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no school

everyone was home on monday at our house.
we were so glad to get one extra home day because our weekend was FULL.

we ventured out all together for some fun.
about 3 blocks from the house craig pulled over & said "that's it!! we aren't going if you kids can't behave"
but everybody got it together and we left.

we dropped him off at the gym first.
then lauren at the mall.
then i took the four kids to barnes & noble.
IMG_2735  IMG_2731

i got a starbucks and got to look through a few books too.  
we picked up craig after his workout and saw this truck in the parking lot.
it made me smile.

we went to my grandma's house to surprise her with a visit.
my kids always think they need to exercise on her ball, lift her weights, etc.
they get all sweaty.
so goofy.
my grandma just returned from a 5 week trip to australia.  
she is amazing.
i wish i would have taken HER picture.
instead i got annie doing arm exercises.
lauren was picked up from the mall.
then we went bowling.
it's always fun….but loud.
and i think with kids that bowling should be 6 frames instead of 10.
IMG_2850  IMG_2853

a time out.

name that movie….

this dude was bowling with his grandchildren in the lane next to us.
we bothered him extremely.
then i touched his personal bowling ball….big mistake.
such a bummer to be around grumpy adults.
at least grumpy kids can change their behavior pretty quick.
i had to whisper to each of my kids to stay away from the grumpy grandpa.
annie was totally staring at him wide eyed.

it wasn't that big of a deal…craig didn't even notice….but it just makes it harder to enjoy your time
with your kids when someone is watching and sighing and scowling.


we ate pizza and drove home.
we just laid around the rest of the evening….chillin'.

the rest of this week is busy!
all good stuff.
but busy. 

that movie was pee wee big adventure.  :) 

josy - Grumpa! 🙂

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Very brave bowling shot. My bowling shots were cropped. Although today I have one posted in my bathing suit. From the shoulders up : ) Whenever someone told me “It just gets busier” I thought they were looney. Now it’s what I tell my sisters who have younger children. I’m sure they are rolling their eyes thinking I have it so easy…

cynthia - ah, little does the grumpy old man know that we all know who he is now. (well, sort of.) i did a great impression of grumpy old man from SNL back in the days. nowadays, i prefer criag ferguson’s impression of old men. 🙂

Staci - LOVE snow days 🙂 And I am CRACKING up….My hubby actually BOUGHT Pee Wee’s Big Adventure last week and we watched it the other night!!!!! “Can you say ADOBE??” heee heeee 🙂

Melanie - Don’t you just love B & N? I could stay in there all day long.
I love the pic of Lauren in her flip flops. That is me. Floridian in the north with snow on the ground longing to wear flip flops. I miss my f f:(

Rebekah - Did you ROYGB the bowling balls?

gina - Fun pics- as usual!
We spent Monday bowling all day at a Girl scouts event. All day. 9 hours. (I have girls in Daisies, Brownies, and cadettes level) , esterday we chilled, today we have a magic show to attend, tomorrow my friend and her itty bitty baby boy are coming for a visit and Friday is Barnes and Noble ! Woo- hoo!!

Viktoria - Love your picrures!
We love bowling too

Christina - My kids love Barnes & Noble! They can hang out in there for such a long time, peacefully.
Your bowling pictures are so fun…I love how you work in your colors all the time! 🙂 Sorry about the Grump.

The Virginia House - I love your pictures! The one of the bowling balls lined up is so neat. Great post!

amy jupin - i swear we’re twin-bo’s! or twinkies!
bookstores, lattes, pee wee, being loud and annoying others…YEP!!
i was giggling when i saw that you put the bowling balls in a rainbow. the attention to detail…
got your package today. it was 100% happy mail. thanks so much for all my goodies. and you’re right. the football shirt was made for my ben. thank you for thinking of him! it made my day. it really did.
‘night night.

Toddler Boy clothing - I’m hoping we get school off tomorrow! I have a programming class at 8 in the morning. LETS PRAY!

DreamGirlLisa - oooh, I hate grumpy old men…love the rainbow of bowling balls, and I LOVE Pee Wee 🙂 Sounds like a good day!

Dianne Avery - Ugh! I hate grumpy people, they suck the fun out of the air. My hubby is oblivious to it too. I wish I could be, but I can’t.

candace - Did you really ROYGBIV the bowling balls? That’s fabulous.
I forgot all about that movie!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Why is it that old people are either super sweet or really grumpy and irritable? Strange! Love all your pics.
Couldn’t help but notice your oldest hunched over texting. I am so gonna hate giving my kids a phone someday. But what are you gonna do…be the only ones without one!

Debra - You sure have an awesome grandma! An exercise ball and weights? Wow!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Your G-ma has weights and a ball? Holy Moly. I had to re-read that sentence thrice, so sure that I was reading it wrong. 🙂

Newborn Clothing - Seems like a great day! We hd a snow day today to,’s still a blizzard outside. Darn new england!

Elisa - I always end up saying something to people like, I just can’t help myself.

Jill - I love that line from Pee Wee! I also love when Simone tells him, “merci beaucoup” and he says, “merci blah blah”. You and your blog are such an inspiration to me! 🙂
Jill in Nashville

Michelle - Great to hear that your Grandma came to Australia. I live in Brisbane so hope she got to visit our city!

Holly - our kids have been out of school for more than a week due to snow! Glad yall got out and had fun!

Diana - crabby old people, bleah… and geesh, bowling alleys are SUPPOSED to be loud mr. grump!
lord, let me be a sweet old person someday 🙂
lovely family day… only thing better woulda been warmer weather huh!

kristine - nice balls! 🙂 great colors!
i knew it was pee wee!
your hair looks cute! (still!)
don’t you love mo willems?! (pigeon books)

jeanne - Sounds like a fun day. I like to act like I don’t love to bowl…but secretly I want to kick everyone’s butt and rule the game. Don’t get me and my husband together….because we could rule the world;-) Game on!! 🙂

Thea - These pics are fabulous! You truly captured your day. My favorites are the B&N ones and Annie in her time-out…the colors are amazing! BTW- I love polka dots/pots too!!!

Stephaine @ Geezees - Looks like you guys had a fun time!!

Rachel / cREaTe - BUMMER about the GRUMP! LOVE the pic & circling of him, though. 🙂 he even looks like he’s covering his ear. 🙂 i went bowling yesterday with my oldest 2. we had the NICEST group of 20-something year old guys next to us, too. i heard ONE curse word slip & the guy covered his mouth & looked over at us [and the other groups with kids]. sharing pitchers of beer, being guy’s guys & being 20-something – they were STILL conscientious of fellow groups & families. made me happy to see such good, well-mannered people. sorry you guys had the opposite. such a bummer to be around people who suck all the good mood out of the air. 😛 and i liked your comparison to grumpy kids w/ time-outs. 🙂 so true!

adrianne - One of my favorite movies!

elisa hernandez - Best line from Pee-Wee’s big adventure is, “I’m a rebel Dottie, you don’t want to get hooked up with a guy like me.” Love that line and I use it from time to time when I’m bothered. Looks like you had a great time with all your kiddos, despite the minor irritant (grumpy man). Have a blessed day.

Julie - What a fun day! Love days like this to kick back and enjoy. Now today it’s back to reality with the mounting piles of laundry and dirt to scrub while they are in school…oh well!
Love the rainbow of bowling balls!

Jaime - Sounds like a packed weekend. BTW, love the Pigeon books! The author visited my daughter’s school a few years back. They got to submit names to name his new book. Isabel’s was chosen (I am sure a few matched) but she won an autographed copy of the new book she helped name and a congratulations letter – it came from Disney. I resealed it and will let her have it when she’s older! She named it Pigeon wants a Puppy. lol… 🙂

mary - i just woke my napping dog up by laughing at your simone quote hahahahahha
well done meg!
fun day!!!
*BOO* to crabby people
get a life dude…so she touched your special bowling ball
if you did not want to interact with humans you should have stayed home crabby mc craberson

holly lesue - I was so excited to comment since I knew the quote from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. We own that movie, I love it.
“Can you say that with me?”
And my oldest is named Inez (a family name) and she LOVES the fact that her name is in the movie.
It’s nice to run into someone else that has an appreciation for that movie too!

julia - I’m so impressed with your rainbow colored bowling ball pic! Happy Picture!

Megan - LOVE IT!

sarah - I LOVE the pigeon books!
Sounds like a lovely day {minus the grumpy grandfather.. how sad for him and his grandchilren}

Susan - What a fun family time. I just had to laugh at a couple of things. 1) Love the Pee Wee Herman line “big butt”. 2) Teen daughter on the cell phone. Which as you know is not for making phone calls at all…’s for texting. 3) I love the scripture truck. Thanks for sharing. We love bowling….I think I have some bowling photos on my blog too. I wouldn’t allow any rear end shots of me.

susan - What a fun day. I hate grumpy old folks too. It’s really a shame for their grandkids. I love that movie!

julie - what a fun family weekend! there is nothing like an time spend in a bookstore with a cup of coffee! sure makes for a perfect day. and ha, i laughed at the “better behave” comment b/c we def. had some of those growing up.

H-Mama @ Family Team - Looks like a fun time! As always, cute pix.
I usually love old people… they’re less occupied with so many things people my age tend to get caught up in. Grumpy ones? I can’t explain it. Sad. Just sad. Scaring lil’ kids? They should know better. 🙂

Courtney Walsh - ohh, I love a day off of school so much! Ours went way too fast. Wish we’d gone bowling. Last time, we were next to a high school bowling team and their coach was sort of a grumpy gramps. He was swearing at them the whole time! I was like, “Dude!! Six year old over here!”
I should’ve washed his mouth out with soap like mama used to do.

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