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to this…over and over.

it has been speaking to me in a way i can't explain.
love it.
love this calm acoustic version. 

wiping tears off my cheeks. 

concerto de parabrisas - Such a nice substitution.

Stephenie Avarello - I just saw them in concert this week (for my birthday). My favorite band!

Leigh - That is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Meg.

Courtney Walsh - love when i find a song that speaks to my soul. i am going to listen to yours now. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Dearest Jesus. Thank you. I want your healing. Thank you for using Meg to shine with the beauty of a rainbow. - Thank you Lord for your mercies, which are new every morning.

Amanda Jo - Tenth Avenue North is AMAZING!!!! Got to see them in concert last month. If you haven’t already, you should check out their song All The Pretty Things. Puts me on my knees EVERYTIME!

jen - i hear this song all the time. but have never really listened till just now. it’s beautiful. thank you for sharing 🙂

Beth - Love it too!!! Thank you for sharing….hadn’t heard the acoustic! Enjoy your day!

Casey - Love, love, love this song! Always crank up the volume when it comes on. I just adore Tenth Ave. North.

Sugar Mama - Oh, I love this song. When it comes on KLove I crank up the volume, but I’ve never heard this acoustic version. I’ll have to listen to it again when I don’t have 2 screaming babies and 5 active toddlers running through the house.

Alicia Gallagher - Absolutely love this song! I am involved in Elijah House and someone introduced this song to our class ~ it’s meaning and depth is…divine. Tenth Avenue North has many great songs ~ but this one is perfect! I’ve come to love when the light meets the dark ~ there’s such beauty there!

julia - Okay, I found it. Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North. I found it on iTunes but they don’t have the acoustic version.

Vicki Esh - Who is this? I want this on my ipod!

purejoy - loved this as well. a new song for my heart.
struggling with walls this very day. i could tear them down, but that would mean putting the anvil of pride down… haven’t been able to pry my white-knuckled grip from it yet.
but i’m working on it.
thanks for sharing the beautiful song.

julia - Meg – can this be downloaded?

edie - psalm 56:8 you have kept count of my tossings and put my tears in a bottle.
love to you friend. i’m right there with you.

Meredith - So beautiful Meg. Who is the singer? It gave me chills. Meredy xo.

Nikki - What a beautiful moving song…. I haven’t heard it before. Thanks for sharing x

shelly - Tonight must be the night for restless hearts!
Thank you Meg, what a way to end a broken heart night—this truly is where the healing begins!

Trish - I wish I could convey to you just how timely this is for me. I so needed this!
I am in the midst of some major heart struggles and I am seeing my own ugly heart issues being manifested in my ten year old. It hurts.
Thank you!

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