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3:55 monday.

on vacation….you can do whatever you want.
i picked up my camera and walked through the house at 3:55 to see what everyone was doing.
the house was quiet and everyone was happy.
11 people together…not wanting to be any where else (except maybe a certain teenager…)

our schedule was very laid back.
breakfast and cartoons till the dads came home
or breakfast cooked by the dads while the moms slept in.
then the beach.
then back up the stair master for lunch and resting/chilling/drawing/texting/reading/building legos.
then back to to the beach.
then the moms cook dinner.
then a fire with s'mores. 
then the kids go to bed, lauren watches a movie, the grown ups played sequence with margaritas.

not the routine every day but many of the days.

i could very easily become a "summer home" kind of girl.

the beach and i are bff's. 
the stairs and i ……not so much.      

Niki - Looks wonderful! Don’t you love those friends that are like family?! It is great just to BE with them not necessarily have to DO, DO, DO!!! Glad you got a break!

Laura Phelps - can we join you next summer?
I’ll bring the beer if you make the margaritas

Dana @ Bungalow 56 - Megan,
I am Jealous with a capital J. Loved the walk through. Felt like I was watching a spy cam with the family dog. Many of the pictures were from that height : )

Staci Danford - Sounds simply devine..

Lorilee - Sounds great! We are kinda just being lazy at home while my hubby is off!

Carrie K - sounds dreamy! lucky kids 🙂
great pictures!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - just as it should be…vacay at it’s finest!

Georgia - The beach is my favourite place to be, i feel so relaxed and peaceful there. I could just sit there all day and soak up the Smells, sounds, etc
Luckily for me, im 40 minutes away from the beach, and im going there in a weeks time… YAY

Kat - Looks and sound blissful!
How nice to have everyone so quiet at that time of day.

jennibell - What a neat way to journal a page out of vacation! Will have to try that sometime 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Funny how 3:55 pm can be one of the most stressful times of the day when one is not on vacation, but when that vacation flag is waving it’s certainly one of the best!

Courtney Walsh - Just read more and now see that you were near St. Joseph…which is the exact town I patterned my “Sweethaven” after! I cannot believe what a small world. Isn’t it beautiful there?? 🙂

Courtney Walsh - Meg, the beach in Michigan and a fictional cottage town based on a real place are the setting for my novel for Guideposts. I see you found the same charm there that I did when I visited. It’s so calm and quiet and empty. I loved it. I hope you are recharging! 🙂

tasha roe - your vacation sounds PERFECT!!!!

n - sounds like fun – look at it this way: the stairs help you “earn” those margaritas! 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - It sounds great Meg! It is nice just to relax when on holiday rather than having a schedule and trying to cram every little bit in every day.
Gemma X

Kacey - Sounds like a perfect vacation to me!

Holly - I am jealous! I think we are going to try for a road trip with the kids during spring break……maybe St Louis then Chicago…..or the other way around!

Staci - Sounds PERFECT!!!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, that sounds amazing. So happy for you!

Krista - All the lounging makes me sleepy, looks like it was a very relaxing vacation! You really captured the peacefulness in your photos.

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