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winners, california and home.


winners for the lisa leonard necklace…..trish, vicki, alicia.  

email me your address girls.
thanks lisa! 


california was SUPER FAB.
i went with my neighbor amy who goes to cali all the time and knows where everything is.
our flight was lame…broken/not broken door….de-plane….re-plane…wait wait wait.
crazies sitting on all sides of us.
but we made it and arrived at julie's where dinner was waiting for us….need that recipe.

i took 4 pictures during my trip.
i wish i could show you all the happy colors of her home or the rainbow quilt i slept under or the painted starfish 
because you would LOVE every bit of it.
but i was having too much fun for pictures.

this is one of my pics….MY QUILT.
i made a little progress on it and while i was at photo sessions amy finished all the strips for me!
only 27 steps left before it's finished.  :)

i met so many fun people on my short trip!
julie's friends, her family and then all my fun family sessions.

the three of us shopped and talked and ate.
for three days.

we did not sleep.

and one night i cried a lot.  
i have issues people…now julie knows them all.
she could be my new therapist…maybe she could start charging me for email therapy sessions? 

and i am now in love with ben afleck after we watched The Town…in the third row.

i have a new love for starbucks, tommy lee, fight club and therapy dogs. 

we had every square inch of our teeny carry-on lugguage FULL.
and then at 3:25 AM amy and i drove to LAX….boo-hoo.
it was a bummer to leave.

i love blogland and all it's happy intersections.
i love julie and her family.
i love california.

i do not love the KILLER cold i came home with….it's brutal.

i love my husband because he can flawlessy care for his family without me…even come home to a clean house!
i love amy for being adventerous and FUN to travel with.
i love all my new memories of the third weekend of september.

now….back to bed for this sick sleepy mama.

north face clearance - Happy to see your blog as it is just what I’ve looking for and excited to read all the posts. I am looking forward to another great article from you.

clarice - hey janice d…….meg had not had enough sleep so give her a break besides as women we can cry anytime,anywhere and so on when we want ): you must be a really coLD person…..go meg(:

The Lady of the House - So glad you got away for a little “girl time”. Feel better & I’m totally lovin’ the quilt so far.
The Lady of the House

Dar - This So Cal girl would love to read about all of the cool places that you went while here. Also, sorry about the weather, we never really had a summer this year. Glad you enjoyed your visit!

Jennifer - Wow, you are lucky!! Last weekend, no kids and this week with girlfriends! How do you do it with five kids??? I have three and I get a night every once in awhile but I’m so jealous. I don’t even know how I’d act if I got more than a few hours… Can’t wait to see how the quilt turns out. I love the fabric.

Gemma - Hi Meg,
Glad your back : )
Hope your well soon X
Gemma x

melissa - YAY!!! You’re back!!!!

Jodi - Also crushing on Ben Affleck after seeing The Town! That shot of him doing pull ups? Um, Hello! And his voice was super sexy too. Glad you had a fun time in CA.
Hope you feel better soon.

Sugar Mama - Isn’t it awesome being married to a capable man! Makes being away that much easier… and special. Glad you had a fabulous time! And I LOVE the patterns of the fabrics you chose!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - This sounds so much like the week I had! Except for the CA part…

deborah@applesinwonderland - gotta’ adore a man that can bring home the bacon AND fry it up in the pan;) You know you picked up a nasty airplane virus? i think the airplane air is all from 1972 or 1974. truly. feel better:)

becki - Yay for girl time!

Anna Marie - CRAIG…I am impressed!
Meg…glad you had fun. Now get better so you can post more happy blogs. I missed them 😉

Mindy Harris - Glad you got to get away, Darlin’. We all need that every once in awhile and I can’t wait to do the same after my baby girl is “off the boob.” Ha.
Praying you will feel better soon. Your quilt is going to be just beautiful. Kudos!

Valerie@chateaualamode - Awww, take care Meg…sounds like it was a wonderful time! Happy for you to have some girl time…it’s important for us moms.

Trish - Did you hear me holler all the way from bush Alaska?!! You seriously made my day. I have been fighting with a nasty computer virus all afternoon so this was WONDERFUL news!
My husband can also flawlessly care for the kids, albeit there’s fewer here, while I’m away. And I LOVE that.
i’ll be e-mailing you as soon as I am sure my ugly virus is totally cleared up.
oh, and I have issues too. they’re not pretty.

PinkPeanutButter - Sounds like you guys had a great time!!! Love the quilt!

Julie - Hockey masks.

Margo - I am loving your quilt!! I hope you feel better soon!

Kat - Meg, you are not alone. I was crying in the car on the way home from school drop off today. I guess I have issues also.
Thanks for always keeping it real and making those of us who read your blog feel like we can share a little part of your life.
Oh for some girlfriend time, sigh. (I think that is part of my issue atm.)
No pictures means you were too busy living in the moment, which is fantastic!
I hope you feel better soon and am glad you got to get away and have me time!

linda lou - beautiful colors in the quilt (those are my favorite(:)………..glad you got to go to california and my prayers that you feel better soon. blessings,
linda lou

miss r - Girlfriend time is the best!

Nikki - Sounds like you had a wonderful time…. but, no pictures 🙁 Oh well, I guess you were too busy having fun (which is a good thing!) I love the colours of the quilt you are making.
Sorry to hear that you’re sick, hope you get better soon.

Jen M - When I come home with no pictures I know that I was truly living in the moment. And those are actually some of the best memories.

Conny - The girls get away weekends are always too short! But I can say I’ve done a few quickie trips to Minnesota for the girl time. :>) Don’t forget to visit Northern California some time ~ it’s like a different state than Southern Cal ~ who knows, you may like it too.
Love your blog. I’m a recently new reader.
~Conny in the Silicon Valley

Jess - Glad you are home, but so sad you are sick. Yuck! Can’t wait to hear all about your trip. 🙂

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - If the rainbow quilt you slept under is the one on her “Nothing Better” post, then I bought one just like it this weekend. My Target had them on clearance for $10. There was one left and I grabbed it and did a happy dance in the middle of Target— I kid you not— a happy dance! 🙂
Crying with friends over our issues is the best therapy! We all have issues! But it’s especially nice to have friends that still love you after they know your issues! 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Get some rest and feel better! I missed you while you were gone. I kept refreshing your blog… ::open, open:: like the Mervyn’s lady.
So glad you had fun!

Shauna - i just love you. you are a light to my day today.

jennifer - So glad you had such a great weekend! Good friends that let you let it all hang out are the best. Rare, but the best!
Love the fabrics in your quilt and I can’t wait to see it when it’s done.

Kari - I just adore reading your blog. You are such an inspiration. I cry a lot too but mostly lately b/c my grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. I try and think about the fact that she lived to be 88 and was well traveled and still living on her own and driving and everything. Not everyone can say that… But other times I think I cry b/c I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my life!

pam - So cool you could have such a fun trip/therapy. Bummer on the sick…sleep is good. I told my dad about Roy’s…his response, “oh yeah…been there, really good stuff. I think it’s been there for like 50 years.” “WHAT? How come you never took us?” “I don’t really is good!” I feel he failed me in my childhood. :o)

Staci - Your trip sounds absolutely positively awesome! Hope you are feeling better very soon! And yay for husbands who can take care of our family when we leave like it’s no big deal 🙂 I LOVE that!!!! And yay to the winners!!!

bobbie - I love Julie is a broken link. Love the quilt!

Andrea Howe - It was so great meeting you Meg. You are beautiful! I have a couple of pictures I will send you from our meet up, and I can’t wait to see the ones you took! Oh, and Art and I went to see the Town last night and have mercy, Ben Affleck is a doll, even as a bank robber. I put on Facebook this morning that he made me want to fall in love with a bank robber! HA! BTW, I have decided that after now having met you, I will no longer be a stalker, but actually leave a comment. If you hadn’t already guessed by my knowledge of your blog, I do actually read every post 🙂

Janice D. - Why so much crying. Stop being so dramatic. You have a wonderful husband, healthy children and you still have time to travel to visit a friend while your husband takes care of the children and your house. Give me a break and go cry for something that really matters.

Bobbi Jo - Totally crushing on Ben Affleck too after seeing The Town. You know it’s a good movie when you’re totally rooting for the bad guy.

Transparent Mama - Hope you said Hi to California for me. The quilt looks adorable.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - i already told julie, but i am super jealous 🙂
third weekend of september last year, we were there!

amy d - this whole post made me smile and laugh out loud! it was so much fun…EVERY BIT OF IT (except shrimpy car with no key fob!) i barely took any pictures too…just too busy having fun!
thanks for the awesome adventure….ABORT! ABORT! ABORT! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trish - Oh man I thought I was the winner of the necklace til I clicked on Trish’s name. Oh well 🙂
Maybe you could do skype therapy! More interaction!
Sounds like so much fun… One day I will be that adventurous and just fly off to cali for a weekend to meet people 🙂

Georgia - Hope you get well soon!
Sounds like a fun trip 🙂
Im Loving that quilt your making, very colourful and cozy looking 🙂
xxx Geo xxx

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