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giveaway #3

i got all teary eyed reading about your favorite birthday cakes.
i hope my kids have at least one memory like these.
how could they not after making a darth vader cake, KU Jayhawks cake, a rainbow cake,
winnie the pooh and at least 25 others?!! 
surely ONE will stick in their memory for life.  

the winner of the necklace is number 71…shawna.

Barbie Cake, I think I had it several times while in elementary school I liked it so much.

send me an email shawna with your address.


so today's treat is all about water.
you had to know i would do SOMEthing with africa this week didn't you?
i ordered some goodies from Water4Christmas for you. 
Water4Christmas is a fundraising group that partners with charity:water.
all of the money they raise goes to charity:water ….
but by giving through Water4Christmas the money goes directly to getting clean water in Liberia.
does that make sense?
(if not…read this)

so to enter today's giveaway i am asking for money.
for kids just like these.
i want these children to have clean water.
i know that you do too.


                           Liberia, 2009 from Water for Christmas on Vimeo.

there were 300 commenters for a rainbow cake necklace.
let's see…. if 300 people could give at least $5 today for clean water in Liberia.
that would be $1500 today.
(i am a math whiz…i know…it's a gift)

so that is the small goal.

but you can of course exceed my expectations and we can raise more.
to build a well for a village we would need to raise $5000
that would mean 300 of you would need to give $16.67 today.
(i admit….i used a calculator for that one)

hmmm….that is a trip through the mcdonald's drive through.
that is 2 movie tickets.
that is a fraction of my target purchases.

it's minimal to those of us with clean

if 300 of you give that today we could put another well in liberia. 
water for 250+ people.
that would be amazing.

i KNOW there are WAY more than 300 people reading this.
like way way way more.
this goal can be met…today.
let's do it.

leave a comment if you donated today.

ps….these shirts are so soft and lovely.
i would like 10 more.
they are awesome shirts! 
grab one today.   

Lindsay - Done. Thanks!

Christy Burgess - $20 from me!

Elín -
Thought you would like this 🙂
Grettings from Iceland.

Andrea @ The Train To Crazy - I didn’t just donate, but I already donate monthly and I think this is AWESOME what you are doing!! Keep on going!!

Andrea @ The Train To Crazy - I didn’t just donate, but I already donate monthly and I think this is AWESOME what you are doing!! Keep on going!!

Connie - I hope I’m not too late…I donated!!

Shairee - Wow that felt good! Thanks for the opportunity! $20

Jodi - I just donated. I might be a day late but I do feel great about donating on Earth Day! I also FB this to all my peeps! Thanks of the reminder of what’s really important.

Jill - I will donate $20 tomorrow, on Earth Day!

Margo - I donated – thanks for the opportunity!

pambuller - we’re in. 🙂

Katie - I’ve been faithfully reading your blog for a while and have good intentions of getting a donation off to water4christmas for quite some time, but just haven’t gotten it done. Thanks for the extra incentive! We take so much for granted!

tasha roe - this is totally unrelated to water4christmas, but i had to share
on martha stewart today she featured a rainbow cake. i know she stole the idea from you! i know the truth! 😀

Angela - I just donated.
I loved sharing your photos from your trip to Africa with my boys. It helped make it real to them that there are kids who don’t even have clean water.

Jessica - I donated $20. Thanks for doing this.

Shelly Primm - I just made a $20 donation. What a great idea!

Rachel - I donated $5. Thanks for prompting me to spend a small fraction of my money for a great cause.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Just donated!
Showed the site to my boys, too!
Looks like we’ll be making a jar tomorrow for them to start saving their money to donate!
Even if I don’t win, the mere opportunity to teach my children this valuable lesson is prize enough!

MommaH - I have donated today, and I did at Christmas too. That water is AWFUL.

Meaghan - I just donated.
Your trip to Africa, all the pictures, people, and stories were a complete inspiration. I loved your revelation about how God was there, even in the despair. Thanks for sharing!

Meghan B - I just donated. This past Christmas I was able to send $200 to Living Water international by selling handmade felt water drop ornaments to family and friends. I am so blessed to live in a place where I don’t have to think twice about washing my paint brushes and screens- or if I’m going to have clean water for even more necessary reasons. This has inspired me to put more ornaments for water in my Etsy shop. Thanks Meg!

Tina - just donated $20! I became a faithful reader of your blog a few months ago, and consistently feel inspired and encouraged by your stories…thank you!

Laura - A check is in the mail!
I wish I could go and personally give fresh water to all of those beautiful little children.
My heart breaks for them!
I can’t even imagine if my children didn’t have clean water to drink.
Water (and electricity) is something I thank God for every day.
We are so blessed to live in such a “rich” country.
And at times it is oh so very humbling…
Thank you for the opportunity to give to a great cause that is making a difference in the lives of those that are less fortunate.
I don’t have many followers on my blog and don’t know how many people actually read it, but I’m going to post Charity:Water to encourage others to give.
It’s the least I can do!

Diana - $20… because I wouldn’t be able to stand it if it were my grandchildren not getting clean water. ♥

Kate B - Just made a donation. Thanks for the opportunity!

Tess - Just donated $10. I have been following your blog since January. You are so inspiring! I prayed for you and your group on the Africa trip. Thanks for doing this!

Taryn - Just donated…..involved our daughters. Walked them through the blog, not only continuing our conversation with them about the needs in this world, but also showing them what can happen when everyone does their part. They went running to their allowance jars!:) Blessed by the opportunity!

Kimberlee J. - BEST GIVEAWAY YET! I just donated. Also the best money I spent today!

Abbey - $20! Thanks Megan!

Lisa - $10. Love this. We donated to Water for Christmas and Living Water International at Christmas and it was life-changing for our family. You can read about it here:

bethany - just donated $10! i don’t really do giveaways, but all of your writing about the situation over there has really touched me. i am a mother of one and pregnant with my second. i am getting laid off 2 days after my due date…and reading about these people in need has made me so grateful for what i have. thanks so much for doing this 🙂 good luck. i hope you meet your goal!

Tammy - Great reminder of those who are in such need. We take such a simple thing like clean water for granted way too often. I donated. Thanks for raising awareness.

Jolene - Thanks Meg…donated $20.00…let’s help them get CLEAN WATER…We wouldn’t want our children drinking dirty water. Bless you and your blog!

melissa - what a great idea to raise some money AND awareness!!!
i donated.

kim york - Donated.20.00..follow you through the Macs…LOVE ready your blog..not so much on entering the give aways but water for babies, kids…who wouldn’t give even just a little 😉
Kim York

jennifer - I’m not much for entering giveaways, but you got me with the water. It always gets me… It’s a great cause and thank you for giving us the opportunity to donate. Easiest thing I’ve done so far today!

jeana - $20 given, thanks Meg!

Jessica - I just donated. I love reading your blog, and I love seeing your faith. God has rained down blessings on me, why should I not give everything I have to love on and help others? That’s something I’ve been struggling with. Thanks for the inspiration and kick in the butt. 🙂

Alissa - Five bucks given!

Mandy - $10! Thanks for the encouragement to give when we have been given SO much, it’s the least we can do for the “least of these.”

Amber - I donated $5, Wonderful idea Meg!

Amanda Kay - $50 donated – thank you tax return! Love this idea meg!

Kate - Great idea, Meg 🙂 Donated all set.

Maureen - Just made a donation, what a positive thing you made happen today.

Anne - I love this idea! I just donated 🙂

Kara - Done! In the mail (still freaked about giving info online 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

Molly - $5!

Nicole H - What a great idea! I think everyone deserves clean water, I just donated $5! I wish I could have given more, but I am young and not so well off yet, but one day I will be able to donate more! Can’t wait to hear the total, good luck!

Porche - I just donated. Thanks for the opportunity!

Kim - $16.67 Done!! How wonderful of an idea.

Dianne - I donated $20 (that’s $20.42 Canadian – I used paypal’s calculator ;)). Wow great idea for a fundraiser and using paypal is so easy!

Tara - my husband is a campus pastor at UCF in Orlando…we…together with our students have been raising money this year for a well…we’re almost at the $5000 mark!
WAY TO GO…what a wonderful and worthy cause!
donating $10 to the cause!!!

Abby - $10 donated. Clean water is so important and something we take for granted. I love that the internet has helped us all become more aware and made donating so easy!

Laura - This is wonderful!!! I donated!!!

Jenn S - $5 Donated!

Brittney - I donated $20. What an awesome idea! Can’t wait to hear the total!

Lisa - $20.00 donated 🙂

Jessica - I have not donated *yet*. Tomorrow is Earth Day, and my class and I are arranging not only an Earth Day Assembly, but a fundraising walk. I shared this with them, and we will donate the money once we raised it tomorrow.

Christy - This is such a terrific idea! I just donated, couldn’t have been simpler! Thank you!!

Nicole Q. - $20 – how awesome to be able to accomplish this in a day! I’ll think about those children every time I sip water today.

joanie - 5 dollars. that was easy. thanks for inspiration meg.

Lee Ann - Absolutely I’ll help! I’ve been one of your “300” for so long and I’m passionate about clean water around the world!

virginia - 20$ :0)

Donna - I did it!

amy jupin - $16.67.
i hope everyone else does too.
thanks for the friendly reminder to do the right thing. - just donated. thank you for allowing the opportunity.

Barb Cassidy - I donated $40 today! Thanks for the push to do the right thing Meg!

Leslie B. - Just wrote out a check and will mail today! Thank you for sharing your life, and for inspiring us to help!

Anna Marie - I just donated $5…great idea Megan!

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