did you know that if you learn how to make pie crust from scratch….
and then how to make a coconut cream meringue pie from scratch on your stove top….
it has no calories and you can eat as much as you want just that first time?
and your husband will think you are hotter than hot.
that's my story and i am stickin' to it.

carissa... brown eyed fox - i love you so!
Michelle Whitlow - I agree!!! Oh, and if you eat a salad you’ll actually have negative calories!! hehe
jimaiemarie - hahah!! you are too funny, this looks SO GOOD!!!!!
Lauren - This is a late comment…but I love reading about your family and life–your craft space is absolutely beautiful and cheery. Also, Scott’s list of questions was precious. And I’m going to make this pie for my grandpa because it’s our mutual favorite π
Molly Green - Ooooohhhh…yummy!
Frogemama.blogspot.com - Learning new things calories don’t count. Neither do calories consumed during volunteer meetings/events. They become voluntary calories and volunteer to not go straight to our tushies. It’s nice!
Diana - ROTFL! you go girl!
great job! proud of you!
Helen Wall - You are so funny. Thanx for the giggle.
Craig's Mom - Unlike the rest of you who just get to drool over the pie, I actually got a piece and it might have been the best piece of coconut cream pie I’ve ever had and it’s my favorite! Great job, Meg….the whole meal was delicious.
Holly - oh my! That looks delish!
Christina - I’m all about sticking to the story…but somehow they always stick to me. Hmmm.
About PW’s pie crust…I bet it’s awesome, but if you like to substitute something for shortening then just use butter. Shortening is just wrong. π
Melanie - Yummy! I just made my hubby two coconut cream pies and they are gone. He thinks that I am hotter than hot too:)
Elizabeth - Great story!!!
Too Funny!!! Love it :]
jeanne - Very good story…that looks soooo good. One of my favorites!!!
chasity - that’s great news since i’m starting my diet today!
Krista - You are braver than I would ever be, home-made crust AND meringue all on one shot? You’re awesome!
tam - oh it looks delicious! Coconut cream is my favorite!
Laura Phelps - looks great, but I am not buying your story.
good try, Meg.
Good try.
patti - meringue is mostly air anyways…right? RIGHT?? π
LOL - when will you fill up the shop?
Anna - Same for double layer strawberry cake with cream cheese icing!!!!
At 7.5 months preggo, you are hotter than hot!!!
So Bad!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Well, that’s what I’ve heard!
I’m all over this one. I’ve always wondered about her crust…
Amy - looks divine! wish I had some!
Thea - Well, they do say the way to a Man’s heart is through his stomach!! π
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Does this work for store bought apple pie, strawberry shortcake and peanut butter cups?? I know…I know;) It doesn’t hurt to ask. Looks so yummy:)
Amy at The Red Chair Blog - Really?! Who knew! Thanks for filling us in!
I’m hosting a giveaway on my blog and wanted to invite you to hop over if you’d like a chance to win the item of your choice (up to $35 value) from any of CSN’s 200+ online stores π
Staci - Oh man π I am not a huge coconut pie fan…but you make me want to make this RIGHT NOW!!!!!! I ate sugar yesterday for the first time in over 40 days….I waaay overdid it and felt YUCK-EEE last night π Uggh π So today, it’s back to protein shakes and I’m just going to go through my life pretending it’s Lent all the time π Happy Day to you!!!!!
Mishy - no calories! you’re a genius!! lol It`s looks deliciuos!!
jack - Now that is great news indeed!
purejoy - are you kidding me?? now i’m feeling like i need to perform in the kitchen. pfsh. i’m competitive that way. but if i wait long enoughβ¦ the feeling will pass. :o)
such a feat of beauty. seriously. it looks good enough to eat!! and no calories! you’re a genius!!
morningt - Looks scrumptuous and I don’t even like coconut!
Julie - I’d stick to that story too! Looks delicious!
Holly - I’m stealing your story and sticking to it as well π
Dana Banana - LOVE IT!!
Vera - Something that gorgeous can’t possibly have any calories!
Brooke - right on!
Julie - I don’t know about your story (haha!), but your pie looks DELICIOUS! Yum!!!
Gemma - LOL naughty naughty!
Come and take a peek at my blog if any of you get a chance…:D
Gemma X
Susan - I like that story!
Tanya - Looks like I need to learn π