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winner 5

the winner for the book about the crazy minds of men:

Matt Damon for sure!! But I wouldn't turn George away…. 🙂

send me an email krista with your address.  

i want to issue a little word of warning about For Women Only.
it has some very hard truths that i doubt most of us want to know about men.
i am serious.
it helped me so much BUT it first made me very angry.
and every other woman i know who read it felt the same way.
so i would advise you to pray before you read it.
and then…soak it in….suck it up….and work on being the wife you were called to be!
you can do it!


Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Yikes. But I know I need to read it. Thanks for the advice.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Congrats to Krista! 🙂
Meg- I picked up a copy of For Women Only today. And while I was at the bookstore, I also found For Parents Only by the same authors! So ready to start reading them! Thanks for the push in the right direction!

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