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colors of today













i have a big box of 31 Bits here in my kitchen…getting ready to send out my invites.
it is GORGEOUS jewelry!
i am in love.

i am feeling better.
almost perfect.
guess that means i will have to exercise tomorrow……oh goodie.

and i guess at 6:07 i should think about fixing my family dinner.
i think cereal is sounding really yummy. 

mwmnioon - [url=”″] new nfl jerseys[/url]

dedoUsemGrott - Ich denke, dass es der ernste Fehler ist.

snusnemeala - Desidero incoraggiarvi a cercare un sito in cui molti articoli sul tema che vi interessa.

affenonex - Es ist die einfach bemerkenswerte Antwort

Beescerse - Entschuldigen Sie, dass ich Sie unterbreche, ich wollte die Meinung auch aussprechen.

Trina McNeilly - This is one of my fav things about your blog…. all of the gorgeous color. Love to look at it when things are a little gray!
x Trina

Allison Trammell - I have been blog stocking you for a year now 🙂 and i wanted to say thank you letting me have a sneak peek into your world/family/home 🙂 and i love your toe nail polish in this post! I’ve been looking for that color! where did you find it?

Diane - Love the colors of your pictures. The tea cup is beautiful. I always smile when I look at your pictures. Thank you! - So bright colors, very inspiring, I love the striped pot and of course the beads

Kelle - this made me happy. hope all is well! xo

Biz - I need that striped pot! It’s awesome!

Brooke - Love all the color — and the blue nail polish!!! Cute.

Lisa - That makes me happy! And I love the filled with joy print. I have it, too. 🙂

jeanne - LOVE the blue nail polish and that vintage tea cup is so beautiful.

julia - Love all of the yellow, red and blue.
You’re a bold girl going blue on your toes. I’ve been putting disco ball glitter polish on mine – maybe the tacky side of bold.

jaz - Oh Meg, you HAVE to participate in our little online photo challenge this month – Something Old and Something Beautiful – it would be wonderful to have something from you 🙂

Courtney - I will be purchasing some 31 bits for a couple of friends for Christmas! This is a perfect gift thanks for sharing! I read the blog and it was soo inspiring!
Invite me I only live 4 hours away 🙂 Or if you attend a K-state game let me know 🙂

Valerie - I love that you have cereal for dinner and admit it (heehee)!

Grace - Love he pictures! What kind of camera do you have?

Mindy Harris - i want to be invited. 😉 thank you for such pretty pictures today.
i am up to running 5K and am doing Komen for the Cure Saturday; super excited. found some a nike running tunes track and it really helps!

Heather - Beautiful colours! Hope you’re better very soon.

edie - your colors always inspire! glad you’re on the mend and so happy for you (a little jealous too!) of your fun in cali. can’t wait to see that quilt. i’m working on one too and am pretty sure yours will be done first. bought the paint and letters for ‘the sign’ over your bed at julie’s. too many projects–too little time.
love to you dear!

Irene - Meg – I just want to say thank you – I love your blog and today’s post helped me see some light on this rainy Dublin day.

Gemma - Thanks for brightening up my day Meg!!!
Gemma x

carols - Fun colors, glad you’re feeling better. Ugh on the exercise. Love the commenter suggesting YO-YO for dinner (you’re on your own)…never heard that, but DEFINITELY will be using it!

Katie - It’s so funny because it’s 6:06pm here, and I have no idea what we’re doing for supper either!

andrew jones - love the blog and the colors. keep on blogging. i must show my wife.

Julie - Your blog is so much fun!!!! Lots of Joy!

Beth - Love that jewelry!!!

Vera - Happy colors! I always feel creative after reading your blog. I should stop reading it late at night when it’s waaay too late to drag out a sewing machine or piece of paper ha!

Lorilee - Cool beads! I think I made some in my younger years! Awesome photos!

annalea @ our hartbeat - i want that tea cup. so awesome.

Dana Banana - All of these pics made me smile. Love the jewerly…so colorful and just plain happy.

Tara - love cereal for dinner….
love the colors in this post…
especially your blue toes!

jennifer - When I’m having one of those days we have YO-YO for dinner…
You’re On You’re Own.
Those are good nights! 🙂
Those beads look gorgeous. Gonna go check them out.
Glad you’re feeling better.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Magazine beads!!
I love your rainbow days.

Stephanie - Love your blog, you are so creative! Love the hat too, where did you find it? Or maybe you made it? And I had no idea that was Windex, had to go back to look at the photo again 🙂

Trish - You have got to tell us where you got that hat. The one in the first photo. love it!
that jewelry is very pretty! I think my sister has a bracelet from them?!

linda lou - i’ll take some of that jewerly asap………..(:
loved all the photos..blessings, lindalou

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love the Wheatfield print. Finally jumped on the band wagon and ordered my first one. I’m afraid it won’t be the last. Love your color filled world:)

Margo - I am glad you are feeling better and I too love the blue toes! I bet you are having tons of fun looking through your box of 31 bits!

Erin - Are you having a 31 bits “party”? If so, could you please contact me. Thanks!

Kimberlee J. - I feel happier just looking at all of this color. Thanks for the boost. I needed that. 🙂

Holly S. - I love the blue toes! 🙂

amy d - dang girl…you can even make windex look pretty!
can’t wait to see the 31 bits stuff! glad your feeling better!

Nikki - A few weeks ago I tried to give my family cereal for dinner… they thought I’d lost my mind… so we settled for baked beans on toast.
Love all the pretty colours… especially the blue toenails 🙂

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - my friend tenley recently did some modeling for 31 bits. their jewelry is gorgeous…
love all of the color in these pics. and i feel ya as far as dinner goes. those dreaded words, “what’s for dinner?” 🙂

Michelle - I love this post. . . your colors make me happy.

Amber - Love the hat in the 1st pic. I have to ask if you made it or if you bought it and where????

Brittany - You can never go wrong with cereal for dinner 🙂

laurenjean - Love the toenails !

Melanie - LOVE the bright blue toenail polish! 🙂

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