Masthead header

did you know that i love polka dots?

i think you did.

but in case you weren't sure….

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the red bag i am currently toting around…on the kitchen pillows….with my ipod pouch on top.
and i realize now that it is spelled stye….not sty.
you'd never guess that i was 5th place in the county spelling bee in fourth grade.

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my friend shannon
sent me this business card holder in the mail!

i don't think there is one that is more perfect for me…anywhere….ever.  
thank you shannon!!     

this picture makes me so happy i can't even believe it.
rainbows with polka dots?  
be still my heart.

also with polka dots….    
love this top.
love this dress.
bought this dress ….even though i may possibly look like cruella deville.

Amy - I love polka dots too! And your blog. 🙂

cynthia - i’m always saying to others, “i never met a polka dot i didn’t like.”

gina - i love polka dots too- so I LOVEd this post!!

Ashlee Archibald - I always LOVE all of your pictures and you are a constant inspiration to me 🙂 xoxox

Jen - I love that Olivia is on your bathroom wall. My daughter would be in heaven in such a bathroom!

Gina - Seriously fun pics…as always! Do you buy your material online somewhere?
I’m looking for coordinating boy/girl/girl polka dot material for the room my three kids share and can’t find three I want to use that look good together from the same site!

Lisa Hamilton - thought of this post today when i purchased a cute little gray sweater with white polka dots from target! only $20! 🙂

Stephanie - Love all the polka dots! I just made some fun polka dot flowers and jewelry for my etsy shop!! Great pictures! Stephanie

Jill - seriously love the bathroom! Where did you get Olivia and others? also love polka dots!

Holly - Oh boy! I love polka dots too and now I have a serious case of longing from looking at your fun things. When I first came to your blog therre was the picture of the polka dot rain boots on top. I’ve been on the lookout for some ever since then. No luck yet!

Shannon - Yeah!! I’m so glad you liked it!!! 🙂

Vicki - I have a two year old with a pair of rain boots you need to own…if only your foot was a size 6-7 in toddlers.
I have a theory about people who like polka dots. They are happy people. You can’t be an unhappy, mean person and like polka dots at the same time. The before mentioned two year old LOVES polka dots…happiest kid I have ever met and I have the pleasure of being her momma. Pure love.
She even made me make up a song about polka dots..seriously. I sing it to her every nap time. It’s the word polka dot sung to the tune of Lollipop the fifties tune. Try it sometime…it might just make your day.

Vera - HAPPY!

Melanie - What a fun post. You alway make me smile.

amber r - love the boden dress, but jeepers!! $148…i can see why you chose the target dress!!
what a great friend shannon is! such an awesome find!

Stephanie - I love your polka-dots and love for color! You are beautiful!

Jessica - I’ve been eying that same dress at boden! To bad it’s out of my price range.

Staci Danford - I hear ya.. There is nothing in the world like polka dots.. I am always drawn to anything that has them on it. I even painted them up my staircase. haha NOT my husband’s favorite things, haha but he got over it.. I don’t care who you are… they just make you happy!!

sara's art house - Love it! Love it! Love it!!!

tami reed - i love,love ,love polka dots too but in pink lol

Spencer - I’m right there with you! I LOVE polka dots…in fact, I just posted about them too!
Have a wonderful day.
Warm blessings,

Melissa Gruber - love the pictures…polka dots just make me happy!

Helen - Just love it!

Gemma - I love your blog and the inspiration you give to all of us! Without all that colour life would be so dull!! Do you have a favourite colour?
Gemma X

Nicole White - I am new to the blogging world…and I am so glad that I landed on your blog planet as my first-love experience. The polka dots, the pictures…the simple things that frame life. Thank you, thank God!

Diana - There’s just something about polka dots, huh! LOVE ’em!
Your fabric stash looks like mine. I line mine up rainbow-y, too!
Happy dotted day to you, bloggy friend! 😀

Marie Tere - I think I own that same bath towel — hearts and rainbow colors…a perfect combo.

Kacey - Aaah, I love polka dots! Thanks for the dose of happiness.

Shelley in SC - Oh, me too . . . me too! Just can’t get enough of the cheerfulness of polka dots. They really make me smile : )!

Katie4Life - Such happy pictures! I happen to have a thing for polka dots too and I think ‘lil girls look esp. adorable in them!

Katie4Life - Such happy pics! I happened to love polka dots too, especially on ‘lil girls, they look precious in them!

Staci - Man alive I love all that polka dot happiness goin ‘ on!!!!! They just make ya smile don’t they??!!! I can’t really pull them off anymore with my boys….they are almost 8 and almost 5 🙁 Sadness 🙁 And um, just got that Boden catalog….and holy cow! I want almost everything in it!!! I need a job 🙂 heeee heee 🙂 Ah well, I’ll stay at home instead and just salivate over it all 🙂 And if your robe comes up missing, you’ll know where to find it 🙂 I’m tottttally stealing it 🙂 Ya know, all the way from Oklahoma 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I dogeared the Boden dress, too. Then I wondered if it would make me look like Minnie Mouse?

Becca Parker - Polka Dots make the world a happier place. I’m just sayin!

Jill - How did you get olivia on your bathroom walls!!!?????

Genevieve - Goodness gracious…so glad you cleared that up!!! I always wondered if you liked polkadots…and was just waiting for you to formally admit it ;).
Super cute post!

J.B. Kinrich - My daughters and I love polka dots so much that they’re in the name of our blog!

Cate O'Malley - Nothing like rainbows and polka dots to bring a little happy into your day, and we can always use a little more happy.

DreamGirlLisa - When I read these posts, I think we are soul sisters! Polka dots and rainbows, definitely on the top of my favorites list! Love all yours 🙂

sarah barry - That last picture makes me happy too! Fun fun!

tasha roe - so much fun!! I love polka dots too. they get me all giddy and always make me smile. the anna maria horner one in your stash is my all time favorite. sigh….. enjoy your cheerful dots!!
ps – where did you get the towels in the bathroom with the hearts? too cute!

Kimberlee J. - And I love polka dots too, but every time I see something with polka dots I think of you! Do we know why they are called polka dots? Just curious…I’ll google.

Lindsay - Rock the dress Meg!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - looks like my house for sure!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, I’m so glad that you found that robe!!!! and it looks perfect on you!! Thanks for yesterday it was such a nice relaxing fun do what ever you want kind of day!!! Lets not wait to have another in the near future. Thanks again your the best! Love Ya, Kerry 🙂

Sarah - I heart pokidots too. they are so fun. love all the pics.

Debra - I love your post today. Love polka dots too. You have such bright, colourful, happy things!

chantelle {fat mum slim} - I love polka dots a whole lot too so this post has made me smile, big time! xx

Megan - LOVE it ALL.

stef - you take the best pictures. and that bathroom is SO cute!!!!

Mother Runner - harmonica!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love polka dots too! They just so happy. You looked cute in the fuzzy picture. Too bad the setting is messed up:) Love that hat. I have polka dot rain boots…they are so you;)
Have a great Valentine’s day weekend sweet Meg.

mom - Try this one: found it on Michelle my Belle,106.html

tam - A rainbow of polka dots-could there be anything better? I think not! 🙂 I’ve been wanting black with white polka dot laces for my chuck taylors for awhile now. Your blog is such a happy place, thanks for sharing.

Heather - This post just added a big dose of happy to my day.
Rainbow dotty happiness.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Ruth - Oh, go take a look at this
and this
and this
and you’ll really love this
AND I even found you a polka dot ring to go with everything right here
I love DownEast Basics….they always have lots of dots!

Angela - My sons first grade teacher also loves polka dots so it’s been fun buying her gifts this year. I got lucky and found her a box of chocolates in a polka dot heart box for Valentines day. The polka dots in her class room make it such a happy place for the children.

jeanne - I love that when I think of bright and beautiful colors I think of you!!!

your cool friend Cheryl - Nothing is as happy as a polka dot!
ps. Like your bag 🙂 wink wink

Courtney Walsh - I have no idea why, but I recently read an article about how polka-dots caught on…I thought it was funny that they had to “catch on” – that at one time there WEREN’T polka-dots!! lol Crazy!
🙂 Cute pics! I especially like the shoes!!

Sharla - The red Boden dress is torn out and on my “must make” list. Wish me luck!

Aimee - I also love polka dots and rainbow colors (and color in general) and coincidentally also have a stye today.

pam - GLORY…I’m not like some polka dot lovin freak but I LOVE all those fabrics…they do make one happy

Mary Ferrara - I am so inspired by your blog! Such color and happiness, your love of life is contagious!

julia - my daughter call polka dots “bubbles”. I like dots with stripes too…the crazier the better.

Beth - P.S. I loved your “someone in my house has chanaged all the settings on my camera”. I have two less kids than you and things like that happen in my house regularlY!

Beth - Oh my gosh. I love rainbows and all kinds of pretty designs. So I can relate. I made heart shaped crayons for all my students for valentines day (with broken crayon pieces) and they were so, so pretty I could hardly part with any of them!! I love to just LOOK at things. It makes me inspired to be creative, even if I don’t use the item I’m looking at. Does that sound crazy??? I had a bottle of glitter on my computer monitor for years just because I loved to look at it and it inspired me (I don’t think I ever used it . . .wonder where it is?). Love your polka dots!

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