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my reality

mess everywhere.
un-ending mess.
it happens so quickly.
and it takes twice as long to clean up as it does to get out in the first place.

but that is life as a mom…isn't it?

we are all in the same boat.



andrea - yes, thank you…i like real, because that is all that is around here

Tracy - Thank you for this post. This is me…this is reality (now could someone just explain that to my husband???) I love your blog…I feel like you are in my head 1/2 the time…it feels so nice to know I am not alone!

Nancy - the red EAT letters on your counter–are they wood, metal, what? did you buy them like that somewhere or paint them yourself? Please let me know. i think they might work for an idea i have for my kitchen. can they hang on the wall?

loniann - Thank you for posting this! Exactly what I needed to see.

becky @ farmgirl paints - A beautiful mess:)

the inadvertent farmer - Same boat and not a paddle among us!

Emily Zimmerman - Thank you for showing this picture!!! I’m a new mom of a 3 year old and 8 month old. I’m still adjusting to life as a mom. Trying to find a balance. I thought being a stay at home mom would simplify my life. I think it has, but I wasn’t prepared for the complexity of motherhood!! Which brings me to the cluttered house picture. This is my house most days. And I am still trying to embrace it. I’m still trying to see the good in it. The time spent together with family. The time spent making memories. Instead when I look at my house I see clutter and mess. I see a room that’s not worthy of company. I use the mess to beat myself up about my lack of effort. See, I’m still trying to find a balance. I don’t think the messy house is going to be leaving my life anytime soon, so meanwhile I will be looking for the good in at and kicking out the negative thoughts and feelings. Any advice you have for new mothers would be greatly appreciated!

Jen D. - Love this post! It made my day today. I clean, my family messes it up. Rinse and repeat! I also was feeling like I was the only one with this complaint. So often I see beautiful homes and so very CLEAN on the blogs that I read. Thanks for being real and authentic. I have three kiddos four and under…life is busy.

Angie - I love it!

Ashley - Oh I am sooo happy you posted this…I was beginning to feel like I was the only one who picked up just to have it be unpicked up minutes later…:)

jennibell - And then I somehow posted before I re-read what I had written or put my blog address in. Holly was in your comments πŸ™‚ Sigh. It’s been one of those days. Thanks for this post. . .I needed to see I’m not the only one. . .I’m motivated now!!

jennibell - Meg, so I linked to Holly, saw your Rainbow Cake, linked to that, saw that you said instructions were posted May 22, 2009, went to your homepage, but I don’t find a post dating that far back? I would love the recipe!!

Karen - I love your barstools. Where’d you get them?

Denissa - Yep, that is life with kids and summer vacation πŸ™‚

Wendy - We are definitely in the same boat. I try & tell myself that I will miss it one day!

got2havefaith - And, as soon as you turn around to clean another room, the room you just cleaned is a mess again! It never ends.

kristine - it takes way longer than “twice as long” to clean it up πŸ™‚

Stacy Christy - I hear ya! I opted to go to bed early tonight so I can get up and run in the morning and left the kitchen sink full of dishes. They probably won’t get cleaned ’til tomorrow afternoon!

heather - Too funny! I wrote a blog post Sunday night (that posted Monday morning) about letting go of wanting a clean house, normal-size body, me-time, etc and just enjoying summer with my kids without feeling guilty about those things. then monday afternoon I completely freaked out about the state of our house and spent all of naptime cleaning! pathetic! (the sad part is it’s still not what I would call clean and it will be downright gross by the weekend for sure!) πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Ha ha Meg. Your house on its worse days looks better than mine on its best! And I only have two kids. :/

Kat - Thanks for keeping it real Meg.
I am so over these perfect blog homes that make me feel down about the “real, lived in” state of my home with 4 kids.
I love the way you are so honest and open!
Hope you get a chance to sort the mess.

ann - You know your house is beautiful when it still looks good messy. Yours does, for sure!

Daniele Valois - I so get this! It is never ending. But how boring would like be without my gaggle of girls messing up our home!

Sugar Mama - The more time me and the kids spend in the house, the messier. The more FUN we have in the house… even messier! So, to me, it’s all worth it!

Mindy Harris - you mean with 5 kids your house doesn’t look like pottery barn all. the. time?

amber - Oh yucky…me too. 3 year olds & infants make the same messes as big kids? Nice. That same American Eagle bag is on my floor right now, torn, & stuffed full of Mr. Potato Head body parts. Can I call that re-purposed? πŸ™‚ hehe

Janine - Don’t feel bad. I don’t have kids and my house ends up looking like that sometimes. I can’t even blame anyone but me and my husband. I joke that 50 people came in and used all my dishes and messed the place up while I was out!

Lisa K - Thank you πŸ™‚ xo

myrnie - I adore this picture. Truly adore. Thanks for posting πŸ™‚

jodi @ back40life - I so feel you…ours seems to stay out-of-control…our 17 mo old loves to “tote” things…so you never know what you’ll find where…that girl is busy! LOL

Rachel - I LOVE your mess!! It makes me feel so human, so normal! I just came across your blog last week, and I have looked forward to connecting everyday since…you remind me to live life…thank you. ps. i had the same denim couch…so instant connection!! just had to retire it cause too much family cozy time was wearing it out! Looking forward to more “moments” from your blog!

jacki jasker - Your not kidding! It will never really end until they are all gone. It will take a long time. ha

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I’ve decided that your mess looks much better than my mess…BECAUSE… everything in your house is white or light. The mess, to me, looks relatively light and clean. My house colours are dark and earthy and when it’s messy it looks dark and dirty. So therefore I have decided that I need to paint my house white and buy only bleachables. This, I think is the answer:n) Thank you for the a ha moment.

Karina - I still love your kitchen. It always looks good to me. Even better when it is lived in. Keep smiling. (And folding…)

Heather Young - Thank you for sharing this picture! As I sit on my couch avoiding the mass mess that has accumulated in less than 24 hours I am letting the guilt go over sitting on the couch instead, writing and reading my favorite blogs πŸ™‚ Thanks for always being so real, and your house is gorgeous messy or not ;0.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - oh, good it’s not just me.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - oh, how I love honesty πŸ™‚
fabulous blog! I think I’ve beens stalking for awhile now.

Sara - This is exactly how i feel today. good to know we are not alone if our messiness!

Mindy - Your reality is my reality … wish I had the same kitchen as you though!

Lillian - Definitely right there with you:)

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I’m in the boat πŸ™‚

Heather - I absolutely adore you- this picture is on of the reasons why!!! This is exactly what my home looks like right now. Yesterday I cleaned both bathrooms and 15 minutes later went in to find pee all over the wall and floor and toothpaste “artwork” on the vanity and mirror. Yesterday I had to remind myself over and over that I should be grateful to clean up such messes- it means I have children to clean up after. I am truly blessed, I just wish sometimes that I was blessed with a cleaning crew to follow my little ones around. LOL!!

Georgia - Argh i feel worse, i dont have kids, im 22 and my place looks worse than that.. yours looks like a palace compared to mine…
I blame the dogs and the Fiance…. lol

Sheila - Sorry Megan…it’s my fault! Lately I’ve been praying for a house like yours. I guess God has a sense of humor because today your house looks more like mine!

a pocket full of posies - AMEN!!! just what I needed to see (and read!) this morning!
we are not alone! πŸ™‚

shawnette - Your home is lived in. That is how we want it to be… right. They won’t remember if it was clean, they will remember if it was fun. I LOVE your blog!

Jen - Well, I would say that it shows a loving, lived-in room. A room where you prepare meals for people you love, a room where you fold clothes for people you love, a room where your littlest daughter is learning to love and nurture (the baby doll seat) like she has been loved and nurtured, a room where a really cool mom makes a teenager smile with a treat in a bag from American eagle, a room where creativity is encouraged (markers and crayons), and room where children know they can just be children and relax and feel secure. Our oldest is going to college in just 50 days. Enjoy these “messy” days. The “neat and clean” ones will be here before you know it! πŸ™‚

april - YES!!!! Its like those dreams where you’re running but not going anywhere!! lols I have a friend who has a cleaning person come and I tell her shes not allowed to talk about it or we cant be friends…lols…

Vera - Oh boy did you make my day today! Do you ever feel like you’re the only one whose house looks like this? I have mountains of laundry – clean and dirty – piled througout the house. We just added Baby #3 to the house and it is CRAZY. I keep thinking it must be impossible to have more than 3, but I guess it’s not. I have no idea how you do it ha!

chasity - my favorite quote to use at moments like this~~
“many hands make light work”
the kids don’t think it’s a good one~but i do!

Sara - Yup… my reality and your reality are exactly the same. Glad to hear that EVERYONE else struggles with the same thing as I do!

Sheryl - So glad I’m not the only whose house looks a mess, always!

Trish - same boat here… only I am in the nesting phase with only 14 more days til this little guy arrives and my wonderful husband and I spent 7 hours cleaning, de-cluttering and organizing yesterday. With all that being said… the house is still a mess πŸ™‚

Kirsten - It is everyone’s reality – let me tell you, I had a party for 50 people a few months ago. My house was shining. I was so proud…I worked diligently all week, picking a new corner or closet – the junk drawer even got cleaned out! And one little guy got hurt, so I took him and his mama up to my room to snuggle and watch Scooby, and the mama said, “oh no! we don’t have to go upstairs!!! if you saw my upstairs you’d report me to CPS” and she kept saying how nice everything looked. And about 48 hours later? yeah…reality.

Allyssa W. - Looks JUST like my house…daily…with three kids and a dog! Props to you for posting a pic of it! I LOVE IT!

alyssa - the bane of my existence…good to be reminded I’m not alone.

Marie Tere - Just back from a week at the lake and I can’t catch up on laundry. If the kids would just stay naked for a few days I think I’d get caught up.

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - I just want to hug you, Meg! Having everyone home all summer (including my husband) means that we’re in a constant state of clutter and, sometimes, chaos. And there’s lots of sand everywhere too. Don’t even ask me about my bathrooms… Ahem.
Glad we’re all in such fabulous company…

Stephanie - I’m not a mom…but I feel the same way about our house, just the 2 of us. By house I mean apartment. I can’t even keep up with that. Lord love a duck, how am I ever going to have kids?

Tricia - We are indeed in the same boat. Just to warn you, though. My boat is starting to sink. πŸ˜‰

Amber Zimmerman - Sooo glad I’m not alone in this! πŸ™‚
I have umpteen piles of clean laundry waiting to be folded and loads waiting to be put away as I type. Sigh.

Robyn - i was just moaning about this last night as i scrubbed the bathrooms and no sooner than i walked out of the bathroom did someone go in and pee in the clean toilet!
i just long to have the house clean and no one mess it up for a few hours! is that too much to ask??!

patti - so true. thanks for the reality check.

Michelle Whitlow - oh thank God, cause sometimes I feel like the only one!!

Kristi - oh yes, rowing hard but getting nowhere. story of this mom’s life, that is for sure!

deb meyers - Everybody sing it now:
All my life’s a circle;
Sunrise and sundown;
Moon rolls thru the nighttime;
Till the daybreak comes around.
It seems like I’ve been here before;
I can’t remember when;
But I have this funny feeling;
That we’ll all be together again.
No straight lines make up my life;
And all my roads have bends…
Harry Chapin

shelly @familyblt - Makes me glad I’m not the only one πŸ™‚ I’m ignoring at least 4 loads of laundry that are staring me down across the room…

Melanie - Oh honey, you need some help don’t you? I would come and help you clean if I lived closer. I like to clean and organize and I don’t have 5 kids:) I wish I could help.

Lori McDonough - Yes, I’m in that boat, too, i just can’t find a seat because there’s too much laundry everywhere! Great to know I’m not alone! Smiles!

Becky - What totally amazes me is that even with only two adults….chaos seems to grow on holiday weekends. Since it was raining, I was sewing and creating and not cleaning. And my better half kept emptying his pockets in a new spot every day!!!! BUT, we talked and sat on the front porch watching it rain…drinking coffee because it was cool out…

Holly - I know in my head that other people’s homes aren’t totally clean all of the time, but it’s hard to imagine they can be as messy as mine. But you have made me feel so much better – we really aren’t alone! Good luck with your mess as I work on mine!

stacie - we are all in the same boat!! thanks for reminding me. sometimes the messes drive me nuts, other times i feel just like what you said here … it’s our reality as moms πŸ™‚

Janelle - I SO appreciate you posting this! Many times I feel like it is only my house that looks this way and I wonder what I am doing wrong!

April B - Thank you for posting this picture. Makes me feel so much more normal. I like the “job security” comment.

Christine Boucher - Thank you! I feel so much better!!!!!

mindi jo - I’m showing my husband this today so that he realizes we are “normal” in the scope of family life! Thanks for posting!

kat - Amen! We are definitely all in the same boat!

Beth Ann - That is my reality today. I always say I am not sure how we are able to destroy a house in a weekend. My ‘monday’ (or tuesday in today’s case) will be spent picking up & cleaning up. Good luck!

elma - I also LOVE your home!! Yes a mess comes with having children in our cases many children but I LOVE it and wouldn’t change it for the world!!

Maureen - messy or clean, I still love your house…

Dianne - thank you so much for showing this. makes me feel so much better.

Holly - oh wow Meg! I just did a “laundry” blog post last night! I posted a picture of my huge pile of clothes that were actually all clean just waiting to be folded and put away! Ha! It is so good to see that I am not alone in my battle!

Carolyn - Oh yes! It can be so frustrating! I appreciate you posting this photo…it is easy to feel like I’m the only one! And don’t you feel like it’s even worse in the summer?

edie - oh my dear meg, if you could see mine right now….. we had such a good weekend though that it was worth it. and what am i going to do first? clean? doubt it. probably sit by the lake with my coffee and blog!
love to you friend,

Jaime A. - My house is CLEAN right now.
But that’s just because we are in San Diego on vacation.
The moment we even get near our front door, I know what will happen. lol…
Life is messy! πŸ˜€

Karen F. - Sheesh . . . I super appreciate you posting this picture. I love a real-life, tell it like it is, show it like it is kind of gal!
Firstbrook Five

Donna - I just posted something similar as my facebook status!

Jane - God bless you for posting this picture….I’m NOT alone!!!

Lisa - ahh the sweet mess of life. giggling at the eat letters all out of sorts.

Darlene - hey – your house looks like mine. it seems that just as the place gets tidied up… gets messed up even faster. i call it job security!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

LouBoo - Hi – it’s almost a relief to see this picture as my house too resembles it! Each day I tidy it up and each day they mess it up and we are not even on school holidays yet! I know you are…keep the faith! πŸ˜‰ Lou x

La TempΓͺte - Gosh we must be having so much fun here then, Keri! Hahaha. Family life.

PaisleyJade - totally! Our place was a total mess yesterday morning when we had surprise visitors! Oh how I cringed.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Yes, definitely the life of mom.
And you’re not alone, either.
But a messy house means you’re having fun, right?
At least that’s what I tell myself….

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