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the little girlies

so happy it's spring.

12 days of school left.
ready for ice cream cones.
bare feet
mornings on the porch
lightening bugs
iced coffee
sun tans
sleeping in

bring it. 


kristine - can’t wait for your summer to-do list too! i feel like you just did last year’s! time flies! 🙂 and that’s what marks my anniversary of reading you! i’m on year three! woohoo!

Janine - 12 days??? We have more than 6 weeks left! End of June! When do they start school?
Your girls are beautiful

Anessa - I love those flowers. My parents had bushes like those outside there house. We would play barbies around those trees and use those little flowers as bouquets. Now I always call them barbie bouquets. I always thought it would be fun to have a flower girl throw tons of those little flowers at a wedding.

CarrieBeth James - sounds perfectly heavenly!

Kirsten - Augghh we still have 30 days. At least the sun is shining today. Finally. It actually snowed here (outside Seattle) on Wednesday. What a colorful little girl Annie is 🙂 And I love that Talby horn shot!

Sophie - Such wonderful little girlies (:
And I think that Talby is starting to resemble Lauren a lot (:

Marie de Paris - ici , il manqueme soleil et la chaleur surtout !

Audrey - Only 8 days for us!!!!! Love Annie’s style!

Erin @ Cultivating Home - You Annie has the most fun style. I hope she never loses that!
and may I add boat rides to the list? I am so looking forward to evening cruises and dips in the lake!

Tara - sweet…
love annie’s ensemble.

Joni Lane - lightning bugs, seriously? i have never seen a real life lightning bug. sounds fantastic. i wanna hang out on your porch, watch the lightning bugs, and i’ll pack the coffee with me from cali. deal?

Mary Beth - I’m ready to see your summer list of “things to do”!

candace - 13 days for us! And you know this teacher is in final countdown mode for SURE!

Vera - I have mixed feelings. I’m SO excited about having the kids home and all the fun travels we have planned this summer, and a huge YES to iced coffee!! But when the big kids get out of school at the end of this month is when I have to stop working from home and go back to the office, which means leaving my little baby at home, and THAT I’m sad about.

karryann pallitto - Hello- Cute pic’s – im all about icecream- best thing about summer- Ice cream truck… Cute Blog-
Loving it.

chasity - beautiful spirea.
great chocolate chin.

Melanie - Boy, your kids get out of school early! I will be ready for summertime too:) Great photos.

Jacqui - wow ….. can’t even imagine that when its still only 2 degrees here!!!

Amber - I love how happy your girls look here! A perfect little piece of innocent America, it made me smile!

Amy - Where did you find Annie’s darling Ring Pop tee? My 5-year old would {heart} it! Cute, cute!

Trish - Tried you Peanut Butter Pie tonight with Pioneer Woman’s crust! OH.MY.WORD!!!
We loved it and I cannot believe how flaky that crust is! Your pie has the perfect mix of everything not making it too peanut buttery! LOVE.
Thanks for the recipe 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Talby is getting TALL. So cute. I’ll have a chocolate chip cookie dough cone from Braums, please.

Betsy - WOW! You guys get out a week before us. My students come until the 28th and teachers come back for one slow day AFTER Memorial Day. Ugh!
Happy (almost) Summer to your family!

elizabeth highsmith - “i’ll have what she’s having!”

Molly - Ah cute! These pics make me so excited to watch my girls grow up, they are 6 months and 2 years.

katie - we still have a little over a mnth of school left thanks to all the blizzards this year!!

Lisa - 12 days???? My kids don’t get out until June 24th. Uggghh… I wish it were only 12 days!

Jennifer - 13 1/2 for us. Also, can’t wait! And your little one just captures the joy of childhood in these pictures-all smiles, no inhibitions. Joyful! Love it!

sara's art house - Cute girlies! 🙂

callie grayson - oh yes!

Maria - cannot wait!

Meaghan - I’ve been reading your blog a looooong time 🙂 I remember this post last yer saying you were ready for bbq’s and watermelon 🙂

Liz - Sign me up! This is going to be an especially wonderful summer since my oldest starts Kindergarten in the fall (and yes, it’s KILLING me!). So I’m determined to make it awesome for all of us.

Laura Phelps - 12 days????????????????????? That is IT???? Please never ever let me send my kids to your school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have about 4 weeks.
And I am ready for summer
but scared
because it involves packing up my life
and a new home
but change is good, right?
ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!
got a bit worked up there….

Staci - Oh man 🙂 Meeee toooo!!!! So looking forward to not packing lunches and going through backpacks for notes 😉 ahhhhh Summer 🙂 (Except here in OK…the wind is REEDICULOUS right now!!! And tomorrow….gonna be like 67 🙁 sooo, with the wind, it will feel like Winter again! But I’m not complaining, right!!!!??? Nope, not at all!!!!)

Melissa Morrill - Dear Meg,
Could you please let MOther Nature know that she missed Utah?
Spring would be awesome anytime now 🙂
But your pictures are awesome.
As are you.

Ashley - I love those pictures! The flower bush there are the kind that are in my grandma’s yard. And we actually had the flower girl at our wedding 7 years ago, throw little clusters of them down the aisle…because they are such a big memory for me! What kind are they??

AshleyAnn - that my friend is a great list of things to look forward to!

Michelle - Me too! Add days lounging at my dad’s pool, summer thunderstorms, and barbeque dinners.

Mother Runner - iced coffee.
gotta go.

Sarah@Clover Lane - Oh, me too.
NO homework, schedules, waking up early, rushing, rushing, rushing.
Just to the pool.

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