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best commercial ever….

Rose Ector - Hehe! That is easy! Love the look on the kids’ faces! Very successful pitch on the part of Staples. At that time of the year, we parents can have a good kick out of our children’s back-to-school distress.

Bruce Hershey - I’ve seen a similar TV commercial here in Toronto. I must say, that is one of those commercials that make the viewers go laughing and thinking at the same time. I mean, just look at the faces of those kids, dreading about getting back to school while their dad’s dancing around to low prices.

Heather - yes!! This one and the one with the little girl and Alice Cooper are my favorite ones this time of year. “I thought you said,’School’s out for EVER.'” 🙂

Laura - YES

Bernice - Hahaha I distinctly remember watching that when I was still in elementary school! It was a Friday evening the first time I saw it. My dad thought it was awesome.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Absolutely my most favourite commercial ever. I’m glad you found it. I may have to use it in a few weeks when its our turn to go back. Thanks.

Kerri - LOL i remember this commercial from when i was in school my dad LOVED it but i groaned now this makes sense to me 🙂

Lisa - haha funny funny funny

Maria - love it! had to immediately put it on my fb and tweeted it out…

Vicki Esh - Hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh!

Amanda Jo - This IS the best commercial ever! I nearly died laughing the first time I saw it. My son, Ethan, glared at me in disapproval. Good times…

Krista - Thanks! I haven’t seen this on TV this year yet and I always look forward to it at back to school time.

Dana Banana - It never gets old. Love, love it!

Victoria~ - I love this commercial! As soon as Target sets the back school section; this song plays comes to mind. kids grow up so fast but man, do I love when they’re gone for a bit…it helps to appreciate them more. lol…

Nikki - Hahaha… thats so funny!!! Thanks for sharing.

Gemma - I love that advert!! I’ve only ever seen in on Youtube…I wish they’d show it here in the UK!!
Gemma x

Julie - Oh that’s funny. We don’t have American TV so we miss all those funny commercials. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Stina - I agree! I laugh everytime. Then I remember that I’m planning on homeschooling and am instantly annoyed with everyone who sends their kids to school. lol. - That’s so funny, because I just saw this commercial the other day and thought ‘this is the best commercial ever’.
They play it year after year and it never gets old. It’s still as funny as it was 3 years ago.
Love your blog!

Jennifer - I so remember this from when I was in highschool. My mother lovedd it too! Looking forward to hearing how your day went. My kids have been back for two days and I still am adjusting. I didn’t sleep well at all the night before, so I took a little nap today. How lame is that! I love how you described that you are taking time to figure out who you are. Love that. I have a 3rd and 5th grader, and I spend a lot of time at their school doing stuff…trying to see them whenever I get a chance. My heart still aches for them even though I know this is where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing. It’s all hard!

Casey - Love, love, love it. So very true. My mom had 6 kids and rejoiced every year when she could say, “Early bedtime! Tomorrow’s a school day!”

Meredith - Love it! And we’re not even in holidays at the moment:) Good luck with getting all five lovely ones off one their first day. Do you have a “Tissues & Champagne” morning for all the kindergarten mum’s? We have that here and it’s a fun way to meet….over tears and laughter. “Laughter through tears – that’s my favourite emotion!” One of my favourite movie quotes ever. Meredy xo.

mary - hillarious!
almost as good as the geiko commercial with the pig hanging out the window going “weeee” all the way home!

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