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other fun stuff to do in small towns in michigan.

walk down the road to the Fluff & Suds for an ice cream treat.
(dave….i forgot to pay you back for this…sorry)


go bowling on dollar bowling night.


pick fruit.
we picked cherries and peaches.

smiley face on her peach.

we teased poor lauren stuck at a peach farm with her family saying "what are you texting?!"
"text: i am sitting on a stump in a peach orchard.  what r u doing?"
but she called me out with the dreaded "you text MORE than i do!"


go see a movie.
$5 tickets and .50 pop and .50 popcorn!!!
for a NEW movie….we saw Despicible Me.
the LOMA rocks!

but the best entertainment we found was something Dave brought with him.
it cost $6 total.
it deserves it's own post.

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Biz - This is my first time reading your blog. I was introduced via Farmgirl Paints. I am amazed at this small world! I lived in Junction City/Manhattan/Ft.Riley,Kansas for 10ish years and my Dad’s family is all in Michigan near Grand Rapids! Where about in MI were ya’ll?

Melanie - Fun times.

Meg - Love the Loma! We almost went there last week, while we were on “OUR” beach!! But we never had a rain day!!
FYI for the past few years we have rented a house with those 220 stairs.. I feel your pain. I almost threw up the first time!!! But this year we got a house a little farther north and there were only 140 stairs!! SO Much easier!!

Rachel / cREaTe - so fun! absolutely love the pic of talby’s bite marks in the peach. 🙂 very clever.

Lorilee - Love it! Simple FUN! I’ve picked peaches in south Texas in June. It was excruciatingly HOT and sticky. Anything outdoors in South Texas after May until October is pretty much HOT and sticky! haha!

Nicole Q. - So jealous on the fruit picking. When my parents lived in Portland we would go picking all the time with my mom. Such good memories!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, that looks so fun! Ok, if I promise to put the kids to bed next year, I can come, right?!

The Lady of the House - LOVE that first pic of the girls. and really? Fluff & Suds – genius name for a store!
Happy Summer – The Lady of the House

Staci - Awwwww 🙂 Cliffhanger…I’ll tune in tomorrow to find out what it is!!!!!

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - love how lauren has the cell in her hand even in the family picture! hahaha…. reminds me of my brothers (i have 2 teenage brothers that live with my husband, baby and i). we will go on family vacay’s and the cell phones are always present…. even at the campfire! great pics. looks like you all are having a blast. 🙂

kerri b. - Looks like fun! We live in Northern MI and I was surprised to see you vacationing here 🙂 I was wondering if you are renting a house?! We were thinking about renting one for next summer in the UP (a real adventure and an extra long drive for you)but maybe St. Joe would be good to! Hope you are having a relaxing time in MI, sometimes you forget how beautiful a place is when you already live there! Love the kids crafts…keep ’em coming!

Beth W. from Dirty Laundry - mmm, the peaches look yummy, and I can’t wait to see what Dave brought!

MommaH - Love the picture of the kids on the bench. So “Doin’ their own thing”. You are a really good photographer.

Molly - Scott and Annie are adorable together!

Tammy - a lot of fun stuff going on there!!
I wish we had a cheap movie theater- the last one cost $118 for 5 of us and popcorn and shared sodas! - We love to pick fruit and then make it into the yummiest jam ever!-Meg

Marina - hi!
I’m from Brazil, have no idea how I found you blog, but fell in love with it!!
You’re a lot like my own mom, and that’s is the best compliment I can give!
And I love your recepies! Will try some of them soon! Rainbow cake will be the first!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Good ol’ fashioned fun:) I love small towns. We saw that movie last weekend. Pretty cute. I love Lauren’s comeback. I can’t believe I’ve become one of those texting crazy people. Weird!

Rachel - what a great time and cannot beat those movie prices. Love your blog!!

Alicia Butler - Where exactly did you go? I am with Dana. You are making me want to try Michigan next year 🙂

Julie - Nothing beats good, clean, CHEAP, fun!

Holly - DOnt you love having a teenager! Our oldest just turned 13 and I am hoping we still have a couple of years before we have to force family fun on her,lol!

Jen - 50 cent soda and popcorn!!! I didn’t think that was possible other than at home. WOW. I love Michigan.

Danielle - I love lauren’s sandals from the orchard pics!

LouBoo - Hi – this looks great – love the low-level easy stuff that keeps most of the family happy! I especially like the shot of them walking away in amongst the peach trees. Lucky you to have the climate! This post reminds me of my American friend from Indiana…not sure why…just simple pleasures I guess. Lou x

Gemma - It really is the simple things that make a holiday great!!
Love Gemma x

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - You’ve captured some great moments!
That peach photo just made me smile! 😉

Dana @ Bungalow 56 - Megan,
It just looks like an all around great vacation. Loved the picnic table shot, it captures the kids perfectly. Boy would I love to take my kids to a movie for $5, that would be unbelievable. And popcorn for .50. I think we may need to go to Michigan for our next holiday. Michigan State Tourism should hire you as a spokesperson : )

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