sometimes the best thing to help a really hard situation is
talking with your girlfriends late into the night
and sugar.
i made it 6 weeks.
i only had one (BIG) piece.
but it was worth it.
and i am sugar free again.
it was worth it….
i made it 6 weeks. |
Whitney - Oh my goodness! I can’t blame you, I wouldn’t be able to resist! I went 3 days last week with no sugar at all except natural sugars. No chocolate was torture, and I am back to sugar again. I made your mint chocolate brownies even though it wasn’t Christmas (my mom always made them too, but she wasn’t around to get her recipe and yours was practically identical!) I also made your apple puff pancake-delicious too! Without sugar- have you lost weight, feel any different, have more energy, etc? How do you do it??? Congrats!!!
tara pollard pakosta - 6 WEEKS IS a LONG time!
wow!!!!!! good for yoU!
but that looks delish!
Staci Danford - Well man it looks worth it.. YUMMY… I felt like I needed to lick my fork just seeing it.
Amber - Is that cheesecake? It looks like it was worth it! Six weeks without sugar is a big feat. I think you need to allow yourself a little treat now and again. 🙂 I don’t think I could last even a week without sugar.
Hannah - Sometimes you just have to. This looks delicious!
Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Please share the recipe!
Looks delish!
DreamGirlLisa - Whatever that is, it looks like it was worth it. You lasted longer than me 🙂
Bethany - I just have to say that I love your blog! I have been a secret stalker for a while and I finally decided to let you know how much I enjoy it! I am a new mom and you inspire me everyday to be a fun, God-filled mother. Thank you!
Erika - Way to go girl! I’m not even thinking about attempting that at this point!! Just wanted you to know that I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. And it’s extra fun that you’re in KS, my home too. 🙂
Melanie - Good for you. I can’t believe that you made it 6 weeks. I would be crazy without sugar. I wish I could get off of it but I love it.
H-Mama @ Family Team - Sometimes nothing will do like a lil’ sugar & friend therapy. 😉
vicki - Well now listen…if your gonna do it….do it RIGHT! Yummmmmmm.
pam - if those leftovers were in MY fridge i’d have had another piece. YUM.
your self control is awesome! way to go!
Jessie - I hope that pic was the small piece you gave your friend, because that was sooo not a BIG piece!! 😉
amanda - Congrats on the no sugar for 6 weeks – wow! I’m beginning today. Going good so far (11:45 AM – ha!) Since going off – are you feeling any better, lose any weight? My husband is an athlete – no sugar in 5+ years! He says he doesn’t crave it – completely uninterested. If only … 🙂
amy jupin - you make me smile. and giggle. and smile some more.
Jodi - 6 weeks is amazing!!! Sometimes we need to take that babystep back before we can make GIANT leaps forward!
Keep up the great work!
jeanne - You have to have some every once in a while. I bet it was worth it. How is running going? I wanted to go this morning but there is a little snow.
katy - WOW, don’t know if I could give it up…sugar is in (probably) everything I eat. I’m actually more of a salty girl though, I can outdo myself on salt!!!!!!!!!
Yes, girlfriends and sweets (I believe they go hand in hand) are AWESOME!
Tara - WOW – that looks soooooo delish!
You are amazing.
6 weeks.
oh my goodness.
I don’t think I can go 6 hours.
Dianne - Wow! 6 weeks…I’m in awe! You have will power like my husband. I have none…
Julie - Six weeks?! Way to go! You’ve inspired me to start right NOW. I’d love to know how you’ve done it. Any tips? How are you feeling? I’ve done the vegetarian thing, am now vegan…so I know I can do it. I just need to think of sugar as crack. 🙂
purejoy - ohmystars! who would have the willpower to refuse that??
i would like to hear the answers to leslie’s questions. how has being sugar-free changed you?
Christy - Oh my! I don’t blame you that looks so yummy
Sarah @ Clover Lane - What, WHAT???? 🙂
I’m kidding…I think a 6 week detox allows you to be able to be moderate…a treat once in awhile isn’t going to kill anyone.
I’m not there yet…only 16 days. If I relapse now, it will be the end of me.
candace - It’s all about balance. You rock!
jenjen - I can’t believe you’ve lasted 6 weeks. I can’t even go one day – lol! You are amazing!
Immyyas - Ummm yeah that SO looks worth it!!! 🙂
Chalk Inscriptions - It is always worth it! I go out once a week with a random friend at the Cheesecake Factory. Every week is dessert week! And no….I don’t diet. I chase after 4 kids.
Kelly - Mmmmmm…yummm….
Kacey - 6 weeks? Way to go – you must be so proud of yourself!
Kacey - 6 weeks – WOW! What an accomplishment! And you’re going back? Yay for you!
dianereeves - 6 weeks…that is an accomplishment.
We have dessert days at our house…Thursdays and Sundays…that means we eat sweets with no guilt twice a week.
My husband is pretty disciplined with the twice a week thing…and we are with our kids too. Me, on the other hand, I like to add a few extra dessert days in my week. Sometimes a girls just needs some chocolate or cheesecake or brownies.
Laura Phelps - I don’t think there is any sugar in that.
At least, that is what I am choosing to believe.
That’s my story, and I’m sticking with it.
(good for you)
Amanda Mc - I’m a firm believer in letting yourself have a treat every now and then! 6 weeks is a LONG time! Glad you enjoyed something sweet 🙂
Christa - Whatever it was, it looks delish! And was probably worth the slip, no?
Suzanne Gallagher - By the looks of that scrumptious piece, I think I would have to have given in for the day as well. Tomorrow is another day and you will start off wonderfully again! Best wishes!
mel - That is awesome! You are allowed to have a slip up 🙂 And, I am so impressed that you are going sugar free again! For the past 10+ years, I give up all candy & dessert for lent. It is only 40 days, but it is so hard! Good for you for being sugar free for so long!
Amnah - Ha! You might have now stored enough sugar to last another 6 weeks. That looks soooo good.
Kimberlee J. - I think I’ve been eating enough sugar for both of us. I’m glad you went for it…maybe now I can put the brakes on.
Becca Parker - Totally worth it!
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - YEP I hear ya girl:) We splurged today too and it was definitely worth it. Now back on the wagon again!
annalea - been there before and yes, it is totally worth it.
Karina - I can’t imagine giving up sugar for six days, let alone six weeks! I hope having a big chunk of it helped you deal with whatever it is. whatever, right??
angela - I use to throw in the towel when I gave in to something. But then I went to Weight Watchers (years ago) and learned there is grace in eating too. Tomorrow is a new day.
Stephanie - Oh my, is that cheesecake? Looks yummy!
Julie K. - Good for you!! That’s called GRACE. 🙂 xo
Trish - yummy! By the way I LOVED your polka dot entry… you are a fun gal!
Courtney Walsh - You did good! 🙂 And I did the same thing. I gave myself one piece of banana cake then went back to no sugar. I really believe it’s all about balance and when you decide to go for the sugar again, to do it not out of some emotional reason (usually in my case, that’s anger) but because you simply want to eat a piece of banana cake.
I gave up sugar and gained 3 lbs. How’s that for annoying?
meredith - Well done, Meg. Balance in all things is a happy way to live. Virginia Woolf once said “One can not love well, live well or sleep well, unless one has also eaten well”. Hope whatever the situation is seems a little more manageable and less burdonsome for you. Girlfriends and sugar….what a God given combination! Meredy xo.
elizabeth - That’s probably the best way to do it so you don’t go completely bonkers. Because no sugar at all is just not sustainable, right? I was inspired enough by your denial of sugar to go on a sugar strike myself and got through the past week. Today I indulged in a chocolate cake (that I think I got the recipe for on your blog!). It was delicious but I’m back tomorrow. I hope I can do at least six weeks — way to go!!!
your cool friend Cheryl - I always give up candy for Lent and I can tell you 6 weeks is a looong time! Good job 🙂
Holly - six weeks is great! You deserved a sweet treat!
Brooke Whitis - I think you did great. It is such a challenge to do. I did the same thing when my husband was deployed. Helped me to focus on the Lord. I had to. I was dying without it 🙂 And without him. Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS on six weeks. I know you will make it just the same…
Staci - Oh man!!! SIX weeks!! Good for you Girl!!! For Lent, I am going to give up sweets ;( Will be the longest 40 days…but I figure if Jesus can die on the cross for me….I can do this for him 🙂 Sad comparison really 🙁 Did you lose any wait while doing the no sugar thing??? And did you honestly feel better??? Please tell me yes 😉
Leslie - So are you able to tell a difference in the way you feel since being off sugar? Are you thinking more clearly? Do you have more energy? Is it worth giving it up? Not that I think I could do it….although I did kick the diet coke habit so who knows? 🙂