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giveaway #1

my week of giveaways has arrived.  
i know you were on pins and needles waiting.  HA HA HA HA!!
i have a few things that i have found that i wanted to share.
some of my favorite things….for you

item number one.
this book is unreal.
if you read if with an open heart you will be changed.

i need to read it again.
i want it burned into me. 

this is a new book.
i ordered it for you.
he has a website to go with it to help you with questions you may have.
you can listen to his sermons here.
(when i have been walk/running outside and not with the elderly…i listen to this and i feel like i am with a friend and not alone….super helpful.) 

here is a page from it….

this book is fabulous.
if you have already read it you can give it to someone.
or donate it to your church library.
or the PUBLIC library!
or save it for a stocking stuffer?
i could go on and on….

leave a comment on this post telling me…..
your favorite dessert. 
i am craving sugar big time and i will live vicariously through all of you.

brianna - Hands down any day… fresh strawberries, whip cream, and angel food cake… its been my birthday staple since i was 1 and its my go to comfort dessert…

Karen - My favorite dessert, super simple too, an angel food cake with a twist. You freeze the angel food cake, then slice it into layers. You put different flavors of sherbet inbetween the layers (lime, orange, cherry..whatever) then you cover the entire cake with Cool Whip then refreeze. Super light and yummy. Perfect for warm summer days.

Michelle - My favorite dessert is my mom’s red velvet cake with a double batch of cream cheese frosting. She passed away in 2008 due to breast cancer but her kind spirit lives on in so many lives she touched!

Christy Burgess - I love banana pudding! Yum!

Laura - I couldn’t even begin to choose one favorite dessert. There are so many that are perfect for different seasons and celebrations.

laura - key. lime. pie.

Gina - Fabulous book! I’d love to be able to give it to my church library. My favorite dessert…homemade ice cream!!!!

Heather - I’d have to say my favorite dessert is cheesecake. I especially love a raspberry cheesecake which I have a recipe for and haven’t made for so long. Yum!

Queen Bee - I think God had you specifically make this post today, and had me specifically read that. I’m going through another of what I’d classify as the lowest points of my life. Reading that excerpt will help in me regaining my focus… and coming out of this horrible darkness.
My favorite dessert is anything ooey, gooey chocolate. In simplest terms, a hot fudge brownie sundae. Dairy Queen has an amazing version.

Barbara - Thanks for the great give-a-way. I’ve heard nothing but great things about this book. My favorite dessert? I have to pick ONE?! Okay then…chocolate cheesecake, homemade with layers of different chocolate and a chocolate ganache icing. Barbara in AR

Adrienne S - CREME BRULEE! I love the warm crunchy topping the best!

Meaghan - Tiramisu. It’s something I don’t get often…but the coffee, the chocolate…mmmmmm. I want to make Pioneer Woman’s recipe so we can have it at home. I just finally found lady fingers!

Audrey - Mint chocolate chip cheese cake! Sinful! Must have coffee and be enjoyed slowly!

Erica - That book would be awesome…. my favorite dessert… chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk…. Love, love your blog!

Marie - Just one? I love chocolate cake with chocolate-peanut butter icing. I also love cheesecake…and carrot cake…
I’ve been wanting to read this book. A friend of mine says it’s amazing.

Teresa - I am new to Christianity, this book would REALLY help me out, I’m dying to get my hands on some really good books to help my faith and knowledge grow. I hope I win πŸ™‚
My favorite dessert has got to be the Blondie from Applebee’s! That delicious vanilla ice cream melting all over that warn brownie and that sauce they pour all over it… ahhh my mouth is drooling!

Olivia - I would read that book while eating ice cream. My current favorite is chocolate chip cookie dough.

kristine - ooey gooey brownies! no nuts!

Holly - Pumpkin Cheesecake.
Banana Pudding.
Cupcakes – vanilla frosting with yellow cake.
Creme Brulee.
Sweet Cream ice cream from coldstone.
Need I go on??

Wendy - I’ve been wanting to read Crazy Love! How fun. My fave (just one?) dessert is coconut cornflake cookies. Seriously, heavenly.
In large bowl, cream:
1 cup shortening
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teasp. vanilla
In small bowl, mix:
2 cups flour
1 teasp. baking soda
1/2 teasp. baking powder
Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture and mix thoroughly.
Fold in:
2 cups flake coconut
2 cups cornflakes
Drop by teaspoon onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350Β° for 10 minutes.

Toni - Brownie and mint chip ice cream sundae. Seriously. I want some right now. I have heard a lot about this book. Hope you pick me!

Vera - Oh man, I’m right there with you on the no sugar diet. Actually in large part BECAUSE of you. But anyway, my favorite dessert – bread pudding.

Alice - pumpkin pie. I know simple but I love pumpkin. Really I would eat anything with pumpkin in it.

Anna - My favorite is brownies, but I like you am a sugar free girl and I make an almost as good sugar free brownie. Chocolate is good in any form! I love your blog and look forward to checking in with you every day!

Erin - Not Yo’ Mama’s Banana Pudding (Paula Deen) = Me Likie!

Danelle Young - Cherry cheesecake. The box mix kind not homemade kind. Isn’t that odd? I don’t really like the homemade cheesecake. The book looks good!!

Christina - It may seem boring, but it’s chocolate cake, with ganache (dark chocolate). Mmmm.
That bit about being obsessed really got to me…I struggle with OCD and my obsessions are with the wrong things. What if I were as obsessed with the Lord as I am with the little things that become enormous in my world? While true joy doesn’t depend on circumstances or environment, a person with OCD lives like that. It’s such a dichotomy! That was a good word to share, Meg.
I don’t know if you will be able to read this, but thank you.

Maureen - Crazy Love is on my book wish list. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it. My favorite desert would be Grilled Stickies a la mode from Eat n Park. Yummy.

Katie - My favorite dessert is Blueberry Dump Cake – both for the taste and because it’s super easy to cake. You just layer blueberry pie filling, crushed pineapple (drained), yellow cake mix, and chopped nuts (optional), in a 9×13. No mixing allowed! Then slice two sticks of butter into pats and lay out on top of the nuts. Bake for 45min at 350. Serve warm or chilled. Yummmm…

Misty Ray - A gigantic bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream works well for me!

Melissa S - anything chocolate!

Sara - I have heard amazing things about this book. To be honest, I’m a little nervous to read it, because I know it will challenge me! But I think I NEED to read it.
Anyway, my favorite dessert is probably creme brulee.

Jenn - Mmm, favorite dessert… Gosh this is hard for me since I pretty much love ALL sweets. But probably I would have to say tirimisu. Coffee + cream + cake = YUM. Now if only I had the motivation to learn how to make it myself, I could eat it more often!

Lisa Brandow - Would love the book!
My favorite dessert is Buttermilk Pound Cake passed down from my Granny. I add strawberries and fresh whip cream for a wonderful strawberry shortcake!!

Jeremie Shaffer - Strawberry Shortcake!!!!

Amanda - oh yeah, and by the way I WAS a school teacher and I really do know how to spell dessert.

Kathi - Oreo dessert, love it!

Amanda - I have never ever eaten a single desert in my entire life -that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Oh wait, that means I should weigh much less than I do – huh? Oh well. I had this book IN MY HANDS at Barnes and Noble on Sat. night and then set it down to get something else. I thought of you the minute I spotted it. So anyway – I NEED it.

melissa mae - Dessert is my favorite food. My favorite is a tie between right out of the oven chocolate chip cookies and milk or homemade peach cobbler (with EXTRA crumbly topping) and melting ice cream!

lesley - Oh, so many desserts, so little time! I’m a seasonal dessert-eater…a must-have in the fall is Culver’s Pumpkin Spice Shake. Delish! But now, during the spring, definitely Strawberry Shortcake. I’d take the doll, too, but at my age, the dessert would better satisfy me! πŸ™‚

Amy B. - My favorite dessert is carrot cake with that delicious cream cheese frosting. Yum! Thank you for the giveaway!

Melanie - I could never pick a favorite, but I just pulled a scratch huckleberry cheesecake out of the oven. How ’bout that??? Thanks for the giveaway. I have been wanting to read this book.

Jessica - Cheesecake for sure.

Rachel J - Molten chocolate cakes- hot from the oven with vanilla ice cream.
We are getting ready to start this study in our life group!!

Beth - My favorite dessert? No question about it my Maw Maw’s Mississippi Mud brownies–delicious!!!!

Kelli - I’m pregnant, so I literally could say, “All of them!” But for now, I’ll tell you ice cream because I want to eat it all. the. time.

Melissa C - Favorite??? So hard to pick. Any real, homemade chocolate cheesecake is sounding pretty awesome right now. LOVE your blog…thanks for doing a giveaway!

Hannah T. - My mom’s Strawberry Pie. Yummm

Cynthia Cottle - Warm out if the oven cookies with a cold glass of milk is something I can never say no to.

Tami Hiebert - Meg, I read your blog almost every day but have never commented. You did a photo shoot for my sister last fall; however, I first found your blog through Jess’s blog while she updated on Cora. Anyway, I love seeing your great pictures and appreciate you being so real in your writing. I love all desserts but a favorite here at our house is called Tiffany Torte. We don’t know why it is named that but it has vanilla wafers, butter, vanilla pudding, cream cheese, fresh strawberries and whipped topping. Even if I don’t win your book I do hope to read it soon! Thanks for sharing with all of us!

bobbie - I hold no bias against any deserts. They are all my favorites and they all deserve my love.

Tracy - pretty much anything with chocolate in it!! hmm now i am craving..there is a little bit of chocolate bunny left over from easter calling my name!!

Gina Baynes - I’m not really a dessert kinda girl but I’m a sucker for the Hostess Cupcakes with the curliques on the top!

robin - brownies a la mode

April Harris - Coconut Creme Pie…without a doubt !!

lorena - Chocolate Molten Lava Cake. Yum! πŸ™‚

Jane - I guess my favorite dessert is ice cream. Can’t say I have an “unfavorite” dessert tho! Thanks for such a thoughtful giveaway.

Lindsey - Best dessert EVER was a keylime cheesecake at a great little restaurant in Georgetown. So good that the next time hubby and I visited DC I emailed ahead with the dates we were going and asked if they would have it on the menu! They didn’t πŸ™ Crazy thing is, I don’t even like cheesecake-That’s how good it was!

Shannon C - Pineapple upside down cake. I really can hurt myself.

Shannon - Banana cream pie! Hands down. LOVE.IT.
I think I’m going to have to get this book if I don’t win it! LOL

Liv Hochhausler - Coconut cupcakes with coconut/cream cheese frosting and a fresh strawberry on top…OR, grilled pineapple with home-made coconut ice-cream.

rachael umstead - lava cake with vanilla ice cream and a raspberry reduction sauce

Michelle Whitlow - My favorite dessert, although pretty basic, is a good chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting. I’ve been trying to be good. But it’s hard! Oooh, I also love a good cannoli. I mean, a GOOD one, like from an Italian bakery. Mmmmm….

Lori - Chocolate Chip Cookies. Plain and simple.

Melissa V. - My favorite dessert is chocolate of any kind. I especially love chocolate lava cake from Chilis. - Mmmmmm! This all sounds so great! I think that mine is either Cookie Dough Brownies and or Fresh Out of the oven homemade oreos! They are amazing melt in your mouth desserts! I Think I am going to go make them now! My mouth is watering! =)
Good Luck choosing!!!

Mrs. Dunbar - Chocolate fudge sundae?
There goes my six pack… (abs, that is.)

ashley - Looks like a great book!
I like a homemade german chocolate cake with homemade vanilla ice cream.
Now, I’m craving it.

Tracy Sharlette - MMMMMMMM….warm brownies with walnuts and chocolate frosting πŸ™‚
I can’t wait to read this book..I hope it will make me understand things a bit more!
Hope you had a wonderful day πŸ™‚

Julie - Specifically I crave donuts! Always. Isn’t that weird? I would eat bakery donuts all day everyday if I could.

Jen - LOVE Francis Chan. We have some friends in CA who attend his church. Can you imagine?
I love my very own eclair cake! Yum-O

mpulley - brown sugar pie

Sharla - chocolate cheesecake!

Kendall - Brownies.

Bernice - I say you can’t go wrong with a good tiramisu!

Alexis - one of my favorites is vanilla ice cream with fritos or pretzels. the salty and the sweet are just a great combination and it reminds me of my best friend/mom who recently passed away. she loved fritos and ice cream. weird combination, I know….but who is one to judge another’s food likes and dislikes?

anna - mmmmmm gosh chocolate big time maybe lindor truffles MMMM

Cindy - My diet is so limited due to an food intollerance or two that I will just say graham crackers and rasberry sorbet since they are two of the things I can eat that are a bit sweet.

Melanie - Warm chocolate chip cookies! YUM!

kristenb - meg-
ANY dessert for me – since i crave sugar 24/7
but one great choice for me is turtle cheescake with a great cup of coffee (AND with some great company).
although i can enjoy dessert alone, don’t get me wrong.

Angie - strawberry cake with cream cheese icing! yum!

JAMIE - I can not pick one! Anything chocolate!!

Jane - definately sticky date puddding with caramel sauce – we’re headed toward winter here in Australia so it’s almost pudding season!
I absolutely love it warm from the oven with the sauce dripping over it and a little icecream to balance the warmth!
have a lovely time living through our sweet indulgences!

Jen Christians - Growing up, my parents owned a Dairy Queen! I was in love with hot fudge brownie delight! (It showed) I now am reminded of that delightful dessert everytime I eat Better than “anything” cake… It does have other names too…
By the way I went to my publice library to look for this book, and of course there was no such book.
I hope I win!

robyn - ice cream definitely!

Zoe - pumpkin pie – good for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and dessert too of course). ‘Cause, hey, pumpkin is a vegetable, right?

Shelly Primm - Chocolate Heath Bar Cake – Easy Peasy
1 package German chocolate cake mix
1 jar (14 1/2 oz.) caramel ice cream topping
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
1 container (12 oz.) frozen whipped topping, thawed
6 Heath Bars
Cook the cake as directed on the box in a 13 x 9 inch cake pan. Remove from the oven and poke holes in the top.
Pour the caramel topping over the warm cake and spread, being sure it goes into the holes.
Pour the sweetened condensed milk over the cake so it also goes in the holes.
Refrigerate to cool completely.
Spread the whipped topping on top. Break up the Heath Bars (Hint: do it with a hammer in a plastic food storage bag) and sprinkle on top of the whipped topping.

julia - I’d love to win this book….um fave dessert….cookies…oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, sugar cookies with icing…

Tracy - What a great book. I can’t wait to read it! I tend to turn to “The Simiple Abundance Journal of Gratitude”… I can go back to the day my son first smiled at me… 9 years ago…Love it.
As far as desserts… This is my kids favorite recipe…
Cheerio M&M cookies = 3 Tblsp. butter, 6 c. mini marshmallows – Microwave about 3 minutes or until puffy – stir in 1/2 c. Jif creamy peanut butter – add 5 c. Cheerios – stir – gently fold in 1 c. m&m’s – press into 9×13” greased pan. Yummylicious!!!

Monica Williams - Red Velvet Cake oh my!

Karey French - Chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream and chocolate sauce on top. YUM πŸ™‚

april - chocolate cake with lots of frosting….and not the whipped frosting….but the thick sugary frosting…..hmmmm…lol

Crystal Swoverland - Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream…the whole pint please! hahaha

Dana Banana - Raspberry Rhubarb pie…..with ice cream of course!

Laura Kinsley - My favorite dessert hands down is Olive Garden’s SECRET dessert (it’s not even on the menu!) I’ve heard it called a few names at various Olive Garden locations . . . “Michelangelo Cake”, “Bona Festa Cake”, “Happy Birthday Cake” . . the list goes on & on.
It’s very cheap ($7 for an ENTIRE cake!) and one of the best desserts I’ve ever had.
It’s a chocolate cake with a creamy, mystery frosting. It might be a cream cheese variation . . or buttercream? Whatever it is – it’s delicious. To top the whole thing off – the entire cake it coated with chocolate shavings. Anyone else drooling?
I’m typically not a huge fan of chocolate cake – but this one is a perfect exception!

Kate B - Sounds like a great read! Please count me in. Oh, and cupcakes are my absolute favorite!

Routhie - Baklava with mint tea.

Katie - Almost anything with cream cheese – one favorite is a recipe with a layered dessert with a shortbread crust, cream cheese layer, chocolate pudding, then whip cream and chocolate shavings. Yummy!
Excited about the week of give-a-ways! What fun!

Deanna - Ha! This is an easy one! My Grandmas Pistachio Cheesecake. I don’t even like pistachio that much, but this cheesecake is as close to dessert perfection as you can get!! I love it!

Rebecca - …a newly discovered dessert called warm butter cake with chunks of strawberries dancing around the crisp scoop of chocolate drizzled vanilla bean ice cream that sits on top…did i mention the homemade house whipped cream…yeah…its that good…and i have had this book on my “to read list” for some time now

Becca Fort - Fake Cake….its the easiest and the best. Layer ice cream sandwiches, cool whip and a topping of your choice and people will think you are PHENOMENAL in the kitchen. At some point, you must spill the beans though. :/

hannah j - Cinnamon rolls. Or cake. I love cake so much. . .
Good giveaway; I really have been wanting to read this!

Julie - I love dessert! My sentimental favorite is blueberry pie from the Mackinaw Bakery in Michigan. The crust is sprinkled generously with sugar before it’s baked. It’s best served warm with vanilla bean ice cream.

angela - A *Hot Now* Krispy Kreme doughnut!

Rachel - Oh wow – 380 comments so far. I might as well throw my hat in the ring (so to speak) too.
My favourite dessert… what DON’T I like? That would be an easier question. But I am partial to brownies as long as they don’t have nuts. Don’t like walnuts. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, maybe some caramel sauce. Heaven.

CK - My mom’s texas sheetcake. Oh yummy!

Jessica K. - Cherry Cheesecake:). I love cheesecake!

Kristina - Chocolate dipped strawberries….yum!

Kelly - Most definitely chocolate strata pie, made by my Mom.


Teri - cheesecake, any kind, any flavor.

Karen - Coconut cream pie

Caitlin - Ummm…how do I choose. I guess I will go with cheesecake with a brownie sundae in second.

Margo - Mint Chocolate Chip Brownies made with a German chocolate cake mix – super yummy!

Sandra K - Creme brulee with fresh berries!

amy jupin - hmmm, last week i had a cannoli with almonds and dark chocolate. that was pretty darn good. and i can never ever pass up tiramisu. or maybe raspberry creme cupcakes which have become sorta my trademark dessert. omg. i am a sugar-aholic. must. stop. thinking. about. desserts……..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

merlin - Wow, pushing 400 comments!
I don’t want to pick one dessert, I LOVE dessert.
But, I am a rule follower, so: lemon bars.
Next time, let us list our top 10, please.

Tanya Self - My favorite dessert is tiramisu. I eat it 3 times a year. My birthday,(and yippee, it’s later this month!) husbands birthday and our anniversary!
Usually we are gathered around a table with really good friends and great coffee!

Deb Bounds - My grandmother’s apple pie or chocolate cake. I am learning to make them as she did, sans recipe. I should have done it sooner. Her alzheimer’s has robbed her of her memory for the shortcuts and helpful hints that never made the recipe. Heck, they have robbed her of her memory of me. When I want to think of her, and evidently when I want to cry, because that is what I do when I make these, I bake apples; cored with butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and raisins stuffed in the space where the core was. I eat them, tears run down my cheeks and I thank God that I had her for as long as I did, I thank Him for her gentility and grace. I ask for His grace as I selfishly hurt that I dont register to her any longer. I am comforted by Him and the thought that she isnt aware that she isn’t aware. Very gloomy thoughts for my 36th birthday and such a sunshin-ey day.

sarah harper - chocolate meringue pie. pie. πŸ™‚

Charla Liedahl - Ooooh, two of my favorite things…books and desserts! Lemon bars are my very fave…with a big glass of milk, thank you very much!

Heather K. - I love Peach Tart frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries, mmmmm yummy!

Sarah - I love just about any dessert and it shows! But my fav is warm, fresh from the oven chocoalte chip cookies with a scoopof vanilla ice cream melting on top! Sounds so good right now!!

Rachael B - My brother just read this book before going to discipleship school! I would love my own copy (:
My favorite desert is my sister’s homemade raspberry swirl cheesecake with a scoop of my mom’s homemade vanilla ice cream. How I love to surround myself with family joys!

Vickie S - I love Lemon Ice Box pie, a childhood favorite.

Jane - anything CHOCOLATE!

Jess - Scotcheroos. : )

Griswold Fun - A hot brownie with vanilla ice cream all covered in fudge sauce!

Emily Dostie - Warm Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream… I think I will go bake some now:)

Staley Mc - I have been wanting to read this book for a while now! My favorite desert right now is Paula Deen’s chocolate/peanut butter gooey cake, it’s delish!!

Liz W. - OMGosh, either peanut butter pie or cocoa cloud pie….mmm…and I’d like the recipe for that Sopaipilla Cheesecake,PLEASE???? Pretty Please Miss Laura!?!?? πŸ˜€ lol
*if this posts multiple times, I apologize….my pc is acting funny today… πŸ™ I think it has ‘a case of the mondays’ lol

kristen - Blue Bell Butter Crunch Ice Cream (it has Butterfingers in it!) with Homemade Hot Fudge Sauce.
Hot Fudge
1 stick butter
6 oz chocolate chips
1 can evaporated milk
2 cups powdered sugar
dab of vanilla
Melt butter and chocolate chips over medium heat. Add milk and sugar and boil for 6 minutes. Add vanilla at end. Delicious!

Kim - I was just telling my husband over the past few days how I wanted to find a book – and here it is! God is good! That passage certainly spoke to my heart…I am going to buy it tomorrow!
…and my favorite dessert is definitely brownie sundaes (but those apple bars that you gave the recipe to are a close second!:).

Liz W. - OMGosh, either peanutbutter pie or cocoa cloud pie….mmm…and I’d like the recipe for that Sopaipilla Cheesecake,PLEASE???? Pretty Please Miss Laura!?!?? πŸ˜€ lol

Alicia - Baklava…

jenn - My mom’s homemade meringue shells (esp. when they are a tiny bit chewy!) with a big scoop of Breyers mint chocolate ice cream and sliced strawberries…and a cup of coffee with real cream to go with it. Heaven on earth I tell you!

Amanda - I never met a dessert I didn’t like! Cupcakes, cake, pie, cookies, ice cream, cobbler, and on and on. If it is sweet, then I like it! πŸ™‚

Molly - Brownies! With real whipped cream on top!
….or cupcakes. Can someone really have only 1 fav dessert??

Shannon - Cheesecake. Had the Red Velvet Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory today for the first time. Wow, I may have to figure out how to make that. I’ve heard Frances Chan speak and he is wonderful. I’ve also heard great things about his book.

Valley + Madiga - EtAlOcOhC
Any way you spell it and no matter how it is served!!!
I love the snip-it of the book….It would be good for my sad soul!!

Leslie - WOW! I can’t wait to read that book! I’m going to somehow or another whether I win or not. πŸ™‚
My favorite dessert is brownies and vanilla ice cream! πŸ™‚

Amy - Oh my gosh …… I have to pick just one? Okay: homade turtle ice cream pie

Michele - Chocolate chip cheesecake with an Oreo crust–yum!!

Emily - Big Ginger cookies-a recipe I got from Martha Stewart years ago (like I know her or something) They’re like ginger snaps but soft and chewy.

jennifer - My favorite dessert ever has GOT to be the chocolate raspberry cake from P.F. Chang’s! It is, by far, the best dessert I’ve EVER had!
Thanks for the give-away – it sounds like a super duper good read!

Julie Briggs - Ice cream, any kind. there is NOTHING better

Monica - Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!
What an exciting giveaway…I will have to add this book to my Amazon wishlist if I don’t win. πŸ™‚

Erica Haude - I gave this book to a friend for her birthday but have yet to read if for myself! I hope I win πŸ™‚ and then I would get some german chocolate cake. with ice cream. homemade ice cream. with homemade chocolate sauce that hardens on top of the ice cream. grandma style πŸ™‚ yep. that’s my favorite!

Colleen Jobe - I can’t even decide because there are so many things I love about dessert. My mother always told me that “life is uncertain, so you’d better eat dessert first.” I’m a big fan of anything lemon-y…bring on the tang!

Bec - I actually posted the recipe to my favorite dessert on my blog today! They are my grandma’s homeade chocolate peanut bars! Pure deliciousness.

Christina - Cheese cake… any kind. πŸ™‚

FeFe - This is an easy one! My mom’s Coconut cake. It’s one of those refrigerated cakes that get better the longer they sit in the fridge. By day 4, it’s amazingly delicious!

Emily - The volcano of chocolatey goodness from Chili’s. My best friends and I would always bypass all the food there and just get this desert. What is not to love about a chocolate brownie volcano oozing with caramel, hot fudge and icecream?!?!

Laura Mann - Martha Stewart’s old fashioned apple pie. I mastered it during my first year of marriage and is my husband’s favorite…delicious!!!

Rebecca - Lemon poppyseed cake? Or rocky road ice cream? No wait, chocolate dipped strawberries! Yep, that’s it.

Jess - My fav is mississippi mud pie. Yum! Thanks meg I love your blog!

meghan - This book looks so great!!
My favorite dessert is Lemon poke cake….lemon cake on bottom, lemon pudding in the middle, topped with cool whip and refrigerate. So so yummy and great for summer!

jodi - Cheese Cake!!! Yum! Yum!

Brianna - what dessert isn’t my favorite?? seriously, I have a problem.
but if i have to narrow it down, i’d go with cheesecake… in any form. but not with fruity glaze.

natalie - oh honestly some sort of brownie-ice cream combo….or a cookie cake πŸ™‚

Heather F - Hot chocolate molten cake with a big scoop of vanilla bean ice cream!

se7en - I would love a sticky chocolate brownie right now – hmmmm…. but I will settle for blogging instead!!! Because of you I am off sugar… hmmm 85% chocolate is almost pure cocoa and so practically sugar free…

adrienne - chocolate sheath cake… with a pinch of cinnamon. mmmmmmm! thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

Missy - anything chocolate!

Stacia - Cheesecake! Love your blog!

tess s. - my husband is the executive chef at a local catering company in town. he makes this AMAZING berry napolean. fresh berries, fresh whipped cream piled on top of puff pastry. it’s amazing. seriously. and i crave it ALL the time.

jill jackson - it’s a toss up… carrot cake with cream cheese frosting or red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. ok, i’m seeing a pattern here. maybe it should just be cream cheese frosting!

Sarah T - Tres Leches Cake. I could honestly eat the whole thing by myself. But I don’t πŸ™‚

jill - pie and ice cream. any kind of pie with vanilla ice cream.

amy bell - regular plain old vanilla ice cream…the expensive kind. nothing better. πŸ™‚

Shannon - Banana pudding!

Sarah B - My favorite is my husbands homemade ice cream! It doesn’t matter what flavor he makes! It’s all good!

Val - Apple pie (homemade) a la mode. YUMMY!

Kara Tait - Oh my, I would love that book. I am a new Christian trying to pursuit more of God!
I love ll desserts, but I would have to say really anything made with puff pastry. I can go savory with that too!
I love your blog, Meg. You are truly an inspiration.

jessica - Easy question…hands down strawberry shortcake…made with fresh strawberries from the garden of course….warm buttery scones right from the oven and homemade whip cream…Lots & Lots of whip cream…like a mountain. πŸ˜‰

Kerrie - Mama Louanne’s Brickle Pie! (coffee ice cream, oreo crust, heath bar on top, drizzled with caramel) A local favorite!

Tammy - Looks like a great book!
An ice cream Drumstick. with chocolate in the bottom.

sara - favorite dessert…ummm key lime pie

Amber - Chocolate Cake from Maggiano’s.
They have a fancier name for it than that…but we had some this weekend while in St.Louis. Actually, it was carry-out – since who can eat in a nice restaurant w/ 3 children under the age of 4?? But it tasted absolutely heavenly from the hotel room (even with kids begging for bites)!

melissa~afamiliarpath - chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. homemade from a box.

Emily Clark - Vanilla bean creme brulee with fresh raspberries on top. Creme brulee is SO much easier to make than most people think. YUM πŸ™‚

Denissa - My fav is birthday cake & ice cream or even better yet is ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins πŸ™‚

Tonya - This book is super excellent! Great giveaway!!! Right now I’m craving Nestle Treasures w/ the gooey caramel inside. Not really a dessert, but I think these little treats are divine. I’m cutting desserts out too, so I’m trying to keep my fantasies bite-sized.

Anna - My favorite dessert (at the moment) is this Vanilla Mousse Cheesecake. I found the recipe on the Kraft website. This book looks so interesting. Thanks for sharing.

brooke - cannoli!!! oh my goodness my most favorite of favorite desserts…i would like some now!! love it!
okay i don’t want to win this giveaway because i bought this book after seeing it on your blog and while i haven’t read but just a few chapters i love it and it has already opened my eyes to some things that have bothered me in life…and i bought it to pass on to another who was having a fallen heart over a life struggle…i pray it did her well…can’t wait to read the rest!!

mandy friend - Oh I’ve been wanting this book for ages and never quite get around to buying it! Okay so dessert?… candy:turtles
cookis: oatmeal, hold the raisins
pie: apple with carmel nut topping
cake: cream filled
ice cream: mudslide, pistacio
what you expected me to pick one??!!!:)

Emily @ Little Home - I have yet to meet a dessert I don’t like… right now I want some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for the giveaways!

Jermaine D. - I have heard alot of good things about this book! I recently decided my favorite dessert is a tie between s’mores (on the fire or in the oven) and creme brule!

Liz - The book looks wonderful! I just added it to my Amazon wishlist, in the event I don’t win it.
My favorite dessert is without a doubt, creme brulee. YUM!

Stephanie - brownies with mint chocolate chip ice cream… to die for! Nothing tops it. πŸ™‚

Adrienne - Creme Brulee!

Julie - My all time favorite dessert is from the Philippines. It’s called “halo-halo”.

Kathy - I have heard great things about this book and I can not wiat to read it for myself. Next to reading, I love eating turtle cheesecake.

Library.Girl62 - My favorite dessert is more bread and butter~ OK, if it has to be sweet…Key Lime Pie πŸ™‚

jennifer wood - I left a couple of s’s out of my previous post, I’m a horrible speller, just keeping it real;)

Ashley - Really anything thats chocolatey and rich and gooey! MMM….molten lava cake matches that!!!

Ashley Pera - Southern Living Mocha Cappuccino Frosted Brownies…yummmmmm!
Just made some for Teacher Appreciation Week. I figured if I luuuv them the teachers will too! πŸ˜‰ Ashley from Tennessee

Angela - Nothing beats chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven – mmmmm.
And your blog is so fun – it makes me giggle quite often!

shelly - What a great book!
We’re on the no sugar thing too…so going down your list of comments was TORTURE! I want cake…lick the plate clean chocolate cake!!!

susie - fresh strawberries and cream…heaven…

jennifer wood - How about picking from one of these delicious sounding deserts and making one for Friday desert night, While loosing weight I always allow one cheat night otherwise I feel left out. God want’s us to enjoy desert one night per week:)everything in moderation is my motto!

sara's art house - Mmmmm I love so many desserts……….one favorite is your mint brownies.
Thanks for having the giveaway!!!!

kim - I have a real weakness for brownies; I love them!!!

Leah in FL - Homemade Banana Pudding …. Vanilla pudding from scratch, vanilla wafers and bananas …. can’t beat it! :o)

Kate - My favorite dessert = chocolate + chocolate… oh, plus more chocolate πŸ™‚

CAROL B - anything chocolately or plain cheesecake!!

Mary Ferrara - Very excited for the giveaway! I hope that I win. I would just love to read this book!
I love dessert. So much. Really, I could eat dessert after each meal. I would pick a bowl of really great ice cream though, like Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked. Yum!
Thanks for the giveaway, and the awesome blog. I am very inspired by you!

Sally - It has to be your Cream Puff desert…I take it everywhere we go and EVERYBODY loves it!!

{Gypsy Soul} - Let’s see, probably Dark Chocolate Bombe…honestly I don’t even remember where I had it but it was divine. A dense chocolate treat topped with fresh cream and raspberries (I’m thinking it was @ local Chez Fon Fon)

Katie - Death by Chocolate. Now, doesn’t that sound like a nice way to go?

Shelly - My all time favorite is my MIL’s white chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce..she is so inspiring and amazing in the kitchen!

Lori - I am easy to please. BROWNIES! Especially ones that are moist, but not too fudgey, and not too cakey. With a big glass of cold milk

Lanie - That book has me at that one page you have shown. Sounds really good!
LOVE Cherry Cheesecake! YUM!

kim - One of my favorites…Coconut Cake…and I recently blogged about it.
I also love most anything that involves chocolate!

Marah - Peanut Butter Bars are super delish!

Jen - Do people really have a favorite dessert…just ONE?! I’m a dessert freak. I love dessert…all kinds of dessert. ONE of my favorites is a dessert my great grandmother makes called Strawberries on a Cloud. It’s light and delicious! Thanks! Jen

Kathy - What a lovely gift. Dessert? Homemade peach cobbler.

Dena - chocolate cake and a glass of milk or Ritz crackers with peanut butter dipped in white chocolate!

Megan - Not Yo’ Mamma’s Banana Pudding made with Chessman Petridge Farm Cookies… Now I want some!

Natalie - Warm chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk!

Kellie Dugan - I would love to read this book!
Anything that has strawberries is so yummy!!!!

Leann - This is too hard. Maybe mint chocolate chip ice cream or milk chocolate fondue with lots of goodies to dip it in!

Alexandra Horn - Warm Walnut Brownies topped with Vanilla Ice Cream
p.s. I love Francis Chan. He would speak fairly frequently at my undergrad university in California. Now that I’m in Chicago, it would be wonderful to read a book from back home!

pam - Creme Brulee hands down!

Tiffany - I can always eat banana blueberry bread! I make the!
I have the book, it is amazing. I have someone special in mind that I would give it to if I win!

carly - would LOVE this book. i’ve heard many good things about it.
for dessert, my favorite it Paula Deen’s recipe for Bobby’s Caramel Cake. it’s just like my grandmother made and now it’s always a hit with my husband. i score many, many points when i choose to make that one!
loved your post on your wedding day/feelings. while i can’t directly relate, i appreciate your honesty and transparency. you are so much fun!!

Tiffany Belford - Chocolate pudding πŸ™‚
The book looks awesome, thanks!

Courtney McIlwain - I love Pioneer Woman’s apple dumplings with vanilla ice cream. They are to die for.

Wendy - Book sounds great!
Apple Crisp with melty vanilla bean ice cream, YUMMY!
Love your blog!

Laura Lee - my husband makes some awesome brownies with double chocolate fudge brownie mix, caramel and chunks of chocolate… warm with vanilla ice cream in a bowl…. they complete my life… seriously.

Cara L - i can always eat some chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard from dairy queen! even though, i can usually only finish half!

Katie Middlebrook - That book looks great! I have too many favorite desserts but today I would most like to eat strawberry cake covered with strawberry icing and mounds of fresh strawberries.

stacie - an espresso martini πŸ™‚

Stephanie - Do I have to pick just one? If so, it’s definitely cheesecake!!!!!!

Nicole - Better Then Sex Cake! (real name I swear!)
It’s pretty dang good!

Desiree' - Fresh Strawberry Pie…*sigh*…or maybe Choco-flan…*sigh*…or maybe brownies and ice cream…*sigh*…or maybe I can’t just choose one and I need them all! πŸ˜›

Rebecca - Chocolate Mousse!!

Holly - My favorite dessert…hmmm
I’ll have to go with hot fudge brownie sundae!

nors - I don’t have one. I like all desserts.

Micheala - I am pregnant with our 4th baby due in June and right now ANYTHING Reeses Pieces. There are three different bars plus the pieces. Pure goodness.One problem one leads to two which leads to three. Oh Well

Casey - Ooey gooey bars!!! They melt in your mouth… I gain 5 pounds while making them and see how much butter is in them but they are amazing!!! I’ll send you the recipe!

sarajane phillips - my mom’s fresh peach pie with a chocolate crust. WONDERFUL!

Sunny Haynes - My favorite dessert is huckleberry cheescake…I grew up spending the weekends during the summer going into the woods by my house and picking gallons of huckleberries so my mom could make this dessert all year around!

Amy - So, I’m pregnant with #2 and all I can think about for a sweet fix is Fruit Roll Ups. Yep, I’m 29 and I’m sure the checker at the grocery store thinks I’m buying them for my kid. πŸ™‚

Wendy - Strawberry cheesecake!
The book looks fantastic!

Shelley C - Chocolate Eclair Dessert

Amy - A hot fudge brownie sundae with whipped cream and a cherry makes me a happy girl! πŸ™‚

kelly - I’m trying in vain to resist the remnants of the strawberry rhubarb pie in my fridge right now. πŸ™‚ LOVE LOVE LOVE that pie. Looks like a good book. πŸ™‚

Amber - My favorite dessert is any brownie bite blizzard. I am a sucker for ice cream.

Ryanne - Favorite dessert depends on my mood. Right now, I am craving a three layer dessert. Also known as Sex in a Pan, the Robert Redford cake and other gratutious names.

Lillian - Fruit tarts!!

Trish - Wow, lots of comments…
I am not a reader, but have been wanting to read this book! Everything I see, hear or read of Francis, makes me want more!
My favorite dessert? Probably Hershey’s chocolate cake with their chocolate frosting! It’s all from scratch, but pretty easy to make and is super moist! Bonus… the longer it sits the more moist it gets, which I love with a big glass of milk πŸ™‚ Just had some yesterday for my daughter’s birthday! Her favorite too πŸ™‚

nicole m - would love the book!!! my favorite dessert right now is either cinnamon rolls or frozen yogurt…yumo

Kelley - Mississippi Mud Cake is my all-time favorite. My mom has made it for my birthday every year since I was little. There really isn’t anything else that compares or should be used as part of my birthday celebration.
I blogged about it once and used that as my link on this comment because the recipe should absolutely be shared and consumed without abandon by the masses. It’s that good. πŸ™‚

Diana - can you believe we don’t do dessert in our home… so i’d have to say that if we did, my choice would have to be plain vanilla frozen yogurt… i’ve had that before and love it πŸ™‚

Jenny - All of these comments made me hungry!! πŸ˜‰
I think that my favorite dessert would have to be some kind of cheesecake….but I’ll take anything with chocolate. :0)

Talia - Like you, I am trying to watch my sweets and trust me it is really hard for me. I’ve quite the sweet tooth. I love peach pie. Yum! And, coconut cream pie — my Mum makes the best ever.
Here’s hoping for a chance at your generous give-a-way! I’d just love to read the book. It is time.

Gina Boswell - HOw can anyone name just one favorite dessert? It is impossible. I love cheesecake. I love key lime pie oooooo I love blueberry pie with ice cream….I love banana pudding… I could go on and on but its just making my mouth water…

rosemarie - i have too many to mention..but an all time favorite chocolate chip cookies….

Katie - Ice Cream…with sprinkles on top. Hope I win. I’ve always wanted to read that book!

Linda B - I don’t know if it is my “favorite”, but right now (7 months preggers) I am seriously craving Reece’s PB cups!

Andria Koehler - Picking one favorite dessert is so hard when you’re a pastry chef. I love love love desserts. Most of my favorite desserts have chocolate in them somehow.

Jill - Oh man, I have to pick just one?!? How about two? I would pick NY cheesecake with berries on top, or strawberry shortcake, yum!
I’ve heard of this book but haven’t read it yet, thanks for the giveaway!

melissa - Love your blog! This is my first comment- Ihad to share my favorite splurge dessert recipe in the hopes of winning the book. Hubby and I are on a healthy eating kick right now and when we can’t take it anymore, I make Chocolate Silk Bread Pudding-it’s heavenly with a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Looks complicated but so worth it. Here’s the link to the recipe from the Wilderness Lodge in Disneyworld. I dream about this dessert. πŸ˜‰

amy smith - chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven

Gretchen Harbour - That’s hard. I will break for any desert, especially something with chocolate. My favorite in summer and spring is lemon pie. Never fail desert to pick me up anytime are good ol’ fashioned brownies. Love your blog!

Kimberlee J. - Cheesecake—any kind.

Ruthann - never met a dessert I didn’t like but right this minute I would have to say peach cobler made with fresh picked Georgia peaches!

Christine J. - Just one dessert?? Mine would be cupcakes with that really good and really bad for you icing. The sweetest kind. YUMMY!

Janel Sagert - My mom’s “chocolate ice cream desert” crushed nilla wafer bottom crust – followed by thick fudgy layer of goodness – then chocolate ice cream – then another layer of crushed nilla wafers. The textures and taste are a perfect match – dreamy πŸ™‚
I’ve been reading your blog now for a couple months and LOVE it πŸ™‚ This book looks fabulous and something that I need right now so thought I’d leave my first comment πŸ™‚
have a super day!

Laura - Sounds great!
Warm brownie right out of the oven with vanilla ice cream melting on top. Bliss!
Laura L

Kieu My Ton Nu - Homemade rice crispy treats are the best because you can add tons of butter, marshmallow and m&ms :))) I’, calling for a heart attack :))

tricia - My homemade apple pie can’t be beat.

Kara - Long time reader, first time poster (LOL) I wanted to share one of the best, quick deserts ever. It is the better than sex cake. 1 Box German Choc. Cake prepared according to directions; upon cooling poke several holes – the more the better – on the cake (I use the bottom of a wooden spoon. After cooling completely, pour a can of sweeten condensed milk over the entire cake; pour a jar of carmel ice cream topping over that. Prior to serving add a tub of Cool Whip to make it look pretty topped with heath bar toppings. DEE-LISH!

Jessica - probably an affogato (espresso over ice cream) and I was lucky enough to have one last night!!

Robin - My favorite dessert would have to be pie. Any kind will do, as long as it has a crust because, well, that is my favorite part!

Suzanne - Coconut Cream Pie! I rarely get it, so it is such a treat!

A Cupcake For Moose - This book looks amazing! Brownies with fresh strawberries on top. πŸ™‚

Corie - Cheesecake Baby! Thanks for brightening my days Meg!

Tegan and Tage - I’m going to have to add that book to my reading list… right after I finish “Bringing Up Boys” and “A Fish Out of Water”.
Favorite dessert? Anything involving citrus + cheesecake. Heather (Cookie Mondays) made vanilla bean cheesecake with blood oranges for my baby shower over a year ago and I swear I still dream about them.

Malissa - Homemade apple pie w/ a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combo of hot and cold. Love it.

Karen - I so want to read that book!
My favorite dessert is a toss-up between Strawberry Refrigerator Cake, and Red Velvet Cupcakes with (Wilton Recipe) buttercream frosting.

GB - Favorite Ice Cream creation:
Rasberry ice cream–kind soft, with eith white chocolate chips mixed in. Or if you can, dipped into an ice cream cone that has been dipped into white chocolate. Since I haven’t found an ice cream store with dipped flavor cones, the white chocolate chips works really well. So cool and refreshing!

sherry - My mom’s frozen fruit salad. delish.

Kelsey I - Ooooh I love me some cream cheese icing.. the cake is optional πŸ™‚

Jennifer Frazee-Whitcomb - The phyllo brownie from Yia Yia’s is THE BEST! I’m looking forward to this giveaway!!!

Tonya - do skittles count as dessert? if not, wedding cake is my favorite.

Meredith - I LOVE desserts! I run every day just so I don’t have to give them up. My favorite this week is peanut butter pie.

Lisa - Blondies with vanilla ice cream and warm maple glaze over the top! yummy! πŸ™‚

Sharla - Chocolate truffles (that melt in your mouth) . . . this book looks great.

Jaime - Chocolate chip cookies! Really I am a fan of anything chocolate!! πŸ™‚

AmyB - Ooh, my best friend was telling me about this book!
My favorite dessert is rocky road fudge…but I only eat it around Christmas time!

Whitney - My favorite desert is almond flavored petite fores (sp?) from my favorite bakery where I grew up. Don’t get them often anymore but when I do it is such a treat! I’ve been wanting to read this book. I’ve heard it is great!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Fresh peach or raspberry pie. Hold the a’la mode.

Emily - LOVE your blog…
book sounds interesting…
any homemade dessert recipe from my mom!

Ellen Williams - Blue Willow Bars hands down!!!!!! It’s kind of like a cross between blonde brownies and a cheesecake – YUMMMMM!!! I can definitely look back and see how my bottom got the size it did… and that it didn’t happen overnight πŸ™‚

courtney - Hummingbird cake, but I hardly ever make it because I would eat it. all.

Abby Munoz - Lemon Bars! Sweet, simple and perfect for summer. Your blog is my naptime treat to myself. It is like that verse from Psalm 11. “He who refreshes others will he himself be refreshed” (my paraphrase?). It always makes me smile. Thanks Meg.

Karen - My favorite dessert EVER is Red Velvet Cheesecake! YUM!!

Janae D - Ohhh… I just requested that book recently. I’m stoked to read it and heard about it on KLOVE. Favorite dessert….chocolate from Cocoa Dulce in Bradley Fair. Yummy!

kari Kim - Dulce de Leche (not sure if that is spelled right) ice cream with a warm brownie….

kari Kim - Dulce de Leche (not sure if that is spelled right) ice cream with a warm brownie….

Katie - My favorite dessert is any kind of moist warm cake without icing. Icing ruins everything.
I’ve been wanting to read this book! I hope I win!!

Cindy Albert - My favorite dessert is usually the last one I had. Last night we had ice cream sandwiches with black raspberry ice cream in them. Wow! Thanks for the chance at the book.

Annette - a dusty road sundae…oh YUM!!!

Mary Beth - This is seriously the hardest question you could have ever asked, but I think it has to be brownies…nothing else seems to satisfy like them…I mean nothing! this book sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us!

mominin - Chocolate Chip Cheesecake!

Angela Merrell - I Love chocolate, but I have to say my favorite is the dulce de leche cheesecake at the cheesecake factory. πŸ˜€ It is absolutely YUMMY!!!!!!

Anna Marie - Vanilla ice cream with chocolate cake (no frosting) all mixed together. Yum!!!

Stephanie Carroll - Banana Pudding!!

Nicole - Hi! I am somewhat new to your blog, but I have to tell you I think it’s really great! Your photography is so inspirational, and I LOVE that you LOVE color!
I was out at Homegoods the other day and they had a pillow that said Whatever on it, and I couldn’t help but think of you! I even snapped a picture, LOL.
This book looks great, and the excerpt that you included seems right on with todays society and life.
Oh! and my favorite dessert is… cinnamon buns! πŸ™‚

Christin - Raspberry and white chocolate chip cheesecake!

Janine - I don’t want the book but I must sympathize with your sugar cravings. I gave up sugar for health reasons nearly two weeks ago and it is so hard. Anyone who says it is easy is a crazy person! Hang in there. Sugar free jello and sugar free pudding are always good substitutes when the cravings get too hard.

Arrica - Ok, so my fav dessert is. . . anything with chocolate in it!
I know boring right! I am even satisfied with a dove square as my dessert. I just looove chocolate. (dark!)
I have never heard of this book. It looks like something I need about now. I am in a sort of dry area in my walk at them moment. Too busy doing for others to stop and fill up “my” cup.
Not good I know.
Thanks for the opp.
Arrica- NJ

Jill A. J. - I would read it while enjoying a slice of chocolate cake with mocha frosting and a chocolate glaze. Yummy!

Gretchen D. - Can I only pick one dessert? Oh, how I love my dessert. I admire your will power. I love chocolate ice cream, double stuffed oreos and Russell Stover’s strawberry filled eggs (just bought some on clearance!). Thank you for sharing this book with your readers.

cynthia - Green tea ice cream after a dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant. And then there is banana pudding…how’s that for a bowl of comfort?

Sarah - White chocolate raspberry squares. I would literally eat an entire pan if it was socially and medically acceptable. What a fun week you are going to have on your blog!!

Sam MillerGott - Looks like a good read.
My favorite dessert is…wait, I have to choose just one? Well, since I have to choose just one, today I would have to go with a chocolate shake.

Stephanie - I am also a ‘Key Lime Pie’ girl!!
I SO hope I win this book.

Cara Kapp - Would love to read this book. My favorite dessert is Creme Brulee. In Afrikaans we say for dessert “nagereg”! Can’t wait every morning to log on to read your blog!

jamie - probably a dessert i only make a christmas. it has raspberry jello mixed with cranberry jelly and the topping is cool whip, cream cheese, and sugar. it’s delicious.

Tara - red velvet cheesecake from cheesecake factory.

Julie - Cheese Cake!!!

amy - My favorite dessert that I make is sopapilla cheesecake…yum!! My all time favorite dessert is a triple berry pie from Wegman’s.

Messy@Bungalow'56 - My favourite dessert is my mom’s Christmas trifle, I could eat a whole punch bowl full. It literally is to die for.
I have not seen this book before. Very intrigued,

jenn groves - i never met a dessert i didn’t like! but if i had to narrow it down; right now strawberries are in season here in FL. so strawberry shortcake, with pound cake (not the round cakes from the grocery store)and homemade whipped cream! this dessert screams warm sunshine days to me :o)

Amy Mumaw - heath gooey bars by Paula Dean

Teresa Johnson - I would have to say my favorite dessert is an ice cream topped brownie πŸ™‚

Jenny Wenzel - Oh…would love this book…really want to read it! My fav dessert is just a big french silk pie…ymmmm!!!

June - Chocolate Whoopie Pie with fluffy white marshmallow frosting in between the two chocolaty goodness cakes. YUMMERS However, I’m on Atkins so none of that for me. πŸ™

Donna - My all-time favorite dessert is ice cream, but I’ve sworn it off for a while. So, now I eat chocolate cake and brownies πŸ™‚

Jessie Miller Sterling - Mmmmm. Cheesecake from Carnegie Deli in New York. I’ve only been to New York once, but somehow we ended up going back there everyday. Mmmmmm.

Staci - KEY LIME PIE!!!! (Paula Deen’s recipe to be precise) Don’t look it up….you’ll cave and make one….it’s the yummiest thing on this Earth!!!!!!!!!! I would just love this book πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win it Meg! Happy Monday!

Michele - Just plain ‘ol chocolate chip cookies.

Debi in Oregon - MMMM. Creme brulee, baby!

julie - bananas foster!!

April Brown - My favorite dessert to eat is cobbler (either apple or peach). Its the ultimate comfort food! πŸ™‚ My favorite to make is actually my daughter’s birthday cake. Each year I make whatever she wants and we usually do it together. Since she’s 14, I relish the time spent together. (Last year it was your rainbow cake, with a few tweaks).

Kelsey - Everyone is sharing their cheesecake ideas, so I must add mine. I love Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake. It is so easy to make and so good. Not good for you, but so good to eat.

Christy - Tiramisu for sure! YUM! Thanks for the giveaway!

leigh - darby’s banana cream cheese bars!

Emily - Cheesecake….yummm!!! I have been meaning to read this book…this has been a good reminder.

amanda fuentes - Pumpkin Pie no doubt about it! Nice and cold the day after Thanksgiving for BREAKFAST! The best!

Sharilyn - Looks like a great book. I’m a simple girl… my fave dessert is my sister-in-law’s homemade apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream.

Kim - Apple crumb pie. yum-o

Sarah Swartzentruber - Great Give Away, that I hope to win!! I love all deserts so I can’t pick my favorite. However one of my top choices would be Red Velvet cake! YUMMY:)

Charity Palmer - It’s a great book! And I could indulge in chocolate chip cookies ANY time. πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - I HAD THIS BOOK IN MY HANDS A FEW WEEKS AGO!!!!!! But unfortunately, no dollars in my wallet!!! If I don’t win it, I am getting it anyway!!!!
Dessert…this is hard…but..I make a very easy, very yummy, pumpkin pie CAKE….cakey bottom, pumpkin filling, toasted pecans and cake crumble on top…a whole lot of brown sugar, and butter. Frankly, everything a dessert ought to be.

Sophie - Peach Cobbler!
My mom’s is THE BEST!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Yay! What a great giveaway! I’ve been wanting to read this!
My favorite dessert would either be apple crisp or strawberry shortcake. For today, anyway! πŸ˜›

Shairee - CIRCUS PEANUTS! Once on my birthday a friend told me she wanted to get me some and looked in many stores…she couldn’t find them though because she had no idea WHAT they were – she finally told me they must be out of season. HAHA when I showed her what they look like (big orange marshmellows) she laughed out loud saying she had no idea someone would actually EAT those!! They’re still my favorite!

ally - Okay yeah, I just finished week 2 without sweets, so I can tell you all about it:
I love me an oreo mixer from Culvers or it’s cousin, the blizzard from the DQ.
whipped cream
warm soft squishy chocolate chip cookies
Half Baked Ben and Jerry’s
I gotta stop or the drool will short out my computer. :0)

Kristina - oh I’ve wanted to read this book for a long time! but it’s not at my library. thanks for this giveaway!
I think my favorite dessert is boston cream pie. or just ice cream. it depends on my mood.

Catherine - Lemon Meringue ice cream -Ben & Jerry’s… sadly it was a ltd edition, but it was good enough that I still would LOVE to have some and I haven’t had it since the summer of 2007. My hubs would take me to the doctor, we were expecting our son, and he took me to B&J’s once after an appointment. It was YUM-O!!!

Michelle Shoemaker - Picking one is difficult, but I would have to say blueberry cheesecake.

Alissa - Definitely hot fudge brownie sundaes!!

Amanda Kay - Right now…Cream Cheese Oreo Balls. My mother-in-law just left us some. Now they are heading back to Kansas and I’m sad and need a good book to read πŸ™

gina - Right now, I would say chocolate icecream. =D

Tracy - My favorite dessert is tiramisu with a hot cup of coffee!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Jessica Reed - My favorite dessert is Kaiserschmarrn, it’s an Austrian dessert. It’s a caramelized pan cake, with raisins and apple sauce. It’s pretty much the best thing I’ve ever eaten.

Lauren - My grandpa and I share a love for the same dessert–coconut cream pie. It’s best when we get to eat it together.
And….I’ve been wanting to read this book so bad πŸ™‚

Nikki - Has to be cheesecake with fresh cream NOT UHT.

Leah - The first thing that popped into my mind was the toasted coconut ice cream sunday we had a couple weeks ago. The caramel sauce and brownies were homemade and just so yummy!

Tara - I love Peanut Butter Pie…YUM!!!! I have really wanted to read this book and would LOVE to win it:)

Lyndsey - Banana cream pie! YUM!

rebecca - A simple favorite dessert in our house is dump cake…..take a thingy of fresh blueberries and a can of pinabpple (crushed) with the juice and dump in a 9X13 pan (you can add any fruit you want) dump a yellow cake mix on top and melt a stick of margarine and pour on top and bake according to box directions…Yum and easy!
Annie would LOVE making it!

Kasey Laughlin - I have heard great things about this book and can’t wait to read it! Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite dessert is peanut butter pie. Easy peasy…grab a premade graham cracker pie crust, mix ice cream and peanut butter together and fill in the pie crust. Set in freezer and eat! πŸ™‚ Happy Monday!

Kirsten - Megan – I saw you won Kim’s TCB prize – there’s good “karma” for you – you are a gem. And…brownies with ice cream and hot fudge sauce πŸ™‚

pambuller - i’m hungry. i want all of the above.
tis the season for homemade ice cream with grapenuts in it. Yum!

Andrea - jello poke cake!

Eric Tippin - Sticky Toffee Pudding (British, look it up!)

Lacy Brauner - raspberry cheese cake. hands down.

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Strawberry Shortcake….w/fresh strawberries, homemade shortcake and whipped cream. Now you’ve got me craving it! πŸ˜‰
I’ve heard great things about this book!

Summer - Eclair cake, cheese cake, tiramisu, carrot cake. I kind of have a dessert problem.

LeAnne Cotton - very simple…brownies hot out of the oven with vanilla ice cream and strawberries

Sarah - Red Vevet Cake

Dianne Avery - That’s easy! My homemade cherry cheese cake. Yum!!

Amber - Rhubarb crisp and that book would make my day.

Becky - Warm chocolate chip cookies!

Nan Carlson - Blueberry Banana Surprise for SURE ! When my boys were in school, the teachers would beg for it during Teacher Appreciation Week ! When the boys left elementary, the teachers were sad ! Thanks for your inspiration ! Your reflections make me want to do better !

crush. - devil food cake with homemade buttercream frosting. mmm. baking one wedsnesday for our mom’s birthday. πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - that book looks awesome. my favorite dessert is oreo dirt cake. yum…so cute in a terra cotta pot.

Jules - hmmmm….I would have to say that today, being a sunny springy day, I would have to go with Lemon Meringue (is that how you spell it?) pie! With coffee (duh). LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!!!! (and my library doesn’t have the book…I checked.) Pick me Pick me! πŸ˜€

Ashley - Oh boy, I’m pregnant so my favorite dessert is “one of each please.” But especially, ice cream…in a waffle cone, or creme brulee, or key lime pie, or….oh boy.

Karen R. - My favorite dessert is anything with fresh strawberries, no chocolate for me – crazy I know – I have never liked chocolate!

Nicole Q. - Angel Food Cake with TONS of strawberry with the sugary strawberry juice.
This book really affected me too . . . I’d love copy to give away!

Laura - A big L – O – V – E for today’s giveaway Meg! It looks like a great read!
A favorite dessert of mine is definitely Sopaipilla Cheesecake!
It’s baked – so the bottom layer of cheesecake is creamy and warm, the middle crescent roll layer is a flakey and the buttery, sugar and cinnamon mixture on top is crunchy!
It’s so simple, but so delish!
Have a sunshiny day!

Nichole Martinez - My favorite dessert is called the Napoleon – a flaky layered pastry separated with bavarian cream that is glazed with a white frosting and then drizzle with chocolate. Oh my gosh! So good!

LoriB - fresh peach crisp

jennifer delossantos - Any dessert involving chocolate is fine by me!! Seriously, anything with chocolate.

Heather - hot chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven. with a big glass of milk,

Katie Gonzalez - my sister in law is in chef school ,taking a cake-making class. recently, she made champagne cake with buttercream frosting and slices of fresh strawberries – the most amazing thing ever. seriously. it has champagne mixed right in with the batter. i LOVE it!
p.s. i was in a baby boutique this week casually discussing cakes for a baby shower, and the shop owner pulled up your blog to show us your rainbow cake from a while back. i was so excited (being a long time reader) that i knew right away who that cake belonged to! i think my sister-in-law is going to work on something similar for my shower, will have to email you a picture. it was so fun to make that connection with a total stranger over your lovely blog!!!

elizabeth - carrot cake with lots of cream cheese frosting. yum

Ruth - I love tiramisu. I have never made it so I don’t get to enjoy it very often. I think that’s why I love it so much.

Ericka - Sopapillas with warm honey and a little bit of sugar sprinkled on it! YUMMY!

Elena - Thanks! My favorite dessert is warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream.

Lindsey - My mother-in-law’s recipe, “The next best thing to Robert Redford” crazy name but delicious, chocolate pudding, cream cheese & whip cream yumminess!! So, so good! - Red Lobster’s Key Lime Pie, baby!

Suzanne Gallagher - That’s easy for me! A slice of good ole’ fashion Appple Pie with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream on the side. Yummmmmy!!

Julie - Sounds like a great book! My fav dessert is chocolate anything!

traci - Keep hearing about this book. My fav. dessert by far is strawberry shortcake with homemade shortbread…YUUUUM!!!!

audrey - Ice cream in a waffle cone!

Amy De La Garza - My favorite dessert is Sopapilla Cheesecake, made with crescent rolls, packs of cream cheese, tons of butter, cinnamon/sugar and almonds. Amazing.

Mary - Cookies, cookies and more cookies. Any kind of cookie. Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, Potato Chip, White Chocolate Macadamia, Raisen, Craisen, or any combination of these. But, I rarely make cookies because I’m the only one in my house that loves them, and therefore I end up eating most of them. Same goes for my second favorite dessert; chocolate sheet cake. I make it for myself on my birthday and eat the whole thing without guilt.

Alison - Oh I forgot, you have to have vanilla icecream with the brownie cake.

Nancy - Tough decision… I would have to say anything with the word “cinnamon” in the title…it just rocks my world. It could be cinnamon crumb donuts, cinnamon scone, cinnamon cookies, cinnamon rolls, apple cinnamon crumb pie, snickerdoodle pie, cinnamon toast. Yes, I have issues.

Emily - I LOVE brownies with ice cream…yum!

Alison - My mom makes this wonderful brownie cake. It has been a favorite since I was little.

Meredith Salmon - 0I am addicted to the Bakerella Oh My Chocolate Chip Pie. It is so easy to make and everyone loves it. I use 1/2 semi sweet chips and 1/2 milk chocolate chips. Enjoy. Here is photo so you can see how good it is.

Lorelei Eurto - Oh it’s gotta be Black Cherry crumble. or any cherry crumble for that matter. its a good thing i dont have the recipe. i would make it more often than i should.
xox love your blog, Megan!

Cassandra McKinley - Red Velvet Cake Balls—red velvet cake mixed w/cream cheese frosting formed into nice, easy to pop in your mouth balls….but no eating until they are dipped in chocolate! yum-o!

Ashlee - This is so cheesy, but my favorite is the Cookie Monster at Cheddars. Giant chocolate chip cookie in a mini cast iron skillet with vanilla ice cream. We never go there but I dream about it from time to time!

Lisa - OOps forgot to say my favorite dessert…duh.
I love Root Beer Floats!

Dina Marie - Mud Pie is my favorite dessert!! Yummy especially with chocolate fudge!

Lisa - I have been meaning to get this book and read it…I have heard great things about it. Would love to win it!

Bre Ann - Molting Chocolate cake with raspberry sauce and vanilla ice cream OR blueberry crisp

Tricia - Ooh its a toss-up between apple pie with walnut streusel topping and tiramisu. How about both?! πŸ˜‰
Here’s my recipe for it too. Ya’ know. Just for vicarious pie-eating purposes.

Vicki - Wow! That first paragraph just put to words how I have felt recently about “feeling” God. I know it’s me who has “moved away” and I don’t know why or how. Wow! I’d love to read this!!
My favorite dessert is by far Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby Ice cream. I literally could eat it every day!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! πŸ™‚

Kari - I have been wanting to read this book for a loooong time! Great give away! Here lately, I’ve been really craving Girl Scout cookies! YUM!

Beth Wells - I’ve been wanting to read this! Wow…my favorite dessert would have to be ice cream…or cheesecake! Mmm! πŸ™‚

candace - i’ve been craving chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookies. there’s a short name for them, but it’s gross and not blog appropriate.
all desserts are my favorite.

sarah - oh sorry…fav. dessert is: death by chocolate!

sarah - I’ve gone through such a difficult year recently and God is doing so much healing through others and in me. This book sounds like a wonderful tool for God to work healing and bring us back to Him. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jacci - I have a seriously good cheesecake recipe from a friend. It’s my all time *favorite* cheesecake – stays in the over overnight and gets such a perfect consistency. If I win, I’ll share it with you πŸ™‚ Or, if I don’t win and you still want the recipe, I share it then, too!

Lauren - My favorite dessert is my grandmother’s chocolate eclair pie! Graham crackers, pudding and chocolate. What more could you ask for????

Carly - Chocolate Chip Cookies. And I’ve heard so much about this book and have wanted to read it!

Teresa - Homemade chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven.
My Bible Study is reading this book right now. But my mom asked me about it and I would like to give it to her. GREAT BOOK!

jeana - I love German Chocolate Chip Cookies! Yuuuummmm!
This book is fabulous, I lost my copy, or gave it to someone, but would love to read it again!

Michelle - peaches and cream cheese cake. . .it’s wonderful. I made it last night! This book is on my ‘to read’ list already πŸ™‚ Thanks for giving one away!

Chris - My favorite dessert is Bananas Foster. So yummy!

Lori - Banana cream pie cheesecake from the cheesecake factory. Divine!!!

Elizabeth - Two favorite desserts: yellow layer cake with chocolate ganache frosting; coffee ice-cream hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and nuts

alamama - java lava ice cream pie! worth EVERY calorie and fat gram!
Thanks for the chance!

rebecca - Ummm – brownies and vanilla bean ice cream. Simply good! I’ve been wanting to read this book!

J. - A big slice of New York Cheesecake with some fresh strawberry topping. Oh goodness. πŸ™‚

LeighAnn - My all time favorite dessert strawberry frozen salad πŸ™‚ Cream Cheese, sugar, cool whip, and strawberries!! Nothing better πŸ™‚

Jenna - Best of all time – cheesecake stuffed strawberries!! Core the strawberries, stuff with cheesecake filling, then seal with fruit dipping chocolate. AH – mazing.

Megan - Cheese cake or chocolate…cheesecake! Looks like a great read.

Deputy's Wife - My favorite dessert is yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Which is what my sister will make me tomorrow on my 40th birthday.
I read your excerpt of the book. I really would like to read this! Thank you for having the giveaway!

Abbey - Chocolate Cake!!!

Angie - Cookie Dough Egg Rolls with Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce….

Amanda - Pecan-Pumpkin Pie in the Fall/Winter…Homemade Strawberry Shortcake in the Spring/Summer…both topped with tons of Cool Whip!

Alisa - I have been wanting to read this book…I’ve heard nothing but great things about it.
I β™₯ anything chocolate or those apple bars you posted a while back, but chocolate Γ©clair cake would have to be right up there too.
You are clearly a glutton for punishment to want us to post these!

Diane - Without a doubt – vanilla ice cream over a brownie with chocolate syrup. Of course the brownie must be warmed a bit! πŸ™‚
Thanks for the giveaway!

carmela hershey - Anything Chocolate for sure…I have been wanting this book for awhile…hope I win!!!

Sandy - Looks like an amazing book. Even if I don’t win (which I hope I do!), I’m glad you made us aware of it.
Warm chocolate chip cookies and brownies with chocolate icing (not together…although that would be ok too) πŸ™‚

Barbie - That is a hard one but I think I will go with strawberry shortcake. Ok, now I want some. πŸ™‚

Christy - definatly cheesecake!!

Camille - Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Brownies. Totally a box that you add eggs, oil, and water – but better than any homemade brownie I’ve ever had. EVER.

Jemm - Ironically, or maybe not, ice cream. I can totally relate to that excerpt from the book πŸ˜‰ I see Chris Tomlin wrote the forward, I love his music.

Cathy - Strawberry cheesecake! I tried Rachael Rays banana cheesecake recipe yesterday and since then I’ve wanted strawberry cheesecake πŸ™‚

Rankin - Fresh out of the oven brownies with ice cream. yum!

Andrea - i have too many favorites. but today i would choose peach cobbler!

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - I’ve heard great reviews about Crazy Love. Mmmmmm, my favorite dessert from a restaurant is Creme Brulee. My favorite at home dessert is brownies.

Jill R. - That one passage may have actually changed my life. It was exactly what I needed to hear at exactly this moment. Thank you for sharing! And my favorite dessert is chocolate chip cookies!

amy s - just one favorite?
chocolate cheesecake, with a mocha.
(because i don’t think a beer and onion rings classify as dessert.)

Kristi - You must love torturing yourself! My fave is just the basic brownie, preferably a corner piece. This is my favorite recipe.. perfect brownies! - Sinful sunday!!! (From outback steakhouse) I’ve learned to make it at home! So dangerous! πŸ™‚

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - HA i absolutely cannot pick a favorite dessert…too many that I love πŸ™‚ But lately I’ve been all about good old fashioned ice cream!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - I think my all-time favorite goes back to my childhood.
There’s just nothing like an ice cream sandwich!

Brittney - I have heard so many great things about this book, and I need to read it! My favorite dessert I actually ate this weekend! It’s the chocolate raspberry cheesecake from this little shop here in Memphis. Thanks for the giveaway…so fun!

Tonya Brown - warm apple pie with ice cream yum yum…
thanks for the chance to win what looks like to be a great read.

Laura - Banana Cream Pie! so delicious…

shelly - I can’t pick just one dessert! Chocolate ice cream and cupcakes! Great giveaway!

Danielle H. - Wow that one page of the book really called out to me — my FAVORITE dessert is cheesecake in any flavor and with any topping!!!

Amy Mierzejewski - my fav dessert is Paradise Pie from Chili’s! It lives up to its name.

Laura - Mmm… Cheesecake!

allie - any kind of ice cream!

Tera - carrot cake with cream cheese icing… mmmm…

priscilla sibayan - TOLL HOUSE PIE! it’s a huge chocolate chip cookie with vanilla bean ice cream on top. it is magnificent and soooo easy to make! i also need to read this book again! it is wonderful!

Colleen - yummmmm. my favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake. homemade biscuits and squashed up strawberries. add as much extra sugar to sweeten or a natural dessert for you to enjoy too!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - this is a great giveaway….i’ve actually already read it and loved it. so i’m not entering the giveaway…just wanted to say, great choice!!

Jennifer - Unfortunately, all of them. But I’ll go with coconut pie. Nummy.

Marisol Avila - Ice cream…anything with chocolate, caramel and nuts! My favorite this week is Haagen Daz – Carmel cone πŸ™‚

Sarah Surface - Warm chocolate chip cookies!

Kirsten - Olive Garden’s white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. Mmmm…..

Jackie - Bread pudding with carmel sauce, but my 2nd favorite is just snickerdoodles (homemade) and a glass of milk…we have that WAY more than bread pudding!

emily b - right now it’s strawberry shortcake with biscuit-like shortcake, not the angel food cake version. I would like some right now, thank you.

Shawna - Carrot Cake

kbonikowsky - Looks like a great book!
KEY LIME PIE! (not bright green, very important)

Connie Faulkingham - Coconut Cheesecake from the cheesecake factory or if we can’t get there..Tuxedo Brownies from the Papmpered Chef Cookbook…Yummo!!

Alysa - Bakers Square French Silk Pie … oh yummy-to-the-tummy. And, I, too, love this book. Found it last summer and devoured it – have given it away to multiple friends because it is THAT good. I love the page you put on here. one of my favorites, too.

Sheryl - Carrot Cake Cheese Cake!! YUMMY!!!

Donna - Warm brownies with ice cream.

stacie jameson - I love the pioneer womans Angel sugar cookies. I think I’m going to make a batch right now.

Laura in LA - Wow, that book seems great. I would read it while eating a bowl of chocolate peanut butter ice cream!

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