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thank you.

good ideas ladies.

Can you give us some photo tips?
hmmm….i would ask ashley about that.  
not me.  
i feel like i am totally unqualified.
i want ashley to teach ME.
oh wait…i do have one tip:
don't take pictures in the bright afternoon sun…they pretty much always look bad. 
wait till later evening when the sun is starting to go down or early morning when it's coming up.

that is all.

what kind of sewing machine would you recommend?
i have this one.
i love it.
i bought it at sears in 2000.  
i don't know much more than how to make a zigzag stitch….but it's a great machine.
especially if you are beginning.  it may be the best $100 you ever spend.  

what did you do in your workout?
i go to a fitness center in the next town…in a retirement center.
i love it because i am the youngest one by 50 years.  
there are no cute skinny women in short shorts and bra tops making me feel like a fat mom of 5.
i get on the treadmill…plug into regis and kelly (but nathan lane was hosting today for regis.)
and i text my friend half the time to help the time go faster.
i also watched a little price is right.
my workout is nothing inspirational…45 minutes of walking and running.
today i only ran 6 minutes of the 45.
but i walk really fast.
then lots of sit ups. 
because people ask me about being pregnant when i ride airplanes.

do you have tips for cleaning the house?
you know when you and your girlfriends are complaining to each other about your how your husbands
leave their socks on the floor and "does he think they will just walk to the hamper themselves?"
yeah…that is me.
my socks on the floor.
my shoes all over the place.
my dirty clothes in piles all over the floor.
my towels wadded on the floor instead up hung up.

my husband is clean and neat.
he is sweet to put up with my mess.

and that is why i can't show you any house pictures…it's a mess in here!

i want to know about when you got married??
no you really don't.
i was 18.
it was 1994.
my bridesmaids wore floral print dresses.
i cried (happy tears) through the WHOLE wedding.
my bouquet looked a giant 20 pound clock made of roses.
we lived in a small town that doesn't have meals or dances after weddings.
so we had cake in the church basement.
everyone came and i loved that.
since i was 18 and a total brat (oh yeah…and pregnant) i expected my mom to do everything
and i wasn't nice or grateful about anything.
i was completely horrible.
i was…ask anyone who knew me.

it's a time in my life that i don't even like to think about.

i love craig.  
i could not have a better husband EVER.
not ever.
we went to high school together…dated for YEARS…crazy in love.
we grew up together as husband & wife and parents and he is my very best friend.

but the wedding and it's surrounding time….not good memories…because of me.

i am grateful for all the time, money and effort put into our wedding.
and VERY GRATEFUL for the outcome of our wedding …
(big happy family with a rockin' hot marriage that makes me happy every single day)
but my actions and my attitude then…
very immature.
i was about as UN-gracious as you could get.

it's so embarrassing.

a week ago i was driving and thinking back to those days and had a thought that made me cry.
"i am not that person anymore."
i am so glad that God forgives our sins.  
and changed me.  
and continues to work in my heart every day.
and loves me still.
even when i fail again and again.

aren't you glad you asked?

have you been mushroom hunting?
this seems like a joke.
i have not been mushroom hunting.
and i don't like mushrooms.
but if i did i would buy this shirt and wear it that day.

who do you wish you could be?
no idea.

who inspires you?
again….no idea.
what it the matter with me that i don't know how i am inspired or who i aspire to be? 

did you watch SNL special last night?
i didn't know it was on!
i think jason sudeikis is my favorite.
funny that you asked that because i was thinking about andy samberg on my drive home from 
my workout and i thought "i bet he is so weird in person"
and will forte is my macgruber.
so i will fovever love him and forgive him for all the annoying singing he does.

what's for dinner?
i don't know.  
we have a sitter and
we are taking some kids to a basketball game.
so probably….cereal.
but i have a recipe for sunday.
you'll love it.
craig told me "this is the best meal you have ever made" the first time i made it.
it's not as easy as the others…so it's a special meal i don't make that often.
but it is YUMMY.

can we see the dining room?
we are going to start working on it…removing wallpaper, painting, etc.
so i will show you then.
because now…it's not even worth taking a picture.
it looks the same as when we moved in 5 years ago and i hated it then.

who are your favorite bloggers?
ok…that is an easy one.
in no particular order…
julie         carrissa       tara        sarah       ashley      megan       kristin       amy

jess          jeanne        elisa        edie         tonya        laura       michelle     jaz

now i will go clean up a room in my house and take some pictures for you.  
and it will make craig happy too.  :)

S - Are you going to see the MacGruber movie? I got to go to a screening and Will Forte was there! (And Ryan Phillippe too.)

jaz - Bless you my child!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

kristin - : )
by the way, if you decide to go mushroom hunting you can borrow that shirt from jerry…i got it for him last year.

carissa... brown eyed fox - oh my… when i was 18 i was a BIG ‘ol brat.
gosh… 18… you WERE so young!
young and so flipping cute. you were a cute brat. :O) no!!!!!
when i think about how i was in my earlier days it turns my stomach.
i wasn’t a bad person per se… gosh… i just did some really stupid things.
look at yall now! really… wow! God has been there all along… leading the way.
i am going to run over there & give you a big hug!
and then we could go mushroom hunting together! :O)
ya know… i adore you to pieces!
thank you!
love you!

amy jupin - dirty socks and wet towels on the floor? WHAT?!
only sew a zigzag? WHAT?!
no photo tips? WHAT?!
didn’t watch the snl special? WHAT?!
no dinner planned? WHAT?
haven’t started on the dining room yet? WHAT??!
i’m on your list of favorite bloggers? WHAT?!!!!!!!!!
you couldn’t have shocked me more with that last one.
are you trying to give me permagrin?
seriously, THANK YOU.
you are too kind.
and the wedding stuff…don’t be so hard on yourself.
you sound like you are embarrassed and you shouldn’t be.
look at you now. you are a rock star.
and remember that hair?
you are one hot momma right?
if we lived closer i swear i would bring you a sonic cranberry limeade. you sound like you need one. 🙂
love you girl. mean it.

Sarah@Clover Lane - OH, you are so funny. And thank you too.
But about the wedding…I’m sorry but what young bride does NOT think the entire world revolves aroun them and their very special awesome princessy day? I spent every moment I wasn’t working (and I mean every moment) thinking out my wedding. I used to cringe and now I just laugh when I get out my old “wedding binder”. It IS embarassing, but for God’s sake, it was the only time in my life that WAS all about me. Sometimes I think Thank God I had that year, because about 2 weeks after my honeymoon, I started hurling my head off with severe morning sickness and life stopped as I knew it.
I once apologized to my mom about me being so bratty in my teenager years, and she said, “You weren’t bratty at all!” I think she forgot, or I maybe thought I said some of the things out loud that were in my head every day during those years? They love us…and know they we will one day come around…just like we know with our teenagers.

Laura Phelps - most women are ungrateful brats when it comes to planning their wedding. YOU actually can get away with it, however, because you were a teenager.
I am a lover of stories with happy endings. Is that stupid to say? Because honestly, who out there is a lover of sad endings? But anyhoo…
You were given such a HUGE obstacle to overcome..really…so young…pregnant, in love or were a kid,really.
And my, oh my, Meg…look at you now.
The same man, more beautiful children, and God is using you and your talents to inspire so many every single day.
Yours is the real deal love story. And you know me…I like to keep it REAL. I thrive on REAL feelings and stories, because when we are honest, we make connections…we lift people up…we stay true to ourselves, our family, our God.
You blow me away.
And that I am on your list of favorite bloggers?????
THAT made me cry.
I love you Meg…

Kimberlee J. - Maybe a better way to ask the inspired question is: What is LIFE GIVING to you? What or who refreshes you?

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Are you sure we aren’t long-lost sisters?
Because I do declare, it felt like I was reading a story of parts of my life.
(Except we only have 2 children 🙁 )
Love this post!!!
Now, you know we NEED to see wedding pics now!

Jill - Um, you cannot tell us about the bridesmaid’s dresses and not show us a pic! PLEASE! I need a preggo bride pic too! 🙂

brooke - hey meg although i think you look awesome for a mom of five i love to share my little secret to how ilost 25 pounds in 8 weeks to anyone who has weight loss goals of their own…i did this video (20 minutes!!!) 5-6 days a week and like i said it did take 8 weeks i lost 25 and now with doing it 1 or 2 times a week i have managed to keep 20 off…i am getting back to my 5-6 x/week today because i want to look good for my man when he gets home!! but it is jillian michaels the 30 day shred ( at walmart for $8!!! and this coming from someone who loaths to workout at home…
and also…reading your marriage story brought tears to my eyes…c and i got married two weeks after i turned 19 after being wildly in love and engaged for over a year…and i am crying right now because of how much i love and miss him…and i am so grateful for that and for His grace as you said because it is so far from where i was last deployment…so embarrassed for it…but so incredibly happy in my life and amazing marriage…

pve - seriously, how long did this post take to answer?
I need an hour to read it and click on all your faves.

Christina - “a week ago i was driving and thinking back to those days and had a thought that made me cry.
“i am not that person anymore.”
i am so glad that God forgives our sins.
and changed me.
and continues to work in my heart every day.
and loves me still.
even when i fail again and again.”
crying…I’m so there.
I love every part of your story (your ongoing blog)…it’s so regular and special at the same time.

michelle - you are so stinkin funny! i like the way you work out! and where you work out!
LOVE your new haircut!! very becoming on you. i’ve been super busy lately and haven’t been checking blogs. but one of the gals that works for me was on lunch and i walked into the office and there you were on her screen! she loves your blog too! 🙂
thanks for the mention. the love is mutual!

Jennifer - It is refreshing to know that I am not the only one who did not love every moment of her wedding day. I wasn’t pregnant, but we had a 9 month old and God has been using that little guy to refine me for the last 11 1/2 years and I wouldn’t change a minute of it. But my wedding! UGH! Growing up with my hubby has been wonderful too. 🙂

Jen Christians - I was 19..pregnant..
I felt so bad for being pregnant.
I went with the cheap wedding dress.
I made all of my own center pieces. (UGLY)
I had not been to a wedding since I was little.
I had no idea how to act or what to say.
I cried (happy tears), emotional pregnant (sad) tears.
I cried and cried amd cried.
I wished that it wasn’t how I “got” married.
But you could have finished my story with yours.
Change the five kids to four…
I can’t image “growing-up” with anyone but my husband.
I feel like we can do anything together. ANYTHING
It will be 10 years this year.
Thanks for sharing that… It really made me have a connection.

sajidah - i love reading your blog. that is all.

Jen - Now we need to SEE a wedding picture! Pretty please with a polka dot on top??

Melanie - Fun post!

Thea - Meg- I must say after reading your blog tonight I truly LOVE your personality. When I first started blogging about a year 1/2 ago…( lately it has been very , very sporadic…we are in the midst of selling our house)…I was not sure what to blog about. I really set too high of a standard for myself, and I really let myself down many, many times. However, you have in ONE very honest, down to earth, raw post made me think about “why ” I like blogging. It is more of a “creative outlet”… not a “performance.” Thank you for your honesty, creativity, and fun-loving spirit! May you be blessed today as you have so richly blessed me!! 🙂

Jessica Reed - I know what you mean about clean husbands… mine is vacuuming right now, and then he’ll probably do the dishes. I think he likes the routine… and having dishes to eat off of.

Tara - loved your wedding story. I laughed at loud …really loud when I read the whole post…especially the part about being at the gym with all the people who are 50 years older than you….so funny. and so.dang.true. I work out with the girls in bra tops and short bike shorts…and they’re my age…with more kids than I have.

Nicolle W. - I love your wedding story. So real. So truthful. That is what I love about your blog.
I really really really wish you would do a post about your photography, your secrets, your editing, etc. Your photos inspire me so much. I LOVE them! I look to you for ideas. You pictures are so natural and fun and happy. I don’t like over-edited pictures that I see so many photographers doing. You must share some of your secrets. PLEASE!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I loved your marriage answer. Don’t we all feel that way a little, about our teenaged selves? It must be proof that we all mostly act like brats…and I’m sure it’s meant to prepare us for our own teenagers or something like that.
You need to try to find the SNL special. I had a splitting headache and was getting ready to go to bed early, which I never do, then we flipped the channel and saw that it was on and I was glued to the couch for the next hour or so. It was a really good special, with behind-the-scenes interviews and all…not just replaying sketches. Super funny.

Heather - Can I just tell you how it lightened my heart to click on over here today and learn some stuff we have in common?
1- I cried during my whole wedding too! It was just so emotional, not to mention the stress of trying to please everyone else. Sometimes it makes me feel bad too, that I will always remember crying and feeling crazy, while everyone else seems to have all these magical wedding day memories. This helped.
2- My husband is also neat! Meaning I am also messy. I like for things to be clean (as in, not dirty), but I am not bothered by clutter in the least. It’s like I can’t even see it, and it drives Jon crazy. He puts up with so much…
Random Question: have you ever had Bubble Tea? It is weird and cold and refreshing and I am recently obsessed with it!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I am relatively new to your blog Megan and I enjoy reading daily, but for some reason this is one of my all time favourite posts of any blog I’ve read. I think we all felt that way about our 19 year old selves.

the inadvertent farmer - As a once teenage bride who has lived with her neatnick hubby for almost 26 years, I feel your pain about your selfishness and your messy house!
Glad I don’t have to live with the girl I was back then…I’d kill me! Kim

Mindy - Oh yeah, and I got married almost 9 years ago (when I was 30 — gasp!) and my bouquet was a 20 pound ball of peach roses! What was I thinking?

Mindy - First I love your new “do” It is sooooooooooooooo cute! And second thank you for being so real about your life. I love that you told it like it was about your wedding. I think more people need to take your lead in that area on the blogging front. I get sick of the fake my life is perfect theme. We are all a lot different than we were at 18, Thank God!

Kat - I like your wedding story because I can totally relate to the whole being a brat and now hating to think about it thing. I was a horrible teenager. From grade 9 (age 14) I just went feral. I was horrible to my parents especially my mum and it wasn’t till I started dating Corey just before my 16th birthday that I got better. I am so happy that I met Corey and he helped me change. I now have an awesome relationship with my mum but I hate looking back and thinking about that time. Whenever someone talks about it I cringe and just want to crawl into a hole and hide.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Who wasn’t self absorbed at that age? I was 19 when we got married so I understand not being that into the wedding planning and taking mom’s help for granted. We had a simple church basement wedding…just cake and punch. I’m actually happy about that. Seems that things get a little over the top now a days:)
Hey where’s my name on your favorite bloggers list?? Just kiddin’ Meg;) You’ll always top my list. Even my daughter loves your blog!

Lisa K in FL - ps: I agree with Courtney, above, who suggested you renew your vows. That was my thought as I read your post. I have so many regrets about my own wedding (and early years of marriage)and I long for the day when we renew our vows. Maybe I’ll win the lottery by then, fly your family to FL, put you all up in a resort on the beach and ask you to photograph the ceremony!!

Lisa K in FL - I am laughing as I read this post … you are an amazingly gifted photographer (who knows little about photography??) and an envied crafter (who barely knows how to use more than a zigzag stitch??) I love it!! YOU are an inspiration 🙂 xoxoxo

Courtney Walsh - I have to tell you (so you stop beating yourself up) that when I was 18, I was also a total brat. I distinctly remember standing at the top of the stairs yelling (YELLING) at my mom because the right jeans weren’t in my drawer. Seriously, if my daughter does that I will lock her in the laundry room and tell her to do it herself, but I was horrible. horrible. horrible.
But, like you, I’m not that person anymore. 🙂
and, just to throw this out there… I think you should renew your vows. Have a new wedding to replace the one that makes you feel bad inside. Just a thought. 🙂

Donna - Hey, we’re the same age! (Really young ;-0)
I made your rainbow cake this weekend and it was a big hit so thanks!

Dana Banana - Your bouquet did look like a giant clock!! That is the one thing I remember about your wedding….and helping you get into your dress. You were crazy in love!!!
I too am greatful for forgivness of our sins and the new creations we are now. Thanks for sharing. I always look forward to our “talks”.

Life with Kaishon - What a wonderful post : )
I am clicking away with a smile on my face.
20 pounds of roses. So pretty : )

Bec - I really think you might like a friend of our family’s blog:
she is crazy creative! and she has a couple different blogs- including one about her family’s adventures living in an RV and travelling all over the country.

Georgia - I love your wedding story, even though as you say you were a ‘brat’ thats what most 18 year olds are like… ha
Im going to be 25 when i get married, and even though its 2.5years away im being a Brat!!! (or Bridezilla)
Ooooh and thanks to you a while ago i found Princess Lasertrons blog, so now im going to have AMAZING flowers!!!
Your clearly a changed person now, an amazing mum, wife, friend, blogger etc
So who cares you were a typical 18 year old, thats life.. lol

Mary Beth - I don’t have particularly good memories about MY wedding, either. And I agree with you about forgiveness. I told my daughter that her wedding day will not be her best day. Every day AFTER will be better and better. How CAN a wedding be the best day of your life?! What other day has such STRESS?

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