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block party

my kids have been waiting all summer for this day.
they couldn't wait to put up the barricades and block off our street.
all the kids on our block rode their bikes in the street all day.
they love that freedom.

we partied on friday instead of the 4th and thank goodness we did.
it's been raining all day long here.

i have a ton of pictures…
russ and jennifer bring out the bonzai falls.
it's the kid's favorite part of the day.
they were on it for about four straight hours.
we call this the firecracker walk.
the kids go around the circle and when the music stops we draw a number
and if it's the number they are on
 they get to pick a prize from miss amy's bucket of kids firecrackers.

finally her number was called.  
so funny.
water balloon toss.

the men of the block working the grills.
the one is red is quite handsome i must say….especially his hat.

we had PLENTY to eat.
i ate way too much.
it was all really good….rhonda's salsa was SO good…i need her to make me a huge bowl.


the other miss amy made sidewalk chalk paint.
the street was so pretty.
i am going to make some more of that here too.

there was a weird app on russ's phone that makes you look fat…..whatever.

it was a great party.
annie wanted to go to bed before the big fireworks.
i went in and laid down with her…when i woke up she was asleep and the big fireworks were done.

i missed them too.

after we cleaned everything up in the dark at midnight we had our annual adult water balloon fight.
it's a tradition.
this year was very tame.
i think because russ and cory went in early.
next party….we are gunnin' for both of you…the cooler is getting dumped on them and not amy.

way to go neighbors.
our block party was super-great… we used to say in cheer.

(miss amy #1 ….blogged it here)
(miss amy #2 ….blogged it here)

Denise - Your oldest son has the best smile! Looks like y’all had a great time.

Carol - Your block party looks absolutely amazing! Where I live, no one ever comes out of their homes. It must be nice to have an entire block participate in something. I’d like to know how to make the sidewalk chalk paint, too!!

Aaron Greenwood - I totally love your neighborhood.
can I join??
It looks AMAZING!!!
you lucky girl……

Amber - oh i used to have block parties but now that i am in a new home i don’t know the neighbors yet. 😉 p.s. lauren is so pretty! i love her style.

hattie - Looks like sooooo much fun! I want to live on y’all block!

Martina - WOW! Really great party! 🙂

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - I love your neighborhood! Neighborhoods like that don’t exist where I’m from… just really packed suburbia, or really empty rural areas. lol. Looks like fun!

Musings Of A Gem - Hey Meg!
I love your block parties…love the community you live in..seems so welcoming : )
Hope you all had a great 4th of July : )
Gemma X

Courtney - That looks like so much fun. Your kids will have memories they can tell their kids.

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Ooh, I must know what sidewalk chalk paint is!

Melanie - Looks like you had a great time. I love Annie’s face in that photo where her number was called. She always looks so happy!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - The pic of Annie’s expression when she won is just priceless!
And, that Lauren- she just gets more and more beautiful!
I’m ready to move to your neighborhood now!
But, I don’t think I can convince my Superman to move 🙁

Jill - How fun! We’re very blessed to have great neighbors too, sure makes summer fun!

Kathryn Goertzen - What great fun! One question though . . . they let you close off First Street???

the inadvertent farmer - It is on the 4th of July that I miss living in a close knit neighborhood as opposed to a farm in the boonies!
Great post…Americana at its best! Kim

Dana@Bungalow'56 - We had a great Canada Day too. I couldn’t stop myself and posted way too many pictures. That water slide looks like the BEST! You live in such a wonderful community. Makes me a little jealous. But in a good way.

Juli - Oh man, that looks SO fun! I called my hubby into the room prefacing it with, “you know that family I’m always telling you about in Kansas?”
His response: “Yeah, I am pretty sure I know which you’re referring to since you talk about them near daily. I think I know all their kids names too!”
I showed him the photos and he said that this is what he’s been trying to tell me all along, that life is better in the Midwest. He grew up in a little town- Caledonia, IL.

amy j. - Great pictures! I love the one of Lawson and Annie on the Bonzai! Remind me to stay away from Russ and his phone. Or maybe I can pretend that you used that app on the pictures of me here? 🙂 That’s it. I’m not that fat in real life, am I?

Lisa - I enjoyed all the pictures from your block party…that looks so fun. I would love to live in your neighborhood, I think I’d fit right in…Although I love CA and my house here, I sometimes dream of moving to a Mid-Western or East Coast small town and living in a neighborhood filled w/ old homes.
p.s. Lauren is such a beautiful girl!

Margo - I am so jealous of your block parties! Some of my friends used to live on your block and they told me all about them – more neighborhoods need to have those parties!

Holly - That looks like a lot of fun!

Stefanie - Are there any houses for sale on your block?!?

Juli - Wonderful post! Found myself wishing there were more photos of your neighbors’ houses. They look so homey and inviting, and many of them seem to have a wonderful front porch. Would you take some photos of them, pretty please?

Lisa K - I can pretty much delete the rest of the blogs from the list in my sidebar. I just need my daily dose of your sweetness, your great pictures, your happy colorful life. I’m putting my house on the market and moving to Kansas now 🙂

Bec - The neighborhood I grew up in was shaped like a horseshoe and had a huge field behind it so our block parties were massive. Now there aren’t any kids left and the block parties have stopped. Hopefully someday my husband and I can find a neighborhood that’s willing to party 🙂

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - F U N!!! can I come live in your ‘hood? 🙂

Jessica - i want to live on your block!

Michelle Whitlow - How fun!!! I love block parties. They seemed to be much more common when I lived in MI but I haven’t really seen anything like that here in GA. Maybe I need to start a new tradition down here!

Krista - Looks like it was a blast! Love the photo of airborne Annie coming down the water slide! Also, saw your patriotic plaid dress on Amy’s blog– love, love love it!

Sana - yes, i’m coming over, too. i’ll bring my famous tuna salad.

shelly @familyblt - Looks like sososo much fun! Your neighbors look like lots of fun!

tami - You guys looked like you had a ball! Summertime fun!

Monica - Please send directions to your neighborhood. I’m moving there immediately!!
How much fun! 🙂

mindi jo - Love your blog! This is my first time commenting, but I just had to when I saw on miss amy #1’s blog that we wore the same dress to celebrate the 4th! Great taste 🙂 Looks like a great time. I’ll have to get some of that sidewalk paint for my girls!

Jill Loy - That rocks! Thank you for sharing. We are going to have to make that chalk paint very soon!

Kimberlee J. - What fun! Both of my girls were asleep by 8:15!

Mansi - Food looked gr8..what did you cook? - Looks like so much fun! Love the firecracker walk.

april - Did I see peanut butter pie?? lols…I won a raffle at our citys 4th of July carnival…won a fly pen and leap frog….your pics were great!! Block parties are the best!!!But where were you in all the pics??? lols

Heather Lea - looks like one fun neighborhood, makes me almost wish we knew our neighbors…..almost.

leslie - oh man that food looked so good…especially some strawberry layered stuff wrapped in plastic…

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Dude! That is awesome.
That’s it. I’m coming over. Then moving to Kansas.
Wait.. I mean, moving to Kansas, then coming over.
I’ll bring cake. Promise.
K? K. 🙂

amy d - how is it that the person who fills all the water balloons always gets the cooler dumped on them????
that picture of lawson and annie is HILARIOUS!!!!!!! craig and i laughed for ever about it!
miley and talby…umm, wow that was a super smooch!
I heart our awesome block!

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