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random nothing

it was red day at kindergarten.

i can't believe those long legs are annie's.
she needs to quit growing up!

sean asked me at walmart "do you think this weighs as much as a human head?"

in the car on the way to school the kids were talking about putting the cat in the file cabinet.
and how the cat didn't like it.  (really?  shocking!)

scott said "i would go crazy if i got stuck in a drawer….i am so claustrophobic!"

and sean yells "YOU AREN'T ALLERGIC TO MILK!"

waffle had to go to the vet.
annie drew murals on the marker board.

this was one of my four pictures in cali.  
another one is just like it.
that's amy in the background taking pictures of something else.
i wish i could make a whole mosaic wall somewhere….for real.

AND that's all i got.

i am so tired.
can't quite kick it yet….the cold and catching up from staying up all night the day we flew home.
and the laundry that awaited my arrival.
and the empty refridgerator.
and the GRAY skies today.

i am going back to bed…for a little while.
this is me.

Kelly - Oh that first photo makes me miss color days in kindergarten from when I was teaching. I’d try to find out the color & dress in it too and then find songs for each color that we could do in music class.
Sean’s watermelon question cracks me up.
I hope you get good rest and feel so much better. I can relate. I have *not* been able to fall asleep this week. I just lay there and lay there, ugghh . . . then I’m a tired mess the next morning. blech . . . God answered prayers for a better night sleep last night. Praise Him!
Oh and the mosaic. You *could*! It would be wonderful. Dare you . . . πŸ™‚ Kelly

Mindy Harris - hope you feel better once and for all, darlin’.
i would love to mosaic our fireplace but i have NO idea where to start. i love the mirror in your half bath–with the birds.

Dianne Avery - I was really into mosaic furniture in the 80’s. Don’t start, it’s addicting!!

Heather R. - When is daylight savings time?! I need an hour somewhere. I love the clip and Annie’s mural. πŸ™‚

kathy b - It’s so nice of you to post photos for our enjoyment even though you don’t feel that great!
Kathy b

Christina - Love, love the kids’ comments. πŸ™‚
I think that one day you will, indeed, do an entire mosaic wall. Please show us when you’re done, okay?

amber - hahahahahaha πŸ™‚ that always makes me giggle.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Feel better soon. That video was hilarious!

Julianne Brimner - Okay the claustrophobic cracked me up because it reminds me of another story. One of my friends owns a vacation cabin in the woods where there are lots of places to explore, including caves. Her son told his aunt, “Mom, can’t go in the caves because she’s lactose intolerant”. Thought you’d enjoy the flip side.

meaghan - oh my gosh! hahahahaha! love tommy boy hahahahaha!

Janie Fox - Love the claustrophobic… you are not allergic to milk. I truly laughed out loud. I miss the days when my kids were driving me crazy… well sometimes! haha!!

Jennifer - Look on the bright side, an empty fridge might be a good time to wipe it down with a hot, soapy washcloth. Oh no. I sound like my mother. πŸ™‚ I hope you feel better soon. You are too cool to be sick!

Kori - during your stay in cali i was moving away from cali! i was born and raised in orange county (huntington beach), but needed a change…so here we are in spokane, wa. so far so good…loving the weather. anyway, i read amy’s blog and got a little sad at the pics she had of all ‘my’ places. i had to laugh when shopping at the spectrum was mentioned-went there a lot as right before our move we lived in irvine. did you hit up fashion island? south coast plaza? the antique shops in capistrano? i hope so. ok, take it easy and get some much needed rest….zzzzzzzzzzzz

Charlene@Adventures-In-Mommy-Land - I love that you take pictures in Walmart LOL! Who does that ?? I should start whipping out my camera in Walmart too, people would probably duck and cover thinking they were about to be posted on those “people of walmart” sites hehehe!
Feel Better!!

Kristy - I wish my Charlie could meet that Annie. He’s also in Kindergarten and loves his chuck taylors with patterned socks pulled way up….or his cowboy boots with shorts depending on his mood πŸ™‚ He’s just yummy! One more song for your ipod when you are back to running – “Freedom” by George Michael. Great for cleaning house too. Feel better mama! πŸ™‚

Valerie@chateaualamode - I love that you can make a post on your blog like an episode of Seinfield…it’s really about nothing, but you make it into something fun! Hope you feel better soon!

mandy friend - I love your blog and your randomness. And I love that your house always sounds as chaotic as mine!

pam - I’ve got a grand wall on my front porch where you can do your mosaic. :o)

kristin - I freaking love your video clips!

Lisa - That is one of my favorite scenes from Tommy Boy! Too funny!!!

julia - The best thing for you is sleep – don’t feel guilty about it.
That mosaic wall is great. Maybe Annie could come over and go through my closet for me – I need some pizzaz!

shelly - Ok–I’m going to have to break out the Tommy Boy now! Kids crack me up–and yes they grow to fast :/
Love mosaics—I have a mirror just waiting for some tiley goodness!
Get rested up–hope you feel better soon πŸ™‚

purejoy - making the mosaic i’m afraid would not be nearly as much fun as the smashing part…
i seriously love the way your kids think. a watermelon head and then debating why the cat didn’t like being in the file cabinet. and having the freedom to make wall art on a dry erase board.
i wish you’d adopt me.
think of how colorful my life would be!

Sugar Mama - I love the red converse. I want to get a pair… haven’t decided on the color. Have you seen all of the cool new autumn colored converse?!
and i love your dog. i pulled up your blog the other night to show Sugar Daddy and my kids a pic of your dog, because i want one just like him. could you please clone your dog for me? ;o)
enjoy your sleep. and the gray sky.

jennifer - Love that clip! Really needed that laugh this morning.
Go back to sleep and get well soon!

Michelle Whitlow - I have to tell you, that’s one of my favorite lines out of that movie!!! Whenever my kids are in their rooms with the door shut I’ll knock on the door and say ‘housekeeping!!’ hehe

amy jupin - i’m with ya meg. me need sleepy. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

angie - Thanks for the laugh, heavy heart today…no housekeeping!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - That mosaic is so pretty! That would be fun!
Have you seen the movie “How to Make an American Quilt”?
One of the characters was creating a whole mosaic wall made out of ceramics that she’d smashed over the years –

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - It’s the worst when your jet lagged and ill..hope you’re better soon!!
Gemma x - Red day! Awesome idea, why we don’t have that?

Kimberlee J. - Me sleepy, too. No housekeeping today. πŸ™‚

Trish - love tommy boy. thanks for the laugh. i felt the same way today, blah. how come when we have to go somewhere the kids are super hard to get out of bed, but when we nothing to do… they are out of bed earlier then they need to be? i will never understand that!

Amanda - Hilarious! go back to sleep… all the kids are in school! Yay!! (lucky)

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