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vitamin awesome-ness

hi girls.

i haven't emailed any of you back yet with the address yet.
you have not been forgotten.

i am in california.

in julie's super fun house…eating yum-o food and getting ready for photo sessions.
i am having a great time.

when i get home to kansas i will respond to all the awesome emails!

i think together we are all a powerful force!
it's going to be AMAZING.

love you all for wanting to help.


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Melissa - Hey Meg,
Doesn’t God just amaze you sometimes with His awesomeness??? On Thursday my heart friends and I met and we were talking about how to do big things for the Kingdom, and how as moms of littles, we sometimes feel like we can’t. After all, the littles are our main mission fields right now and they just don’t travel well!(We have 23 children between the 9 of us) Then, I came home and saw your vitamin post!!! YAYAYAYAY!!! I was so excited to share w/my girls and now we are going to collect vitamins to send for the trip! Everynight as I’m passing them out to my kiddos I’m praying for those sweet babies out there, for who a vitamin is a treat. Thank you so much for making people aware of situations like this and offering easy ways to help! OK- now that I’ve rambled on… I need the address.. 🙂

melissa - ok, i’ve been patient enough.
i read your blog everyday and for three days there’s been nothing.
no new posts.
please come home soon!!!!!!
i need to see your bright pictures.
i need to be inspired by all the color in your world.
(are you a little freaked out by this comment??? LOL)
((i’m starting to scare myself))
i just really enjoy reading your blog and totally am missing new posts!!!!!
a very loyal follower

jaz - Yes, we will send some!!

Sarah - Your readers could request free vitamins using this link… Think of all the money they’d all save! 🙂

Meredith Salmon - My family thinks that I make the best meatballs after using Meg’s recipe. We love them.

Liz - You should do a cookbook. Just made the crescent chicken, and tomorrow am making the ham and half & half recipe. we loved the meatballs.
Could we just move in with you?

Heather Ferger - Where are you in KS? I am in the KC suburbs.

julia - now you’re going to have to go to the East Coast…to make things even.

Lori - Ooh, haven’t done a quilt in years. Sounds like you’re having a blast. Enjoy.

peta - have fun!

Laura - where are you in California? That is where I am!! Hope you are having fun!

Kelly - ahhh! have you ever sewn a quilt before. we love california! Kelly

april - YAAA hope you are having fun!!! The weather is perfect right now!!!

Holly - That sounds like a fun time. I’ll be right over…from DC!

Holly - have a fun time Meg!

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