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i know i said we went to michigan…but first we went to chicago for a day.
it's right on the way.
and that's where our family pictures were.
with wendy + tyler….of blue lily photography.

{{{{sigh}}}}… was lovely.
i immediately decided i wanted craig to quit his job and be a full time photography partner with me.
just like them.
a team working together in perfect harmony…just like them.
craig said no.  
he likes math/numbers/money & not artsy backgrounds or kids who won't smile (like one of mine did).
i can dream though.
wendy and tyler were A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

but back to the trip.
we loaded up 7 suitcases….two huge-mongous beach bags…every swimsuit in the house….
every portable electronic device we own…the case of 100 dvds…a bag of snacks…and we hit the road.

5 hours in we hit our first glich.
annie threw up ON the bag we passed her.
not in.
so we had to find clean clothes….on the side of the road.
i lost my temper with the big kids who were totally in the way while craig cleaned up the back seat.
he is such a good daddy.
"the last true family man"  :)
thank you bluffs.
we'll always remember you.
hello chicago.


we stayed in a hotel downtown…kids thought it was amazing.
(embassy suites on columbus street)
we had to have a "discussion" right there on the side of the street about how to behave in the city.
the four youngest were so excited they were all over the place.
climbing and jumping and pressing buttons.
it is quite different taking kids to chicago instead of your girlfriends.

i can tell you which one i liked better…..

we met up with old friends at millennium park.
everyone loves the bean.



then we walked over to play in the fountain.
remember last time i was here and the lady in the tube socks and teeny skirt bent over in front of me
flashing me her granny panties?
i do.
chicago is always great for people watching.


would you believe that there were TWO people wearing that pink outfit in the background?
two people at the fountain at the same time in a hot pink romper?!

annie had a stalker.
a little boy was following her non-stop.
it was making her crazy.
she finally turned and whacked him on the head and yelled "STOP FOLLOWING ME!!!"
didn't work.
he was so strange.
i had to move in and give him my mama evil eye and pointed finger.
it worked.
but i got wet because of it….ugh.

lady number two….

craig and scott walked over to giordianos to carry out pizza for dinner.
it was a gorgeous evening with a breeze and perfect temperature.
there was a concert going on directly behind us in the pavilion.
chicago at it's finest.
we loved it. 

my kids were a little more goofy than i wish they were.
but in their defense….they had driven all day in the car to get there.

8 kids together again.
the hang's and the duerksen's living it up in the city.
peter was a daily part of our lives for so many years.
before he was married and a daddy himself….he was hanging out with us all the time.
we loved it.
the kids loved him around to play loud music and be crazy with them.
we loved having someone around who loved movies as much as we did….among many other reasons.
those were the good ol' days peter!

peter's wife erica was there also (in the background) but she is a photographer too…
so she is behind the camera like me.
the moms always get cut out.

we said our goodbyes and walked back to our hotel.
annie's legs were tired.
we swam in the hotel pool…it was the funniest pool i have ever seen.
5 feet wide by 20 feet.
with about 30 kids in it.
i didn't last long….my head was about explode.
i took the four youngest to bed and craig took lauren to navy pier for some big kid time.
i was asleep within 10 minutes.
needed my beauty sleep for our family pics in the morning.

so….that was chicago day one.
typepad is still being weird.

i had to log out between every picture uploading?!!!
let's hope tomorrow it will be working again.

Jeannette - We almost crossed paths while in Chicago(we were there the 7th through the 12th), we stayed at that same hotel and I have to agree with ya it was the funniest pool and wasn’t it hot in there. We got to see some of the Transformers 3 filming as well but the picture police kept yelling “No pictures” I did manage to get a few not so good ones with my phone. This was my first time in Chicago and we LOVED it!!! Hopefully we will make it back soon. Love the pics, thanks for sharing - I just wanted to say how much I love your blog. Your blog has inspired me to start my own and take more interesting pictures, so thanks. Also great pictures from Chicago.

Kathy T - Oh, my. I miss my Chicago. New Jersey just isn’t the same. Thanks for the lovely pics. Hope you had a great time. - I’ve never been to Chicago. Looks amazing!

Michele - I’m new to your blog. This is such a fun post. Our fam just got back from Chicago. We saw a Cubs game at Wrigley. My little boys are 1 and 3 1/2 and they loved β€œthe bean”. Thanks for sharing these photos. I liked seeing Chicago from someone else’s perspective. You have such a cute family!

Kristi - we have pictures booked with bluelily in August! I am so excited. and having a very hard time figuring out what we should all wear!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Not sure why but I haven’t been able to comment…it’s been killing me. I’ve been back here 5 times now! Anyway…we’ve never been to the Bean. I don’t know how that’s possible since I’ve been to Chicago many times. Look like a great place to snap some awesome pics.
I just had to comment on your mothering here. After driving all day I know you had to be tired…really really tired. Especially with your little one throwing up. I’ve experienced this many a time. Anyway to let them get in their suites and dance in that fountain. WAY COOL. You deserve an award or something!

Beth - The pink rompers are just too much. I’ve seen more of them this summer than I ever wanted to see. Usually on body types that shouldn’t even being thinking about it! Thanks for the laugh!

katie - i read your blog all the time but i don’t think i’ve ever commented. just wanted to say that my favorite thing about that post was the picture of everyone jumping off the bench because lauren was jumping too. πŸ™‚ i was so proud of her for not being “too cool” to do it.

Lisa - I LOVE CHICAGO! My hubby and I were there 3 weeks ago for our 10th anniversary and we stayed at the Embassy Suites too. Loved it! Looks like you had a great time!

Mindy Harris - Lauren’s dress is so pretty! Looks like you had fun…you are all so brown. πŸ™‚ It’ll be fun to see your fam pics.

Julie - I’m married to a family guy too ~ they are the greatest! And one reason I had five kids with him. Most guys I wouldn’t have had one with! Chicago looks amazing!!

amy d - i bet a certain doodle was very happy to see you when you got home…chicago pics are awesome!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - GASP! Blue Lily?!!! So jealous.
And- I think I’ve told you this before… but Kevin wanted me to REinform you (remember, he reads my blogroll) that he had a hand in the building of the Bean. Aren’t you proud?

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
This was my first introduction to Blue Lily. How exciting that they were coming to a Canadian city that both my sisters live in. Unfortunately all the slots were booked. Hopefully they will come again. After seeing some of their shots I can’t wait to see your family photo.

Carrie K - cool water shots and its great to see Lauren in lots of pictures πŸ™‚
ugh..rompers…who decided it was a good idea to make them in ADULT sizes (not to mention…big girl…and i can say that…im a big girl)
cant wait for the rest…esp the family pictures πŸ™‚

Tracy - Great pictures, Meg! We love Chicago – my husband is originally from there and a lot of his family still live there. We are HUGE Chicago Cubs fans! ;o) I had to LOL about Annie bopping some boy on the head to leave her alone and about the 2 different women in the same pink romper at the same place, and same time- ha! Can’t wait to see the family pictures! xoxoxx

citymouse - I love Chicago. It is, hands down, my favorite US city. Lucky duck!

Holly - it looks like fun! We have been talking about a trip to Chicago. We havent been before. I wonder how our four would do?…hmmmmmm…..

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - I HEART Chicago!! Looks like ya’ll had a blast!

susie whyte - blue lily?! completely jealous. love them.
did i see lauren with a camera around her neck?? πŸ™‚

erin j - We stayed at that same Embassy Suites on our visit to check out Chicago before our move. We faced the river instead of the lake though. That pool is awesomely tiny and oh so echo-y. Yay for Giordano’s and the Bean. Looks like fun!

Krista - Craig gets “Dad of the Year” for cleaning up the puke in the car, you are lucky! In my house, I would be the one cleaning up the puke while my husband dry heaves at the slightest smell of it. But anyway, I loved the pictures of your day in Chicago. I don’t mean to ask a bizarre question, but what is the Bean made of? I am wondering how it stays so clean when it seems like everyone is touching it. Odd question, but it crossed my mind….

candace - Looks like a lovely trip so far….can’t wait to see the rest!

Michelle - Meg, that is some dedication to us because whoa, that’s a lot of logging in and out. Loved the re-cap and can’t wait for more!

Leigh - Never a dull moment at Millennium Park. It makes me miss living there!

Kimberlee J. - Is a pink romper on your next shopping list? No? I thought you said you liked pink!

Secret Mom Thoughts - we are going to Chicago this summer. Loved seeing your pics.

sarah - Looks like you guys had a great holiday. I love the piggy back cuddles.

Kelly - I love Chicago! I’ve never been in the summer though. Ahhh Giordanno’s. My fave. Rompers are not for grown-ups! My upstairs neighbor may have been one of those hot pink romper people. She was wearing on the other day. Lauren on the other hand looks beautiful! Great dress! Glad you had a great time! Kelly

Jaime A. - For the most part, it sounds (and looks) like fun!!
I was born in Chicago, but my parents moved to Arizona when I was 18mos old. I’ve never been back, so it’s always fun to see it through other people’s eyes. Can’t wait until the husband and I go sometime.
Can’t wait to see the family pictures! That site was amazing!

sandy toe - I love the water coming out of the mouth-
so fun!
sandy toe

Musings Of A Gem - Cute pictures!! That bean thing looks like so much fun : )
Gemma X

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - sadly the bright pink romper was the first thing i noticed in each of those photos. it was like a blinding light that i couldn’t ignore.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - What great memories for the kids! My kids love hotels – even the cheap ones.

sarah - Looks amazing.
i want to go and see chicago and the bean.
poor annie. I was always the puker when I was little.
Lauren is so cute, I love that dress she’s wearing.
Can’t wait to see the family session:)

Talysa - Ahhh…nothin like puke in the car on a road trip. Your oldest seems to have been bitten by the photog bug too I see? πŸ™‚
Cant wait to see the family pics!

pam - That is one of our favorite BIG cities…and Giordianos pizza is amazing. We have had it shipped to us over night….best 16th birthday party ever.

Nicole Q. - I can’t wait to see your family pics!!
Chicago looked like so much fun (you just can’t escape those normal kid/family moments no matter where you go)!!
We’ve never done Chicago with our kids – just a hundred youth group kids!!

Stephanie - Embassy Suites Rock!! Hot made to order breakfast, free happy hour, beautiful lobby!! I always look for their hotels first when planning a trip!!

tara pollard pakosta - I love chicago!
we live 33 miles sw of there, but never
get down there! traffic stinks!!!
but it would be worth it no?!
love all the pix!!!
so where in Michigan did you go?! Upper MI or the lower?
and I didn’t know that blue lily was in chicago, or I forgot!!!

Ali - What hotel did you stay at?

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