Masthead header


i still have TONS of michigan pictures to share.
but i wasn't in the mood today.

talby is gone this week visiting my parents.
i miss her.
have i ever mentioned how much she cleans?
she cleans up all the time….seems to love it.
her siblings….do not.
not at all.

i took sean and annie for their school supplies yesterday.
what a difference to have only two along side me.
it was a REALLY nice day together.

annie got rainbow tennis shoes.
they are THE perfect shoes for my baby girl.

sara jane….loved running into you at target!


i am thinking of going back to no sugar again.
but i am also thinking about making julie's peanut butter fudge today.
or pioneer woman's blueberry crumb cake.


i am so happy that there is a drink i love at starbucks that is under $3.
Venti ice coffee.
$3 is better than $5.

(my weird logic that i doubt craig agrees with) 


we have XM radio in the surburban.
when i am driving it is almost always on Symphony or Pops.
if lauren is in the car it's on country.
and when i am tired of XM radio it's on christian music.
but my iPod is full of all kinds of music…..lots of everything.

AND we have been listening Micheal Buble radio on pandora….ALL. THE. TIME.
it's got a mix of modern and old.
it's a good one.


there are 24 days until school starts.
we have 23 things left on our summer list.
we had bettter get busy.

so… you have any questions for me?
i am feeling talkative.
or lonely?
whichever it is….now is your chance to ask me something you've been dying to know.
like "how did you get that lovely figure i saw in your video?"
answer: birthing 5 babies and lots of hostess cupcakes.

Lisa - Well, I’ve got a few questions for you….
-Where do you shop for your clothes/jewelry?
-Do you have a favorite outfit?
-Would you share what size in clothing you are? (I know very personal, but I think a lot of us would benefit from knowing!)
LOVE your blog by the way!!!

Colleen - Love your blog! I saved your kitchen before and after photos for inspiration for my own remodel. Love the wood floors, dark counter tops and white cabinets. My question is how much did your kitchen remodel cost. A ballpark figure would be fine :-)!

Michelle Whitlow - Love your blog!! I come here every day ๐Ÿ™‚ We were actually in MI the same time you were, only at different parts of the state. We were in southern MI visiting family & then went to Mackinac Island for a couple days. So I have a question ~ just wondering where you live. I mean, not your address or anything! But I thought you said Kansas one time maybe? Your street looks like such a family oriented fun place to be…esp after those block party pics you showed. I miss that. I want that again. We’ve been looking into different states we might want to move to. Just wondering if I should look into your neck of the woods!

Debbie S. - I love your blog and am wondering if you have ever had it printed into book form? I write one for our family and am thinking about having a book made for each year that I’ve posted.

midwestmom - My question is where did you stay on your Michigan vacation? My husband would love to go to Michigan. I want to thank you for the margarita recipe too! I’ve made it for my friends and they all love it! I love your blog and read it everyday.

Darcie L. - I love seeing a photo of your nightstand, with books, and just STUFF on it! I just cleaned mine out yesterday – it was full of books and foil (?) and “Your Baby’s First Year” (she’s two now) and even some noodles, journals, a set of coasters and scraps of paper. I thought, “You should clean this out. Your nightstand could look nice and pretty and neat, and not have so much junk in it.” So I cleaned out the drawers and moved all the junk to my bed in order to put it away, then it got moved to the floor, where it still sits.
Anyway, good to see that although you seem to have it all together with your kids and house and photography and family vacations, there are a few places in life that can just be cluttered and it’s okay!

Amy - I love your blog – even though I fear that you are a Jayhawk fan! ๐Ÿ™‚ Do you ever visit St. Louis? If you are ever in the area a few girls I know that read this blog would love to meet up with you!

Kori - You crack me up! I think your figure is great, especially for having birthed 5 babies-and if you love Hostess anything, GO FOR IT! Yummy!!!!!!
The big question on my mine is where do you get your hair cut, but it doesn’t really do me any good because I live in SoCal and you do not. Ay any rate, I love your hair and it seems to suit you perfectly!! Kinda funky, kinda classic.
You have a beautiful family…thanks for sharing them with us.

Melanie - I love your picture of all the books by your bedside. I am a book lover too.

donna - hi meg. thanks for your happy posts. they always cheer me up. i love michael buble too! i listen to pandora all the time – i bet you would enjoy joss stone – give it a try ๐Ÿ™‚
have a wonderful day (well night for me right now).

candace - whoa…can’t believe i missed this post yesterday.
1) because your lovely picture sparked this question and i am in a total back to school mood, what is your favorite chilren’s book? why?
2) what advice do you have for first time mothers?

Kristin S - I love that your bedside table looks just like mine. Tower of books and lip balm are crucial.

Kari - I have a question . . . how do you have such a strong faith? I grew up with no religion and my husband grew up in Catholic schools. We have been attending a non-demoninational church here since October and I LOVE it. I am learning so much about the bible.
But since I lived most of my life without praying, and feeling like I was a good person with strong morals, I still find myself questioning so much. I would love to hear your story!

CAROL B - wondering what is your tried & true and one of your favorite Dinner recipes? O and where did you get that beautiful red bowl?? Love your blog…you inspire me to be more of what I am?

Suzanne - Hi Meg,
Love your blog. I talk about you so often my family thought you were another mom at the pool during swim practice. I had to tell them no, I have never actually talked to you face to face – they think I need help! Phewy on them!!!! Anyways, where to you get your hair done and what products do you use. Your hair looks so sassy!!

candice - Ok do you and your hubby ever fight? You seem very in love and I love that! Thanks have fun with the millions of questions you have to answer!

Amy - Hi Meg,
I love your blog and wish I had more time to look through it. I LOVE all the color in your pictures and it amazes me how you can take pics of random things and make them look so amazing.
My question is this: A while back ago, you had mentioned someone who makes awesome purses. Can you post her link again or send it to me if you have time? I need a nice size purse and the ones on there seemed like what I was looking for, but I can’t find it again.
Also, I agree with a lot of other people: Thanks for keeping it real. With 2 kids under 2, I struggle with feeling like not a good mom, and it is just nice to read your blog and see how real you are willing to be with people.

Molly Pearce - Hello Meg! Do you have a quirky habit? I have some that most would think is *crazy*. just wondering!! And what’s your favorite book of the bible, mine is Esther. Have a great day!!
~Molly P

Susan - Can I ask two questions? What camera lens are you using these days? And where did you get the awesome granny square afghan you have in your family room?

Amy - Your blog is my favorite- hands down.
My question is- Does your blog have a search function? If not, could you add it? It is a little hard to find specific posts.
I emailed you a while back about a craft room. Do you remember? You are so cool for emailing back. Love that.
What is your heritage? I am part Italian and you look a lot like my family members.
How much TV do you let your kids watch, especially Annie? I have a 4 year old and it is a constant battle.
Your family is beautiful. You inspire me to be a better mom. And I love that you adore your husband. So cute.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love these random posts that you do. Isn’t it weird to enjoy learning so much about someone you’ve never met?? I like knowing the details. My nightstand looks just like yours. I’m in the middle of 4 books right now. Can’t remember the last time I read any of them. I really need to get back to reading.
Oh and I’ve lightened up on my no sugar thing too. But the problem is I’m seeing it creep in more and more. So I think that the NO part is imperative to me. I’m definitely a sugarholic!
Okay so question for ya. Why did you start blogging and how long ago?? This is a sidenote…I guess I’m feeling chatty today too…when we were driving home from Colorado I spent probably a solid hour reading through your blog. I read through your lists and looked through your recipes…drooled over your stunning home. That’s when you know you have an awesome blog when you can get lost in it. Just wanted to thank you. I read your blog before I ever started my own. YOU are what made me decide to try it for myself.

paige - love your bedside book stack
the love languages…i totally dig trying to figure out how my children are wired & what helps them feel loved the most. i sadly feel as if i fail at it on most given days.
i also have the praying scripture one, isn’t it purple hardback? LOVE to do that. so much power in praying scriptures.
when godly people do ungodly things….is on my list.
michael buble on pandora=bliss

Susan - Ok I will ask a question? I also have 5 kids and am expecting my 6th in less than 2 months. My oldest is 7. Do you Ever feel overwhelmed and you just don’t know where to start or finish? You seem to have it all put together and your kids are always so happy. I NEED to hear you say that you get overwhelmed, PLEASE~! The laundry , the cooking, the grocery shopping, the working, the crafting? Lately I have spent a lot of my time in tears because I just don’t know how I am going to be able to do it with a baby. I try to stay organized but there is a constant tornado of children messing it all up. So, please let me know if I am alone here and perhaps should start signing my kids up for therapy or is there anyone else out there like me?
Susan Wilke from Wisconsin

stacie - I LOVE your blog and feel like I know you. You inspire me daily. I always want to ask you questions. I really wish I could sit and have margaritas with you or coffee ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, right now I’m curious … what cameras do you use? Do you use your phone as your point + shoot? I’m struggling because I want to keep things simple. I forget my big camera on outings sometimes so my iPhone just has to do … that camera just isn’t as good. I’d love your advice on this issue!

Leonie - Meg I am just happy to read everything you right! you are a woman after my own heart… and I am already in my 35th year and have decided on 35 things before I turn 36 and head/hurtle towards 40!! ewwwwww. thanks for being so honest, I want to know are you coming to visit Australia……???? we are really nice/fun/relaxed etc and I would find the room to squeeze you all in, I am not crazy/stalkerish/or weird…. just a normal mum…. now I am not convinced that saying that makes anyone believe you hahahahah its late and I am tired I have to say ciao before I get silly, take care
Leonie in Aus

Heather - can you show us pictures of some of your favorite parts of your home. i heart your house and your style. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jaime @ Mamarazzi - I don’t have a question Meg… just wanted to say great post and wonderful pics.
Can’t wait to see Annie’s shoes!
We are in Arizona and school starts for us on August 9.
I have yet to do ANY shopping.
Wanna do mine?!

Stephanie - I loved the picture of all of the heart shaped rocks! My mom has always made a point to try to find one whenever we travel. I’m driving home from a solo Colorado trip tomorrow with 3 heart shaped rocks I found to surprise her with! Makes me ready to go home. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kacey - I still remember the pastel rainbow tennis shoes I got when I was a kid in the 80’s. Oh, how I loved those shoes!
Hmm, a question for you…what’s your favorite photography tip? (sorry, that’s the best I can do. It’s late and my brain isn’t functioning on full power!)

andrea - LOVE.LOVE.LOVE your blog!! I have lots of questions:
anything to do with photography and camera… I have a dslr and need a class on it!
where did you find rainbow ribbon??? we are doing a rainbow party at the end of august and NEED rainbow ribbon.
more specifics for the rainbow cake…

nancy - You seem to be very upbeat. ๐Ÿ™‚ Are you shy or quiet in person? Were you ever shy?
Have a good day!

Michelle - Australia - Hi Meg
I’d love to know how your blog came about. When? Why? As well as how. Is that too many questions all at once? Please keep up the posting. I love it!

Melissa - You have obviously lost weight and are really looking fit – are you just running to stay in shape or do you do the gym thing too? I have done the no sugar off and on for the last 9 years – when I start to dream about sweets I go back on:) God love ya for going off it again!
I only keep up with a few blogs, but your photos and “keepin it real” attitude make yours one of my favs – thanks

Kat - Woah Meg, that is a lot of questions for you!! I hope you are feeling chatty ๐Ÿ˜‰
Were you always this popular? :)Lol.
I would love all your best photography tips and info please.
Your blog, your house, your family and you (most of all) always ROCK!!

Danielle H. - Where, oh where, did you get your red EAT letters in your kitchen? I swear if you made them and sold them you would make a fortune!! You rock, sister!

angela - I love your blog! I don’t know quite how I stumbled on to it, but it is awesome. I check daily for updates – you are very inspiring and I know I’d want to be friends in real life with you.
I have a thing about wedding rings. Not in a materialistic way – but more a story behind the jewel or band. Is there a story with yours? Would you show a pic?
Thanks again for blogging!

melissa * 320 sycamore - Meg~you’re beautiful because you love life, plus I think you have GORGEOUS coloring that my pasty white skin would kill for. My question: do you take time each day for prayer/scripture/spiritual time, how do you make time to feed your spirit and relationship with God with 5 kids?

ann wegman - I just found your blog and I must say….I love it! Thanks for sharing your days! - Hi, Meg! Yes, I have a question ๐Ÿ™‚ Is your last name pronounced DERKsen or DOO-erk-sen or another way?
You make me smile.
Jacci (a sista in Ohio)

Rachel / cREaTe - i thought of 3 … โ€ข1. how do you plan your days? what’s your method for keeping your day productive [with or without kids]? i’m horrible with time management. โ€ข2. how did you & chicago jenny meet? ๐Ÿ™‚ โ€ข3. what’s the farthest place you’ve been, where someone recognized you from “whatever”? ๐Ÿ™‚
love your bedside table shot. i think those are the photos that in 30 years will be such an awesome sign of the times. ๐Ÿ™‚ love it.

Vera - I’m going to say ditto to I love your blog SOOOOOOO much!
Hmm, question… I asked Sarah (Clover Lane Sarah) this one too, because I never know what to do – do you interfere in your kids’ fights? Like if they’re bickering? Or if there’s blood? Or do you let them work it out?

Beth - Really? 24 days til school starts? That is not really what I wanted to hear ๐Ÿ™‚ That means I have less days than that! Yikes. Our summer bucket list has way more things left on it. I was thinking it was a great big fail, but I looked over at it and 9 things are checked off. That’s not so bad. But really? 24 days?

Katie - I think Waffle deserves his own blog. What do you think?
Can I come visit you?
PS – Your hubby is hot ๐Ÿ™‚

Alicia - I have lots of questions!
What’s your favourite thing about your house? Or your favourite item in your house?
How did you & Craig meet?
Did you plan on having lots of kids or did it just end up happening that way?
How did you become a Christian?
Is it hard parenting both a teenager and a kindergartner?
I think that is all I can think of… for now!

Molly - I have noticed that you don’t talk very much about your kids and school. Most stay at home moms I know love to help in their kids classrooms. I see that sometimes you help in Annie’s but seldom the older kids. Is there a reason for this? and do you plan on helping more in your other kids classrooms now that you have a whole day to yourself?

elma - Love your blog!! also the best blog in the world!!! Just wondering if you collect anything??? Did you finish the room you were painting??

susan - meg….love you love you love you..
and now a do you keep your hardwood floors clean?? not mop clean, but dust free…broom? swiffer? i know you do not like to vacuum:)

Heidi Hentze - Hi Megan, Love your blog, your positive attitude and creativity. I work with foster parents and I have referred some of them to your site to see the craft projects that you do with your kids. I love all the colour in your life! Do you have an e-mail that we can write to you at or does everything have to be publically posted? I hope to get a blog up and running but so far haven’t found the time, in the mean time I am photo journalling my every day. Thanks for the inspiration! Heidi.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. Honest to goodness, I thought to myself, “How can she possibly look so lovely whilst hurtling down a slip-n-slide?” Honestly. Truly.
2. I see a book in that stack and it makes me happy.
It seems I’m plum out of questions tonight. Maybe the sun burned them right outta me?

linda lou - michael bulbe i love his music and him also you’re talken cupcakes yummy (michael) (:

marci - can i just tell you that sometimes you get me through the day. thanks for being so real about being a mom and that it isn’t always easy. sometimes we just need to know that we are not alone in all this!
i want to know where you got those bowls in that top picture and i think you told us once before but i can’t remember…where did that picture come from in the background?
also i love that you use lots of color…sometimes after seeing all of the beautiful white houses out there i think i’m the only one left who loves a little somethin bright! then i feel like a loser like i’m out of touch and old or something.;D then i see your house and i know you are hip and cool so it lets me think that there is hope for me yet!

tasha roe - this has to be in my top 5 of favorite blogs. i should make a list of top ten, laminate it and carry it in my wallet. lolol
are you finished with your dining room and can we see pictures? ๐Ÿ˜€
since you designed your kitchen what advice would you give? i’m scare of putting too many cabinets in but i love all of yours. suggestions?

Shauna Howington - I love your blog and pictures! I do have a question for you. It’s a two parter, hope I’m not being greedy. ๐Ÿ™‚
I’m just beginning to get people to ask me to do photo shoots for them. How do you get over the awkward shyness of shooting strangers? I feel like I will be in a rush, instead of taking my time and getting the right pose etc. Ok, next question. When shooting groups, what f-stop would you recommend? Where do you focus? Oh wait, that’s 3, oops!
Have a great day!

Taryn - Hey girl! I’ve got a question…what’s the best gift you’ve ever given Craig?!?!? Ok, don’t answer this, i already know. The subject just came up this weekend with some other friends and it made me think of you!!!:) Oh how i could use a little dinner and girl conversation with you and the other Mrs. Jost. Think of you often! Thought the video was AWESOME!:) Way to be a “cool” mom! Love ya!

Jen M - I can’t stop thinking about #20 on your summer list: family pictures in a sunflower field. Where is there such a field and when do they BLOOM?

Mary-Beth - Meg, I love your blog and visit every day. I’m 28 and a new stay-at-home mom to my first baby, 5 week old WIlliam. I want to make a craft/art project that will capture all his sweet babyness (I know that’s not a word, but it should be) but isn’t cheesy. What do you suggest? I’m scrapbooking and picture-taking like a madwoman out of fear that someday I won’t remember all the details (his little curled toes when he sleeps, the shape of his profile when I’m feeding him).

Sandra K - Question 1 – I would love to know where you bought Annie’s rainbow shoes. My baby girl also starts Kindergarten this fall (sniff, sniff) and they sound right up her alley!
Question 2 – I am dying to have some fabulous family photos taken but our budget is almost non-existent. I also don’t have any good friends that are good with a camera. Any suggestions?
Love your blog, love your house, please keep up the super work!

Sally - Hi Meg – BTW – Love, Love, love your blog!
My husband is going to a work cookout and needs to take a dish – I always love your recipes, so simple and so yummy. Do you have any ideas. We are Brits living in America, so never know what to take.
Would love your ideas.
Many thanks.

jeana - Hello! I was wondering where you get you decor inspiration (I’m sure lots of places, but what are your favorites)
Also, I’m not sure how much you would want to share, but I was also wondering if you do the budget in your home? We have 3 boys, we home school, and I can’t seem to get my mind in budget mode when it comes to other things I like to buy like…hmmm well you know stuff on ETSY, or flea markets. =] Do you guys use a program for budgeting? Thanks Meg!

Kimberlee J. - Which Clooney movie is your favorite? Or were you a bigger ER fan?

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Oops I forgot to ask a question….What do you like most about blogging? What do you like the least? Is there something we don’t know about you that would surprise your readers? I should probably stop at three.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I’m having as much fun reading all the questions everyone is asking as I did reading your post today. What a bunch of fun ladies. I think you need to throw a virtual party : ) Wish I could meet everyone in person. I think it would be a good one.

Janelle - My question is where do you come up with ideas for decorating? Any specific websites? Also, do you ever sleep? You seem to be always doing SOMETHING but with four kids of my own by the time they go to bed I just want to go to bed!
I LOVE your blog. I find you so entertaining and full of new ideas (I made rainbow cupcakes last night) and yet you are so normal…loved your post of the messy living room. Thanks so much for sharing everything.

purejoy - as usual, lovely photos and massive comments. you rock.
and you use carmex in a tub. girl after my own heart.

Lindsay - Hugs from Seattle! You’re inspiring. My friends and I love your blog and would probably try to meet you too (like a post above said) if we were closer.
Questions: What did you want to “be/do” when you grew up? Do you think you would have enjoyed it?
What are your kids current answers to “I want to be…”? and what do you think of their answers (good fit to their personality, will grow out of it, etc.)

shelly - I adore you Meg! We live fairly close to each other and run in almost close circles. We have never met, however, I am certain, If I saw you in public I would shy away in awe of your celebrityness{um, yeah that is a word}

lifeologia - I was so excited about your no-sugar diet – that was the same time I started mine – I am still pretty good at almost 6 months (with some cheating) or I call REWARDING ๐Ÿ˜‰
You are such a bright inspiration for me. Keep up the great work.
And you look TERRIFIC ๐Ÿ˜‰

Catriona - What would be your last meal, death-row style?

Jessica - Do you have rules regarding modesty of clothing for Lauren? I have noticed she wears shirts under tube tops, etc. I think how she puts things together looks VERY good, btw!

Kat - Hee, hee Meg, did you ever get a lot of questions! I won’t ask you anything but I wished i could hear more about how the book, “Crazy Love” affected you. We read it last year, and it’s something that I still think about everyday in application for my life (i remember you posted it in a give-away or something). I love hearing how the Holy Spirit worked in others’ hearts through that book… It’s amazing how a book can make you feel both passionate/joyful and lonely for it to be a reality at the same time.

Deanna - I totally have my pandora radio on Michael Buble station too! ๐Ÿ™‚
Love reading your random posts! And of course the gorgeous pictures always. ๐Ÿ™‚

Susan - I would like to know what camera you use and what is yout favorite lens?

Karen - Hi Meg!
No questions. Just wanted to share how I love clicking your blog open on my reader to see what you have to share. Your mothers day post had me wanting to give you a hug. I completely identified.
Please add a summer “to do” on your list that is close to Olathe, KS so I could possibily see you and give you that hug. Is that scary?

Sarah @ Clover Lane - No question but have to say this… I laughed out loud reading the titles of your books…because in all that seriousness, inbetween “struggles” and “ungodly things” I see an IKEA catalog. And that’s why you are awesome.

Tiffany - Before I ask my questions, I want to thank you for a few things. First, the pictures of Annie made me realize I was being way too tough on my daughter over her clothing choices. Before, I would not hesitate to make her change her clothes if she did not match or wasn’t what I considered “appropriate” for whatever we were doing that day. But now, because of you, I have let go of the expectation that she should dress exactly the way I want her to, and as long as she has on clean clothes and doesn’t try to wear flip flops to school when it is snowing, she gets to make her own fashion decisions. This has been a HUGE blessing to both me AND my daughter.
Next, thank you for showing the good, the bad, and the ugly and not trying to give the impression that your life is a fairytale. Honestly, those types of blogs only make me feel bad about myself. The fact that you are so “REAL” is what brings me back to your blog everyday. ๐Ÿ™‚
And finally–for your mom’s margarita recipe. It is hands-down the best I’ve ever tried and now I make them all the time!
Now my random questions: 1. What type of cell phone did you end up getting? 2. At what age do you think a child/teenager should be given a cell phone and what is your reasoning? (my daughter is OBSESSED and I think she is way too young) 3. When and how do you find time to go to the gym?
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!!

Bec - What is your go to lens for shooting pictures? What lens would you want to add next to your camera supplies?

Sally Mangham - Hi Meg, Did you decide to use Photoshop or Photoshop elements? Which one did you chose? Have you had a chance to try it out? If so, I heard the learning curve is steep. What do you think? Thanks, Sally

julia - When you read Michael Buble really quick do you ever think it says “Bubble”? I do.
When you look at your feet do you ever think you have six toes? I do.

Lane - First of all… look GREAT! I’ve had one baby (he’s 22 months) and wish I could look as good as you! You are rocking that mom suit, for sure!!
I love that red and white bowl!
I LOVE your blog! It’s definitely one of my favorites. I love getting ideas for kids and although my son isn’t there yet, I keep these ideas hidden away for when he is! Thanks for being so open and honest!!
I’d love for you to share a new dinner recipe! I’m trying your lasagna next week and can’t wait to try it. I’ve been married for four years and I’m always in a dinner making slump. I feel like we eat meatloaf and mashed potatoes every night. I’d love to get some ideas for EASY and family friendly dinners!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Edie Steinmann - Hi Meg! I’m Edie from Georgia, 29, married to the only boy I’ve ever dated, and mom to a 2 year old and 6 month old. Do you have any suggestions for daily devotional/bible study type books for moms? I’ve been reading your blog for several months, and I always look forward to new posts!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - oooooh, I’d like to know what’s in your camera bag, too!
Not really a question, but it’s been awhile since you posted a recipe. I’m running out of summertime meals, and need a boost! Got any good recipes to share?

Stacia - I love you and your blog too. Like a lot of people on here, I wish we could know each other in real life. ๐Ÿ™‚ My question is: how much time do you spend on your personal appearance? I only have 3 little ones…but it seems like I am always wishing I looked as cute as other moms – like you!

Jennifer - I want to know more of you love story…basically all of it!

Jennifer - Meg..can you tell me what size are the pillows you make? Do you get your material and pom pom fringe online? Where do you get your pillow inserts? Also- can you show us a picture of what you did in your dining room? I love your blog!!

sara jane - Hey! we loved running into you at target as well…possibly we could go together when school starts minus kids?! Could we dream that big? ๐Ÿ™‚ Please be sure to tell Annie that Ellakate calls her ice cream notebook the “annie notebook” I think i should have bought 12 more ๐Ÿ™‚
sara jane

Meaghan - I love your “random” photos posts. And I think you look great in your mom suit and like you are having so much fun in the slip ‘n slide post! I have a mom suit, too, but I still look like I am 8 mos preggers in it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ My hubby says I should go off the diving board and not care what I look like, and your video has inspired me to do so. It’s about having FUN and not worrying how we look (although like I said, you look very cute in yours!). Thanks for the reminder.
Okay, sorry.
Here’s my question- How do you paint the wood trim in your house, do you use primer or sand it first? We have a similar old house and I am ready to paint some of the dark wood! Can’t wait to see your dining room reveal!

Danielle @ Transforming Home - Love your blog – I read it everyday, rarely comment. I have one simple question – where did you live before Kansas? Did I read in the Chicago area somewhere? We live in the western suburbs – just wondering. And did you have a nice, old house like you do now? Or was it more cookie cutter?

virginia - meg, do you talk with an accent since you live in kansas?

Leigh - Hey, me again (Leigh). I asked you about teen-agers. I meant to also ask you about wether Lauren knows you were a pregnant teenager? How did you explain it to her? How do you discuss sex with a teen-ager? I realize these are really personal questions and I DO NOT want to violate Lauren’s privacy (or yours)at all, so I understand if you need to tread lightly or steer clear of these issues. I’m just curious and scared! Thanks for always keeping it real.
FYI — My kids are 8 and 10. So Lauren seems alien to me. Your Annie stories break my heart in a million pieces. How I crave that age. I cried like a baby when she graduated from pre-school. Those were my favorite years. I’d do anything to go back in time.

Niki - Hi Meg! I was wanting to know if you are planning on running any more races? I just committed to run the 10 mile turkey trot and the longest race I’ve done is 2 miles (though I’ve run longer distances than that!). I’m scared to death!!! I find myself bored to death with my play list lately…what music do you run to?

Sarah Mahan - What’s in your camera bag…what brand of camera do you own…what lenses do you use???

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - love this post. i have a question! i love your photography. have you taken classes? or are you a self-taught talent? do you edit your pictures? what are some of your favorite effects/edits?

tara pollard pakosta - I just adore your blog, I truly do!
and I LOVE all these pictures!!!
totally AMAZING!!!!!!
LOVE your collection of heart rocks!
what are all your kids full names and why did you choose them?! that would be a COOL post! along with a recent photo of each child!

Julie - Want to know another reason to love the iced coffee? If by chance you have a leisurely afternoon to spend at your local (ha!) starbucks, you can get a refill of iced coffee for only 50ยข. Or you can drink it crazy fast and get one. Either way… yay for iced coffee and spending less money there.

Amanda - Is the “Praying the Scriptures for Your Children” any good?

Stephanie - are you going to answer the questions? ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa - I too love your blog ๐Ÿ™‚ I admit though, sometimes I only look at the photos. (the best part)
I have a running question…I know a few times you have mentioned running. I used to like to run many years ago (10-12) I want to get back into it now. I actually want to run a 5K. Any tips for getting started??

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - lovey love love that last line. you are hysterical!
ummm, you MUST show a picture of the rainbow shoes.
is the iced coffee sweet? Or do you just get black iced coffee?

Angie - rainbow shoes! perfect. My daughter would love them, too.
My question: when do we get to see your dining room?

carrie - Do you use a photo editing software package?
Can you give any photo tips?
Do you sleep? Because I really don’t know how you do it all.
Can I come and be part of your family? You are such a fun, real family. I love it!

Danielle - I like your logic about a $3 coffee instead of spending $5. And I know my husband would not see the logic in it, just like Craig. My hubby’s response would be “there you go again, spending money to save money”!

Donna - My question is random, for sure, but was happy that you asked that today!

Do you have a recipe for your rainbow cake?? Or is it just yellow/white cake with food coloring? I have not looked back through, but I wanted to make it for my kids!

Also, Thank you for writing about things that I can totally relate to…you get to do all the things I hope to one day! When I quit my corporate job, I want to follow my dreams like, become a “real” photographer, buy/sell primitive antiques and do fun things with my kids! Thanks for the continued postings of what we all consider “normal”!

RLG - LOVE you, Meg. Tell me how to get Claire to go #2 in the potty. She has roughly a month to nail this otherwise preschool is off her things-to-do list! LOL She pees fine, what’s with the reluctance to poop??? xoxo

Teresa - What will you do now that all your kids will be going off to school?

Jemm - My 11 year old daughter has spent the ENTIRE morning cleaning her room. Voluntarily. As in swiffering and sweeping out the floor of her closet. Then she asked if she could vacuum the downstairs. Do you think she was switched at birth? Also, where does one find rainbow shoes? We’re going back to school shopping with Grandma Thursday and they sound adorable!

denise - My question is where do you get your photos printed, I know that you posted it once, but I can’t find it. Thank you and I love your blog, cause you make feel normal ๐Ÿ™‚

Kelley - I saw a Love & Logic book on your nightstand! I love that series and have found it has given me back so much patience that I thought was gone forever. Are you finding the teen L&L very helpful?

Lisa - I think I like your blog because you seem very real. You share the good, bad and ugly! It makes me feel more normal! I want to know how you handle chores in your house? And how you discipline? Consequences etc. I feel like sometimes I get stuck trying to figure out what good consequences are for the daily repetive issues. Like forgetting to do chores, or eating in their rooms etc. I’ve got 4 kids and am always looking for new ideas! ๐Ÿ™‚ (I can’t remember if you’ve ever talked about these things)

Suzanne - I just love your colors on your blog and also the books you are reading…found you on my lunch break blog hopping around…

Barb - I have a question! You said you got a new camera. What did you get? I’ve been dying to know…

Georgia - ****Questions!!!***
I really want to know your initial first reaction when you realised you were pregnant with Lauren…
Whats your favourite Movie?
And…is there any country in the world you would like to goto, that really interests you?
(I love that you have the Ikea catalogue in a stack of books, im currently flicking through the Ikea brochure dreaming up a new bedroom design…)

Jodi -

Lori - Meg, you make me laugh. And cry with you at times. Like all these other commenters, I feel like I know you. Two questions, when do you think you will go back to Africa? and if you had to take someone dinner (they are sick, or just had surgery, or a baby…) what do you take?

Jodi - Hi Meg!
Your blog is awesmome as always. What is your favorite U2 song and why?
Peace and blassings to you,

Anna Marie - Have you ever had a blog reader randomly show up at your door and want to meet you? If I lived close to you I think I would. Because I like you that much. But not in a creepy, stalker way. But just because I want to meet you in real life and be able to say that I met Meg Duerksen. And I would probably ask to see your awesome house and take my own photos and then do a “behind the scenes” post on my blog. Kinda like MTV Cribs! Bahahahah…….
I know you probably don’t consider yourself famous but to many of us in “blogland” you are. What does that feel like? Are you “weirded” out by that?

seb - I love your blog. It’s a fun place to land each day! ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you take a lot of pictures and was wondering how you organize them all? Do you digitally organize them or print them off each month and put them into a photo album? Just curious as I love to take photos too but stop short of any organizing technique.

stephanie - Hi Meg-
My name is Stephanie. I live in Chandler, Az and read your blog daily. Once you even sewed a pillow for me…it is on my daughters bed. We love it!
I was wondering how your attic space is coming along? I think once you had said you were going to start renovation/decorating it. I LOVE everything you have done with your home! Just wanted you to know that your blog makes my day:) BTW my friend gets that drink from Starbucks every morning. Did you know that they will refill it for 50cents? Who knew?
Have a great day:)

Gemma - Hi Meg,
I have a random question to ask you. You take so many pictures and I was just wondering if you keep all of them or delete quite a few? If you do keep them doesn’t it take up so much memory on your laptop?
Weird question I know but it was something that crossed my mind : )
Gemma x

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I gave up sugar for lent. And I liked how I felt off of it. But I can’t seem to get a grip on it and do it in moderation. Yesterday I gave it up again. I’m not sure for how long.
When you go off sugar, do you go all out and do ANYTHING that remotely has one pinch of sugar in it, or just do sweet dessert type stuff?
For me, lent was more about the tendency to need a dessert every time I ate a meal, so I didn’t even eat sugar free candy, weight watchers desserts, etc.
This time around, I’m just doing the no real desserts with real sugar thing. Sugar substitutes like sugar free stuff is OK.

Melissa - Hi Meg! I love following your blog. You inspire me to find time to be more creative- I love it! I am a friend of Amy Jones’ from high school and was lucky enough to stumble upon your blog and have been hooked ever since. I have to admit I copy some of your ideas- I love them! Thanks for sharing your life with us. Keep up the great work!

Heather - You are so funny. I love the random pics.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Ok – I agree w/ Leigh… any ‘ten’ ager adivce is welcome. Sweet Baby J and I are entering uncharted territory and I can feel myself wavering all over the place.
And – so, what kind of friends are your favorites? Is that a weird question?

Lindsay - This is a randon question…We are heading to my parents house in a week…and they live close to Chicago and I was wondering where you were when you saw the filming of Transformers 3? My son is beyond obessed with them and would love to go up there for a day and check it out! You can email me at!!
Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚ Or maybe I will just email you!

Leigh - I have a question… What’s it like to have a teen-ager? They are a mystery to me, and, honestly it scares me to think that one day there will be two under my roof. It kinda breaks my heart. I’m really interested in Lauren and what makes her tick and her relationship with you and Craig. What does she do for fun? Who are her friends? Does she have any idea what she will be doing in the next 5 years. Any advice? Thoughts? (I hope I don’t sound creepy — I”m just wondering about teen-agers in general.) Thanks! xoxoxoxxo

Staci - Oh man oh man do I wish I could kick the sugar habit!!!! Sooooo hard!!!!!!! And I just love this post!! I think I love anything you talk about!!! I’ll have to think up a question…but right now, I gotta go get kid #1 from golf camp!!!!!!!!!!!

becki - Hi Meg,
You mentioned before you use Picnik to edit photos.
Any favorite features or tips you want to share?

Sheila P. - I’m wondering how your dining room turned out? I’d love to see pics. Your blog makes parenting seem fun. I am a mother of four, and today I am wondering if that is an illusion, a camera trick or what?

Tara - decorating:
where do you go for decorating inspiration?
where do you find most of the things in your home?
you seem very “real” about your parenting. you love your kids and you seem to do a really fantastic job training, raising, leading them.
what’s the ONE HUGE PIECE OF ADVICE you would give on raising teens?
we’ve worked with students for 11 years…church student ministry for 9 and college ministry for the past 2…
it’s easier to be part of the leading process when they aren’t your own. (this bothers me about myself!!)

katie - you are adorable and look fabulous for having 5 kids!!!

Hannah - What kind of camera do you use?
p.s. No sugar diets are overrated anyway:)

Christy - Love your blog. Also, I have three of the same books as are in your stack! I must be cool like you!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kimberly - Hmmm…I cannot remember how I stumbled onto your blog, but I am sure glad I did ๐Ÿ™‚ I love your photos, your honesty, and your COLOR. Color is my battery. I enjoyed your Chicago pictures and told my husband – see, there is hope! She’s traveling with FIVE kids and we only have THREE! We just need to wait until they are older ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m looking forward to your Michigan pictures – my family is from there – although we moved to California when I was five – but I hear it’s gorgeous. Oh, so my questions: How did you meet your husband? How old are your kiddos? What is your favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite blog?

jamie - laughed outloud at the last two lines of today’s post. you are a funny gal. so very funny. i think we would be friends in real life.

nicolle - I still wish you would do a photography info post. I’d love to know your “take” on photography, your lenses, how you edit, etc. Just a little info. I love all of your photos, always! Please share any info you are willing to share…..thank you! Love your blog!

angela - How do you make it work parenting Lauren and then all the little ones? My sister is trying to parent two teenage girls and a three year old…It’s tough!

Deanna - Can I pretend you’re my friend?! (hello…psycho!) ๐Ÿ™‚ And thanks for introducing me to Piece of Cake (another great friend o’ mine) Let me just say that many of us out “here” really rely on you ladies to tell it to us straight and make us feel less crazy than we do. (or maybe that’s just me?!) It’s great to know you’re (I’m) not the “only one” dealing with this life stuff. Question: how do you feel about putting it all out there? And how is your house so clean!! Thanks pal…. (wink, wink)

Laura Lee - Are you reading all those books at the same time!? That’s what my nightstand looks like but they are mostly books I’ve read that I’m skimming back for my favorite parts…. favorite book of all time? I’m going camping in September and I need some ideas ๐Ÿ™‚

Celia - Hi! I don’t have a question, but wanted to say that I love following your blog! I can’t even remember how I found it a couple of weeks ago… one link… led to another link… to another link. I really enjoyed looking through your house renovation… my husband and I are in the process of renovating a 75 yr. old home now and hopefully will move into it soon. I cannot imagine how ya’ll did it while living there… and with five children. You must be super mom! ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep up the great posts…. and by the way… if you love PW’s recipes as much as I do… then we must be some sort of long lost sisters or something! HA They add inches to the thighs!! Take care and have a great day.

Tere - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Pandora. Music fills my house this summer, so much better than Spongebob and that Phenius dude.
Question 1: How’s the dining room? Can’t wait to see BEFORE/AFTER pictures.
Question 2: What are your plans for your upstairs room? I remember seeing the pictures from when you first moved in…ahhh, the potential.

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic - I love your random posts with random pictures and random insights into your life. I too love the Michael Buble pandora station – it always puts me in a good mood!
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if fatty and sugary foods made us look good and leafy greens and turnips made us gain weight?

Lisa - Hi Meg! I don’t have a question, just a compliment for you. You are one of the most “real” people that I am lucky enough to “virtually” know through reading your blog. You have no pretenses and you love your God and your family. I remember what it is like to have kids running underfoot that can sometimes make you crazy, and 10 minutes later can make you thank God for them. It’s a whirlwind ride of a lifetime, but you are enjoying all the special times, good and bad. Thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for all the time you spend on your blog.

Sugar Mama - I DO have a very random question for you. I’m in the middle of trying to add color… LOTS of color to my house. Do you have a “theme” so to speak when you decorate? Do you stick with a color palette? Or are you random and just hope it all works?

Rebecca Kriner - Meg- I love your Blog SOOOOOOO much! You inspire me every day!!! I can’t wait to read your posts!!!! I’ve never made PW’s Blueberry Crumble, is it good? Her chicken spaghetti recipe is probably my favorite, although there are so many chicken spaghetti recipes!

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