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redneck sledding

when it looks like this outside…

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it's time to go slitching.
i don't recall why we call it that.
it started with our IL. friends on a weekend getaway in galena. 

sledding behind a car….using a hose to pull your sled.

it's not real safe but it's pretty fun.
IMG_1976  IMG_1977

annie wanted to be by talby….boo-hoo.
loving the red glow from the brake lights.

our neighbors join us too.  
it's really REALLY fun when it's just grown ups going slitching….but that will have to be another time.

yes…i am a classy gal.

on the last turn we didn't make it and we let go of the hose.
but it hit me in the leg.
i will spare you a photo of my giNORmous bruise on my thigh.

time for hot cocoa with whipped cream.
annie fell asleep on the couch before she even drank hers.
sweet pea.

i really think that tomorrow will be the day my shop is up and running.
cross your fingers.  

Stephen Schaunt - Looks like you guys had so much fun with that sledding thing huh? Even the kids would just want to join you for a ride! I can still remember when I was still living with my parents, my friends and I would go sledding during the winter season. But it just stopped when our neighbor had been into a tragic accident. His wife called up the Oakland accident lawyer and inquired on his benefits with his case. Then this Oakland auto accident lawyer helped her all the way through the whole process, and now she got her husband’s benefits.

Chicago Jen - Wow- brings back memories! Thanks for keeping it alive.
Chicago Dave.

Julie - I had to laugh so hard at this post! We call this Skeetching… I don’t know where the name came from either… lol its funny to see that other people do crazy stuff like this!

Jennifer - Your pics are so funny! Thanks for the sharing…I sure wish we had that snow and cold weather down our way…in South Texas it has been in the 70’s lately! 🙁

DreamGirlLisa - Looks like fun! Hope your bruise doesn’t hurt too much. Can’t wait to see your shop!

Lisa - Lauren so looks like Natalie Portman in that pic – so prety and so happy!

Anna Marie - Can you please give us some kind of “warning” before you open so we can be sure to be ready? Cuz I know it is all going to go fast. Would appreciate it! Thanks!!!

Lynn - We call it hookey-bobbing! : )

Beverly - oh my, I cant stop laughing. Thanks for sharing. my husband and his brothers did this sort of thing when they were young. looks like lots of fun.

Tegan and Tage - Looks like FUN! Obviously it is “sledding” with a “hitch” to make “slitching”. 🙂

Tanya - We do this in my parents back pasture, pulled by a tractor going very slowly. I totally hear you with your frozen rear end, my thighs had to clear the path last winter! ..of course, both my kids were on wtih me… making it an extra wide load… LOL

Sarah - Looks fun but police in our area of eastern Virginia stopped tons of people from doing this recently. It made the local news because of how dangerous it is and how many people get seriously hurt! I’m glad you all were safe!

Diane - makes good copy,(great pics) but yikes! do you really want to encourage this? it’s like a loaded gun. eventually, somebody gets hurt. think role model . . .

Melissa - It looks quite fun but it also looks quite dangerous. But hey we all do crazy things. The kids look like they are having a blast.

Lisa K in FL - I thought slitching = sledding while attached to the hitch. Looks like lots of fun!! I can’t wait for you shop to open – hurry up, wouldya?!! xo

Jenni - I’m sorry to be the downer, but my nephew died (died. As in dead. Horrible) in an accident involving exactly this activity. Slid under the car wheels as the car was sliding too, etc… I know it’s fun, but really, really…just don’t do it. Please.

Holly - oh that totally sounds like stuff we do here! Love it!

mary elizabeth - That’s how we sled here in NC!!! We got th 4 wqheelers out and id it that way. Is the first we have had snow in forever. We do have “traditional hill” that has been sledded for generations!!! I had never gotten to sled there before till this weekend. Was great! They used to take barrels there and make fires , but that didn’t happen … but we did make smores with neighbors before heading to the hill 🙂

Georgia - FUN!!!!
we tried that here in the UK… but police go MENTAL if they see you, and your likely to get arressted… lol
Im very grateful the snow has gone now we had tons of the white stuff. *does happy NO snow dance* la la laaaa
Is that Laurens boyfriend?!??! fill us in with the gossip! 🙂

Kirbey - Your family makes everything look like so much fun. You seem to be the greatest mom out there. I really hope that I can be as creative and fun a mother as you are when I get to become one.

the wild raspberry - i hate to be a party pooper but this scares me…especially since i’m sitting here with a broken arm and tailbone from a regular sledding accident.
we had a friend do this and he now walks with a cane…
he hit a tree
he almost died.
i would hate to see anyone in your sweet family get hurt~ that’s all i’m sayin.
all right~ i’m done being the sled police now…
the cocoa looks de*lish.
just don’t drink it when it’s too hot cuz………

Sandy - That looks so dangerous yet SO FUN!! Will you adopt me?

Cary - We rarely ever get snow, so when it snowed last weekend, we were in need of sled. Since we don’t have a sled, we used random objects that we found around the house: the turkey pan, a cardboard box, trashcan lid, etc. Hey- you gotta do what you gotta do!!!!

princess lasertron - hahahaha awwww tired annie

Pineapple Princess - How FUN!
And little Annie is yummy! Love her pink cheeks. 🙂

Hannah - Sooo, this looks like a TON of fun!!
And I figure I’ll just jump right on the bandwagon, here: Is that cute, CUTE boy Lauren’s boyfriend?! If so, she has great taste, he’s adorable!
Haha, looks like yawl had so much fun! And hot chocolate right after playing in the snow is heavenly, good choice!!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I just looked at the pictures again, and my youngest has the same sweater and the same purple, chewed up, Gerber sippie cup. It sure does feel like a small world sometimes.

Messy@Bungalow'56 - We did the same thing as kids, behind my Dads ’67 mustang. My sister was always crying sitting in the middle. It was a blast. So nice to see others continue the tradition. Our street would be too busy, but I’m thinking we will try it the next time we’re at the farm. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
A Canadian friend,

Annie - We use to do this all the time when I was little! But here in Idaho we call it Hookey Bobbing, (not sure why though! ) But its SO much fun!

Lorilee - Wow, that looks about as safe as kneeboarding in a creek being pulled by a 4-wheeler! My son came home with some lovely sand burns!!

Thea - I love it!LOL !! My sister and I are 12 yrs. apart and when I was home from college(many, many moons ago) my parents were out of town and I taught her “stair sledding!” We took a large cardboard box, flattened it and sledded down the stairs to our basement!!! WE HAD A BLAST!!!

Christina - That is too funny…”not safe, but it’s fun” haha
And I laughed out loud at your word bubble.
Sorry about your leg…at least no bathing suit in the near future. 🙂
The cocoa looks like a perfect ending.

Naomi - We totally did this with my church youth group when I was a kid…some incredible memories with that.

Tara - we could totally be friends. 🙂

Donna - I love it! We did that as kids in Idaho. Your post brought back memories; Thanks!

Quinn - Unless Lauren has a new bo, am I seeing some neighbourly set-up jobs with a cutie? Hahahhaha, looked like a really fun night 🙂

Anna Marie - Lauren IS smiling!!! I take it he is the boyfriend. How does Mama feel about that?

Sophie - That looks like too much fun!!! And yummo hotchoc with whipped cream!!!!!

Stephanie - haha I love how a lot of people are asking about the boy with Lauren…I came to ask that too! We’re all nosy I guess 🙂
This looks like so much fun. It’s one of those rare moments when I wish I lived in the snow!

karen - We called it skeetching (sp?) and used the tow rope for water skiing. Have you tried ice blocking??? Fun in the summer. Find a hill, buy blocks of ice, sit on them (sometimes on a small towel) and then slide down the hill. REALLY FUN after the sprinklers have been on or after a light rain.

Heather Giustino - Hahah! How fun! That’s what we used to do when we went to Tahoe for New Year’s…brings back memories!

Angela - We use intertubes and pull them with 4 wheelers! It’s so much fun and such good memories for the kids!

Traci - looks like fun. we do that behind the john deere gator or 4 wheeler. i was hoping annie was crying cuz she was terrified to go next. is that a boyfriend with lauren? just wondering.

Dina - That’s so fun! Just the other night I was staying up late and from my living room I could hear these girls just laughing their heads off. We don’t exactly live in a ‘partying’ neighborhood so I looked out the window – saw nothing. It kept going on. I decided to go upstairs and go to bed. I happened to look out the upstairs window and caught them! — Were you in our neighborhood the other night??? 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You guys are crazy…crazy fun in a good way:)

Trasie Bressler - Love it!
I also love Galena! My parents use to live in Plattville Wisconsin and we would go to Galena all of the time on visits to see them. Love it there, Love the shops, love the people…….Just love it!

Amanda - Now that looks like my kind of fun. We’re off to Galena in a few weeks for a ski night.

Immyyas - HOW FUN!!! totally not safe, but totally something we would do too…well that is if we got enough snow for it 🙁

jeanne - That looks like a BLAST..except for the whole bruise and all. The hot cocoa looks pretty yummy too! Can’t wait to see what you are working on for your shop.

Londen - Looks like fun!! Can you call me when your shop opens? Ha

merlin - Illegal in our area. Just sayin’
Glad you had fun and finished safely, it has ended sadly at least 2x here. with funerals.
Just consider it a public service announcement….

Susan - Oh my gosh! I do this with my kiddos too. I don’t call it slitching though. Good word at any rate. Maybe it’s a cross between sledding and hitching a ride. What a fun time.

amy jupin - i remember doing the same thing as a kid. so much fun! i know i’m not the first to notice, but you’re going to have to address the cute boy with lauren and her big smile!!! so excited for your shop. i’ve been saving up!

sarah barry - Meagan, I absolutely love your blog! Slitching looks so fun and the hot chocolate looks even better.

mel - ahhhhhh…who cares about safety when there is fun to be had, right? That looks like so fun!
and p.s. does lauren have a boyfriend? she looked pretty cozy (and happy) with that boy on the sled!

Jessica - Hilarious!! I wish it snowed here in FL so we can do that too!
And yes! Who is that dude behind Lauren? 😉
I can see Sean got his braces. Poor thing! I remember those days!

Amanda - Lauren is smiling??!?!?

Elisa - who is the dude behind Lauren??

Miranda - we used to do this too! one year my dad got an old car hood from a junk yard and then he pulled us behind the four wheelers and the tractor! terrifying…but fun.

Courtney Walsh - hilarious. I so need to try this except I am a total baby about the snow!!
I’d totally go for that hot cocoa though! 🙂

Staci Danford - That post made me laugh so hard. That was my first date with my husband in college. In West Texas we get so little snow so we were using a trash can lid pulled by a rope. After about an hour we were feeling very daring and doing circles and acting crazy… Needless to say the night ended with the pickup making a circle and our rope and trash can lid sliding sideways smashing into the bumper. haha I still have a little scar on my head. Hate to say it though I think I’d do it again (without the circles).. Man it was fun !!!

That’s why!

sarah - Looks like fun!!

Lanie - What a great post! We used to do this when we were little. If there wasn’t anyone available to drive a truck, my big brother would pull us with his 3-wheeler. Looks like you all had a great time! ~Lanie

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Oooh Galena!!! I’ve been there a few times. It’s only about 4 hours from the town I’m from in Minnesota. Sorry, just got so excited when I saw you mention it. What a beautiful place!
This looks like so much fun! My dad used to hitch my toboggan up to his tractor and drive me around the field, making sure to turn really fast so I could have a chance to fly off. It was so much fun – so many memories! I’m glad you’re still taking part in it!

christi - so fun! love the photos!

Sharla - Looks like fun! The sad look in Annie’s eyes in the first shot is heartbreaking! 🙂 Is that Lauren’s boyfriend?! She looks so happy!

julia - Is that the car that had and “incident” with a deer?
If we could drive on the beach I guess we could do this…I bet it would be fun on sand!

tara pollard pakosta - sledding + hitch = slitching?
that’s what I think anyway! haaa
how FUN! we used to do this type of thing
growing up. I had 5 crazy older brothers LOL!

Sarah @ Clover Lane - My husband used to do this when he was younger with his brothers…except they’d just hitch on passing motorists who had no clue! Looks like you had a blast!

Staci - Sooooo cool!!!! Great pics!!! And man….once again, I just love your sweet Annie 🙂

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - That looks like SO much fun!
We just had a little ice in SC.
I’m still wishing for some snow!

ansley - that is so cool!! seems really fun. sorry about the bruise though!!!

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