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so crabby

thought you could use a visual picture of my crabby face.

this 100 degree temperature has kept my kids IN the house next to me ALL week.
and 75% of the time they are fighting….makes me very on edge.

the thought of basketball tournments for two days
that keeps my son playing at 10 o'clock at night..home at 11:00 PM….
that makes me crabby too.

the fruit flies that have taken over my kitchen….super crabby.

the cat sneaking into my bedroom shedding all her nasty cat hair on
 MY pillow…makes me crazy.

going to the grocery store twice this week and still having nothing to eat….

buying ice cream bars for desserts (because i am trying to be a nice mom)  
and coming downstairs in the morining to kids eating them before breakfast…..don't get me started.

missing my best friend that i had to myself for 7 days and still so much we didn't talk about….CRABBY.

the laundry….OH THE LAUNDRY!!!!  it multiplies and grows like fruit flies.

my lazy body….finally ran again this week after much too long of a break….
got a migraine as soon as i got home.  
thanks body!! i try to do the right thing and you pay me back so nicely.

people who hurt my feelings.
or i should say people that i LET hurt my feelings…….why do i do that?
why am i so darn sensitive?
sometimes i wish i was like a man and could say "that sucks" and move on with my day.

AND i think that is enough whining.

i will now ACT like a guy and say "i'm fine" and then go fix something…or mow something.


more coffee.  some chocolate.

i will be fine.

tune in monday for happy meg


Melanie - I hope you feel better now. I have been on vacation and am visiting my blog friends. I know that I am way behind but sending you hugs.

anne c - oh and p.s. THIS IS A BIG *HUG* we all need it sometimes…well me, OFTEN!

anne c - just wanted you to know I think you are awesome crabby Meg..and real..and awesome (did i say that already?) and a great mother and keep up the great work. I need your inspiration weekly….

Jemm - I totally know what you mean! Men don’t have all these…hormones. At least that’s what I’m blaming my crabbiness on today!

Garner6389 - I read your posts nearly every day.The heat can get to you if your not used to it.I live in the desert and treat the heat with caution.on the other hand I can plan a bbq a month in advance knowing that it will not rain.

Carol - I have a sneaky suspicion that we are living the same life!

Amy - Thanks for making me smile. Not because you’re crabby, but because it reminded me how we are all unique creations of God, but we all share common emotions. Can so relate to your post.

Mrs. Jones - Isn’t summer great! I look forward to it and I dread it all year.
I finally figured out how to get rid of those darned flies. Here’s how I did it.

Shar - If you get this far, it is okay to be crabby. Everyone is telling you that. It makes me love ya even more that you are so real and honest and not trying to put on a show for us out here in blogland. Even your crabby post brings joy to us. So, just know it doesn’t matter, like good friends, we are here for the long haul. Happy this week!

Kacey - I’m with you on the crabby. Heat + humidity are miserable. I hope you had a better weekend!

Julie - I would add peanut butter to the chocolate and coffee list…but you know, thats just me with the hershey bar and peanut butter jar today when I too, was feeling CRABBY….then I’m just going to feel more crabby when I step on the scale tomorrow. OH WELL! this post is why i love your blog.

Linda - Some days are just like that! Hope the chocolate and coffee help. I think sensitivity often has a undeserved bad reputation. Maybe one reason that might be is because it makes others feel uncomfortable for being jerks.

Holly - oh Meg! I am so feeling ya! We have one week of Summer vacation left and I think I am honestly ready for the school year to start! As for those darn flies I can’t stand them!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I ended up on a blog site for decorating and there were easily 30 decor, remodeling and design blog sites and at the very end….of course was whatever. I smiled, because I thought now this blogger i will probably like if she has meg at the bottom of her list. Today’s post is the reason why so many of us come back day after day. Thanks for making me smile, and making me feel like I’m normal : P…at least most of the time.

Kim Howell - my daughter says.. I look like you in crabby mode sometimes.

katie - this is why we love you…

susan woodward - love you Meg!!!!
good to know we all get like this 🙂

christine - it’s good to know that feeling is not just me
great post
i feel so much better!! ha!
not sure if it was intended for that
but i sooo relate!
what’s the deal with fuit flies this year?
i left a half full glass of wine out
and they loved it!
carry on!

seb - Sorry you are crabby…if you don’t have it already, put on the David Crowder Band’s song
“Oh Happiness!” It’s a great mood lifter for everyone. 🙂

purejoy - wow 65 people building you up. you hardly need encouragement from me.
but i hear ya.
cat hair on my pillow would PISS ME OFF, not just make me crabby.
thanks for reality view from chez you.
hope next week is better.

Kirsten J - Awww…see that’s what we’re all here for. You keep us entertained here and there (or, gosh, daily) and if you’re feeling crabby, come and vent a bit and we’ll lift you up. And tell you about the vinegar in the little dishes (you can leave a pretty big hole in the middle of the plastic wrap- I hate to see them prancing around the top). We never get hot weather here in Seattle, but lately – whew! and I just said to my husband, “I never have fruit flies! and the bread molded in 2 days! and the tomatoes already are rotting – how do people in the South do it?!?!?!” Hang in there, and I’ll be expecting Happy Megan tomorrow 🙂

Krista - That’s why we all love you, you keep it real!!

Jill - OK, I’m sure people have given you fruitfly advice by now but mine doesn’t involve rotting fruit on your counter and it works like a charm. Used it just two weeks ago. Jar, water 1/3 full, squirt of dish liquid, splash of vinegar. Plastic wrap on top, rubberband around the neck of jar, two small holes far apart so the buggers can get in but not out. The vinegar attracts them, the dish soap kills them. Took 24 hours and my house was bug-free.

Stephanie Carroll - Hi Megan
I too am super over sensitive to the point of annoying. This helps me. Memorize it. Say it out loud when you need to. Chant it if you have to 🙂
A (wo)man’s wisdom gives him (her)patience. It is to his (her) glory to over look an offense. Prov 19:11

Trina McNeilly - Oh all of that does/would make me crabby for sure and all at once no doubt. And I so wish I could be more manly in that kind of sense. I hate being so sensative too and over thinking everything. Chocolate and coffee ALWAYS help.
ps- HERE is a way to CATCH FRUIT FLIES!!!! Get some red wine (Grape juice kinda works too) and put it in a juice cup. Cover the top with saran wrap with a rubber band. Poke small holes through the top (like with a toothpick) but not too many. Basically so they can get in and not out. And put by your fruit. I’ve caught like 20 at a time. Good luck!

Jenny - Makes me feel better about the fruit flies…we got back to Wichita after 2 weeks in Colorado and fruitflies and overtaken my kitchen! YUCK!

Lorie - I hope you are in a better mood soon! I think whoever offended you should get a special gift…a visit from your fighting kids. A nice LOOOOOOONG visit! ;D

Margo - I love that you are so open and honest! Sounds like you need my “happy plate” – my co-worker took a paper plate and cut eye holes and drew a very nice, very happy face on it, added hair and put it on a stick – they call it Happy Margo and it is for me to use on days like the one you are having today!

Vera - Aw I’m sorry, I have been crabby this whole week – and most of my reasons were the same as yours. Hope you wake up feeling renewed tomorrow!

Kat - meg, you are absolutely my favorite blogger.

krystall - Ditto over here to all of it!!! I vote for year round school:)

Kat - Aww hugs to you Meg and your crabby face, lol.
You crack me up. Love that you are so real!!
Hand up as another sensitive soul here and letting people upset me.
I think it makes us better people to be sensitive?! Maybe? Somehow?
I hope today is a better day for you.
I think the reality of getting home after holidays always takes a bit of adjusting too.
I am just so envious that you got 7 days with your closest friend.
Wish I could do the same, but mine lives too far away 🙁
Hows the holiday list going?

amy jupin - you are so not alone in this–i promise you i was just about to post something very similar on my blog! too many kids in the house, too much mess, stepping on cracker and pretzel crumbs, tripping over stuffed animals, too hot to do anything!
but then, i sat down with another cup of coffee and started to remember that staples commercial with the mom skipping down the aisles of school supplies while the kids pouted and i smiled sooooo big. two more weeks!!! horrible?? maybe… but totally the way i feel?? you bet!! (and john is leaving all next week on business too! bahhhhh)
and what the crap is that with the fruit flies all over the place???? just one more thing for me to be all cranky pants about.

Nikki - We all have those days/weeks… we’d be lying if we said we didn’t! They’ll be back at school soon and then you’ll be missing them… and when it’s winter, you’ll wish it was summer again…. heat, fruit flies and all 🙂 It’s winter here and I wish I could go swimming!

Joni - OH, HONEY…this week has had some crabby moments for me, too. Well, let’s see Miss Meg: vacations are a LOT of work for mom, as are photo shoots for the family, you did both. Then, you had a glorious relaxing time in Michigan (so glad you liked it here!) and then you drive home, and BOOM!!! Back to reality and all the WORK WORK WORK that mom gets to do once vacation is over! Soon school shopping begins, too right? So you’re allowed this crabby time, in my book! I like you any way you happen to be, crabby or not!

Jess Mead - Oh my! I have those days, but I’m not so sure I’d be brave enough to take a pic of myself. I don’t look as cute as you do on crabby days! Hope tomorrow is better. 🙂

Beth W. from Dirty Laundry - I think the kids need to go back to school. Then all will be right with the delicate balance that keeps us sane. This was also the week that the kids became irritable and bored and irritating! And I am sensitive too. Don’t let stuff get you too down. 🙁

micah - We love you because you’re so real. And we like to know that you have bad days too. Because it helps us relate to you even better. Hoping for happy days tomorrow 😀

edie - I love the comment from your sister and I love the sweet crabby pic! It only endears you to me even more. I know what would cure it but I’m gonna have to drive all the way to Kansas to bring it to you. And I don’t think mocha cake travels that well. Thinking of you dear!

Shana - hope you feel better soon.
do you need me to punch someone in the face for you??

Victoria~ - From the comments you can see you have a strong support group of mom’s who *get you*. I am also one who gets the struggles of motherhood. But I am one of the mothers looking forward to the return of school. I’m a better mom when I get a break. I enjoy reading your happy & crabby posts. It’s why i read it. thanks for keeping it real. (as my 17 yr would say while bumping his chest.) 🙂

crystal - That cracked me up (but I still feel bad that you’re feeling so crabby). I HATE it when everything piles up and works against me!! And you’re so right about the man thing. They move on so easily!

Micah - Thank you so much for posting about your crabbiness. I’m having a “why did God make me so SERIOUS!?” kind of day. I keep trying to refocus and have. some. dang. fun. but stuff keeps getting in the way. And its tickin’ me off!
LOL so THANKS! Your post makes me feel human. Maybe I should go fix something…. or maybe just break it! LOL

Lorilee - I completely understand. I was developing a real downer of a mood last week after returning from a weekend away. Mine got better after I spent two hours clogging (dancing) with my clogging buddies!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I can’t help with much, but here’s a link to what I do at my own house to completely and totally wipe out fruit flies in a harmless manner:
It REALLY works! I keep a canning jelly jar out all the time with the mixture in it.

Amy - I know it’s been said, but you gotta do the fruit fly trick!
We had the same problem…until my hubs put a little red wine vinegar (that’s what I had) in a jar and covered it with plastic poked with a few tiny holes. The flies checked in and they couldn’t check out!
I hear you on the crabbiness…so good to see it isn’t just me!

Georgia - My mum always told me if your feeling low, moody, angry what ever… just go with it. Dont fight the mood, just let it pass. 🙂
Go find a quiet cupboard to hide in and read a book…:)

sandy toe - OH MY…I laugh about the ice cream bars before breakfast…we have had that here.
sandy toe

lorel - Aren’t you glad we didn’t come now? Then the cousins could also be fighting over littlest pet shops and my little ponies and who is bothering who and who started it. Hugs to you sis. hope your day gets better

april - I had the same crabby face but mine included lots of pimples and the rediculus dark spot on my forhead from when I had my son 2 years ago…can they do anything for that? Oh well…I totally hear on the fruit flies…no matter how much bleach I dump down the drain they always come back a week later…YUK!!!! I think its ok to complain sometimes…especially when you have a blog universe who feels the same way….;)

Amanda - Fist time commenting…sorry but had to laugh as I could have written this! The fruit flies, the kids fighting, the 2 yr old sneaking downstairs while I’m in bed dragging popcycles out of the freezer and leaving it open and them melting all over the kitchen…..sigh.
I’m not the only one counting the days until school starts am I? Please tell me I’m not because I feel awful! 😉

Lisa sharp - I am there with ya and the 100degree heat! Very crabby! Tip for the fruit flies…get a small ramekin or bowl. Add some apple coder vinegar and squeeze in some dish soap. Before u know it u will have hundreds of dead little bodies floating in the mixture. We live next to a peach orchard and it works like a charm! Good luck!

mary beth - Add ants all over the counter and we are twins! It reminds me of that poster I’ve been seeing all over blogland that says
“keep calm and carry on”! Every day is an adventure or a bust…we have to chose. Love your post because it’s you telling us we are all normal and we are all gonna be alright!

amy j. - Throw the kids in the pool and next time go to MI for 10 days. 7 with family and then you and Chicago Jen stay for 3 days alone. 🙂

linda lou - meg….i have days like that and my kids are gone but i do have two new kittens “Regis” and Kelly” cute (: they are. no food to eat i say we eat out or call it in(: Blessings,

mel h - Oh Meg,
Im pretty sure I have never left a comment for you before but I am a faithful follower and I loooove your blog. i am such a fan of yours mainly because you and your family are so “normal” and also because I have five kids also (16,12,9,4,3) so we have alot in common. Also same genders so I face alot of the same “crabbiness”. But then God always seems to remind me of Rachel Barkey (that I heard from you) that I need to serve with JOY. So then I just thank Him for my crazy life and try to put a smile on my face and get happy. If that don’t work, go to Starbucks. 🙂

carolyn - you made me smile.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh sweet Meg… I completely relate. I’ll be sending you a virtual nap and some chocolate. Head up.

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - Fruit flies suck – we used those sticky paper rolls you hang from the ceiling (or where ever) and they worked really well. The flies were gone in just two days. Good luck!

Lori - Oh I can relate. Sometimes things are just really sucky. Isn’t it great that they get better? Hoping your sucky times get better soon.

Nina - we all get crabby sometimes……it’s ok! here’s an internet hug for you all the way from Virginia! ~~HUG~~

Michele - Thanks for keeping it real! Laundry is bad any day of the week but after vacation it’s SO bad! Grocery shopping after vacation is awful too. I had to make 3 trips to get stuff. Glad it’s not just me. And the hurt feelings thing, glad that’s not just me, too. I get it!

Megan - I was just walking around the house telling my kids why I was so crabby and several of your things were mine also!
Fruit flies – check
Laundry – check
kids home driving me crazy fighting – check
not ice cream bars but cake for breakfast
hopefully we will both have a good weekend!

Nicole Q. - I hear ya!

Emily - Here’s another fruit fly trick- put a half cup or so of apple cider vinegar in a small bowl. Add a squeeze of dish soap. Set out near where they’re congregating- gets them every time!

Shelly - I’m sure the poor girl in the McD’s drivethru thought the same thing about me!!! (too many storms, no electric half the time and a town’s botched water system…plus drivethru at 8 am makes Me Crabby!!!) And, just to make you feel better….I found my boys eating ice cream sandwiches at 7:30 am yesterday:) Nice to know I don’t have the only sneaky kids on the planet!

stodd - You crack me up! Hang in there and know that we can all relate and we love you because of this… thanks for being normal! I know that when I’m super crabby, magic margaritas sometimes helps. 😉

Tere - It’s the back to reality shock (plus laundry) after a week of vacation. So sorry. It does suck and justify the crabiness in you.
I have 4 — why do siblings have to fight and bicker so much?
Wishing for a restful day.

Jenn Thomas - At least you didn’t get a dead rabbit on your front porch!Once Amy gets back we can get a girls night out organized.

Staci - So sorry Girl 🙁 Hate that come-home-from-vacation blue phase 🙁 Makes it hard to deal with reality ;( And this heat—well, it just plain sucks here in OK too!!!! If it helps, I haven’t even been on vacation and I was so crabby to my kids for asking me for ANYTHING last week 🙁 I know that you’ll feel better very soon (in four weeks when kids go back to school!) maybe you should make some margaritas tonight 😉

colleen - In Richmond Va where I live it has been the hottest summer on record. today marks the 18th day over 100 degrees… not in a row but since summer. That’s not factoring in the heat index so I guess it is like Hattes here. Thank goodness for a/c and icees. Totally can relate to the going shopping and nothing to eat syndrome… happens to us all the time.

sarah deakins - Keeping it real sister! i love it as we all have these days! I am a fairly new reader and I love your blog. Thanks Sarah

Wendy - Oh, Meg! I’m so sorry you are feeling crabby. You have every right to vent. I hope your day turns happy. Just be glad you don’t have a “Man Cold”, sweetie.
Wendy xox

Maria - wow…thought I was the only one…I think I mentally checked off just about everything that list and then some…summer is almost over for us here…just a couple weeks to go…hang in there!

Tricia - Oh how I can relate! I can’t help with much, but I can offer advice about the fruit flies.
Take a jar (any jar) and put a piece of banana in the bottom. Cover tightly with plastic wrap. I use tape, after I wrap the plastic wrap over the edge. No openings. Then poke a few tiny holes in the top of the plastic wrap. Some smaller, some bigger. Maybe 6 total. Let the banana rot and the flies will come. It’s grody, but cool for the kids. lol. Works great! You will need to change it every couple of days.
Good luck! Happy Saturday, girl.

Dineen - Oh, how I can relate to the hot, sticky, humid weather and the kids inside fighting! Stay cool!

cathy - this is why I love your blog-you are real…hugs.

Bath - i can relate to this whole postright about now.
the heat is killing the kindness in my voice towards my kids.
the only coffee in the house is decaf.
there is NO chocolate in the house, and i’m too lazy to go to store for any.
packing for kids church camp (which i am a counselor).
looking forward to the 5 days at camp because i don’t have to cook for anyone including myself.

Jen - Sorry you are crabby! I am dying to know if the fun was a “vuvezela”???

katie - THIS is why i read your blog, Meg. now i’m off to go about my business and fantasize that we are friends. 🙂

jamie - seriously, the fruits flies. i know, right? where in the world do they come from? and i {heart} your crabby face and i so understand your life.

Suzanne - Keep Calm & Carry On!
LOVE the crabby pic…lol

Ashlyn - I know what you mean about being too sensitive… I do it to. I soooo wish I could change it.

Michelle - Chin up + mainlining coffee works for me. Happier days ahead Miss Meg.

Daniele Valois - You’re awesome. Awesome Awesome Awesome, and it’s ok to be crabby when you’re so awesome!

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