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giveaway #5

didn't you love katie's work?
she has so much talent.
she said she is working on a painting of kansas…i can't wait.

the winner for giveaway 4 is number 338:

My husband brought home a bicycle for me out of the blue 🙂 Then he spent his whole Sunday fixing it up and refurbishing it for me.

Posted by: Stephanie Carroll | April 22, 2010 at 02:30 PM  

this is perfectly perfect randomness.
stephanie carroll.
she sent me a jar of salsa once…just to be kind.
and bought an ad for africa….just to be kind.
and now she won.

send me you address stephanie.  :)

now for last prize.
i was undecided all week about what to give on friday.
but this book kept coming back to mind.

this book made me think so much differently about my husband.
it was fascinating.
i learned all kinds of things that i just plain had no idea about.
it made me a better wife.
big time.

now when you read that it looks corny.
i agree.
but it isn't….it's helpful and very insightful into men's minds.  

i think i changed a LOT after reading this book.
my thoughts about my husband changed, my expectations changed, my way of discussion,
my actions and initiatives changed after reading this.
i thought it was frustrating, irritating, interesting and sweet all at once.
there is a study guide to go with it also if you wanted to journal as you read.

i also bought 'for men only' and made him asked him nicely to read it to learn about me.
craig would look over at me and say "you're weird"  every night while reading.
which was kind because while i read my book i would look at him and
 "what is the matter with you?!"
and he would look confused and say "what?"
and i answered "MEN!  WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
he politely said "honey…you can't be angry with me for being a man. i didn't make myself this way"
and he was right.
they are wired they way they are for a reason.

honestly there was a lot in this book that made me MAD.
you will know what i mean when you read it.
i was so mad.
at all men.
every one of them.

you can read the first few pages here.  

you can order it here.
i hope you do.

i gave my copy away.
i bought this copy yesterday for one of you.
and i am wondering if i should buy it again for myself.

i wished i had read it earlier in my marriage.
i almost gave it as a wedding gift last year but i chickened out.
i received Marriage books at my wedding but i never read them because…to quote Miranda
"yeah it's all so hot 3 days in!"
i didn't need marriage and respect books when we were newlyweds.
but at 10 years…i could see some need for improvement by me.

and this book really helped me.

since we are talking about men…..
leave a comment to win this book today telling me
in your opinion…the most handsome celebrity man right now.
i wouldn't doubt if 500 of you say George Clooney because he could easily be everyone's answer.

and then…go order this book.

Julie - Tied between Joel McHale because he is so funny and Jamie Oliver because he is cooking hotness. My husband may or may not have a man crush on him as well.

Cath W - Syed from ‘Lost’.
Or Daniel Craig.
I’ll take either.
Or both.
Not fussy, me.

Ashley B. - Johnny Depp, most definitely 🙂

Cindy/ clickhappy - May be out of crushes.
John Corbet from Northern Exposure and Sex in the City is my favorite, but don’t see him around anymore and am not a big enough SITC fan to go to a movie about it.

Christina - Oh I’ve been wanting to read this- several speakers at MOPS have recommended it. In my younger years I would have said Brad Pitt, but now I think Ewan McGregor is pretty cute.

Tracy Sharlette - Patrick Dempsey, Vin Diesel, Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Lautner (I know a little young, but have you seen New Moon????) I could go on forever…. <3
Book sounds very very interesting!

Tera - Matthew McConaughey… sigh.

Lori - I want to be disgusted with men too!! The book sounds great. 😉
Johnny Depp cleans up nice.

Katie - Book looks like something i definitely need to read! Matthew McConaughey.

June P - OMG. hot celebrity = Ryan Reynolds. he’s so vanilla that’s why he’s so cute! 😀

Cara Kapp - Would love to win this book, I love my husband but somedays I just don’t understand him (he thinks he understands me so well :-)) Josh Groban!!!!

melissa mae - John Krasinski. He is so endearing, charming and funny. And funny is #1 in my book!

Morgan - Oh honey, you don’t even want me to start with my “Hottest Celebs” list! Currently at the top though is Curtis Stone…..mmmm…..yup! For sure. But Jude Law holds a hair in second. Haha!! As I am only 17 though, I am patiently still awaiting for God to send “him”…….future husband i mean, not Jude Law or Curtis. Although, i’d be perfectly fine if he sent either one of them……and now i’m babbling……zipping up!
Happy picking!!
(heehee…… ooooh, *sigh*….I’ve made a total fool of myself…….)

shelly - Looks like a cool book! Matthew McCoughnehay (Sp?) is sooo ca-ute!

Diana - Sean Connery… then AND now!

Christian Kay - David Beckham 🙂 I am very interested in this book…

Angela - ewan macgregor. delish.
and if i don’t win this book…i may very well purchase it. i have been married nearly 4 years now and could do with a little humbling and a big lesson. i intend to be married to this man for the entirety of my life and could stand to learn how to be a better wife.

Rebecca - I recently watched Singin’ in the Rain, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how DREAMY Gene Kelly looked. I know, it is an oldie, but I have YET to see another actor tap dance and look MANLY at the same time. And just to let you know, the first name that popped into my head when I read the question was George Clooney. Haha–then I read what you said and laughed. I am getting married this summer, and would LOVE to read this book.

Shiloh in KS - McDreamy…..Patrick Dempsey

Lori Sprayberry - I am crushing hard on Jack (Matthew Fox) from Lost.

Brandi M - I would have to say Matthew McConaughey–I love the voice!

Laura Phelps - Robert Downey jr.
and I know I wont win, so I am just going to order this book now. Honestly. I am at a place right now that is crying for this book. Thanks.ANd have a beautiful weekend.

Elizabeth holder - Russell crowe
hands down
oh that accent!!

Andria - For me, Tom Selleck (old enough to be my dad), Sam Elliot (again old enought to be my dad). For today, Clive Owen is tops and Gerard Butler. I am sucker for Brits/Scots. Oh and who can forget the ever hot no matter what his age, Sean Connery

Courtney - i like Paul Bettany

Catherine - Ryan Gosling….=))) love the Notebook! Thanks for the book suggestion! Here’s to hoping I win!

Rachel J - Someone said Taye Diggs already- but he is the first that came to my mind too.

Caterina G. - Mr. Matthew McConahotty for sure! He is just BEAUTIFUL…and you can’t really say that for most men. (Even my husband would agree…oh my, if he only knew I just shared that!)

Melissa V. - Oh Matthew McConaughey all the way. He is gorgeous.

Becky - hmm – tough one. there have been some cute male celebs out there, but i don’t know their names. But, I’d have to say that Legends of the Fall version of Brad Pitt will have to be my answer 🙂

maribeth - lately, i have been digging on sawyer from lost. real name . . . hmmm, no idea, but he’s hot.

stephanie - kellen lutz! or ian somerhalder….

Tara - patrick. dempsey.

Cris - Hello….George Clooney. Is there really any other choice?

Tara - We like all the same books. seriously. I already have the book, but I’d love to give a copy to a friend if I win.

Marisol Avila - Harrison Ford! 🙂

Bernice - Chace Crawford. Yum! I would love to read that book to help figure out my husband! haha

Alisha Wallace - I like em’ a little darker than most listed on here so far, lol…I’m gonna go with Denzel Washington, I think he is so hot for being ‘a little older.’ I would LOVE to have this book, maybe I would be able to “get” my husband at times when I have no idea what he is thinking!

Rebecca - Jason Bateman…he has been my long time favorite!!

Linda G - I have to go with Devils goaltender Martin Brodeur. Cute and oh, can he move!

annalea @ our hartbeat - matt damon – he had me since good will hunting and sealed the deal with jason bourne.

Lia - My fiance totally does it for me….but if you really want a celebrity i’ll say Matthew Mcconaughey like everyone else. That book looks awesome! I wanna read it before I get married.

Karen - Something sexy about a sweaty Roger Federer!!

Olivia - I think Zachary Levi, that plays Chuck, on the tv show Chuck is cute…but I like my guys nerdy and his character is super nerdy. I am married to a nerd and I think he is ridiculously good looking!

erin j - Jake Gyllenhaal…most definitely.

Lindsay - Jon Stewart. Brains, humor, style. (And in person too! I saw a taping of the Daily Show and he really was handsome in person.)

Stephanie - Yes, I totally agree I have to say George Clooney. Handsome!

Karey - What a touch decision…I have always had a thing for Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt but more recently Channing Tatum and Taylor Lautner have caught my eye. Looks like a great book. I totally am going to read it!

AJ - Any Englishmen really, but especially Rufus Sewell

Megan McCulloch - Hmm, either David Beckham or James Tupper. :]

LeAnne Cotton - Ryan Gosling from The Notebook. That book looks very interesting.

Melody - I want to say Taylor Kitsch from Friday Night Lights, but he’s a bit young, perhaps not quite “man” status yet, so I will go with the leading man on the same show: Kyle Chandler…it’s not just that’s he’s good looking, it’s also the accent and his quiet least, his character’s demeanor.

amanda fuentes - Patrick Dempsey – McDreamy!

Jen - If it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right….the very young Robert Pattinson. rrrrrrrowwwllll…

Kimberlee J. - Tim Gunn…:)

Rachael B - Jake Gyllenhaal has always been one of my favorites!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - I say Taye Diggs from Rent, Private Practice, etc. I don’t know what it is about him but he seems so sweet, caring, and man can he sing! I love his wife, Idina Menzel (from Wicked and Rent) as well as their baby! He seems like he’d be such a good dad, but who knows with celebrities!
This book looks like an amazing read!

Amber - Matthew McConaughey I think, hard to choose….

kristiina - I’m a kyle chandler fan, too 🙂 🙂

donna - Ryan Reynolds, from The Proposal….he is a cutie! This book looks fun.

Sarah J - you’ve completely sold me on the book. i may have to get it on amazon if fate doesn’t smile upon me. i’m hoping it does.
adam brody. those curls.

tara hawks - Jude Law…or Pierce Brosnin. I like the mysterious type.

Mary Beth - My answer to the handsom-est celebrity has been the same for 38 years.
Also…I so agree with you about Men and Marriage. Dr. Laura says it so right in her book about men.
ALSO, showers are WASTED on brides. The time when you need a shower is TEN YEARS IN! That’s when you need new stuff.

Barbara Backes - I think that Bradley Cooper is super amazingly hot! But no man compare’s so my man:)

Whitney - I hate to say this, but I am still in mourning over Heath Ledger. He was so handsome, and boy, that accent. I think we lost a great talent with him!
However, I love Matthew McConaughey. He’s adorable and I love that charming little accent… although the girls around me say it annoys them… how dare they!
Also, I can’t remember his name, but he was on Rachael Ray the other day and is in the new Jennifer Lopez movie, he also has a charming Irish accent. Wow, I certainly have a thing for accents judging by my picks!
Anyway, Meg, I love your blog! We are getting married next summer and I certainly need to work on myself so that we have a solid relationship! This sounds like a book I must check out… him too- us women, we are complicated! Thanks!

Milena - orlando bloom… when I feel young… and johny depp… when I do not feel so yount

Melanie - Colby Donaldson on Survivor. He was easy on the eyes 10 yrs. ago when he was on the first time and he is even easier on the eyes this time. YUM!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - My dream hottie is my husband… seriously! The celebrities just can’t compare!
Gonna have to get a copy of this book! “Created to be His Help Meet” really stepped on my toes, and I have no doubt that this one will, too!
Thanks for sharing!!!

Corinne - I’m officially intrigued. I read the “few pages” in no time flat, and was sad there was no more to read!

Keshet - Hmmm, love Josh Lucas!

lifeologia - I watch this show called Breaking Bad – I know it’s Bad A** – but there is this kid Jesse that is so HOT – his name is Aaron Paul. He plays on Big Love too apparently (I had to look that up ;D) lol

lifeologia - OK – I love the show Breaking Bad – I know it’s Bad A** – but this kid Jesse is the hottest young kid – his name is Aaron Paul. (He apparently is on Big Love too ) I had to look that up 😉 lol

Sara - Hmmm…I would have to say Vince Vaughn in a wierd kind of way…too many to chose from. The handsome ‘non celebrity’…TOTALLY my HUSBAND! 🙂

Jules - Hmm…guess I’m not so original! HA! I will have to say George Clooney…and (i can have two, right?) Jude Law (in Cold Mountain and The Holiday…)

FeFe - Simon Baker….*swoon*

Amanda - Hands down – Rob Lowe.

kerry - Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.

Tanya B - I’m all about James Franco …. smoky hot!!

Kate B - I’d have to say Jake Gyllenhaal. He’s pretty darn cute!

Tracy - OH! Hands down….Hugh Jackman! And yes…my husband knows all about my love for my Hugh. lol

Routhie - John Cusack. Hands down.

Amanda Kay - Whoops I meant to say Christian Bale…haha

adrienne - keith urban all the way!!! i love love love beth moore and for some reason was surprised to see her name on that book.

Amanda Kay - From the age of 12-17 I really liked Val Kilmer, until I realized he was the same age as me dad…TOO WEIRD. Now I think Mr. Christopher Nolan is pretty adorable. *sigh

Tracy - Oh goodness there are a lot of good loking actors out there! Some of my faves not only attractive but awesome actors!! Hugh Jackman and Ryan gosling are my favorite right now.

Stacy - George is definitely up there. But right now, Ryan Reynolds takes the top spot. Funny and HOT?! Get out!

Alyssa Barnett - This book sounds GREAT.
My top three celebrity men are Paul Rudd, Vince Vaughn and Bradley Cooper.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Tara - Channing Tatum for me!! I LOVE a man that can dance…my hubby can’t…but I love him too:) I couldn’t think of a better time for me to read a book like this…

Emily Brauch - Gerard Butler. YUM!

Abby - Our cell group is thinking of reading this. I would say Dave Matthews!

Lisa - Im actually loving Eric Dane from Greys Anatomy. Yummo.
I will be checking out this book. I wonder if it is in Australia?

Brianna - I’ve been swooning over Justin Timberlake since middle school!

cheryl rodda - Gerard Bulter does it for me… his is handsome, manly, great bod…and don’t forget that Irish accent…yummy!!!

cassie o - i’ve been wanting to read this since i saw it on
now … hottest celebrity – gerard butler, seriously, have you seen the bounty hunter?!

evan - oh gosh. well nobody really can compare to my Michael… but as long as i have to choose someone… it would be the guy that plays Mr Shuster on Glee. idk his name, but he is a cutie!!!

Caitlin Baker - I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while now, so I hope I win, but if not, I might just have to finally buy it! For some reason the only actor I can think of that I find really attractive is Ashton Kutcher! I’ve always liked him.

Brittany - Hey just wanted to let you know I awarded you the Sunshine Award on my blog today!! Come and pick it up and show it off on your blog, ha! 😉
And of course, feel free to pass it on to other amazing, positive blogs!

Jenn S - Gerard Butler or Mike Rowe (from Dirty Jobs)…ooh baby! Swoon 🙂

Klucas - I’d say Patrick Dempsey or Matthew McConaughey!

Amanda - I want this book – I missed all the other girls reading it together last summer and they all said it was so good. Hands down – Matthew McCaughnhay and Josh Lucas – and I think my husband is basically a great mix of the 2 – it’s okay if you don’t think that – so I’m pretty much the luckiest girl ever!

Leslie - McSteamy. Don’t know his real name. I have heard great things about this book. I need to read it!

emily - matthew mcconaughey . . . his southern draw gets me everytime!!!!

Liv Hochhausler - I’ve loved Christian Bale since “Newsies.” “The Machinist” and his crazy rant turned me off, but the Batman movies and Terminator brought me ’round again.

Amber P - Gerard Butler! I can’t resist the Scottish accent!

Laura - Ryan Reynolds . .
I had heard about this book YEARS ago & JUST YESTERDAY was trying to remember the name or author to get my hands on it again. I lent mine to girlfriends and haven’t seen it since.
Proof once again that God cares about the small stuff! Thank you!

se7en - Oh I love this book and every time I buy it I have given it away. I inhaled this book it was so good and got the audio of the men’ s book because I knew my man would never read it, but he would listen to it when he was stuck in traffic!!! Celebrity man, Celebrity man, Celebrity man, Oh good grief my mind is blank…. ummmm I am going to enter anyway!!! I can’t think of a single celebrity male right now – just thank heavens the kids are in bed that the dishes need doing and I must write a post…

Stephanie - Matthew McConaughey…. hottest. hands down!

Laura - I have to go with Tom Hanks! I know, probably no the first name that comes to mind – but, sexy to me is more than just the outside – but the inside too!!!

Michelle - Jon Hamm — but only because my husband is not famous 😉

Jermaine D. - I am intrigued by this book! My celebrity crush is Tom Hanks.

Carly - Have also been meaning to read this book, just like Crazy Love. You are inspiring me to start a “to read” list! Jon Hamm is pretty amazing on Mad Men, but not as cute in real life. I think it’s the hair and costume 🙂

Jamie - Sounds like a very interesting book!
Matt Damon. He has a great smile!
Thanks for a fun week of giveaways!

Trish - Not much of a star watcher, but I like the older man 🙂 George Clooney!

Beth Ann - Matt Damon. But Mr Scheuster is creeping up there…

Shannon - I”m not a big TV/movie watcher so I don’t know who half the people are that have been mentioned. But I have to go with Tim McGraw, mmmmm. He just gets better with age. Thanks for the book suggestion!

Tere - call me corny, but the only celebrity I’m in tune to lately is Bob from Biggest Loser. I want to marry him 🙂

Lauren - Gerard Butler is my dream man lately. I love everything about him! His accent doesn’t hurt either. Or his pretty eyes. Or his muscles, tan, manliness about him. I could go on and on!

susie - tiger woods!….kidding…ha! hmm….my dh is the star of my life, but if i had to pick someone else…ryan gosling.

Liz - I’d love anything that tells me how to better understand my husband.
And to answer your question: definitely Clive Owen ~ sigh!

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Harry Connick Jr. also.

Britney - matthew fox or clive owen for SURE!

Sandy - Richard Gere in Pretty Woman – so suave and sophisticated. Oh how I love him!!

Mindy Harris - I picked a Man-Boy–Taylor Lautner.
I know, I’m awful. He’s a MINOR!
This book looks amazing. Beth Moore rocks my world, and makes me think.

jessica C. - I just love John Cusack (I think I’ve been in love with his character from Say Anything since I was 15).

Jessica - Call me crazy but Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond in Lost!).
By the way, you should know we raised 2244 Euro with our walk and donated it to Water 4 Christmas!

Laura Mann - Dave Matthews…aahhhh!

Sara - Jake from The Bachelor and now Dancing with the Stars!!

Laura - This book looks great, Meg!
Call me old fashion, but after almost 14 years my hubby is my one and only! No celeb could treat me as good as he does!

Heather - Matthew McConaughey is one of many I find nice to look at, but it takes more than just looks. I would most definitely pick my husband hands down, but thankfully he is NOT a celebrity:)

Kathi - Gerard Butler.

Toni :O) - I have to say Patrick Swayze (rest in peace dear sweet man!) and Tom Cruise. I know many people will say ICK about Tom but as a teenager and seeing Top Gun and Dirty Dancing, those two did me in, head over heels did me in! I’m sure I could use this book…after almost 17 years of marriage, most likely wouldn’t hurt! Thanks for the chance to win!

Erin - Eric Banta…the book looks great!

Jennifer - Josh Lucas in Sweet Home Alabama. He makes me melt 🙂

Jennifer O'Steen - My favorite was, and always will be, Heath Ledger (RIP). He was so gorgeous, talented, and he had that AMAZING australian accent. 10 Things I Hate About You will always make me giddy 🙂

Sandra K - Hmm…I think Ben Affleck or Matt Damon…funny, they’re best friends!
Sandra K

Jacqui - Easily Ryan Kwanten from True Blood and the movie Flicka

Jennifer Frazee-Whitcomb - oh…I could really use this book. For me it’s a toss between Robert Pattinson and Patrick Dempsey!

Jeannine - Gerard Butler!
Although Josh Holloway is a close second.
I think I’m going to go out and get this book.
You rock Meg!

Joni Lane - does it totally make me a cougar if i say jacob from twilight? cuz that’s my real answer. but my stand-by-your-celebrity-man will always be matthew mcconaughey. the end.

Tonya Brown - Trace Adkins
i have been married for 24 yrs and could really use this book
i am trying so hard to make it work out with the 2 of us.
thanks for the chance to win.

A Cupcake For Moose - Ryan Reynolds for sure! Will have to check this book out. Loved Wild at Heart. This looks good/helpful, too.
-Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose

amy - NY Yankees player Derek Jeter = Love!

Chelsea - I would love to have that book! And Josh Hartnett is my answer 🙂

Miranda - for sure…Ryan Reynolds!! Such a cutie, and funny!! 🙂

Stephanie Carroll - WHAT!!!
When I commented, I literally sighed and said out loud, “I never win any of these things”.
I love that you bucked up and went to Africa to serve our gracious God. Good girl. I’m ready to help support your next trip!

laura r - Matt Damon 🙂 There’s something so honest about his face 😉

Amy C. - Matthew McConaughey’s southern drawl gets me every time.

jody - Patrick Dempsey.
Oo la la.

BriBedell - Russell Crowe – Gladiator style. He is in the new Robin Hood movie and is looking FINE!

Jessica Reed - Hugh Laurie.
I’m in love with Dr. House.

Kelly - want this book!
Pierce Brosnan has always been my kind of guy.

Amber - I have to read this book. I would say the hottest celeb these days would be Tim Daly from Private Practice.

Jaimie - oh no. ben affleck is my love. forever will be devoted to him being the hottest celebrity.

Roberta - Cant even think of his real name but Sawyer on Lost! Definitely drool over him when Lost is on. The book seems like an awesome read. I think ill be buying it if I don’t win. Thanks for the chance!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - George always makes me swoon, but I also have a secret crush on Michael C. Hall (from Dexter). Maybe it’s the auburn hair?

sarajane - i must say val kilmer….about 10 years ago. 🙂

Molly - Tom Welling. Tall, dark, and handsome.

Jen - I gotta go with Matthew McConaughey…he plays the bongos naked, nuf said! Seriously though, I’ve been married 8 yrs and I think this book sounds great and I would buy the other one for my hubby to read! Thanks for mentioning this book.

Mindy - Brad Paisley … not just his looks but his song writing is awesome and I “think” he seems like a great guy.

Shelly - I have loved Matthew Fox forever. But I also have a little crush on Evan Lysacek at the moment. He is so polite, well-spoken and a class-act–not to mention handsome!

MelissaK - Pierce Brosnan— yum!

Kari - I’ve always been a sucker for a clean cut Brad Pitt! Thanks for a chance to win this book; even if I don’t win, you better believe I will be reading it!

miss r - Dermot Mulroney (My Best Friend’s Wedding)!
I can’t wait to buy these books for my fiance and I. We’ve been together for 8 years.

Dawn Zaffron - Danieal Caig…pant, pant.

Lisa - I have to say George is handsome, but Johnny Depp has the bad-boy good looks…

jimena - I want the book! and it has to be my tv affair:
Patrick Dempsey!

Emily - I am loving Matthew Morrison from Glee right now!

Kim W - I just found your blog yesterday – LOVE it!
Channing Tatum!

tasha roe - this is a tough question because i have a crush on Will Ferrell. LOL Is he what you consider “handsome” ??? he makes me laugh and i like that. 😀
if will doesn’t make the cut i would have to go with Albert Pujols.

Jenn Thomas - Keith Urban – I would love having a man like that to sing to me every day, especially in bed.

Julie in GA - Thanks for the awesome giveaway op! Would have to say I really like Hugh Jackman, but would settle for Mr. Clooney, maybe? : )

Sarah - I’m going to have to go with Leonardo DiCaprio. I think age is definitely making him a finer looking man. Nice.

Connie - I would like Vin diesel to be my pool boy…but…Patrick Dempsey is pretty hot too, and he’s from Maine like me:0)

Natalie - Vin Diesel!!

Ashley - I’ve got to go with David Beckham. And I need that book! My hubby would be greatly appreciated! :0)

Jessica - Hugh Jackman! I love that he acts in movies and on the stage.

Laura in LA - I must check out this book! Paul Walker, hands down.

Jill - I may from time to time refer to David Bromstad (Color Splash on HGTV) as my boyfriend. And, my husband doesn’t even have a problem with that!

Suzanne Gallagher - Tim McGraw…Nuf said!

Andrea - Rob Pattinson. LOOOOVVEEEE!

Marie - Matthew Bomer of White Collar, although I think it’s actually the character of Neal Caffrey that I find irresistible. He’s kinda a bad boy…but a good man. And oh…those eyes;)

Kelsey I - Justen Bieber! He’s like 10 years younger than me.. but who’s counting?? He is so adorable!

Melanie - A cross between Matthew McMcConaughey and Gerard Butler. Of course I can’t say anything bad about George Clooney.

Andee - I love Matthew McConaughey the way he looks, the way he talks, absolutely gorgeous!

tess s. - Gerard Butler. swooooooooooooon.

Nichole - I’m shocked to see that Liam Neeson hadn’t made the cut in the comments yet. He played in a StarWars AND Batman movie, that makes everything all the better! Then again, I also like Anthony Hopkins, so that might say something about me. 🙂

tinycandi - I’m actually going to have to go with Andy Garcia. There is just something about that man that I love. And…he kinda reminds me of my boyfriend. 😉
And this book sounds awesome!

Holly - oh, megan, I don’t like other guys! Um, I have always liked something about Harry Connick, Jr.

Julie - taye diggs-he is beautiful!

Lisa - I’m excited about this book. Even if I don’t win it, I’ll order it! Patrick Dempsey.

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Hmmm….I’d have to say, I’m quite happy to watch Pierce Brosnan, its a throw back to my crush on him in that PI show in the eighties. I’ve forgotten the name. Plus the new 007 guy, and perhaps the male lead in Big Fat Greek Wedding. Sorry, not so good with names, just faces and bums haha.

charlene @ lanfranchi family - George Clooney is obvious…how about Clive Owen?

Karli @ Rocky Bella - Gerard Butler ALL the way. Ohh how he makes me swoon.

Tara @ the cinnamon post - kyle chandler from Friday Night Lights…because he looks like my hubby and I LOVE the way he looks at his tv wife…

mandy friend - well I think my hubby is the hottest guy alive but… Michael Vartan and James Marsden!

Malissa - I’ll go with Matthew Fox(Jack) on Lost. I think it is b/c I love the show waaay too much.
This book looks great!

Camille - Have to go with Brad Pitt!

*Alex* - Oh man that’s so hard to pick just one! I love Gerard Butler, Eric Dane, Patrick Depmsey, Josh Lucas, Johnny Depp, THERE ARE TOO MANY! I will tell you this though the more talented they are the more handsome I find them 😀

merlin - I wanted to say something nice about my hubby….instead you want me to choose George Clooney.
And, it has to be George, because he appears mature, sensitive and low-key, and he is pretty decent to look at.
But, I’m still going to tell you that my city slicker husband swept me off my feet when he first arrived wearing cowboy boots, now that’s sexy: cowboy boots and the attitude that goes with them 🙂

Lisa - I used to not get the hype about Brad Pitt, but the older he’s gotten the more handsome he’s become to me. So I’ll go with him!

Kara Tait - I would have to say Vince Vaughn and Jude Law! But neither of them can come even close to my husband Jason. He is a celebrity in my eyes!

Colleen - mmm. jake gyllenhaal. just too cute.

Jennifer - I’ve ALWAYS loved Robert Downey Jr. too. Ever since Weird Science back in the 80s! Also a long time Johnny Depp fan, though I wish he would put some meat back on!

jeana - Gotta say Matthew McConaughey is a cutie. They say he lives here in my small city in TX, I wouldn’t mind running into him one day!
Would love to read this book!

Melissa - Robert Redford. He is *slightly older* but I love love him in everything. SWOON 🙂

Staci - Always looking for ways to be a better wife 🙂 Have heard great things about this book….so if I don’t win it…now I must put it on my list to buy 🙂 And hmmmm, best looking guy….I know I’m outdated….but I still love the looks of Patrick Dempsey 🙂 But just have NOT been able to get into Grey’s this last season 🙁 Oh well! Thanks again Meg!!!

angela - Richard Gere!!!!!

kelli - i have heard amazing things about this book. maybe this one will be mine! 🙂 i am not a LOST fan but i have been crushing on matthew fox since party of 5. hottie!!

Lacy Brauner - Brad Pitt. Hes my dads age and hes got a smokin’ hot wife, and too many children..but I <3 Brad. I do. I dont care how old he is, and how beautiful the world thinks his wife is, he has my heart.(justin, my hubby agrees, that if Brad ever gave me my chance, Justin would step aside.)

Marcie C. - John Krasinski (aka Jim from The Office)…I think he “gets” me LOL 🙂
I’ve been married 10 years (together 18 years) to my high school sweetheart. I’m still learning about him. This book sounds intriguing.

Lori - Patrick Dempsey!! Matthew McConaughey!!

Donna - Matthew Fox hands down, no question about it.

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - I’m 1.5 years into marriage and feel like this book would be wonderful to read!! If I don’t win, I need to get elsewhere!
As for celebs..hmm…I can’t think of anyone right now…what is wrong with me?!?

Sarah - Lee Pace from Pushing Daisies. (so charming ^_^)

rhonda - I’ve always be attracted to older men…my husband is 10 years older than me. Having said that, Richard Gere. Love him.

Annette - Well, since my husband is not a celebrity, i wont say him, but he is the best in my book, but i would say i like Pierce Bronson and i have always thought Patrick Swayze was awesome!

Meaghan - Matt Damon…especially in the Bourne movies.
Now I’m blushing!

Emily - I could use this book right now! I don’t know who I think is the most handsome celebrity is….

Lisa - I second Vince Vaughn! 🙂 I’d love to read this book and I’m certain my husband would like me to as well! Thanks for the chance Meg!

teresa - I may have missed the giveaway but looks like a GREAT book…
Be sure and stop by and read about a miracle in our family….

Courtney - Gerard Butler is working for me lately. Thanks for considering me…

Courtney Walsh - Ok, don’t enter me because I have these books but wanted to second that they are wonderful!!! We loved them! And have the study guides too. 🙂
…and I’m secretly in love with Robert Downey Jr.

Carly - Matthew McConaughey for me 🙂 Zachary Levi (Chuck) also has a strange hold on me 🙂

LeighAnn - I’m a sports girl…. Tim Tebow is a hunk!

Kim - Hands down … John Cusack. That scene in “say anything” gets me every time.

Jen - I love me some Clive Owen. I’m a sucker for a British accent.

k(is)sing - Channing Tatum, Vin Diesel, LL Cool J… Are you sensing a pattern!?! LOL 😉

lelu - I love Jude Law. Clooney’s never done it for me. The book sounds great. We’ve been together 15 years and still sometimes I just don’t get him. I’m sure he feels the same. Ha!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Hugh Jackman has been my favorite FOREVER!! Not only for his good looks but managing to keep his marriage together amongst all the divorces amongst celebrities.

robin - Ryan Gosling for sure! He’s had me ever since the Notebook. 🙂

Jen - Shaffer Chimere Smith–sexy and he can sing! Now that’s enough to melt a girl.

Elise - Chris Pine 🙂 The boy’s a stud!

Jennifer - Most my not know who he is but to me its the lead singer of HIM, Ville Valo, hes passionate about music, life, and most of all the ups and downs of love and relationships and expresses it well through their music. : )

Lena - Christian Kane

amy d - well i’ve been crush’in on rob lowe ever since st. elmos fire…one of my favorite movies!

Jessica - I hope I win! 🙂
Jon Hamm aka. Don Draper from Mad Men

Porche - I going to be completely different and say Idris Elba (he was Stringer Bell in The Wire). He is tall, dark, chocolaty goodness and he has an English accent. Love. Him.

April Brown - I like big, tall, manly men so I have to go with Vin Diesel, Russell Crowe and/or Gerard Butler.
Crowe and Butler have the added bonus(es) of having awesome accents. 🙂
But…Crowe is kind of a bad boy (in a bad way) so I will go with Butler.
Okay, so now, can I have him? Can that be MY giveaway?? 🙂

Tegan and Tage - I’m not ashamed to say, we’re 3 years in, and I am definitely going to order that book. Like now. So if I win, I’ll happily pass it on to a friend (or five).
As for handsome celebrity??? Vince Vaugh. I know, totally not the norm, but it’s all about personality for me– or in his case, the way he talks. So, so sexy…

Becky - Hm, Johnny Depp, Matthew McConeghy. the list goes on and on! 🙂

Katie - Channing Tatum!Whoa!

virginia - jude law and yeah, george clooney!

Charla Liedahl - Oh yes, Matt Damon. Who can not adore Mr. Bourne?

Alicia - Matthew McConaughey…don’t care what the movie is, will go to see him!

kari Kim - Always Richard Gear! From An Officer and a Gentleman to Nights in Rodanthe. He is sexy, secure, spiritual, and graceful…

kari Kim - Always Richard Gear! From An Officer and a Gentleman to Nights in Rodanthe. He is sexy, secure, spiritual, and graceful…

Jenn - I would have to say any guy who plays Mr. Darcy. 🙂 I would love to win!

Kasey Laughlin - I’m loving Ryan Gosling (I have ever since The Notebook) and Matthew McConaghey is another top choice too! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jaslyn - Gerard Butler and Bradley Cooper

Valley + Madigan - Ummmmm Robert Downey Jr??? I know I know he is so bad but….I love it!!! When he says in Sherlock Holmes “could you remove that” referring to the pillow…I blushed!! LOL You’ll know what I am talking about if you saw it!! did anyone else blush?? Come on admit it!! Anyway, if I don’t win this is a must buy for me….I love Beth Moore!!
Thanks for a fun week!!

Leah - I would have to say Gabriel Aubry. He’s not really a huge celebrity but i think having a child with Halle Berry and being a model counts for something.

Marley - I’m seconding Gerard Butler!

Krista - Matt Damon for sure!! But I wouldn’t turn George away…. 🙂

Anne - Ryan Reynolds. He’s been my fav for a while 🙂

april - Bradley Cooper is fantastic!!!! Love The Hangover!!!! LOL

Nicole - Oh man I was really going to say George Clooney! I’m only in my early twenties, so right now I would not like to be dating George Clooney, however when I am older George Clooney is more then welcome to come and visit! For someone a little younger I love(ed) Smith (Jason Lewis) from Sex and the City!

Liz with Four - definitely Bono from U2

amy Mumaw - Brad Cooper is amazingly hot

Kim - Matt Damon…with is Boston accent. Love it!

Sheila P. - The Pioneer Woman’s Marlboro Man.

Jennifer DeLosSantos - Johnny Depp. There’s something rugged about Vince Vaughn. Keanu Reeves. Oh My, do I have to pick just one???

Emily S - Gerard Butler with a scruffy face

Dina Marie - Chris Potter! I am not sure if anybody is aware of who he is. He’s a Canadian actor. He surely looks great even he is turning age 50 this August! : )

Kate - Ryan Reynolds… definately!
George is a cutie patootie too!

Meredith Salmon - I still love Brad Pitt. Oceans movies he is just adorable.

Nicole - Mmmmm… Ryan Reynolds! He’s got the looks, the body, and that wonderful snarky sense of humor!! Total package!!

Kate Bowell - Simon. Baker. Love. him.

kristine - eric dane! i was traveling the last couple days and couldn’t enter your other giveaways -boo! how much did you raise for water? great idea!

Sally - It has to be George!!! Always Mr Clooney….sorry to be so predictable.

kbonikowsky - Don’t enter me in the contest. read it already and gave it away. I give them out at bridal showers. GREAT BOOK! And yes, it made me disgusted too.
Paul Bettany

Shelly - Something about George just doesn’t do it for me…I know I’m crazy, right? So I gotta go with Rob Pattinson…I know, I know…I’m a cougar! 🙂

jamie - kevin costner perhaps

Tia Reynolds - Alton Brown! Ok, he’s not “A list” but I love the smile and sense of humor and oh yeah… he can COOK!

Erica - Hmmm… my husband and I went to see Date Night and they made a big deal about Mark Wahlberg but I don’t see what all the hype is about. 🙂 I’m a George Clooney girl myself.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - i really want to win…..and….Jude Law. then end.

Anna Marie - Oh goodness…Richard Gear has always been very handsome to me but he is WAY older than me. This is only based on looks here…nothing else. Ha! He makes getting old look good. I love his wrinkles around his eyes when he smiles. My husband has that too and only a certain laugh brings them out. I love those wrinkles!

Rebecca Kriner - Hmmmmm…..I love Matthew McConaughey, but George Clooney is good too!

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