my boy getting tickled for trying to be too cool in his picture. :)
he is major ticklish.
he had a birthday weekend.
party on saturday….some gifts on sunday…then his actual birthday on monday.
he got basketball everything.
he loves to play.
he invited a bunch of boys to go bowling.
here is something new to birthday parties in 2010.
cell phones.
we had never seen them at a birthday party for any of kids.
the times are a changin'…
scott still doesn't have one.
i just don't see why they need them?
but i am clearly in the minority….
then he was ambushed with silly string when we got home.
boys boys boys….crazy all the time.
happy birthday scott.

tami reed - Happy Birthday Scotty!
gabrielle - Oh Meg….I hear you. My eldest turns 12 on May 26th, she is having a pool party with her soccer team and everyone of them have a cell daughter is the only one without….I know she wants one because everyone has one but really they can text each other when they are sitting right next to one another….so we are holding out…..
Jesse Peak - I LOVE having boys! So much fun all of the time! Happy belated birthday to your boy!
Elizabeth - I agree with you on the cell phone thing. When my older son turns twelve in July, I MIGHT feel the issue out, but why? is right! On another note, my son Oliver turned nine on Monday, too! Happy Birthday to our beautiful boys!
MS Scientist - @Flower patch girl: I think its sad that younger people won’t know about pay phones. I always used to have to carry a couple of quarters in my bus pass wallet, just in case! I hope I can hold off on getting the cell phone. My kid is just 6 and doesn’t need one or even ask for one yet. But I know that my DH is a pushover… we’ll see!
Amy - Looks like a fun birthday party, I wanna go bowling now! 🙂 I am loving checking out your blog…lots of great pictures here!
My 9-year old niece got a cell phone a while back, it is absloute craziness to me…her mom doesn’t work, they live in a small town…ummm really? I think kids are growing up way too fast these days and although cell phones in and of themselves are not “bad” they definitely contribute to the whole growing up too soon thing.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Just say no to the phones!
Calvin saw a pay phone up close last week and was entirely perplexed. In explaining it to him, I told him that you put a quarter in it to call someone (it’s probably a dollar, by now…) and he cracked up, thinking I was teasing him! “You don’t put MONEY in a PHONE!” I don’t think he had ever even seen a phone with a cord before.
elizabeth pilling - amen to holding off on the cell phones. keep em’ young longer.
Amber - Looks like an awesome time! And your chocolate-iced cake looks yummy!!! I can’t stand the cell phone thing. That’s all you see anymore – tweens texting. Annoys me just slightly. 🙂
Anya - I can NOT believe they are 12 year olds (or thereabouts) they look older. What is it with kids these days. What are we feeding them????
Beth - Looks like a great b-day! I think I’ve said this before, but our 3 girls have one cell phone that they share (that will probably change when Erin goes to college in the fall) and the phone has had texting disabled. Our middle daughter writes me an essay every birthday/christmas/etc. saying why they should be allowed to have texting. She also uses the “you don’t trust us” arguement as often as she can. Doesn’t work. I don’t see the point. I’m ok with having a phone when they’re out late or something, but I don’t get the texting.
Dianne Avery - I absolutely LOVE the last picture with all the boys. You must frame that for his room. He will treasure that always. Looks like a great weekend. You did good Mom. 🙂
linda lou - meg guess we share having a baby during the week of mother’s day…poor amy she had to share her bday with her grandma c that’s in heaven now, mother’d day and her b day until she stood up for herself and said i want to celebrate my b day all alone (: well ok missy…so we don’t combine anymore. tell scott i would like a piece of that chocolate cake hahaha ):
Jodi - Happy Birthday! My little firecracker shares the same birthday! She just turned 2!
amy jupin - 12? wow. scott and craig are total twinbos! if those boys are as goofy as mine are, i bet you guys had fun bowling! happy bday scott!
Melanie - Happy birthday to Scott!
He is adorable!
Kasey - My mom is the same way about the cell phone. I will be getting mine soon (I have to pay for it myself, though). She felt that I didn’t need one if I was always with her. She is giving in now but, of course, the condition is that I pay for it myself. She says that I will appreciate it more if I get it that way. Luckily, I’ve saved enough. 🙂
Happy birthday to your boy! Looks like a fun time.
Lisa - I am in full support on your stance regarding cell phones. My oldest just turned 11 last week and is fairly emphatic that he is need of a cell phone. Some of his friends have had them for 2+ years. Thankfully, his best buddy who lives next store does not so his mother and I have formed a solidarity pact against them…for now. Happy 12th to Scott! Too bad I can’t call him on his cell phone and tell him myself… 😉
tara pollard pakosta - I think they only need them if they are in activities and are old enough to be waiting for you by themselves, ONLY in emergencies. our daughter had one for a brief period of time when she was 9, but it was more cause it was an extra and nobody was using it. she didn’t really use it either though!!!
happy birthday to your boy!
Dana Banana - I agree with the not needing a cell phone at 12. I know where you are… or home, you don’t need a phone.
Nicole Q. - I love boys!!! I’m in the minority with you on the cell phone thing. Loved your last post too on Mother’s Day stuff!
Michele Renee - The birthday looked fun and happy despite lack of cell phone! And I could sink my teeth into that choc cake!
My oldest will soon turn 14, next is age 12 and next boy is age 9.5
One year ago we did get an extra cell phone which we call the white phone (it’s white). Either of the older two boys take it with them on weekends if we drop them off at a skateboarding place or if they ride bikes to a park nearby. Then it comes out of their pocket and they plug it back in the charger at home.
Sheryl - I am SOOO in the minority with you Meg! Cell phones cause trouble when they are too young to have them!
Amanda - oh my goodness these boys are growing up. I love seeing several of my former students. I would have to say that I think Scott has some GREAT friends. Cell phones, wow. Man, what will the kids have when our kids are 12???
se7en - Man, that string photo is awesome!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Pam - My little guy (yep I still call him that) turned 12 on Sunday. Can’t believe it! He is also one of the few on earth with no cell phone. He did get some new sunglasses, it’s hilarious his attitude totally changes when he wears them. We call him “Cool Shade Boy”!
Love your blog!!
julia - “everyone” has a cell phone except my 12 year old. good to know there is actually one other 12 year old that doesn’t have one.
katy - Good for you not letting him have a cell phone yet! My parents didn’t let my siblings or I have a cell phone until we were driving, and even then it was only to be used for communicating while we were out with the car, not while we were home with the family. I’m hoping I can do the same with my little girls, but who knows, As my oldest is only two things may be much crazier by then!
Ansley - Scott is SO CUTE!! happy birthday!
shelly - I can’t even imagine 12! Our oldest will turn 10 next week and I’m super struggling!!! (He’s having his first slumber party…do they call it that with boys?!?…oh man, I feel old!)
gina - I’m being stubborn on the whole cell phone issue too. She thinks she needs one RIGHT NOW! She’s 11. Not gonna happen. We don’t know exactly when it will happen. Just know that she won’t be getting one any time soon.
Also, we rarely let our kids get pop at restaurants either. It’s especially difficult when the families you are out with let their kids get pop.
The abuse our kids endure! I hope they turn out “normal”! ‘Cuz the are suffering so greatly! Ha!
Georgia - Happy birthday Scott!!!
He is the spitting image of his dad…
Molly Pearce - Happy Birthday Scott!! Your cakes looks delish!!! Looks like he had a fabulous time with his friends!
~Molly P
purejoy - avoid cell phones until you can’t anymore. sigh.
twelve. such a fun age. seriously. on the brink of manhood and yet still a kid. love it.
he’s so handsome!
thanks for sharing the celebration (how nice of you to share your special day!)
Beth K. - I have a 12 year old boy and he does not have a cell phone or ipod or anything really for that matter. We did just get a Wii for Christmas (a gift from grandparents). I feel like I am becoming my mother when I say “It is not necessary” to a lot of things – but they are just not necessary. I love reading your blog – brightens my day everyday.
Laura Phelps - I laughed when I saw TWELVE…only because of my post FOUR.
Our boys are growing.
And my eleven year old boy would fit right in with that group of boys.
And no, there would be no cell phone in his handh
It is an on going argument..I keep telling him,”But Jack…I am always with you!!! WHo are you going to need to call????”
He will get a cell phone, when he can pay the bill.
happy birthday to your cute cute boy!
Trish - My cousin’s friend has an iphone and she is in second grade. seriously… perspective people!
Tracy - Looks like Scott had a lot of fun for his birthday weekend! Love the pictures as always! :o) Regarding cell phones – my kids each have one due to my husband and I being over an hour away from them at work every day and they are both in athletics and stay after school sometimes, etc. So it is mainly for safety purposes but they do play on them a lot – which doesn’t bother me but it bothers my husband terribly. I don’t care as long as we are not trying to do some family thing – then it REALLY bothers me! But, at Scott’s age – I see no reason to have them that early either. So you are not alone! ;o)
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Awww looks like lots of boy fun! My kids won’t have cell phones for a long long time. Not until they NEED them. And I can’t imagine why they would NEED one;)
Sarah@Clover Lane - Oh, the cell phone dilemna. Nothing but trouble and wasted time as far as I’m concerned.
Look like you had a great time…your cakes always look so delicious!
tess s. - scott is a carbon copy of your husband. incredible!
as far as the cell phone’s go… my kids are 3, nearly 2 and still growing in the womb. i have a long time before i can offer up any advice on that topic.
Kristi - I think that if your child is with you most of the time, they probably don’t need one. Our 11 year-old daughter has one. We let her go out into the neighborhood to walk to her friends’ houses and she goes to a tween skate park on Friday nights. Because of this, she has a cell phone. Whether parents decide to let their child have one or not, I don’t think either side should judge the other. It seems a lot of the time, the parents who allow cell phones get judged for doing so. I think that’s pretty sad.
Leah in FL - Our kiddos get cell phones when they get their driver’s license. Try not to feel pressured in to providing them cell phones before you feel they need them. Go with your gut, Megan. God has given you the wisdom you need to be their Mom. :o)
Susan - I don’t understand the whole cell phone thing either and I grew up in that business when we had car phones before cellular service ever happened. My daughter will be 10 in July and she is asking for one. We home school so she is NEVER away from me except at select friend’s. She does not need one and she won’t be getting one either. I’m sure I’m totally out of touch…oh well.