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vitamins :)

it has been brought to my attention that i was misunderstood in the vitamin emails i sent out.

this is what i sent to every single one of the 400+ people who asked to help donate vitamins.

πŸ™‚ vitamins…….
please send your package as soon as possible to:
Jody Landers
*****************, CO ******
thank you for helping!!
OR…if you'd like to paypal money for jody to purchase the vitamins for you….she is at ******************* in paypal.
she is doing this for many people who did not want to pay for shipping.
it is completely up to you.  THANKS! 

Matthew 25:34-40 (The Message)

 34-36"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Enter, you who are blessed by my Father! Take what's coming to you in this kingdom. It's been ready for you since the world's foundation. And here's why: 

   I was hungry and you fed me, 
   I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, 
   I was homeless and you gave me a room, 
   I was shivering and you gave me clothes, 
   I was sick and you stopped to visit, 
   I was in prison and you came to me.'

 37-40"Then they are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was meβ€”you did it to me.'





every single email had the smiley face and the word vitamins at the top.
it was not meant to be rude about the mispelling of vitamins.
if you mispelled it….i didn't notice.

let's refocus and use our energies for GOOD.
let's take our knowledge that there are those who need unity and love and let's work towards that.
let's not tear each other down.

i am SO SORRY for the misunderstanding.
i promise you that YOU were not being made fun of in any way.
i put the smiley face there to say "i am happy you asked about vitamins"

thank you for being willing to help.
God is using us in a bigger way than we could have imagined.
i am very excited about it.

THANK YOU for sending the vitamins.
THANK YOU for helping the children i talked with and prayed with.
THANK YOU for answering YES when God prompted your heart. 

SΓ£o Paulo - Im a big fan here, i always love reading your articles.

Betsy Somerville - Hey I just LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOG… I am amazed how folks get so easily offended at times….but onto more important things..
Puritan’s Pride is having a sale through today if anyone’s interested…It’s buy 1 get 2 free! That means I can get 3 bottles of Gummy vitamins for around $12.00. What a deal! I’m ordering mine through my website, where I can make money back on the purchase as well and then donate that to charity too! It’s a win win. I am so glad to be able to help…

jennibell - Don’t let Satan distract you!!! He will attack fiercely when he sees good being spread. Know that your faithful readers are lifting you up and carrying you. . .and calling evil what it is. . .and I boldly ask, in Jesus Christ’s name, that evil not attack you through this social medium and that you continue to be Jesus’ hands and feet here in Blogland. Amen.

Courtney Walsh - huh? for real?
no worries, meg, you’re awesome. when is the vitamin deadline? i need to get mine sent. are there specific kinds that are preferred?

Holly - Hi Meg! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. My good pal & sweet girl Carin over at cjsramblings directed me to you, as we have become quite good friends and email each other on the trial and beautiful tribulations of her raising 3 girls, and I raising 3 boys. Both alone. Sort of. Ex husbands who only worry about the twit on their arm, while we, the mother, the woman, the friend, the healer, the laundry do-er, lunch packer; but most importantly worry about our babies hearts most of all. She is such a love.
ANYWAY!!!! Started reading your blog as a suggestion from her because from time to time our convos became about those blogs, what we call “The Shiny Happy Mommy” blog. I think you know what I mean. Look! Look everyone! I SAID LOOK at my beautiful home (never messy or cluttered), my oh so perfect children (who”s Shiny Mommies must be idiots to never allow the kids to mess up the home once in a while…and HELLO teach them responsibility by picking up the mess they are never allowed to make…good Lord!) and of course, there is my perfect, faithful, straight, honest husband. We never fight, too. Ever. About anything. Ever. Believe me? Well you should. Cuz I am a Shiny Happy Mommy. My kids NEVER throw tantrums and cry. Never ever ever!!!
See what I am saying?
Its all so easy out there in blog land to recreate a version yourself that in all likeihood is one she truly wants to be in her heart & soul.
I did not find that with your voice in your blogging. Or a posed phoniness in the beautiful pix u take of your beautiful family. It works so well because you are real and make no excuses. And that, my love, is seen quite clearly by those of us out there who are the same and laugh about each others trials & tribulations of this whole crazy thing! It is all a reflection of YOU. As a woman, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, and I hope one day (if I am lucky) a friend. I simply respect how you call on God and his teachings/words to make sense out of lifes PUZZLEZ. I read them, and after wiping my tears, and nodding cuz I relate, I close out of your blog feeling refreshed from your writing and from the example’s of the word of the Lord to inspire me and give me strength. As well, that too has a ripple effect on my family. And I thank you for that. And for being you.
That, and lots of other reasons (loooove ur reciepies!!!) are why I will keep coming back. Friends have been encouraging me to begin a blog or even write a book of my own life from at least the last 20 years. I have been through too much. And thank God, some, most of my tales are hilarious. Downright sidesplitting. Also, some are about the challenges of life. Tough. Rough. You cry til u bleed challenges, which I will not go into further here. However, if you do find a quick moment, I’d love the chance to chat with ya via email listed below, and maybe after a few gettin to know ya emails, perhaps you can throw some of those inspiring words of wisdom my way on the next big step in this social medium…having a good old fashioned girly, giggly phone chat! With all that is available to us now by way of communicating, I always tell my boys they would have not lasted ONE DAY in the 80″s!!! HAHAHAHAHA….
My bad on the looooog response. I just found so much beauty and a realness to your words. Instant respect. Hope to hear from ya!!!

Sugar Mama - oh, i thought for sure you were being incredibly rude and mocking me because of my poor spelling.
by the way, i’m joking. ;o)
thank you for organizing this project. whether we can spell vytimins or not…. we can all help ;o)

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - for reals? boo!

Karen - Oh, that’s such a sad misunderstanding! I can also say that you’ve kindly responded personally to several silly questions from me, and I can’t imagine you being sarcastic about spelling.

karen - I just don’t see it??? how can someone take offense??
take this πŸ™‚ and that πŸ™‚
πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Sheila - I must be real slow…because I just got it now. I can see where someone might take offense – but I hope they realize it was not intentional and that everyone got the same email. Thank you Megan for allowing God to use your blog to reach those who feel prompted to help. Have a happy day!

Jane Mc - You’re the best Meg!

kathy b - Thank you for sending out 400+ emails for this! That in itself is a great ministry.
Kathy b

Phoenix_Rising - haha, I would have just felt lucky to have a ‘personal’ email (since I knew you were copying and pasting based on the overwhelming number of responses)

Mrs. Dunbar - I took the email the way you meant for it to be, a “Hey, thanks for helping… here’s the info you need.”
Thanks for orchestrating this, it is in numbers that His love will be shown to the whole world.

Meaghan - Thanks for doing this, Meg!
πŸ™‚ - πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ thanks for helping Meg!

Heather R. - Our vitamins are on their way :)! Thanks for inspiring us.

Diane - Oh for crying out loud … why do we get our panties in a bunch??? LOL I never even noticed it … I saw the smiley face as a quick way for you thank us for latching on to this idea. THANK YOU for getting this project out there. I never think of anything creative but love being able to be a part of something.

alaina - I am completely baffled by your post. I truly don’t understand what was offensive. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure it out (a waste of time no doubt). Obviously, whoever it is, is not a follower of your blog, or they would know the truth. Hang tight got lots of support from your blog world! We love you!! And you’re in good company, Jesus was misunderstood too – and He was perfect! *HUGS*

Suzanne - See, I meant “painting” instead of “painted”, DUH……
Have an awesome day!

Suzanne - I couldn’t get this out of my mind while I’m painted my front porch so, I came back to see if I was one of the ones who misspelled the word, and yeah, that’s me, so what? My heart is in it for the children not my pride. I love your heart Meg, and keep on keeping on!

Suzanne - And so, Life Beats On…..Your Awesome!

Krista - Your faithful blog-followers know your heart and what was intended. As you can see by all the comments, no one else took your πŸ™‚ to mean anything else but pure happiness and enthusiasm for a great cause!

Lynn - Sorry to hear some people were upset – I took the πŸ™‚ as a celebration symbol.
My vitamins went out last week, thanks for letting us know they were needed!

Gevay - What? Someone really got their feelings hurt? Seriously it’s about the KIDS not YOU, people! πŸ™‚

Kristin - Oh my – didn’t even think twice about it – I thought you were just happy about our interest in sending vitamins – thanks again for organizing – we are picking up vitamins today!

Lane - I’m sorry that you even had to clarify this in a blog post! I had no idea what you were talking about though! Haha…thanks for organizing this and for reminding me to send my money to Jody!! Love your blog!

Judy - I didn’t notice anything, or care….I think it’s SO FABULOUS that you would take time out of your busy life to do this project!!! My vitamins are in the mail, priority, and should arrive in Colorado tomorrow!!! So happy to do such a small thing that can help!!! Thank You!!! Judy

Denise - I’m wondering if October 1st is too late to send out the vitamins. We have zero $ until then and I really want to participate! Thanks!

carols - πŸ™‚ no clue of the issue, you’re cool. Missed checking in a couple days, and am listening to your music from yesterday’s link…ironic….”this is where the healing begins”. It’s always something. Be happy, you are so solid. Leaders get guff. You’re cool.

Rachel Guidry - Meg, you are a wonderful person. I really enjoy your blog. Everyday you inspire me!!
Happy Weekend!!

meaghan - lame. not you πŸ™‚

Erin Mumford - I think that what you guys are doing to help is AMAZING! I didn’t read into the email at all. I sent my $$ via paypal! Thanks Again

Janie Fox - I was so confused by this post… then it dawned on me that someone got their feelings hurt. Silly world! I did paypal -a first for me! Now I know how , so lookout Visa bill!! haha

patti - wow.
amazing how focus can be turned so quickly.
it was nice of you to write this, but sad to me that you had to even go there.
keep on keepin’ on, Megan. You are wonderful!

julia - Now I am seriously confused about how to spell “vitamins”. It doesn’t help that there is a vitamin shop near us that spells it slightly differently.

jennifer - Seriously?!?!
Thank you for all the work you’ve put in to this vitamin “project”. You are awesome and have such a generous heart.
I hope you’re feeling better and have a wonderful weekend!

amanda - haha! i went back and checked mine too!

siobhan - meg your awesome just saying:)

Julie - πŸ™‚ two flush.

Georgia - Some people!!! grrr
You havent a bad bone in ur body πŸ™‚
Well done you for doing this to help others.

Christy - i don’t think I would have ever noticed if I was the recipient. *lol* C’est la vie.
So excited that you alone reached 400 people! That is totally, TOTALLY awesome. Love it!

AshleyAnn - Goodness..the fact you even had to write this post…you are a nicer person than I!

Sherry - Wow… a little ridiculous if you ask me (whoever “misunderstood” you). However, I sent my vitamins today! So happy I can help in my small way (didn’t send 20 bottles but I hope every little bit makes a huge difference). I love what you’re doing!

Kendra - oh geez, how petty. i’m sorry someone discouraged you like this. boo!

Laura - I wish I could give you a big hug sweetie!! God knows your heart! πŸ™‚

Shelly - well, that’s just petty!
here we are talking about little kids needing vitamins and people get their knickers in a knot over spellings and a smiley face?!? you Meg, are a much better person than I am!
πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

pam - I love my current level of brain function…I still don’t get how there could be a misunderstanding….so happy about that…sucks when others “issues” mar such a cool thing. Thank you so much for sharing the opportunity….we’re struggling to keep 45 employees paid BUT I knew I needed to do a little… life is SO GOOD and EASY compared to those kids. Still blown away by an egg and a vitamin a week…glory I’m spoiled

kim york - HeHe must say made me go back to my email to see if I misspelled vitamins πŸ™‚ Don’t stress over it..You are fantastic!
My 20 bottles of vitamins will be mailed out on Monday..Thanks for sharing with us so that we could contribute.

Janet C - For real? I agree with the person that said “No good deed goes unpunished”. I enjoyed the smiley face, at face value (ha ha). Please don’t let these nitpickers get you down.

Janet C - For real? I agree with the person that said “No good deed goes unpunished”. I enjoyed the smiley face, at face value (ha ha). Please don’t let these nitpickers get you down.

amy jupin - mean people suck.
and this is just ridiculous meg! ridiculous, i tell you!!
if only people would give that much energy in helping others!
can you imagine??
i knew precisely what you meant! πŸ™‚

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I would have never thought that!
You just come across too bubbly to ever intentionally be mean-spirited.
It stinks when people don’t get what we meant, the way we meant it.
However, you’re doing something wonderful, and that’s the bottom line!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Oh dear. “No good deed goes unpunished.” Don’t think another thing about it – I’m shure gladd I diddn’t missipell vitaminds.

Melissa - Meg if you give me the Paypal address I will send her some money.

Lisa - Don’t worry, Meg, I didn’t think you were making fun of anyone. Enjoy the first beautiful weekend of fall! πŸ™‚

Catriona - What a gracious response to your misunderstanders. Draw a line and try not to think about it anymore. Bon weekend!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - oh mercy. it does seem that when you’re obeying God, misunderstandings seem to pop up. that stinks! sorry, that is frustrating.
have a great weekend!

Amber - Whoa…poor girl. I hate stuff that gets out of hand. It’s just the way Satan tries to steal joy. Yay for you for pushing through! And btw…thanks for doing this. It felt so good sending those off to kids who so desperately NEED.

Jalissa - Haha well I totally missed all that may have happened, but my vitamins have been sent to the address provided. Hope they made it!

Meg - I have no idea what this all means but I’m glad I donated money.

rosemarie - i tried to email you and the email would not go through can you send me the info? thanks

Art Cant Hurt - technology can gum up the gears of communication, but then again so can
negative people out to gloom on anyone’s day they can. sorry it happened to you!
fret not, sweet-meg-of-kansas!
this morning my seven year old awoke in a particularly bad mood – which is very
uncharacteristic of her. so to make her laugh i said, “oops, looks like i accidentally
woke up snow white’s 8th dwarf, POOPY!” i bet people would have a field day with
THAT if i posted it on my blog…..all sorts of “non-pc” things and rudeness that could
be read into that and none intended to be hurtful or bad or ANYTHING….
but it made my little one laugh…and snort…and get out of her funk before she’d even
brushed her teeth.
so more power to the people LIKE YOU who are out there trying to help someone and make someone’s day a little better – whether it be grammatically correct or whatever. no worries!
take care πŸ™‚

Courtney - You’re a sweetheart! Sometimes I hate all the πŸ™‚ emoticons because of how easily they can be misread!

dori - how anyone could think that you were being rude is beyond me. my box of 20 bottles is schedule to be delivered to jody tomorrow.
i’m wondering though….how will she carry all these bottles????????

Lisa - Oh dear. Isn’t it the worst to be misunderstood? Makes my stomach churn. Press on – awesome project!

Angie Mathis - I’m confused about the vitamin comments. I sent mine yesterday with many prayers.

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