Masthead header

which one?

we have family pictures this weekend.
everyone's clothes are picked out…ready to go…except lauren's.
i picked out a bunch of shirts for her today in the hopes that ONE would be okay enough to her.
there were even two more but they are already OUT of the running.

just for fun….and with lauren's approval…..tell us which one YOU like? 

the pics were at night and inside so it's not great light but the shirts look the same either way. 



cast your votes….
i would love to hear your thoughts.
i don't even know which one i like the best.

we'll pick cute colorful jewelry after we pick the shirt.  

(and….lauren wasn't given time to DO her hair and make-up the way she would've liked…
 she wants you to know that.  of course as her mother i said "it looks very good…i promise."
 she never believes me though)

which one do you like? 

Meg - #3 and #2

Sana - #4 – she looks so beautiful, young and yet mature in it!

shannon - 1 or 2! The pictures will be great!

dixie - #2 for sure!!

Amandangerous - I like #2 and #6 ๐Ÿ˜€

Rose - #4

Becca - I think #2 is perfect because it is simple which = perfect for photographs, but has a perfect little bit of detail on the sleeves. And in case it matters (which it did when I was in high school), I am 21 and NOT a mom…just sayin. :)And Lauren you are SUCH a beautiful young woman–no matter what outfit you are wearing; never let anyone convince you other wise. Seriously.

Brenda Highbarger - #3 and #4. She is beautiful!

Ashley B. - 3!!! I absolutely love them all, though. You have gorgeous kids ๐Ÿ™‚

Teresa Johnson - My votes are #2 or #3. I like them both ๐Ÿ™‚

Robin - #3 is my favorite…but she looks great in all of them! I hope you let us know which one she chooses! Of course, I assume we’ll get to see the family photo!!

Amy - Definitely #3.

Tammy EL - #3 is beautiful on her!!!!! Of course, she could wear a garbage bag and it would look awesome! I don’t suppose she’d go for that though.
If I had to pick a second one it would be #1. Great colors and little cardigan pulls it together nicely. Depends on what everyone else is wearing though.

jJennifer - My vote is for #3. She is beautiful!

Kelli - #2 for the style & #3 or #6 for color.

Diane - 1 is a sophisticated, put together look.

Anna - #3 – beautiful girl! Have fun with family pics.

ann - She is SO pretty! I liked #3 the best but she looks gorgeous in all the photos!

ann - She is SO pretty! I liked #3 the best but she looks gorgeous in all the photos!

christine - 2 or 3 ๐Ÿ™‚

Elizabeth - I can’t believe that I’m voting and I’m like the 700th commenter or something! I vote for #1, without the sweater, though. And Lauren is gorgeous in every way —

SILVY - she is sooo pretty!! #1 or #4! but she looks beautiful in all of them!

Christine - 1 or 2! I’m a 20 yr. old girl so I know I give good fashion advice!

Blue lilY - THREE all the way!
– Wendy

natalie k - 2 for sure! lauren’s stunning!

rebecca - #3!
And Lauren, your hair is awesome.

Shawna - No. 2 – I love, classic, cute, fun and doesn’t look fussy or too put together
No. 6 – love that color, it fits beautifully and her skin looks awesome against that green
No. 3&1 I like but they are my last choices — hope this helps! Ha, if not confuse you more!!!

Becka @Studio222 Photography - #4… she looks the most comfortable in it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Mandi - Totally number 2…I love it. I want it for myself!

Elizabeth - #3 is my first choice, that color is stunning on her!
#1 would be my next choice, it’s just so young and fresh looking

Michelle - #3 or #4 ๐Ÿ™‚

Amber - i like #3. colorful. neckline and sleeves add texture. and i am partial to v-necks.
lauren you are beautiful! ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m sure you’ll look great in whatever you choose!

Amber - i like #3. colorful. neckline and sleeves add texture. and i am partial to v-necks.
lauren you are beautiful! ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m sure you’ll look great in whatever you choose!

Lauren - #2!!!!

Jill F - #3!!!

Katie - #2 without a doubt! I love the detailing and that color looks great on her. She’s gorgeous.

Heather - Number 3 all the way. It’s so, so flattering with the deep v. Makes her look so lean!

april walker - #2. she’s such a beautiful girl!

Regina - i LOVE #3 ~

Jennifer - #1 shirt and hair in #3. ๐Ÿ˜€

amie - 4 or 6. but mostly 4.
and seriously. SO unfair that someone 10 years younger than me is miles more stylish and effortlessly beautiful.

liz - #6, makes her look older and more mature. but i also love the color of #3! very cute.

Audrey - I liked #1 & 3 but my teenage son liked #2.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I like #4 & #6 on her…guess I like the earthy tones! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jane Little - They all look good, but number 3 is my favorite. Beautiful girl!

Lindsay - #3 & #2 are my faves.

the inadvertent farmer - I say #3…it is solid which is good for pics but it has a little ‘somethun, sumethun’ about it! Very feminine and flirty! Kim

Lyndsey - LOVE #2, can’t wait to hear what she picked!

kim - She’s gorgeous! #2 and if not that, #3. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sara - 1 & 4 are my favorites! She is a beautiful young lady…WOW!

beth - WOW 662 comments…ok you should get an idea after that many comments….lol
I love #1 & 4….in order! She is beautiful as the rest of your family and I can’t wait to see family pics.

Sarah - #3!

tabitha - 3 and 6…and where oh where did those two come from? please share!

Ashley - #2, then #3.

Jill J - #3! That color looks beautiful with her skin and hair!

Melissa Shepard - #3, she is a beautiful young lady - oops. #3 not #4!!!
so my votes are 2,3 and 6

donna - she is so beautiful! any shirt looks great, but the first thing that hit me was #3. however – she looks great in anything.

Erin - Wow she is gorgeous! I think #3 is my fav!

Elizabeth - I like 2 or 3. I think they’ll look the most classic and least dated. Although, she’s so pretty she could wear anything!

Marie - I like #3 and then #2. The style is simple but flattering on her. And she is a stunning girl. Who will be taking your family photos?

Sandy - After looking back through them I have to thoughts…
1. she looks a lot like very beautiful Gloria Estefan (I LOVE her!)
2. I don’t usually like when people smile without showing their teeth, but I can’t say that for Lauren. She has a gorgeous smile with or without her teeth showing. She’s amazing and I will not let my 16 year old son see her pictures. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sandy - I was going to say #2 until I saw # 3. She is GORGEOUS!…in a non-internet-creepy kind of way. Can’t wait to see the family photos and what she decides.

Carly - 3 and 6

Rachel - I vote either #2 or #4
She’s beautiful either way!!

Lisa Brandow - #3 or #1

Stephanie - I love #2! ๐Ÿ™‚
Second choice is #6.

Amanda - #2 and #3!

Stefanie - #4, looks amazingly gorgeous in all of them though ๐Ÿ™‚

Christy - #1, #2 and #3….#3 though is my fav….the color is amazing on her!

Katie - 2 all the way! Lauren you are sooo beautiful!

heather - 1 or 3 (with 2 being my runner up)
she is gorgeous in them all though! ๐Ÿ™‚

cassie o - 2, 3, and 6!
she’s gorgeous…who needs to do hair & makeup when you look like that on a whim?

JD - #3, the color of the shirt is so flattering for her skin/hair… so pretty!

Constance - Definitely # 2!!! (And she is such a beauty in picture # 1) She should have posed the same in all pictures, so one is not that distracted by her pretty face ๐Ÿ™‚

Lauren - from a fellow 17- year old’s point of view, #2 or #6 definitely!

Lindsey - #2 for sure. so cute!

Lorie - I think I would have to see what everyone else is wearing, but I like #1

ashlee - number 3:)

Shelly Primm - Wow, is she beautiful! I love #3 but they all look great on her. Good luck deciding!

Leslie - #2. Lovely. - LOVE #3 !
#1 and #4 also look good ๐Ÿ™‚

Heather Lea - i would say one and two. they are both flattering ๐Ÿ™‚

jenn - #6 is the best one
#3 is beautiful but the “style” will haunt her in years to come… I survived the 80’s I promise no major pic with a nice trendy clothes. Just a thought.

Katie - #6 is the best

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Number Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!
ps – Am I really comment number six hundred and something?
pss – She’s gorgeous, that Lauren.
psss – Be honest, do you even read past four hundred? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Leah - #2 or #3. Beautiful shots. Can’t wait to see the family photos!

*Alex* - Hands down number 3! Make her hair and eyes pop! ๐Ÿ™‚

Maria - Top 3: #3, #4, #6
very cute photos…hair up looks very cute too

Lori - #2 is so romantic, classic and elegant, beautiful all around! Love it! 22222222 all the way.

shannon - definitely 3!!!! she’s gorgeous!

JAmi - #2 or 3 for sure, she is beautiful and looks amazing in #2! I hope when my 14 month old grows up she lets me do this ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa - # 3 or #6
She looks great in colour.
Take Care,

Mindy Harris - numbers 1 & 3. beautiful girl. she needs to model. i like her hair in a high pony the best..messy with tendrils.

ali - 2, 4, 6,….in that order.

Allyssa W. - NUMBER 1! Most definitely!

Andrea - #3 – she’s beautiful in all of them, but that one is really flattering.

ashley - 2!!!

jen - At first I saw #1 and thought there were only two choices. And I knew that #1 was is it. But then I scrolled down and saw #3. #3 is it! HANDS DOWN!

Diane - #3 and #6

Laura Phelps - I like them all. She could wear a garbage bag and still look great.
I now feel old and bitter.
and I need you to make me a margarita.
I miss you.

Melanie - She’s gorgeous! Wow, I wish that I looked that beautiful without my makeup just so.
Where does she shop? I want her wardrobe! Anyway to the point of the post. #3. It suits her very well.

Amy Petz - Bouncing up and down like an impatient kid with their hand up I say number 1!!! That’s 3 exclamation points just for gusto.

Nicola - #2

alexis - meant to say #2 and #3 for sure!!!! haha

alexis - #1 and #3 for sure!!

stacey - #3– first choice
#1– second place
She is gorgeous!!!
Get counting! you have lots of comments to tally up ๐Ÿ˜‰

midwestmom - Definitely #3 and she’s gorgeous!!! (no boring white!!)

Nichole - #3. She’s so pretty! ๐Ÿ™‚

Juli - Holy Cow, that girl is beautiful even if you dressed her in a paper bag (but #2 is my favorite!)

Beth - # 3!!!
She needs to model! She is perfect for it! she is gorgeous!!!
# 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tara pollard pakosta - #3 and #1….lOVE THEM!
and dang, she could be a model!
seriously, gorgeous girl!

Anne Marie - 1, 4, 6!

WendyQM - #2 gets my vote.

stodd - Beautiful! #2 is best because it’s simple yet feminine and perfect for her age. #4 is gorgeous on her but she looks older in it.

Toni :O) - #3

Shannon - I think you could give that pretty girl a potato sack and she would look fantastic. I do like 3 the best.

Kylie - My FAV is #3!

melissa - #3…LOVE it. but, i am a ruffle kind of girl! but, the color looks wonderful on her too!

Courtney - #3! What a beautiful daughter you have!

Bincy - #’s 1, 2, & 4
Lauren, you’re beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

Ms Carson - 2 or 3

Susan - Definitely #3. Love the color.

Bridget - #3, definately! - i like 2!!!!!! what a super cute girl!

Nancy M - i like #3 and # 6

Megan McCulloch - three, four, and two! those are gorgeousss!

Jen - #3 then #2.
Are you doing a color theme?

Suzanne - lol @ 500 plus comments!
It all depends on what everyone else is wearing doesn’t it?
She is beautiful in every one of them, I can’t pick.

taniawillis - 3 or 6.
both are perfection!

Allison - i like #1

Lauren - so very torn between 2 and 3

Christian Kay - Numbers 3 and 4 are my favorites. She is such a cutie!

Vickie - Number 3 for sure..the color on her is awesome and the way its designed is flattering. Its my fav on her. Good Luck!

Jenn - holy moly a lot of people have chimed in! I love love love shirts #2 and #3. Simple and elegant.

Lori Sprayberry - #2 she is a pretty pretty girl!

Posey - I like #3…it’s the color, it brings out her pretty coloring, the others blend with her coloring

Shann - How do I choose? They are all wonderful! But since you are making us choose, I like #1 and second choice #3. She is such a beautiful young lady!! Be sure to tell her for me! ๐Ÿ™‚

carin - I like the look in number 4. very editorial.

Rebecca - #1 or #3.
#3 or #1.
Any order.
I like them both.

JustMommer - #1

Kylie - #3. pair it with some chunky beads…yellow or coral ones would be so fun!

Amanda - As a teenager myself, I have to say that the color of the third shirt looks great on her! And her hair looks adorable up like that, too!

Jennifer De Los Santos - She is just beautiful in all of them. I love #1 for an outfit, but would probably pick #3 or the one with wooden beads for a group picture. I think she could wear a potato sack and still look beautiful!!

Margo - Number 3 is absolutely the best! She’s so pretty!

Monica - I like #1 and #3.
Gorgeous girl…she could probably wear a paper sack and still look good. ๐Ÿ™‚

linda lou - she looks good in all of them but my favorites are 1,3, & 6 are the winners(: as she is(:

Ashley - Love them, she is growing UP!
I love …
2 and 3 the best!

Juli Jones - would love to know what everyone else is wearing to be able to judge color and such better but i love #3 and #6. please tell her she is drop dead gorgeous just as she is!!!

Honey - That girl would look good in a paper bag! Mercy…she is GORGEOUS!!! Love the #1 shirt.

lori - She is beautiful! All are great, but I love 1, 2 and 3 best. What a beauty she is.

Talysa - 1. Six
2. Three
3. One
That cannot be your daughter! You do not look old enough to have a daughter that age…and she is so beautiful!

Eliece - #3 It’s the best color on her but she looks good in all of them. She is so pretty!

emily k - #2 or #3. & i LOVE her hair up in a messy bun. what a gorgeous girl.

Logan - I think #2 or #4 (and I can’t believe the number of replies to this post). 2 is a little more dressy, but 4 is downright cute! You look gorgeous in all six of them, Lauren.

Tricia - Okay. My 7 year old says #1. I say #4 or #6. Probably not helpful. Right? Either way, Lauren is a gorgeous girl!!

Ella - #3 is definitely tops followed closely by #4!!!

Julie - 2 or 6!!

Alaina - Love #1 and #3 – and Lauren…you are so beautiful!

hannah - #2!! you have a beautiful daughter!!

Candice - First of all this girl is gorgeous and she looks like a model like the kind from jCrew she is just darling. I like number 2!

ashley - 3 is my absolute favorite. The blue pops. The hair works.
1 is second favorite.
5 because of the hair.

Amy - She’s so pretty! I pick either 2 or 3! And, we need to know where these cute tops came from so that we can go pick some up for ourselves. ๐Ÿ™‚

Robin - I say number 2!

tcsd - i vote for one, three, or six. and her hair is

Elena - #2! Love the shoulder detail.

Paige - Any one of these would be great because they are all really cute. My top choices are: #1, #3 and #6 in that order.

Monica Williams - #1 without a doubt!

LK - 3, 3, 3!!!! Best. color. ever.

robyn - #1 and #4

Sally H. - Wow, she is gorgeous!!!!!!!!
LOVE #2.

Tiffany - I vote for 1 and 4. But Good Heavens she is beautiful in all of the pictures! She seriously should be a model!

kellie - #3

Rebekah - I definitely like the brown wooden-beaded one best. Such a lovely girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

Amanda - I vote for 1,2 and 3
She is sooooo pretty! Love her coloring ๐Ÿ™‚

Courtney - SO CUTE…#3. SECOND CHOICE IS #4.

Summer - 1 or 4

Staci - 1 or 3!!!!! Oh man she is such a beautiful girl!! I think she kind of looks like your sister in some of those pics…especially the torrquoise one!!! Good luck! Can’t wait to see them!!!

kristine - gorgeous! the pictures just look like a catalog and she’s the perfect model in every pic! i loved the turquoise first (still probably love that one most!) but then i saw the green and love that one too. and just sayin’…it makes her boobs look big which L might like and you might not! ๐Ÿ™‚ sorry!
what will match the rest of the fam?
YAAAAY! you’re having your family picture taken! cross another thing off the list!
ALSO LAUREN, smile like #6 not #3 ๐Ÿ™‚ YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!!!

Nichole - NUMBER 1!!!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - what a beautiful girl – my pick is #3! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jessica - definitely # 2 – she is so beautiful!!!

Lia - # 2!!!! I really want that shirt! Where did you guys get it? # 3 is very flattering as well. Really she looks great in anything but those are my votes. I wish I looked that good at 15..heck I wish I looked that good now. At least I have since learned about the “chi” flat iron for my unruly hair.

Jessica - #3 or #5. They all look good though. I had a hard time choosing.

Jacqui - #3 and then #6, she’s totally stunning in whatever she wears anyway!!

Stephanie - She is a beautiful girl! I think it depends on what color scheme you are putting together for the whole family, the shirts are all so pretty and trendy. I vote for #3 or #4. Have fun, can’t wait to see the portraits! ๐Ÿ™‚

Leah - I like them all!! But I like #6 best followed by #1.

Shea - #3 for sure!!!!!!!!!!!

Jill - #5 and #6 classic looks, will never be dated and they are simple. Never a print I say. simple looks so you can focus on the face expressions and such. Tell her minimal makeup is best. She is a pretty girl and does not need much eye makeup! I look back at some pictures of me at that age and I wore too much makeup and think what was I thinking!

Amy S - Hey Lauren and Meg!!!
1 or 4 are my favs!

Janel - #1 or #3 Lauren is very pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

Angela - Can’t believe everyone isn’t saying #6. That’s definitely my fave. However, #3 is a close second and since that seems to be the popular pick I’ll mention that it is a close second for me ๐Ÿ™‚

Kat - Number 2! Definately. It is nice and simple but the sleeves make it super cute.

Brianna - Loving #2!! Gorgeous girl.

Samantha Lee - #3 and #6 – she looks great in the color!

Heather - She is so beauitful it doesn’t matter what she wears! She needs to be in modeling. I wish my hair and make-up would look even half that good! I like #2 and #3 though. All of them are pretty!

Shivaun - I like #3!

Donna - #2. It is age appropriate and I love the sleeves!

Ashley - I like #2 ๐Ÿ™‚

angela - #3!!!

Lisa - #3 for sure!!!

Joanna - #4 is the most flattering.

Angela Montoya - 3 or 4…definetly not 5. gorgeous gal!!

alamama - she’s beautiful…#1, 2 or 3

Lorelei - #1 is definitely my favorite out of all of them! Good luck for a great portrait!

becki - the turquoise. perfect!

Kate - I like 2. It has interesting detail, but no so much detail that is draws your eyes away from her lovely face. It shows off her figure well, but is still appropriate for family picture day. And the color is nice for pictures, again because it sets off her face.

Lindsay - First Choice #3
Second Choice #2

Erin - Number 4, 1, and 2 in that order:) And I love her hair in number 2.

Amy Mumaw - # 3 or 4

Brooke - I love #6 — although she’s a beauty in all of them ๐Ÿ™‚

Debbie S. - # 1

eve - I’m voting #3 then #2

Tara - She is such a beautiful girl, her whole look screams “model.” I vote for #1 and 3. As a photographer myself, I’m curious WHO is taking your family photos. I never know what to do when it comes to wanting photos with MY whole family…..

Stephanie - All look beautiful, but my favorite is number 3 ๐Ÿ™‚

Kameron - #1!!! For sure!

jaz - Number 2 and 3 for sure! What a gorgeous daughter of a gorgeous mum ๐Ÿ˜€ - Number 3 is my favorite. The color is definitely the best. I also like 4 and 6. But go with 3! Hope the photos turn out great. Kudos to you for sharing a decision like this. ๐Ÿ™‚

Melanie - I like #1! Lauren is beautiful!

Megan - my favs are 2,4 and 3! She is beautiful Meg, and looks great in them all! By the way I thought her hair and makeup looked great too!

Alv - Number 2 is plain but suits her well and maybe it blends in better with the rest of the familys outfits. I can’t decide! Number 3 or 2 but she looks beautiful in all of them!

elma - Number one!

Manda - #3 so beautiful!!

Stephanie - 3!!!

Lauren - 2 and 4 get my vites, but trully they all look great!!

Jennifer - #1!

Andrea - #4

Kate - She is a knockout! All these comments should be a wonderful boost to a high school girl’s self-esteem, assuming that’s still an issue for high school girls. (It was so long ago for me. My oldest is 6.) Good luck!

Kate - I like #3 and then #2

Sarah Deakins - #3 and then #2. What a beautiful daughter!

Tracy - #1, #3 and #4 are my favs! She’s beautiful no matter what she wears though! I can’t wait to see the family photos! :o)

Peggy in TN - #3 or #1

Candy - 2 or 3, she is such a beauty! Her hair looks great in an updo too!

Cassy - #3

Aljolynn - #2 is a fabulous shirt but I’m not a fan of white shirts in photographs. #4 is a fabulous top as well.

sarah - #2.
and if it helps, i am closer to lauren’s age probably, at 21, so this isn’t a mom saying, “honey, #2 makes you look cute!” but a fellow peer saying, “girl, #2 makes you look goooood.”
tastefully so, of course, meg. ;]

Rebecca H. - i like 1 and 3 for sure!

Lindsey - Definitely 3!

Carolyn - #1, #3 or #4, in that order. She is a beautiful girl!

Meredith - I like #2

sarah - #2 she is so pretty!

Kristi - 3 or 6. both are great. I need to start figuring out what my family is going to wear. how did you decide? did you pick a couple of colors and go from there? I am not sure how to even start thinking about it!

Sarah T - She’s beautiful! I think #3 looks amazing (they all do – but I like that one the best)!

karen - I like 4 and 6. It also depends on what the rest of you are wearing. She is such a natural poser! Very pretty!!

Stina - #3 with her hair up.

Jessica - 2 or 3. They both look amazing on her, though you’ve got a beautiful daughter in anything she wears!

Shari - Definitely 1 or 3… can’t go wrong with either of those!

Michelle - What a gorgeous girl! #2 gets my vote – I think it will “age” the best as the years go by … Have fun!

Brooke Whitis - 2&3 seem to be very cute for pictures….when I take photos I always love a good, beautiful solid color. She looks beautiful in all of them though ๐Ÿ™‚

Mary Craig - #2 & #3. I think the solids look best for a group shot. And- OH MY WORD. She really is gorgeous.

Lisa - #3 for sure. #2 is the runner up. What a gorgeous girl you have!

Sugar Mama - 2 & 3 for sure! They are both flattering shapes and caught my eye the most. She looks gorgeous in all of them though!

Julie Cox - Lauren is BEAUTIFUL. Seriously.
Number 2 or 6

erin j - I vote #1.

Juliann - #1; looks beautiful with her hair and eyes ๐Ÿ™‚ I also like #3 – same reason.
she’s a beauty!

Lisa from Chicago - I vote for #3 & let Lauren know she’s a beautiful girl!

jeanne - Drop. Dead. Gorgeous!!! Oh my…you guys are soooo in trouble…I bet you already knew that. WOW, she could seriously model. Ok…I may be the boring one but I would go for the white ones. She shines all alone!

AMORRIS - My daughters and I choose #3 – FABULOUS!

Mary P. - #2 and then #3. You guys have good genes.

Heather - #2, #6, #3….in that order. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ayca - #3!!!

Katy - #3 is my favorite closely followed by #6 and #1. I want those tops…where did she get them?

Melody - first off, lauren is beautiful, but you already knew that ๐Ÿ™‚ secondly, gotta be #1, then #4, love the brown and the detailing on those shirts are great.

Lindsay - #2 or #3 with a ponytail like #5. A-dorable!!

Jen - Beautiful girl! I like #3 & #2 (in that order).

Aimee - I like #1 and #3 the best. I say no to 5 and 6. They are cute tops but something makes me think they are not right for the family photo.

Jenni Atkins - #4, #3 and #6 in that order are my favorites!! They all look beautiful on her though!!

Holly - #3 – Definitely. Wish I had that shirt – I must go shopping ASAP! Also wish I was as cute as here, but that’s another story!

Lori - # 2 and then #3. Tell Lauren she is georgous!

Vera - I vote for #2. Not sure this will help you – looks like eveyrone is picking different ones ha! But it’s only because she’s so gorgeous, it really doesn’t matter what shirt she wears.

Amanda - #3… shirt and hair style! (except she looks WAY grown up momma!) Can’t wait to see the family pics. I know they’ll be awesome!

Amanda C. - #3 is beautiful!

Joanne Beaulieu - Wow Lauren is really beautiful!! They all look good on her but i like #2 the best.

Jenn - number 3, totally fab

katy - #2 I think for SURE, it’s classic and timeless and she just looks so pretty.

Lillian - #2 or #6 gets my vote:) I do love the color on #3, but something about the empire line is bothering me. Maybe that it needs to be pulled down a bit and I don’t want the neckline to go any lower because she’s a nice, sweet girl:)

Kelly - #1!!

Meg - #3, beautiful Lauren. #2 is second.

Sue Linse - First choice – 3, then 2, then 4. She is beautiful!

tracy - 1, 3 and 6! but I think #1 is my fave!

Brie - I like #2 and #6. Six makes her look older. (And she should know her hair looks great!)

Karen - #3 That color looks great on her!

Dawn - I like # 1 and 3 …you look awesome in all of them. You are a stunning young lady.

Beth - #3 & #1 are my favs! But she looks Beautiful in all of them! Thanks for being such a sport Lauren, I would have rolled my eyes at my Mom when I was your age! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I am sure my daughter would do the same to me! You are LOVELY!

Courtney R. - #1 and #3!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - Well first of all Lauren is beautiful and her hair and makeup look great. She looks like a model.
My fave is #2, I think it looks young & fresh and would look great with some funky jewelry.
I also like 3, 5 & 6, although I do think 3 looks a bit “older.”

Maryrose - I like 3 and 6

Laura Mann - #1 or #3. She is gorgeous!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa K - My teenage daughter picks 1 and 4. And my son picks 3 and 2. ๐Ÿ™‚ They thought this was fun, too!

bopha - i like #2 and #3

Ali Richardson - # 2 FOR SURE!!! So pretty!

Melissa - Tough call. I vote #2 or #4. I love both.

Lisa K - #3 and then #2. She’s a knockout! And this was fun. ๐Ÿ™‚ xo

Queen Bee - Your daughter is stunning.

Kelsey I - #2 for sure!

Jen - #3

Tanya B - I pick #3!

stacie - #2 is so flattering. I’d love to know where you got that shirt … I want one ๐Ÿ™‚
Meg, you are an awesome Mama!!
Lauren, you are a beauty! Even without hair or make up the way you like it.
I can’t wait to see the family pics.

kristen - lauren is so pretty! ๐Ÿ™‚
i like #2 the best. looks very sweet.

betsy - I like #2 first, and then #6.
Such a pretty girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

mara - #3 and then #4, but you will be beautiful either way.

Ashlyn - She looks great in everything…but #2 is my fave.

Kirsten DePretis - For sure #4! ๐Ÿ™‚

Michelle - Love #1

holly - what a pretty girl
I like #1 and #3

jewelee - Number 1 or 4.
She looks absolutely great in all of them — she is such a natural beauty!

Nichole - #3!

Kelly O. - #1 or #3
but I think #3 is my fave ๐Ÿ™‚

Beth - #2!! She is radiant and beautiful in every way! #3 is second, but #2 is the most flattering and lovely. She has a perfect figure that works well with that shirt!

Lisa - #3 is a cute top for photos. Have fun!

emily - WOW she is really beautiful!!
i would say #2 #3 or #4 for the pictures b/c they are fitted and i ALWAYS have regretted not wearing something more fitted for pictures.
really, she’s adorable and will look fabulous in whichever one she goes with.

Mary - My daughter is 16 and she really likes #1

Sarah - I like 3, but 2 seems like it may do best with the lighting situation. I edit photos for a wedding photog and it’s always easier when people wear white for inside shots. Easier white balance and their face is lighted well. But if you use a flash it bounces too much. She look gorgeous in anything so whatever is comfy!

Terri - Wow Lauren you are so beautiful!!!
I love them all! Fav is #1 and a close 2nd is #3

Reese - I l.o.v.e. #2!! Perfectly girly!

Lynette - #3 is my first pick.
#2 is my second pick.

Beth - #2, but then she looks pretty in all of them! ๐Ÿ™‚

Stephanie - #1!!! She is so beautiful.

Tam - #3. She’s gorgeous ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait to see the family photos!

Kambria - i’m voting for number 2 and number 3….one is amazing, but white and ya know…it’s just white….and number 3 is my favorite color and she looks gorgeous in it. and lauren…you are a babe with or without your hair done and if it makes you feel better, my daughter would have made me make the same disclaimer.

erin - #6! and how beautiful!

Aimee Johnson - Number 2!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Juli - #s 3 or 4.

beth - 3!

stacey B - #4 great neckline!

Kathy - I was confused at first why you were showing us stock store photos of models in the shirts–how would you get them in time? I cant believe that is really Lauren! She is so pretty and so good in front of the camera!

rychelle - #6

Staci Danford - OMG.. wouldn’t we all LOVE to look like that when our hair and makeup wasn’t done.. What a darling girl she is.. I thinks she looks precious in them all. Depending on what everyone else is wearing I can’t give you a photography answer…but I think #1 was just precious..

lisa - I like #1

Amanda Kay - I like #2 because it’s fresh looking. Looks great with that ring she is rocking.
The other I like it #3. That color is really in…along with bright yellow, my personal favorite.
I work with youth and get to see a lot of great and not so great clothing choices.
Lauren, I hope you know that no matter what you wear, you’re the one who makes the outfit beautiful!

Jennifer - 1 and 4, she looks amazing in brown

Tanya H - I loved #1 immediately, but #3 makes her pop the most. Gorgeous jewel tone for her skin tone and hair.

Caterina - #3 #3 #3!!! Beautiful!

Heather - i like #2 the best. super cute and she looks like a model, only prettier and less anorexic. just so she knows.

Erica Haude - #3 looks stunning on her. great color for her skin tone and eyes. And very flattering.
#2 also a GREAT shirt and you could have SOO much fun with jewelry with that one.
Lauren, you are absolutely beautiful. seriously.

Tina - She looks beautiful in all of them, but #3 is my favorite on her. I am absolutely jealous of Lauren’s hair!!!

Shar - she is so beautiful, who will notice what she is wearing? I am the only one, but i really like 5, the simplicity really showcases her face, etc.

Kristy - # 2 all the way! Beautiful and classy, love the hair and jewels too. If not, #3 or #6. The first and fourth tops are cute but take away from her beautiful face….less is more. She is the bomb shizzle ๐Ÿ™‚ Have fun!

Charisa - #2!

Christy - Lairen is beautiful, even without “hair & make-up”.
I like #3 on her, the color looks gorgeous on her, I also like #1.

Marisol Avila - #3, #2 OR #6 – She’s beautiful by the way!

Kirsten - Wow, Lauren, listen to your mama – you are gorgeous!! My faves are #3 and #4, but they’re all cute. Love the up-dos, too. And *ahem* I have a son who is pretty handsome. And single ๐Ÿ™‚

Chelsea - # 2 for sure!

AmyB - #3 and #5 ๐Ÿ™‚

Meredith Salmon - I love them all but I like # 1, 3 and 6 in that order. I like all the others as well but I love the color in these three. I would love to have my hair look like that anytime. She is a beautiful young woman. I can’t wait to see your family photos.

LilDude'sMama - #2 … classic white. I love her eyes, so pretty.

Bec - 1 or 4

alma - I like # 3. the turquise really stands out.

Jeannine - #4! She’s pretty no matter what though.
Lucky girl!

mel - Lauren is beautiful!
I like all the shirts, but number 4 is my favorite!
What is everyone else wearing? Can’t wait to see the pictures!

marie mayeux - 3 or 4-gorgeous girl!

Arrica - 2 or 3

Shannon Kirtley - I like #3! She looks very pretty in all of them!

Debi in Oregon - Beautiful Lauren! #2 and #3. Simple, shapely, youthful, and both with the ruffles that are popular right now. A good little “time capsule” of a shirt for looking back at later….

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - #3 – such a pretty color, and it goes well with her skin tone. ๐Ÿ™‚

Brenna - No white! White’s too every family picture ever. #1 (w/o white sweater), #3 or #4.
You have a beautiful daughter!
PS I LOVE checking your blog. Thanks!

Becky - #4 – love the shirt and she looks great in it!

christi - 2 or 3 … neither will move around in the photos and she won’t be tugging at them! she is stunning!!!

Tere - #3 looks great with her skin color. That’s my pick

Rebecca Jordan - number 4! number 4! and then maybe tell me where you got it! ๐Ÿ™‚

Brooke - She’d look cute in a paper sack!! I like #1.

Rebecca - I like #1 or #3 best. She’s adorable in all of them, but I like the color as opposed to the white shirts. I have a 15 year old daughter…I feel your pain.

Maggie Rose - #2 or #4! They are all cute, but I think those will photograph well – the teal top is pretty too, but hair-up only to not compete with the ruffles!

Alison Williams - no. 4, or no. 1 without the white cardi over the top!

Jenn Thomas - #3 – is the best shirt – very flattering – her hair always always looks good when I see her.

Porche - I like #2, but #3 is cute too.

Kae - definitely 2 or 3!! If you had 2 in another color I think that would win it for me. But both are great!!

Taryn Smith - 1 and 4. She is BEAUTIFUL!

Rachael Kiefer - I like #3.

Stephanie - #1 or #2! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sabrina - # 3 you look beautiful

Melissa Morrill - #2 looks amazing on her!! It’s way flattering and yeah just looks awesome!

mel h - #3 She is adorable and her hair looks great in all of the pics.

melissa - my fave is #3!!!
you have a beautiful daughter there!!!

Diana - She’s beautiful!
It’s the mist flattering, the color Is perfect and simple jewelry will complete the look. The other ones are too busy or plain or unflattering.

Lorel - #2,Very pretty.She looks so nice.

Ashley Crenshaw - #1!! Gorgeous girly!

Craig - I think they all show too much skin. Can’t she wear a turtleneck sweater or something?

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - eek. this is a tough one. i like 2 and 3 the best. it’s a tie! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jessica J - #2 with a pretty, colorful necklace! She’s so pretty! Good genes mama! ๐Ÿ™‚

Erin u - #1 or #2. she’s a beautiful girl. How does you sleep at night?!?:)

Kate - I love #2. It’s cute and simple

Alysa - #1 and #3 tied for first … followed by #4 …

Miranda - #3 great color, very flattering

Niki - #3! Gorgeous!

rachel p - she’s GORGEOUS, so of course she’ll make anything look great. But, I like #2 the best because it’s simple and puts the attention on her face rather than the shirt ๐Ÿ™‚

Ellen Williams - #3 is my first choice and #1 is my second choice! Beautiful girl!

anna. - 3 then 4.

april - #2 or #3?? Depends what colors everyone else is wearing…..Of course she looks so pretty in all of them….Who takes your pics??

Jermaine D. - I would say #2, #3, or #4. And NOT as her Mom, I still she looks great!

Sara - She is so cute, she looks good in all of them, but I like the color, #3 and #6

bethieh - Numbers 1 and 3! (3 is my fav)

jessica - #2 it is the simplest & doesn’t destract from how beautiful she is….all your children are beautiful by the way! So I say 2, 2, 2!

Stacia - I vote 3 too:)

Emma - #2 all the way. It’s so pretty and light.

Marcy - I like the shirt color in #3:)

haley - number 2

BriBedell - Toss up between 3 or 6 for me! She is soo cute! Her and my younger sister (who is 14) look a lot alike! I am sure they have the same attitudes too ๐Ÿ™‚

Denissa - She is beautiful!! I like #1 or #2.

Capricious - # 3 or #2 are fabulous!

DreamGirlLisa - #3…but honestly, she looks beautiful in all of them!

Heather Young - 3 and 4 are my favorites!

christine - i love #1

Carrie - 2 or 4 … if only my mom picked out clothes like these when she decides to “shop” for me from time to time. lol.

MommaH - Number 3. Lauren could be a model- she is so pretty!

Heather from the bar - #2 by far. I want that shirt! Fun and girly but mature.

lauren - lauren is so pretty!! ๐Ÿ™‚
my favorite is number 2, b/c it will allow her features to stand out. my second choice would be number 3.
good luck w/ the photos!

Shannon - I like #1. She’s beautiful!

simple ginger - First choice is 1, unless no one else is wearing layered looks. In that case I’d go with my second favorite, number 4. Great modeling and pics. She’s beautiful!

Abby G - 2!! She is gorgeous in any of them! Where did the #2 come from??

Crystal - I like # 1,2,and 4. From Hannah 6 years old and a fashion queen.

Rebecca - I love #2!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - #3 (or #4).
But truly love them all!
Lauren- You look beautiful in ALL the pics! I especially like the ones with your hair up!

julie - #3 – beautiful color on her ~ she is a knock-out!!!

Rachel Bosket - 3 3 3!!!!

Jessica - #2–hands down! lauren is beautiful. i LOVE her side ponytail!

Alison - #3 for sure.

Deanna - 3 for sure!!

Liesl - I say #2, 3, or 6….but what colors are the rest of the family wearing? They ALL look great on her!

emily - #2 for sure!!! she is so beautiful . . . and the shirt doesn’t distract from her beauty!!

Karen F. - #3 for sure . . . although she’d look beautiful in anything!
Firstbrook Five

thewatergirl - 3 or 6…I like both the white ones as well, but I never think all white shirts photograph all that well. Her hair looks great!

lelu - I like 1, 2, and 3. But I’m leaning towards 3 as my favorite.

Thea - I choose 3 definitely!!

Nina Diane - wow…she is so gorgeous!! And #2 is my vote…it’s so feminine and I think that’s just the look for her.

Nicole Q. - Lauren you are BEAUTIFUL!!! Stunning!!
If you have some fun jewlery to add I like #2 and #5 – they would make the jewlery really pop out.
I love number 3 too – that color looks awesome on you.
You could pick any of them and look great!!!!
Have fun with family pics!

Lisa - Number 1 and number 3. She is so beautiful – as I’ve said before I think she looks like Natalie Portman. ๐Ÿ™‚

stephanie - They all look great…she would look fab. in a ANYTHING! If I had to choose one…I would say #2.

Lee Ann - 3! It’s perfect for photos. Solid color but lots of texture. Lauren, you’re beautiful!!!!

Dina Marie - I like #1. It looks cute on her.

Danielle - #3 is first pick, #2 second pick.
Gorgeous daughter!

sarah - Number 2 is my top fave. And then number 6.
And Lauren is gorgeous.
Her hair looked gorgeous and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even need make up.
You tell her that we all think she’s BEAUTIFUL.

Jessica F - # 1 for sure!!

Alisa - I like 2 and 3 the best, especially #3. I really think she looks beautiful in all of them, but the turquoise is just so flattering.

michelle - she is beautiful!!! i like #3

Michelle - Lauren, you are gorgeous! Love both #3 and #4.
#5 doesn’t really show her cute shape and #1 looks too little girlish with the white sweater, so those two are my least favorite.

amber - #2! And, holy cow! She’s SO pretty…lock her up!:)

Kelly - Boy is she a beautiful girl.
Number three is most flattering.

Carrie Haughey - #3 then #2

Tabby A. - #1 because it will be colorful and there are some layers which are always great for photography!

Christina - She is so pretty. I vote for either of the blue/green ones. Whites should be avoided in portrait sessions to make it easier for the photographer to not have blown out highlights.

KK - I would say #1 or #3. Here’s my order in which I would pick, though… 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.
She is gorgeous! I wish I could look like her. ๐Ÿ™‚ Beautiful daughter!
Good luck at the pics!
Have a wonderful day!

Lacy - Love #2 plain simple so skinnnnnny and beautiful on her skin and figure!

CarrieBeth - #3 or #5!
she’s gorgeous in all of them!

Robyn Farmer - I like 2, 3, 6 and by the way anytime I see her on your blog I think she is strikingly beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous!

shelly @familyblt - She is soooo pretty! (Ugh, you must worry!) I like them all, but 3 is such a fun color/style! Looking forward to seeing your pics!

Katy - 3 and 4 are my faves. ๐Ÿ™‚ You are SO pretty Lauren!

mkpoggie - Hair and Shirt #3. That color is so pretty with her skin, the fit is flattering and her hair makes her loo so sophisticated!
And tell her that is completely nutso–I was just thinking before I got to the “disclaimer” that it was cute that she had taken the time to do her hair so perfectly before each photo.

Sophie - Number 4!
It’s cute and not plain, but it’s not too much to detract from that pretty face she’s got.
Lauren, I’m a fellow teen girl. Trust me, I FEEL YOUR PAIN! (:

Danielle - 1, 3 or 4 have fun! hope you have happy cooperative kids unlike our photo shoot!

Katie - #2 and #3

Ariel - #2 hands down…simple is always best, and her gorgeous face pops!

Beth - #3! Love the blue!

Mandy - #3! She is beautiful Meg.

Chelsea - #2 or #3

Jessica - #3 will photograph the best, I’d say.

shawnette - #3

candace - #3 then #6
oh tough choices. she’s so pretty!

Nikki - 3 or 6 with hair do in #2
White is hard to photograph and not make her looked washed out

Danielle H. - 2, 1 and 4 — depending on what the others are wearing color-wise! She is gorgeous. If only I looked that good without doing my hair/makeup. Sigh, why were we so hard on ourselves at that age? Who knew I would DIE to look the way I did then!!!

Lisa - 3 or 1

Sheila P. - I like #3 – but, honestly, she could wear a paper bag and still look gorgeous!!!!

karol - She is absolutely gorgeous. So, it’s difficult to narrow down just one because she makes them all look so pretty. I’m going with 3 or 4 with a strong vote for 3.

kimmy - #3 — a great color on her. I don’t like white clothes in photos.

Michelle - #2 then #3. Such a pretty girl ๐Ÿ™‚

Aliece - #3 is adorable!

Heather K - #’s 1, 3 & 4. She is SO beautiful!

shelley c - #1 & 6… what a beautiful girl!!! I wish I looked good in everything I put on!

Nicole - #2. #3

Sasha - Something simple with not a lot of pattern…#6 or #3 are great

Anna - #3!

Jodi - The solid green or the solid blue… and she is gorgeous!

suzanne - #3!! For sure!

Kathi - #3 first choice
#1 second choice
However, she’s gorgeous in all of the options!

Shannon C - Definitely 3 or 1. She is so pretty!

Kirsten P - I vote for #3. She is so pretty.

Sharla - She is beautiful! #1 and #3 are my favorites.

Bethany - She is beautiful!! #3 is my favorite. Love the ruffles!

Kelsey - I would say #2 or #3 those are the most flattering for her in my opinion. Plus they are plainer, so you can use alot of fun jewelry. My mom is a photographer and I always prefer the large families that are mostly in solid colors. It is less distracting then every person being in a different plaid, dot of strip pattern.

Amber Zimmerman - #3. . .she’s SO pretty!

Melissa - Gorgeous girl. 3, 4 or 1 without the white shirt over it.

Dawn - 3 or 1…she’s so pretty…tell her to enjoy not having to “DO” her hair and makeup to look that way!!

Heather R. - #2 and #3 are my favs. She would look fab in anything though…lucky. ๐Ÿ™‚

Bobbie - #3.. young and frilly.. wear it now while you can! ha!

Amanda - I like #2 and #3 best, then #5. Lauren looks like a model!!! She is beautiful!

Julie - Oh wow, Lauren, you look amazing in all of the shots whether your hair is the way you like it or not!
Meg, I’m not sure how helpful our votes are… they are all over the place! ha! I like #1 best. The brown really makes her eyes pop and I love the contrasting turquoise. But then someone mentioned that might distract the eye from other people in the pic? I’m not a photographer, so I never would have even considered that! I’m guessing #4 (the other brown shirt) also has the same effect on her eyes. If I had to pick one more shirt I’d go with #3. Definitely a tough call. Can’t wait to hear the fonal decision and see the photo!

Marisa - 1, 3, or 6. But she makes them all look good!

Danielle - She is so beautiful! I like #3 and then #2 next. Her hair looks great!

Anessa - Lovely! 3 or 2 or 4. but I think 3 is my fav!

Tammy - #3

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic - I like number 2 and 3 the best.

Lindsey - #2!

Crystal - #3 first choice, #2 second choice

Andrea - #3 I love it and of course they all look good but that color looks fantastic on her.She is very pretty.

Jodi - #1!

Dee Stephens - #3, #1 or #4 in that order

deb meyers - #6 because it is a gorgeous neutral solid, and style less likely to look dated through the years.
#2 also solid, but a bit provocative for a family photo? However, a reminder, when she is 48, that she had an awesome figure once-upon-a-time!

purejoy - 190 votes?? if i PAID people i would never get that many comments! go you!!
i like #4 and #1 in that order.
she’d look beautiful in a burlap bag. geesh, she’s beautiful!
can’t wait to see the rest.

Sheryl - My vote is #2, #3, flowy and feminine. Tell Lauren, You are beautiful, you look like a model! I said so!

stacie jameson - #3

Janelle - First Choice: #1
Second Choice: #3
Love them all though!

Emily - #2

Natasha Burns - all gorgeous, but 2 and 3 popped out at me. probably 3, the colour is gorgeous on her!

Tami Veer - 3

Jennifer R - I really like number 1! She’s beautiful with or without makeup. I know at that age though its hard to believe or convince her otherwise. I was the same way.

Bobbi Jo - I think #1 is young and fresh, however, it might distract. Therefore I’d pick #3. Everyone is right, she is gorgeous and could arrive in a paper sack and still steal the show. Lucky girl!! :0)

Trish - #3. she looks like a model!

Kimberlie - #3… such a beautiful girl.

Stacy - #3 Love everything, fit, color and how it could fit with family pictures. Lauren you are very pretty and photogenic!

Lora - #6 is my vote. They’re all such cute shirts! and what a beautiful girl. I have a cousin that we say would look good in a burlap sack….I’d put Lauren in the same category!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Rebecca Kriner - They are all good but 3 is my fav!

jennifer wood - I like #1 but she might steel the show;)

Karina - Number one, hands down. What a gorgeous young lady.

Andrea - I love #3!!

Lisa - 1 and 3 are my favorites but she looks great in all of them. What a beautiful girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenn - She is a beauty! I like 2 and 6 most- they’re classic while still being young and stylish

Darcy - #1 and then #3.
She is beautiful … and I LOVE your blog. It’s my favorite.

jodi @ back40life - #3 with #1 as a close second…so fun!

nella paper studio - 2,3, or 6…in that order. 2 is very NOW. ๐Ÿ™‚

Amber - Number 3 FOR SURE. Number 4 second. She is gorgeous!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

jody - #4 or #1 – I like the brown with her dark coloring. She’s gorgeous – but even more gorgeous inside I’m sure – which is what COUNTS of course!!! Have fun!

Chris - #3 is my favorite – such a pretty color on a pretty girl!

amy jupin - first of all, lauren is so gorgeous it’s sick.
second of all, megan, you better keep her locked up. ๐Ÿ™‚
and lastly, if you decide to let her out of the house (only for these pictures of course) she should def. wear the turqoise shirt, #3. it really makes her look soooo teeny tiny and i love her hair up!

kat - Number 1 and number 3 are my choices. She is beautiful.

Bridgette - #6

mel - i like 1, 2 & 4. and, as everyone else said, lauren is a beautiful girl!

Wendy - She looks beautiful Meg!! My vote is for #3 hands down. That color does amazing things for her skin tone, her hair color and her beautiful brown eyes. Now the question is, what are *you* going to wear? ๐Ÿ™‚

Jos - #1 – and she’s GORGEOUS!!!

Krista - She’s a gorgeous girl, I hope she knows that! She sounds like she’s hard on herself. I guess that’s the life of a teenager….. anyway, I love 1 & 3!!

stephanie - #3 – she looks GREAT in turquoise!

Ashley - I don’t think she could go wrong with any of them, but #2 and #3 are my faves.

`Kelly - She is a true beauty! I like all of them but 1, 2 & 3 the best. Can’t wait to see the pictures!

Nikki in Austin - She’s gorgeous is them all. No time for hair and make-up?? Can I hire her as my personal hair stylist?! I like that #2 is simple, bright yet has a fun, girly ruffle on the shoulder. It’ll look great in photos dressed up with fun jewelry. Have fun!

Amy - I love 1 as I love myself a cardigan. ๐Ÿ™‚

Art Cant Hurt - 3 (worn with red accents)

Kelly Anne - I vote #2 or #3.

courtney - definitely #2!

heather - #3, it’s a gorgeous color.

Gevay - She looks adorable in all of them, but I like #3 & #6.

Gretchen - I like #6 best followed by #1.

kp - Love, love, love #2 – with some great but simple jewelry since the shoulders are soooo pretty on their own. What fun!

Danielle - 2,3 & 4!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Michele - 3 for sure!! She’s beautiful!

meredith - #2!! and add some colorful jewels, NICE!!! so gorgeous.

Kirsten Dehmlow - #3 – lovely!

Ruth H. - Okay, #3 is absolutely the most flattering. The color looks fantastic with Lauren’s coloring. My second choice is #2; the color is simple, but I love the details on the sleeves. I also like #1, but it is kind of busy for a group portrait. Have fun!

Lori - 1 & 3 are tied for me. Thanks for letting us in on the choosing. How fun!

Leah - #4! With #3 coming in as a quick second favorite. I think you can see bra straps in number 1…so I would kick that one out. Hope that isn’t mean sounding. Says the girl who has bra straps showing right now ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kasey - She looks great in all of them, but shirt #3 is my favorite. The color looks beautiful on her.

Cindy - #3 for sure! Beautiful girl you have there! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love her hair in #3 too!

Amy King - She could wear a trashbag and be beautiful, but I would go with #3. It is very flattering and the color is great with her skin.

carly - #4 !!

lulusparkles - for sure 3 or 4….such a pretty gal!

Lynsee - #6, #1, #4 but I like #6 the best. ๐Ÿ™‚
Good luck deciding!

Jessica - I like #3 – the color is beautiful on her

mary elizabeth - #2 or #3 – Both very flattering to her shape, the colors look great on her!! They show she is young and hip too! Those are my favs – the others I don’t care fro as much.
WEAR #2 or #3 LAUREN!!!!!!!!!
(Plus they are simple with a bit of detail even though they are solid colors – others are just distracting for pictures)

J. Beswick - 2, 3, or 4 all look great.

Rhonda - My favorite is number 1 or 3!
She honestly looks like a MODEL!
She is just beautiful!

meghan - Go with #1!!!

heather - Love 1 and 4!

Krissa - DANG….gorgeous!!!!
I love #2 or #3…those are my faves!

kimberly - 2 or 4 – hard to decide though!

Donna - I like 3, 2, then 1. What a beautiful daughter you have….she looks like a model. Good luck with the pictures!

Katie - #2 – simple, yet the sleeves add a lot. She’s a natural beauty!

Julie in GA - I love #3 and then #1 — She’s such a beautiful young lady!

denise - My oldest daughters name is Lauren ๐Ÿ™‚ she is only seven
anyway I would pick #2 or #3 and she is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Lisa - #3 for first choice
#2 second choice

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - she’s gorgeous! #2 and #4 are my favorites!

Leah in FL - #3 … the color looks great on her. Lovely girl … cute top. :o)

Laura Lee - 3! all beautiful though ๐Ÿ™‚ tough choice!

ET - #3 for sure! The color looks great with her coloring. Her hair looks amazing…wish I could not do my hair the way I want and be that cute!

Julie K. - Oh my gosh she looks like a model! My vote is 1 or 3!

Annie - #2 or #3, both are really cute and look great on her!

Colleen - Definitely No. 3
The color is perfect for her skin tone!

Angie - #1..she is so pretty!

Ashlee - 3 or 4 for sure!

Katie - #2 and her hair is awesome!

Sarah - I love her outfit in #3 and her hair in #5. She’s beautiful!

Jessica - You can’t go wrong with #2 or #3.

Linda Sousa - My vote is #3

mandy - #3…then #2

kristi rediske - I like #1 and #3-I think they would both look great!

Mandy - My favs are 2,3, or 6. But my gosh your girl is so beautiful she could wear a paper sack and make it look like a million bucks!

Gretchen Harbour - #2 and #3 – She is beautiful! You should be so proud of all your children. Enjoying your blog. I’m a mom of three little ones. Your blog entertains me. Thanks for inspiring! Gretchen

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - My favorite is #1. Of course I’m sure she’ll look beautiful in whatever she wears.

gg - Number THRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Sarah - #2.

Ivy Smith - #2 or #3 is my vote! Lauren gets more and more beautiful everytime she makes a blog appearance. She is really such a natural beauty!

Stephanie - #2 and #3… and the hairstyles in each!!

Amy Coose - She’s gorgeous, and I love 3.

kristen - #3 or #6 – What a beauty! She needs to trust her Mama

carly - #2 looks great! glad to see pics of Lauren. Hope we get to see the end product of your beautiful family.

Elizabeth - Number 3. She looks beautiful in turquoise!

Christy - I vote for #3 ! love the color #2 is my second fave
She’s is so pretty!

ang - #2 then #3. She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

Jen - Three is the best. The runner up is number 2.

Diane - She is so beautiful!! I like #1 and #3.

carolyn - #3

jennifer cole - #3. She is a beautiful girl.

Leadia Jarvis - She’s beautiful. I like #1 or #2

Laura - number 3 looks awesome on her! Great color with her skin tone. I have the #2 shirt in a maroon and it is an awesome shirt as well. It is very comfortable. But #3 is my favorite on her.

Misty, Southern Belle Mama - #2 or #3…both are gorgeous!

Anna Marie - Hi Lauren!!!
#3 – That color is definitely a good color on her with her hair color and skin tones. I actually love her hair and thought to myself how versatile she is with her hairstyles. Good luck!

Meredith - She’s such a pretty girl! I like #1, #3, and #4.

Katherine - I like 1, then 3, then 4. Good luck!

Christy - I love #3. Love the color!

Nichole - #3!! You can’t go wrong with turquoise!

Nancy - #3

Susan - I like # 1.

Rebecca - I like 2, 3 and 6…She is a beauty!!! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the gang in the family photos!

Carin - #3

Andrea - Number 3

Brianna - 2 or 3. she’s adorable in all of them though.

Lauren - #6, #3, or #2. She’s so pretty!

Sally Mangham - No. 3 She is beautiful!!

Janine - It’s so hard! She looks great in everything. She could totally be a model. I love her hair in #1 (the shirt is cute but too busy for a family pic). My vote is for #3 – great color, and a cute style too.

kribss - #3!!!! its a great color on her and really shows off her slim figure!

Kirsten - 3 and 4 are my favs. She is a fabulously beautiful young lady!

Jessica - #1 looks very chic

amy - #3 and #4 are my vote. They are both super CUTE!

Kim Jorden - They all look great!
She could be a model!

Christy - #3 is my favorite, although they all look great because she is beautiful!

Renee - She’s beautiful!! #3

chris - #1 and #3

Sims Nicole - #2 then #3

Emily - 4 or 6 – she is GORGEOUS!

Jennifer Wilde - I love 2 and 3 without a doubt. Such a pretty girl.

Beth W. from Dirty Laundry - 2 or 3…depending on your color theme. So pretty, and her hair really did look good, tell her I said that.

Angel/TaDa!Creations - That’s tough! She’s gorgeous in everything she wears. My faves are 6, 3 and 2. With 2 being my absolute fave. It makes her stand out the most, a classic beauty.

Lorie - #4 is my top choice, but #3 would be my second vote. She is a very BEAUTIFUL girl as it is. Which one goes best with what the rest of you are wearing?

Kimberlee J. - 4 is my first choice.

Jules - #3!! Great colour! She could be a model! Beautiful pictures!

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - 3, 4, and 2 in that order. Lauren is beautiful!

kimmie - #3…Perfect color shirt and hair up is nice!

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - First choice = #3
Second = #2

Karey - #3 is my favorite and my second favorite is #4

FeFe - #3 or #1 – she’s a beautiful girl!

Liz - She is so gorgeous! Any of these would be lovely, because she is a lovely girl.
My favs are 1 and 3!

Erin - She’s beautiful Meg….I like 1 and 4. ๐Ÿ™‚

Missy - Being that skinny AND adorable is just wrong! Gorgeous, but wrong. I vote #2 or #3.

lala - Lauren is beautiful! I like shirts 2 and 3 the best. Can’t wait to see your final family photos – that’s such a stressful time for me!

Lauren - Number 4 is gorgeous and makes her look really slim.

Holly - well just scanning down it looks like #3 is the most popular so far! I love #3 and #1 the best. Your daughter is gorgeous Meg!

Betty - 3. then 1 and 4

Lori - Pretty girl! They all look great, but my faves in order are 3,4,1. Good Luck!

kasey - all cute.
I had to cancel ours with Blue lily because i will be in MN all weekend. damn.
I really wanted her to do our family.
I’m sure yours will be fabulous.

Shelly DeBoer - love #3,4 and 2! She will look great no matter what!

Jana - #3…i am partial to ruffles ๐Ÿ˜€

Holly - #1 or #3
I liked her hair and makeup like that!

Julie - #1 or #3 with hair #3. Such a pretty girl!

Ginny - Number 2 is my fav followed by 3

Julie - I am going to say #2, #3, and then #1.
She is a beautiful girl!

Mrs. 5C - #3! She is gorgeous!

Amy - Number 6 is the one!

Tara - #3 with out a single doubt.
if she doesn’t want # 3, then it’s got to be #2
and for the record. she is absolutely b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l..

tara - she’s so,so,so pretty Meg. I like the blue.
really they’re all great.
good luck with the pictures.

Kat - Wow she is really stunning, definitely model material.
I like #3, 6 and 1 in that order.
I also think she would look beautiful in anything.
You go girl!!

Teresa - 2 or 3. But #2 looks so pretty!

Carrie - #3 is my first choice
#6 is my second
She is a beautiful girl!

Molly Pearce - I like #2 and #3!! They would gorgeous with colorful jewels!! Lauren you are very pretty!!! Hope you guys have fun with the family pictures!!
~Molly P

Sarah - She is so pretty! I love #3 and her hair like that! Then number 2.

Kim - Definitely #3. With hair up. Fabulous!!!!

Michelle - 1, 4 or 6 in no particular order. Although she is beautiful and will make anything look terrific.

Lisa - 1 or 3, gorgeous!

calliope - She looks amazing with color so I’d say #6.
Although #4 shows her beautiful arms, it doesn’t harm that it’s brown, too, it’s very flattering on her.

Shannon - #2!!!

Janet - I like #1 or #3. She looks amazing in either one.

Alicia - #4 definitely- although she looks beautiful in all of them! She could be a model!

Anna - 2,4,6
Lauren, you look fantastic!

Kyleigh - 3 definitely – it’s the lovely turquoise colour, goes so well with her colouring. What a beautiful young lady, you must be so proud!

Cara Kapp - I like number 3 & 6

tami - number 3 hands down!

Vanessa - #1 or 3.

Mica - #1 is very sweet and flattering… the colors are hip and the sweater rally pulls it all together! Mica

angela - #1 or #3 but she would look good in a potato sack. Holy mackeral she is gorgeous!

Rebecca - #2 closely followed by #3. All beautiful though!

Sam - No. 4 and then no. 2 although it makes no difference, she looks lovely in them all.

Jules - #3 – lovely colour.

Catriona - 6, 2 or 3.

Alisa - I vote 4

Tara - I never comment (but always check out your site). Lauren is stunning!
I would go number 2 ๐Ÿ™‚

Lynda - 1, 4 and 6… no help from me:D…..and she’s a naturel beauty, doesn’t need anything more!!!!!

karma fuerst - I am going to say #3…the color is great against her own skin tone and the shirt doesn’t take away from her at all…her own beauty shines through!

sumi - Number 1 with the shrug.She looks absolutely pretty in that pic .Second choice is number 4.Brown suits her.

Val - #2, 3 and 6! Pretty girl!

Gemma - Number 3 is really nice!! If not it’s between 1 and 2.
She is beautiful!
Gemma X

jamie - 1 or 3 with her hair loose like in Picture 1. She looks Beautiful.

Lizelle - #3 with #2 hairdo!

rachel - Lauren looks lovely in them all but I probably like best 2 or 3

Andrea - #3!

erica - #4 is my top pick! it’s so flattering on her. she is beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

Four Flights - #2 without a doubt! She is so pretty!

PaisleyJade - She looks stunning – my favs are number 1 and 3!

susan - Love your blog! I vote number 4
My roomie loves number 3!

Jane - my favourite is number 3 – wow you have a gorgeous daughter! (despite not having hair and makeup ‘perfect’ she looks amazing!) - #3, trรจs chic!

koryshar - the turquoise one

A. Bounds - I love number 1.

Nicole - #3! What a beautiful young lady!

Gaile Uka - No 2,3, and 1 in that order. She really looks very pretty in all of the shirts and I am sure she could pull off any one of them.No 5 is very nice but makes her look much older than her age.:) I hope we get to see your family pictures when you take them.
(I am writing in from Nigeria in West Africa. i am a christian and a mother of two lovely girls aged 3 and 5 years. You really do have a wonderful family)

Shelley Laird - The turquoise shirt, #3!

Natalie Heisinger - I like 3 or 4

Rachel - #3! What a beauty!

CASSIE - #2 for sure and I wish I looked like that when I was her age!! I was a mess she is beautiful!

Blythe - First choice = #3
Second = #2

Mansi - number 4 & number 3
She is adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

megan - holy mackerel….she is so pretty and could pull off most anything. i am thinking that shirts #1 & 4 have lots going on and may distract from the “peeps” in your photo (I assume you are doing the whole fam together!)
beyond that, i would say i like #s 6, 3 and 2 (in that order). do you have a color theme you are working with? i can’t imagine getting everyone all coordinated…clothes, colors, smiles, clean, moderately happy….and i only have 4 kids. guess that is one reason why we don’t have any family photos! good luck and have fun!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - #6, #1, #3 in that order!
Lauren, you are beautiful!!

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