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why michigan?

the view to my left….

and to my right.

it is empty here.
beach for miles and miles.
and we are always alone.
i love being alone.
with 10 people.

a mere 223 steep stairs down to get to the beach.
the first time back up on saturday…i thought i possibly was having a minor heart attack.
(is it possible to have a
minor heart attack? probably not)

and my calves were on fire!
no one but dave would allow this.
he is a very cool dad.

craig found me one…first thing.
he is a keeper.

jen and i cooked dinner every night but one.
afterwards on this night we had a fire on the bluff…at the top of those 223 stairs.
as in RIGHT BEHIND me is a cliff.
i am so glad we don't have any babies toddling around anymore…my heart couldn't take it.
it was already worn out from the stair master workout!

lauren learned the way to make a perfect s'more while at camp in colorado.
she gave us all demonstration.
it was cute.

the yard was amazing.


they bought a Nikon.
they must have not wanted me to borrow any of their lens or things…..

and it had video!!
i was jealous.

i mean really…..what is better than s'mores in hannah montana jammies on a lake at sunset?

we stayed till it got dark.

jen and i struck a deal with our men - 
in exchange for them going golfing THREE mornings they had to put the kids to bed ALL week.
totally worth it.
i really do not like bedtime and little kids.

AND this trip we put ALL the kids (except lauren) in ONE room.
they had two queen beds and then two twin mattresses on the floor.
memory making is what i call that!

Susan - Hey there! I found your blog a long time ago. It’s funny because you live near my old hometown, (Wichita) and I’m in Chicago (where you lived for a while, right?). I noticed on your post about Chicago Jen that you went to a church in Glenview, which is also a small world because my husband is from Glenview and his parents still live there (he’s a football coach at GBS). ANYWAY, we are trying to plan a vacation to Stevensville with my sister and we wondered where you found your rental! Any info would be great! Thanks!

Shelly Primm - i am curious as to what is the perfect smore? maybe lauren could “guest” blog! your pictures are beautiful.

carin - michigan totally rocks.

Megan - I just found your blog and had to comment as soon as I saw the heart rock. My mom collects them and found a couple recently in Michigan. She has a TON of them.

Carol - Glad you had a nice vacation, but those stairs!? I don’t think so, unless there was a chair lift!

Denissa - How beautiful! I would have never known that there are beaches like that in Mich. I guess that I always think of it being freezing and snowy there 🙂
What wonderful memories 🙂

jaz - Oh I LOVE alone beaches. I was just in Washington and made my way to La Push Beach – um, yeah, was not alone… surrounded by crazed twilight fans with cameras in hand – CA-RAAAAZY!!!

Sandy - Looks like great fun and wonderful memories. Lauren should be a model. Seriously.

Talysa - I’m with you on the bedtime with kiddos thing. They resist…I get irritable.
Looks like you had a great time there.
How on Earth did you get all those kids to actually go to sleep though? I imagine a lot of giggling in the dark.

shelly@familyblt - Yowza, looks like so much fun!

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - looks fun. i am in major need of a vacay. love your pics as always. 🙂

Penny - You captured Michigan. Your pictures remind me so much of my childhood vacations and the ones we have taken with our girls! Michigan truly is a paradise in the summer. I am not such a fan of the winter. (Beautiful from inside looking out). Glad you all had a great time.
Did you rent a place? I’d be interested in where.

Genn - Hi Meg! Thanks for the comment on my blog! Now I am not just your blog stalker anymore. Now we’re friends. 🙂
I’ve been to Michigan one time for a wedding when my oldest was just a baby and it was so beautiul. Humid (and made my curly hair look hideous) but it was beautiful. Love the empty beach pictures. What a great time.

Holly - It looks like yall had alot of fun! I was wondering how many hotel rooms yall have to get when you go places,lol. I am thinking we may need at least 2 since there are 6 of us now!

dani - Want an awesome smore? Try using a peanut butter cup instead of plain ol’ chocolate!

candace - looks like a fabulous rest of the trip – just relaxing. did you guys drink margaritas while the men were putting the kids to bed?
p.s. i hope i look as cute/great as you after i’ve had five kids!

Alison - We were in Michigan last weekend too! We went to South Haven for the day, my Sister lives in Kalamazoo. I LOVE Michigan beaches. It’s only a 4 hour drive for me, but I hope to move close to my Sissy someday(if I can find a job….in Michigan…blah). Love your pictures!

Sally H. - SMAAAART Women – the bedtime vs golf deal was a good one. I would much rather sit back with a beer and relax while the hubbies put down the kids too! Congrats on a great trip.

Heather - I mean where IN michigan…I know where it is…lol

Heather - where is Michigan were you? my Grandfather has a cottage on Lake Huron with a similar amount stairs! Last time i was there i was about 10 so the stairs were easier to do.

colleen - I live in upstate NY and my kids are suddenly begging to go to Michigan! We have been bombarded with Michigan commercials this summer (probably on HGTV)!! It does look beautiful!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh so fun. Nothing beats smores, and on a beach…cool!!! What fun memories for the kiddos..all sleeping in one room. They’ll always remember that.
Smart bartering with the men.
I’m thinkin’ a trip to Michigan should be in our future. Beautiful!

chasity - it’s so beautiful there.
i just had to leave a note saying~
i nearly went wacky when i was browsing through my new flea market style magazine and boom! there was little annie jumping off her bed.
that’s awesome.
have a wonderful wonderful day~

sandy toe - that is one great deal-
sandy toe

Kristen Houston - Where in Michigan is this? We go to Holland and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Great family spot!

Jen - We lived in Grand Rapids for 10 years. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it and I miss it terribly. We camped at Lake Michigan once–that was all the camping I could handle–but it was fun! Was the water cold??? Early summer on Lake Michigan can be chilly!
Looks like you had a great time!!!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Looks amazing! Where in Michigan were you? My brother and his family live in Traverse City and it’s gorgeous up there!

deb meyers - Michigan vacation ads all over the TV over here in NH. Your blog posts beat the TV ads bigtime : )
deb meyers

Shannon - WOW your vacations have changed in 10 years! Remember when we went to “Up North” in Wisconsin and we all were at a cabin and you were shocked that I brought food to cook while we were there? I still remember you saying, “When we go on vacation I don’t cook.” as you all were heading out the door to go to the pizza place. I’m glad to see you had a great time enjoying each other — that’s a great vacation.

Juli - “Alone” w/ 10 favorite people looks vastly different than the days before in Chicago. Your big city photos made me hyperventilate (all those people, fast city)…stressful just to view them and I live in a city! Michigan looks more my speed.

Amber Ferrier - I am also lucky enough to live on a lake in Michigan. It gets such a bad rap sometimes but it is seriously the Best place to vacation if your going “lake style” Thanks Meg for capturing our beautiful summer’s here! Glad you had a great vacation.

Julie - Wow! That looks like the perfect family vacation spot! I would LOVE the isolation. A hate crowds, esp. crowded beaches. I totally “get” the bedtime deal you made! That really made your week a vacation!!!!!!

Tara - we live on Lake Ontario – with the same pretty rocks.

Barb - I’m lucky enough to live a couple miles from Lake Michigan. I never get tired of it. It is so beautiful. And the water is really warm this year (for Lake Michigan). Did you notice that? So glad you had a good vacation. (And thanks for spending it in Michigan! This state needs tourists.)

Kate - I grew up in Michigan and can say with complete certainty that it’s the BEST place to vacation. We go every other year and I wish I still lived there. It’s amazing how much I took that gorgeous beach for granted growing up.

Curtis & Sherrie - What a beautiful spot there in Michigan… that beach looks awesome and all that green all around. Here in northern California everything has already turned brown from the heat and wind…. it would be awesome to spend some time at that lake….
blessings to you and yours
Curtis & Sherrie

Curtis & Sherrie - What a beautiful spot there in Michigan… that beach looks awesome and all that green all around. Here in northern California everything has already turned brown from the heat and wind…. it would be awesome to spend some time at that lake….
blessings to you and yours
Curtis & Sherrie

Tracy - Looks like there was a ton of fun had by all! I’ve never thought about going to Michigan to the beach – LOL Love the deals you struck with the hubbys – too funny – will have to remember that one! LOL Though, my kiddos are 17 so I guess they don’t really need to be “put to bed” – HA! :o) Thanks for sharing, Meg! Can’t wait to see more!

Bec - 1. Yes, there are minor and major heart attacks 😉
2. I love my time at the lake as well (we do it Wisconsin style) and it gets harder every year to come back to civilization. - now that’s heaven! We went to Siesta Key, just south of Sarasota, this last weekend. Best getaway ever!

Michelle B. - Oh the joy of hearing another mom speak the truth about bedtime…”and little kids” – very liberating! Thanks!

Stephanie @ Geezees - thanks for the LOVE meg …. your photos are awesome – love the 223 steps ….

Jocelyn Stott - I am so jealous of this trip – it looks wonderful. I am living vicariously through you from my office desk.

pam - How wonderful…I always look for and find a heart shaped rock…hart is part of our last name and long ago I fell in love with heart rocks. Curious what the perfect way to cook a marshmallow is? :o)

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
My two youngest are bunked up in their oldest sister’s tiny room, while we paint there’s. I thought it would be a fiasco, but they love it. Was thinking about Lauren’s Old Navy 15th Birthday tshirt today. It is my Eldest’s 15th today. Time flies, and I’m so glad to be chronicling the memories.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yummy S’mores! It sounds like a happy place : )
Gemma x

Nicole Q. - There is nothing better than vacation nights, just sitting around being together – especially when it ends with someone else doing the bedtime thing! Glad you had a great trip.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - S’mores! Makes me happy. Beautiful place, great job!

Alicia - Looks like a very relaxing, fun time!
I love the deal you worked with your hubbies…bedtime is my absolute least favorite part of the day too. Smart!!

Georgia - It looks like the ideal holiday location… ♥

Lisa - Looks like the perfect vacation! And I’m glad to know I’m not the only mom who doesn’t like bedtime! 🙂

DreamGirlLisa - What a beautiful place!! Sounds so fun, and I’m totally jealous and in awe that you got the beach to yourself…that would make it perfect!

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