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so i was feeling way tired this morning.
it was pouring and hard to get out of bed.

i dropped annie at school.
ran to the store.
went for a walk/run.  (wow…i was breathing like i was near death)

i started to clean out my cabinet of cookbooks.
in my cookbooks i found my jr. high year book.
and this:
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i am megan ranney.
if only we had that poster.
i am sure it was amazing…..because i knew so much about matches and hay barns.
i was 9.

the other treasure tucked into in my yearbook….
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i am not sure who the one on the left is….rob roy jr?
but the one one the right…
Kiefer Sutherland.
for real.
the year of the Lost Boys.
and Stand by Me.
it was big time.
my dad's friend worked on a movie with them.

then i found all these random pics today that made me stop and smile.

Michigan kids
my favorite pictures of my kids ever.




Photo 1553


i had posted this drawing here.


how do they change so quick?!

did you know that tomorrow is the 71st anniversary of the Wizard of Oz?
well….it IS.
i am having a little celebration here.
because it's ….it's….Dorothy!

we had a dog named Toto.

the end. 

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eds - Audrey Hett was a counselor of mine at some camp! (can’t remember if it was church camp or Tabor camp)

Heather - I loved your picture of the Kansas Safety Poster Contest winners. Believe it or not, I won the Kansas Statewide Safety Poster Contest when I was 11! I think it was 1986. I shook hands with the governor and Bob Dole was the Senator. He gave me part of the tour of the State Capitol in Topeka. Wish I’d kept my poster, too. I remember the title was “Make ’em Click”, talking about seatbelts. Fun memories for a little small town Kansas girl!

Christina - I don’t know what it was exactly, so many things, but I LOVE this post. And the picture of you and Craig is awesome.
Annie with the cat? I laughed out loud.
And your Wizard of Oz celebration?! I wish I were half the mom you are. πŸ™‚

pve - I just hate it when I neglect to visit. You tug at my heart, all these emotions, flashbacks and photos.
Wowie woman, you are awesome.

Laura - the picture of you and craig…the black and made me cry
I dont know why
oh that is a lie
yes I know why
I can see it so clearly
and now
I am such a crier

Holly - how cool is that postcard?! And the poster contest cracked me up….dont light matches around haybarns!

cindy - What a walk down memory lane you had today. We all need those every now and then,
This is my first time to your blog, I enjoy it. Will be back.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Love the photos!! Especially the one of you and Craig – Lovely!
Gemma x

Mindy Harris - I’m pretty much convinced you are the cutest family in Kansas! I have been thinking the same thing about my wee ones, who are 2 years old, and 3 months. My baby girl, Story, already looks so different from her newborn self. She’s got some mad buddha rolls now! Hehe.

Karen Lehmann - DUDE(ette) – SERIOUSLY – I don’t know which is funnier, the giant Margarita picture or the kitten strangling one – I’m still laughing…
xoxo your retarded photography friend in VA – K

traci in virginia - I’m with everyone above! I think it’s Iron Man!!! Haha! How cool!

Kelly - The piglet your husband is holding is SMILING!!!!!!
And then comes the strangled kitty…

jessica kiehn - holy cow that yearbook picture of you is TOTALLY Talby! it looks just like her!

the domestic fringe - My kids are watching The Wizard of Oz right now! Amazing pictures. You have a beautiful family.

Jennifer - OMG your son looks so incredibly pissed in the family photo! It’s still a good one, and yes, the one when they were all so little. Wow. I love pictures.

deborah - ahhh…and my dear sweet grandma–was a dorothy. i’m livin’ random. it’s either that or the self-diagnoses adult-onset ADHD. Oh look…a strangled kitty. poor sweet kitty. lovin’ your photography.

jaz - oh my gosh, the kittie getting strangled – perfect! priceless! gorgeous!

Michelle Rotner - margarita picture=awesome. you rock.

Eileen - I think it’s Robert Downey Jr. Makes sense as he was friends with Keifer Sutherland…

amy jupin - i’m giggling at these. especially annie choking the kitten and you and that margarita. let’s just say, i can relate to every single one. in a weird, almost eerie, way. thanks for the laugh today!

Jodi - LOVE the picture of you and Craig! Simply gorgeous!

beth - Oh I love that picture of all the kids too! Boy do they grow up so fast….you were a cutie also.
Thanks for always sharing a part of your family…I look forward to reading it everyday…

Sandy - Belated Congratulations on the poster contest! Not surprising since you are still such a talented and creative artist. I still say Talby looks like you (as a child) more than any of your other kids. They are all adorable though. Amazing how much Annie now looks like Talby in the old family photo.
You and Craig are so blessed. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

tara pollard pakosta - cute pictures!!!
look what a few years did to your kids, grew them all up way too fast!!!! Esp. your youngest and oldest, wow!!!! LOVE the one of them on the beach!

emily - oh, meg, your posts are the best. thanks for sharing.

Heather - Loved these random photos. Annie and the kitten is so great. The expression on both their faces!!

Michele - I think it’s Robert Downey, jr’s autography with Keifer’s. They were in the movie “1969” and it came out around that time. How could you forget RDJ?? lol
I remember the summer of 1989…my cousin and I snuck in the movies to see “Lost Boys”. *sigh* I still love that movie!

Taryn - So my oldest daughter, Tyah is pretty artistic……do you know how many times i have thought of you when i look at her drawings!?!?!? I was always so amazed at your artistic abilities and always remember you winning the poster contests!!!! I DO NOT remember being a part of this little contest and have always wondered where Tyah gets her artistic gifts. There are many days that i think shipping her to your house for a couple of weeks would do her creative spirit a WORLD of good! It seems like we could use a few boys around this house of girls….wanna swap a few for awhile!?!?!:) Love ya!:)
ps — the parted bangs are killing me!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I feel the same. Sometimes I just want time to stop…so I can stay in my perfect little bubble forever. Looks like you had fun going down memory lane.

Dawn Eshnaur - I know what you mean about them growing up so fast. I just finished bawling my eyes out after taking my son back to college. Where did the time go???? It’s a sad day for this mama πŸ™

Rebekah Brummel - THIS IS THE TRUTH my brother burned down our neighbors horse barn because he was playing with matches in the hay with their daughter. BARELY ESCAPED ALIVE (no horses died either) . To bad we didn’t have a copy of that prize winning poster!

Jessie - Annie + Cat = hiΒ·larΒ·iΒ·ous!!!

Shannon - Oh toto! Sweet little 3 legged doggie. Good night I look like a total cheeseball!!!!

Tiffany - Robert Downey Jr!!! Sweet!

Kimberlee J. - You and Taryn made the paper…poster girls. πŸ™‚

Michele - Great photos! The last photo in the background–your daughter has great shooting form!

Jaime - Death Grip on Kitty…
that’s what I would have titled this post.
I abt pee’d my pants when I saw that pic! Annie is sooo precious!
Love the randomness…

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - The black and white one of you and Craig… so stunning. Have a great day!

Dawn - I bet they were filming 1969 together – it came out in 1988 and parts were filmed in Savannah. That’s cool. I love RDJr. Seriously love.

Julie Weaver - I’m a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan, so I must correct you. The anniversary was August 12…eeek. I’m sorry to be such a know it all. I’ll celebrate again tomorrow so you are not alone.

Kristy - Megan–I remember that autograph hanging in your room! And that’s hilarious if that’s Robert Downey Jr and you had no idea–Nice surprise!!!

Elizabeth - I have 3 sons and 1 daughter and I think this is the year that I can talk them into the Wizard of Oz for Halloween!

Krista - Love the B&W one of you & Craig. Also love the one of your kids at the beach. Scott has a mohawk and Annie is so tiny! Awesome pics!

a pocket full of posies - Lovin’ your random…we think alike! πŸ™‚ and the Wizard of Oz…one of our all-time favorites!!! (even more so after we lived in Kansas!)

susan - you are the best Meg:)
ps…love your hair short:)

Amanda - The margarita pic and the kitty pic had me grinning. Boy, that would be cool if it were Robt Downey Jr, huh?

Kendra - Haha, don’t light matches near chicken coops either! My dad who grew up in SW Kansas burned down the chicken coop (population 5,000…survivors = 2) when he was a kid because he was burning weeds nearby, and a spark blew and ignited that fine dust in the air and burnt the place to a crisp REALLY quickly.

Marie Tere - Robert Downey Jr. That’s my guess.
As you know, Talby looks just like you, so evident in your old school picture. And obviously, whether you are making posters about hay or sewing, you have always been gifted artistically. It makes me smile thinking how your kids will have that too.
Annie and Sean look most alike, there was a pic a while back, I think she was pulling off her shirt during a craft project, I thought it was him!

Rebecca - Robert Downey Jr.!!!!!!!!

Amber - that baby pig is so cute! and lauren always looks so composed! πŸ˜‰

Lori - That’s Robert Downey Jr.’s autograph!!!

Ali - Oh, the cat killer one just slays me!!

Melissa - why is it that kids always hold kittens by the throat?
Cute pic’s.

melissa @ the inspired room - So much cuteness. πŸ™‚

Jennifer - I LOVE the photo of you and Craig. LOVE it. Love, LOve, LOVE IT!!!

Staci - Do you miss your long hair???? Just wondering…was tempted to cut mine off today….but I can’t part with my ponytail πŸ™

Staci - Oh man πŸ˜‰ I LOVE LOVE LOVE WIZARD OF OZ!!!!!! SO much so, that I named my Aga, Ruby, after the ruby slippers πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to see how you are celebrating!!!!!!! We had rain today too…and it was soooo nice after these 107 temps ;( Oh yea, and my Dad got a Tom Cruise autograph when he was filming some movie here in OK….my friends all thought it was super cool….I however, was weird, and have never been a huge Tom Cruise fan πŸ™‚ Have nooooooo idea where that thing is now;) Loved looking at your old pics though πŸ™‚

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