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rain…football….australia…chili…cream puff…whoonu?

both my boys got to play tackle football in the pouring rain yesterday.
and they loved it.
they even included "thank you for letting us be able to play football in the rain" in their bedtime prayers.

but their mother?  she was far less excited about the rain.
my grandmother and my cousin Nell, whom i have not seen in 6 years because she lives in australia were
coming to my house to watch the football game and eat dinner.
and then it began to pour.
and pour.

we did not go to the game and sit in the rain.
we waited for the rain to stop and saw the last 41 seconds of scott's game from the car windshield.

then headed back to the house for chili and cream puff dessert.
it was the best kind of night for chili.

the girls convinced Nell to stay for a game of Whoonu.
and grandma played too.
she chose to sit on the floor….even with all the chairs my 92 year old grandmother CHOSE to sit on the floor.
she is amazing.


annie can't read yet so the person sitting next to her has to tell her what the cards say.
she pretty much still picks randomly with out thinking what the card says but still she is trying.


playing games is always a bit…..chaotic.

we love this game.
you need to put it on your christmas list if you don't have it….easy and silly…and QUICK.



these were the cards chosen for me.
how to chose what i like best to least from these?!  
i think i picked monkeys for the #1 choice.

it was nice to have them….even in the rain.
safe travels Nell.
can't wait to hear of all your adventures to come. 

***edited for kathryn
my table.
it was our dining room table in our apartment days. it was from sam's club on clearance.
i think i paid $90 for it.
i used my birthday money to buy it…i remember it being a big purchase.

it was oak.
i kept it like that for years.
then i painted it white….distressed it with a sander and then polyurethaned it. 
that was 8 or 9 years ago now.
our family was now 7 and we only had room for 6.

then we moved here and got a BIG dining room table that seats 12 and the first table seemed so small.
i had the legs cut down and we made it a BIG coffee table in the kitchen seating area.
and i can bleach it over and over and it cleans up when i need it to….
and the kids can paint and use markers and glue and glitter and it's ALL GOOD.
no worries about the old table.

Refrigerator repair Arlington va - I agree Really Nice Family and Nice photos

Windshield Replacement Phoenix - I agree… Great Family

Windshield Replacement Phoenix - You have a wonderful family.

Windshield Repair Phoenix - You have a great grandmom…actually I dont know about that game but I will include that on my shopping list. Nice family bonding now I missed my family too.

Auto Glass Mesa - Nice family bonding. Your mom, it reminds me of my grandmother she is so adorable.

Auto Glass Phoenix - I dont have an idea about whoonu games, but it looks like interesting games,and by the way your mother is so amazing she is 92 but she is strong, hope that I could also reached that age too.

mesa windshield repair - I wander who will replace him, hope it would be a good governance next time.

Wendy - We love Whoonu too! I had actually forgotten about that game – we had a house fire in April and have slowly been replacing the things we lost. I’m thankful for you post – now I’m adding Whoonu back on my “replacement shopping” list.

Pam - We LOVE WhooNu!! We can all 8yr old all the way up to the 15 yr old..All the Cranium games are great.. - Love the game night! I’ll have to try Whoonu! Thanks for sharing.

Tempest Ahoy - Another Aussie reader here 🙂

Michelle - Australia - How excited was I to see a post of yours with Australia in the title! Let us know when you are coming to visit and all your MEG fans will have to club together to provide you with accommodation across the length and breadth of our great country!!

edie - your grandmother is beautiful. and i would pick dictionary first—because i’m nerdy like that.
i’ve been thinking of you this week meg and i just wanted to say that it’s a privilege to get to peak into your life. i am thankful.
lots of love,

Kat - Love your Grandmother, the table, fun with the family and Australia! (Aussie, Aussie.)
Meg, you look like you have lost weight with all your running 🙂

Denissa - How fun, your grandmother is adorable 🙂 we love whoonu!

julia - You have the coolest grandmother! For most 92 year olds being on the floor is a very bad thing.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Thanks for the info about the table…you did a great job. Never even heard of that game before. Reminds me we need to start game night again.

Ingrid Blanchette - so fun! will have to try out that game.
i spy with my little eye a ‘orange county’ starbucks mug on your table :). hope you had a great time visiting here…
vitamins should have already arrived in CO!

Kacey - Never heard of Whoonu! Sounds like fun.
Your coffee table reminds me of ours – painted white and distressed by us, then further distressed by the kids over time, and always where games are played and messes are made!

Rach - I love that you still have a Grandmother and that she will sit on the floor to play a card game. How awesome is that!

Julie - I love Who Nu!!! It is the best way for us to get to know the teenagers in our youth group when they are new and scared of us. Food, swimming and Who Nu. Three necessities in youth ministry. Apples to Apples is fun too with big groups. Love it.

Staci - Your grandmother is completely awesome!!! I love her and don’t even know her 🙂 We don’t have Whoonu…but you can bet I’m getting it today 🙂 Thanks!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - I hope to be able to sit on the floor when I’m 92, how great is that!
We have that game and it’s probably our family’s favorite. 🙂 It’s so fun, yet so simple. We also like to reverse it and have everyone pick the person’s least favorite. ( I hope that doesn’t make us sound like a negative bunch!) I’m so grateful that my husband and kids all love to play board games together.

Kathryn - I want to know about that table. Did you buy it that way or did you paint and distress it yourself?? I want to do a project like that and need advice.

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