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whatever…the shop


i finally got everything entered into etsy.
i will be opening my shop at noon on saturday.
giving you the heads up.

to get to my shop you can click on the button on the top left here that says 
WHATEVER…the shop.   
<<<<————-right there.

thank you for all the concern for annie.
she is fine.
the story was to tell you about the crazy phones…not to worry you about annie.

the yellow fever shot was fine. 
the day was good.
i did not have to call any sex phone lines…good.
the birthday was good.
the gift.
she liked it… least i think she did.

then i played happy birthday….i have no idea how to play at all.
i was being a total dork.
but i sang the whole thing…twice.

old navy is turning 15 just like lauren….awesome.

she decided on banana cream pie.  

happy birthday laurny. 
i honestly can't believe how fast the time has gone.
you are special.
i can't wait to see what God has planned for you.

Keydren - Thanks for being on point and on tagret!

Hannah - Lauren is 15?! She looks so much more mature than that, I thought she was closer to my age (just turned 19)!
Happy Birthday Lauren, and love your blog Meg!

holly - You are so talented. Glad I came across your blog tonight. Fun reading!

Stephanie - It is amazing how many things we can swallow, digest, and poop out! Once my daughter swallowed a shiny, confetti heart and yep pooped it out! My other daughter tried to swallow a plastic wrapper and that one I rescued – very scary. The next child swallowed one of those tiny foam animals that is supposed to get wet and grow….ya that one freaked me out! The doctor said stomach acid would take care of it. And my fourth one…well nothing yet….

Stephanie Carroll - I have got to get internet at home. All week I wait to buy a pillow and alas, the shop opens on the weekend! 🙂
Your stuff is so cute!!

Chicago jen - Happy belated b day. Is that why you didn’t want me for Lauren’s bday weekend? Afraid I would steal the show with my awesome karoake skills? Have you found the battery yet? Good times!

Cori - Can’t wait to get my gumball picture!

Cary - She is beautiful! Looks like she had a wonderful day! Congrats on getting the shop open- SO exciting!!!

Viktoria - Congrats on your shop, I Love it!!!!!
And Mazal Tov (in Hebrew) for your daughter’s birthday!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Absolutely beautiful photos. My daughter is 14 turning 15 this summer. You’re right, it’s going by way too fast. Where would I be able to find this Tee? I know it would be a hit at birthday time here as well.

gina - She looks gorgeous and very happy with her gift in the shot of her on the chair!! And my 15 yo noticed those products at ON but is too interested in turning 16 this summer to care.

Pam duMont - Just found your blog and I love it! My son is turning 15 next month too..he’s my oldest. He also wants a pie…no cake??? What?? Happy Birthday Lauren…I love your house Meg!! - Meg I just wanted to tell you that you look like you have lost weight! I think the no sugar thing is working for you. It’s funny because I’m doing the same thing, and I’m making the kids eat healthier too. Sugar is okay for special times but our Country has turned everyday into a special time to eat sugar and it’s too much.

Lisa - I’m bummed I missed the pillows and the photos of the paints. I’ll have to keep checkin’ your cute store filled with fun stuff! What a fun place! Happy b-day, Lauren.

Melanie - Happy Birthday Lauren…..she is getting more mature looking. My son will be 16 in May and I am like you….where did the time go?

Heather Giustino - Happy birthday to your beautiful girl, congrats on the shop and i’m so glad to hear that Annie is doing well!

tami reed - She is gorg happy bday to her!

Bridget - Congratulations on your shop – super cute things!! I love your blog – gives me a lift and inspires. Keep it up.

Georgia - Happy birthday Lauren!!!! ♥
Meg you have such a gorgeous daughter!!!! I bet your are super proud 🙂
Checked out your etsy shop, and love the prints!!!

candace - Hope her birthday was wonderful! I want her hair (insert Tina Fey’s longing, dazed look here) 🙂

Kirsten - Happy Birthday to Lauren – gosh she is beautiful! And I remember a call to the doctor’s after my little one swallowed an extra-large sequin. I had visions of it slicing her intestines open…but everything came out okay 😛

Amber - She is just astonishingly beautiful. What a blessing. Your family just seems so loving. Be blessed.
Congrats on the shop! Off to check it out now!

Melissa - She is so pretty!!!

vanessa - Happy Bday to Lauren. She is beautiful! And her hair is awesome. Do you think she would do a tutorial on how to get those curls?

Julie K. - I can.not believe you have a 15 year old! Holy cow. And she’s gorgeous! 🙂 Really beautiful.

The Bookworm - Love the picture of Lauren & the dog. If you look quick at the pup, it looks like there are eyebrows giving you a stern look! So cute!

Julie - OMG you are killing me with your shop. Gorgeous stuff. Love your blog too.

Victoria - Happy Birthday Lauren! She is a beautiful young lady just like her Mama!
Wow, that is the same # I have for poison control! How bizarre. Makes me wonder what would happen if it were an emergency and you needed poison control instantly….

Cate O'Malley - oh so bummed I missed out on pillows, and I’ve been diligently checking every day. Happy Birthday, Lauren! Looks like another fun family celebration!

Laura Phelps - you do know that I used to work at a modeling agency, and that if I still did, I would come to your home and steal Lauren…what a gorgeous girl, inside and out!

Sharla - What a beautiful girl. Love the picture of her and Waffle.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Love that first balloon shot! And I can never get over Lauren’s beauty. And…one more thing…what was it? Oh! I can’t believe Old Navy is 15! (I just tried to capitalize “15”. Guess numbers can’t be shouted??) Anyway, that makes me feel oldish!

Anna Marie - I LOVE Lauren’s hair! She is so pretty! Looks like you all had a wonderful time.

Renee - Thanks for sharing Lauren’s birthday with us. She’s so beautiful and I LOVE the picture of her holding her new guitar. Such a natural. Had the best time in your Etsy shop today. Big hug to you, xoxo

The Lady of the House - Congrats on the Etsy shop… Can’t wait to check it out! I <3 etsy!!! What a fun birthday! Happy Day, The Lady

Jackie Parlee - Etsy purchase complete! Cannot wait to get my goofy Annie photo! 🙂

Tere - Etsy purchase made …. my contribution to your trip 🙂

Kristine - lauren is gorgeous! and her smile looked genuine! 🙂

melissa - Meg, you have a BEAUTIFUL 15 year old!!!!! I can’t wait to hear if she goes far with that guitar!!!

sandy toe - What a beautiful girl..happy happy beautiful!
sandy toe

Susan - Oh my goodness. You have a beautiful girl there. My baby turns 16 in March. What the heck is going on here? I swear I just had her. Very happy to hear everything is well and you don’t need and “emergengy” assitence.
What kind of dog do you have? We are in the market and are looking at Labradoodles. Yours looks like a Goldendoodle. We babysit a Goldendoodle named Jeeter. You can see him on my blog.

carissa... brown eyed fox - and what a beauty she is… that brown eyed girl.
sure glad it was a fun day.
i really wish i could play the guitar… always wanted to… AND i adore her scarf! 🙂

patti - so excited about your shop! on a side note….the first ad (front n center – the blog) doesn’t have a link. i’ve been going to the links a few a day to check them out and “see the sites”, so to speak. and that one is not clickable (wait, is that even a word? well, it is now!) 🙂
have a great weekend and wishing you tons and tons of success with the shop!

Dianne Avery - Beautiful fun pics! Looks like a great party.

Heather - Happy Birthday, Lauren! I’m glad Annie is okay. I love banana creme pie…yum! It looks like you guys had a great time celebrating. Cheers. ~Heather R.

purejoy - whoops!! just so you don’t think i’m a dork, i said georgie instead of annie, the incredible battery swallowing child. i hope things have …uh… come out alright there.
but really, i am a dork. not enough coffee this morning.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - She’s a beautiful girl Meg. Watch her close! Happy Birthday Lauren!! I would have loved to hear your rendition of Happy Birthday;)
I’ll be back to check out the store… I bet you are so excited:)

purejoy - love celebrations, and lauren’s brought tears to my eyes. cherish these moments. they’re so special! and i love, love, LOVE the faces of georgie and talby and how they are over-the-moon excited to celebrate lauren. so precious. thanks for sharing a window into your world.
as always, your photos are phenomenal and waffles is adorable.

Kelly - I didn’t comment on yesterdays post because I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. I hate days like that! Not that I have a habit of calling sex lines but you know what I mean. 🙂
Lauren is a beautiful girl! It looks like she had a great day celebrating 15!

julia - I need to go to ON for my 15 yr old 🙂

Christy - Glad Annie is okay. I can’t tell you how many times I have checked your site for an update.
Happy birthday to Lauren! She is such a beautiful girl. How cool Old Navy (one of our favs!) is having it’s 15th too! Cute tee & mug! Love it!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Happy Birthday, Lauren!
You have an amazing smile!
(And, I love the scarf!)

Brooke - She is so pretty! Your family is awesome! I have always wanted a big family! Happy Birthday Lauren!
P.s. I am not a stalker but a huge fan of your blog. I read it daily and feel like I know your family. haha

Melissa - Lauren – you are so beautiful, hope your 15th year is an extra special one
Happy Birthday

Grace - You must be so proud of her. She’s grown into a beautiful young lady!

traci - happy, happy birthday lauren. what a beautiful girl!!!! the photo of her and waffle is stunning.

Chris Kauffman - Happy Birthday to Lauren , my daughter is now as old as Lauren was when you started blogging , how quickly things change .
Hope Annie is ok , i have had nightmares about my kids swallowing batteries, freaks me right out.

shelly - Looks like a great party! Happy Birthday to Lauren!
So glad that all is good with shots…Annie…and no sex lines! (I told my husband whose a paramedic and he laughed so hard about poison control!…next time he said just call the er, they’ll know what to tell you)

Lanny Stanard - Happy Birthday… love the picture of you and waffle. I’m a big waffle fun he’s so cute and I’m sure you agree! Happy Birthday to YOU!
Lanny <3

Sophie - Happy Birthday Lauren!
She is such a beautiful young lady, Meg! (:

angela - Lauren is only 15? WOW! She is so pretty and looks 18…I know you don’t want to hear that mom!!

Christina - What a day!!
Happy Birthday to your girl…it’s wild to watch your oldest grow. With little ones, sometimes I think it distracts me from my oldest. Maybe you feel the same way.
I’m glad Annie is fine. What a truly crazy experience. You should go on the news with that; it’s totally not okay that the poison control can’t be reached!!
Anyway, Lauren looks very happy! I’m glad her special day remained special. 🙂

Diana - Yeahhhhhhhhhhh! Happy Happy Joy Joy! Happy Birthday {again} Lauren!
She is such a beautiful young woman… she looks like a model, you know! And that dazzling smile. {You know we can tell your kids are happy, look at those faces!} I’m sure they loved your birthday song… I mean, look at Talby beside you while you were playing the guitar! LOL! Oh what a happy family!!
You cut your hair!! And it’s really CUTE!!
You’re going to open your shop while I am out-of-town??? ARG!! You guys leave me something please! Hmmm, maybe if I’m really really lucky I’ll get back in time for when you unlock the doors and let us in… gonna be like a Black Friday stampede, LOL!!
{SO GLAD Annie is okay!}

Immyyas - She is a gorgeous girl! Very rare to get a teenager to smile I’m sure 🙂 What a great gift. Sooo glad you didn’t have to make any more naughty calls.

Tere - happy, happy, happy Lauren…..

amy d - i’m glad you had a good day and didn’t need to make any “extra” phone calls.

christi - happy birthday lauren! meg, she is beautiful and it looks like the whole family enjoyed the birthday celebration!

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