue.
You birthday looked awesome btw.

Tricia - I’m late, (as usual) but wanted to say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, Meg!!!
I’m sure that 35 will indeed by a great year!

Erin - Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope 35 is a fantastic year for you….I’m 35 as well and am going to embrace it, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. I absolutely love your blog!!!

kim - Happy belated birthday! Can’t wait to watch your 35 story unfold…

Karen Gerstenberger - Dear Meg, I’m sorry I missed your birthday and posting on it. Happy (belated) birthday – may it be the start of a fabulous year!
My Nana Emilie (whose French mother lived with my mother’s family) used to say that a woman of 30 (or was it 40?) is a REAL woman – implying that the fun/fulfillment of potential/beauty/depth BEGINS then. So the older we get, the more interesting we can be…and you are still quite young. =)
I see that you are embracing it all, and that is good – it’s gratitude, and gratitude is so important to happiness. God bless you and your family!

sara - hi just to wish you a happy belated birthday…i’m 42 and believe me hun life definately gets better..i am so happy in my new life(long story) but its great and i’m so glad you have a plan and enjoy is precious enjoy..
take care

Darlene - Just found your blog.
You are TOO cute!!
You know…. I felt the same weird strong sensation when I turned 35 a few months ago.
Like, I finally knew what I wanted, and I was willing to say ‘no’ to get it…..
Happy Birthday.
btw. love the name of your blog

Lindsey - Happy Birthday! I am one of your daily lurkers that de-lurked for your birthday. Love your stuff! Thank you for making my day bright everyday! I hope 35 is your year for wonderful things!!!!!!

Beth - Happy birthday! I’ll turn 35 next year and I think I know what you mean: it feels different. Happy 35 years!

Jennifer M. - Must have one of those adorable sweaters!!!!! I can’t find them at my Targets–yes, that’s plural. I am a Target Queen. Which brand is it–Merona or Mossimo? Thanks for your help! 🙂

aimee - oh, RATS, i’m late! – happy belated birthday! sounds like it was just wonderful! i have that sweater in grey and cream and i love ’em!

eva - Happy Bday – that cake looks delicious.. i hope 35 is GREAT

the domestic fringe - Happy Birthday!
I also turned 35 this year and had the same kind of big feelings for the year…like something’s changing. I don’t know yet. The only big change is my fat shifting. Hopefully 35 will bring better change than that! 🙂
Your special day sounded delightful. Make it a wonderful year!

sandy toe - Happy birthday…your blog is a blessing!
sandy toe

Valerie - I just have to tell you that I love your blog! It’s so real and so fun! The pictures of you with your cake were amazing! I’m 49 and trust me you will only get better with age so enjoy!

Wendi Siyajuck - What a blessing! I can’t wait to read what big thing is next…

jill - Happy Birthday Meg – don’t know how I missed it yesterday! You are still a baby at 35, enjoy every minute. I have loved my 40’s…so far…With age comes a sense of peace and definitely wisdom along with those years. I find I am so comfortable in my own skin. Your day sounds heavenly….but I totally GET your disappointment with missing your martini lunch, I hope you did THAT today.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - so glad you had a great day. 🙂 i understand that feeling of something big coming. i have that feeling lately too…and i have no idea what it means. kind of fun though. have a great weekend! 🙂

Diana - ♫ happy birthday, neighbor ♫

Dianne Avery - Happy birthday!! Your sweater is adorable.

Lisa K - Happy birthday!!! I’m glad it was wonderful. You are a treasure 🙂

april@gingerbreadgirl - oh snap…no martini!!!! Oh well…have one today instead!!! Glad you had a great day!!

elisa - Ohhh Happy Birthday Gilry!! You are just a baby 🙂

carla - Happy birthday, I turned 35 this year too…. Still not too sure how I got here so quick!!glad you had a fun day. Love love love your blog 🙂

tasha roe - fun day! glad your day was special.
ps – loved that sweater!

Courtney Walsh - Your post yesterday set off some bells in my head. I’ll be 35 in 3.5 months. I am not ready. I have things to do.
The massage sounds so wonderful and makes my body ache for firm hands that rub the stress away. Fer reals.
Glad you had a great birthday!! 🙂 You so deserve it. Bring it on 35…it IS gonna be a great year!!

Kacey - Sounds perfectly lovely – even if you did have to reschedule your martini lunch. You look so beautiful and happy and relaxed!

Transparent Mama - It always stinks when two or three really good things are scheduled at the same time.I love how you chose to honor your husband.

jennibell - I love those feelings when it feels like something “big” is around the corner. . .probably something you couldn’t imagine in a million years either — ha! Or maybe it’s just more of the same, but more vibrant. . .know that you’ll continue to share with us and that makes me smile 🙂 And the best part is that someone actually took your picture with your cake. . .I always have to *ask*, which then takes away from the picture, y’know? Anyways. . .happy 36th year!!! Here’s to the best ahead. And maybe an caramel apple martini this weekend?

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Happy Belated Birthday!

Debra - Happy Belated Birthday!! I also turned 35 this year (in April) and I hope that your feeling that this is going to be a big year is right:) Here’s to 35+ many more happy birthdays!!

Sugar Mama - Do you have any cake left over? I always secretly hope I’ll be invited to parties just so I can have a piece of cake. And yours looks amazing!
and Philosophy body wash…. my favorite! Happy day to you! And you feel that it will be an awesome year… it WILL be an awesome year!

Wendy - Meg, you look adorable with spook lighting. That can’t be said for anyone else.
Happy birthday, and I miss you! Can that we said if we’ve only ever spent one hour together?

Beth - Yikes! ONe day I’m out of town and don’t read your blog and you go and have a bday! Happy Birthday!

Carol - Happy Birthday! Your gift was totally awesome! I think Talby had ulterior motives when picking out an ice cream maker 🙂 Love the sweater!

Jen@thecottagenest - Meg- I am wearing that grey sweater right this minute! I hope this next year is amazing for you!

Regina - i love love love your new header!
so glad you had a good birthday.

Lanny Stanard - Very nice… looks like you had a great birthday 🙂

Andrea@Flourishing Mother - Happy Birthday!!
I am glad you enjoyed your day! =)
I am a lurker…
but I had to say I totally know that feeling of waiting for the gasp when you say you have five kids during a massage. (I have five kids!!!) Too funny.

Katie - I am glad you had a good day! I always try to stretch it out to Birthday Week…because we have family close by and get to celebrate with everyone!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You looked beautiful. Love the glow of candles…great shot. What a sweetie giving you a massage like that. So glad you had a great b-day. It IS going to be a great year. I feel can feel it too…BRING IT!

sarah - I missed it yesterday, very sorry about that… Happy belated Birthday!!!
Sounds like you had a fantastic one, and I know this year will be so amazing for you.

Lisa - Happy Birthday Meg! Glad you has such a good day! Here’s to a fabulous year!!

Tammy @ The Sabourin Family - Happy (now-belated) Birthday, Meg! Happy to hear you had a great day.

Maria - Glad you had such a happy birthday…love those spa gifts…I have told hubs the same thing many times and he came through this year…
love the sweater!
and that cake!….I am in seriously need of chocolate now…kids will be overloaded this weekend I think….

Nicole Q. - Not sure why but your post made me cry. Maybe it’s because I need a massage or because I love that your year is going to bring something good . . . and I feel that about my year . . . on the brink of something – just don’t know what yet. Or maybe I just started my period, oh yeah that’s it! Ha!! Glad you had a great day!

Gemma - Glad you had an alrighty day : )
You look fab!!
Gemma x

Heather R. - Happy Birthday, Meg. You RoCk!!!

Meaghan - Happy Birthday Meg!
It is so cool that you are so excited for something big to happen! I will be 35 in almost 4 years…now you have me excited about it too. 😉 Or maybe something exciting will happen to me while I am 31 and a half….

Paula - Another lurker coming out of the shadows (in Australia) to say happy birthday… I’m a year ahead of you and I think with age comes some kind of contentment that is hard to describe, but I feel, like you, that good things are ahead. Perhaps its just a letting go of stress from yound children etc.
Enjoy. Love your blog

Beth - I know, too, how you feel about not talking. Every time I get a massage, if I say anything . . . the masseause takes off and talks non-stop my whole massage. NOT relaxing. It’s like I have this flashing neon sign on my forehead (or somewhere else in this case) that says “talk to me, tell me your life story.” I have that sign on most of the time (believe me, people in the strangest places tell me intimate details of their lives), but I don’t really want it on when I’m having a massage.

Lauren - Happy happy birthday! Way to go on embracing a new year! I can’t wait to find out along with you what that “something” is! Looks like a fabulous b-day!

becki - o happy day!!!

Jessica - sounds like you had a great day! Happy Birthday!

carols - Happy Happy! What a wonderful gift. You’ll love 35. It is ALL Good.

Kimberlee J. - Happy Birthday, friend. We’ll do lunch next week…and I’m still buying. 🙂

julia - I know how you feel about not talking. Once in a blue moon when I get a pedicure I REALLY don’t want to talk. I feel like such a meanie but COME ON! Usually I have been rushing around the entire day dealing with OPS (other people’s stuff). I just want 30 minutes.
Love your cardi.

Grace - Happy, happy birthday! You look great—glad someone grabbed the camera to get your picture with your cake. 🙂

Nikki - Happy belated Birthday! Looking hot chicky 🙂

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - happy birthday!!! 35 look fabulous on you. 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - PS – Again with the sweater.
I saw these tonight at Target, but our Target only had a weird green color, and only in XXL. But still, I knew it was “the sweater”. Thanks for buying all the good colors…

Flower Patch Farmgirl - We are the only two people awake in this world.
Happy birthday! It was my SILs birthday, too. Only I never did call her to wish her a happy one. Awful. Maybe I should do it right now???

Leah - Happy Birthday, Meg! Since I’m in California, I’m technically not too late by my time. Sorry I did not de-lurk earlier. I too will be 35 this year (November) and I already have the same feeling as you — I can feel that it’s going to be a big year. By the way, reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day. So thank you and I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday!

jaz - Happy Barfday! (As they say in this family 🙂

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