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checking in today for a moment.

it is 10 degrees here.
that is COLD.
nasty cold.

i get to go on hot date tonight.
i am very excited about it.
never mind…date cancelled.  blah…. 

doing good on the resolutions so far…
the NO SUGAR is still on.
and by saying no sugar i mean nothing i think of as sugar…
ice cream, cookies, fruity pebbles, candy, hot chocolate, cafe mochas, pop, syrup, cupcakes!!!
but i have had a granola bar…yogurt…maple/brown sugar oatmeal
so…that is what i mean by no sugar.
i am not reading labels or substituting with artificial sweetners.
and i am not thinking it will be forever…just till i am no longer craving it and eating it 24-7.
at the very least until march.
it's gonna be tough. 

i just got these in the mail.
i don't usually read books (because i am a big LAME-O)
but these are "required reading" for a project…also in march.
i am honestly excited to read them…and i rarely get excited about a book.
have you read these?

i made PW woman cookbook meatloaf and twice baked potatoes for dinner last night.
i messed up and it took me 2 full hours to get dinner on the table.
but…those potatoes…WOWEE-WOW-WOW.  
so good.
just as we sat down craig said "aren't you going to take a picture?"  
they looked so yummy.
but i was too tired and hungry.

oh waffle.
he sure needs some grooming.
but he's still pretty in his tiara. 
did you listen to Rachel?
what did you think?
i listened to it again last night….and got even more than the first time.
it is FULL.
i kept saying this to myself today:

and her four truths…love it.
go listen if you haven't.
i know it's long but it doesn't seem while you are listening.
you will changed.

Marcie Bowman - I read A Long Way Gone a few years ago. Great book! Did you ever see the movie Blood Diamonds? You need to after reading the book. never heard of the other book. I think you might also like Infidel. It’s about a Somali muslim woman who escapes her family and country. It’s amazing that women live in those circumstances in this day and age.

Heidi Jo the Artist - P.S. Loved theβ€”I am here to serve with joy—too. Joy is my word for this year! Joy! πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - I loved listening to Rachel, really humbled me; sent it to several people, even the men in my life. I had seen it somewhere before but got interrupted and never finished it, but now I did. And I will be listening to it again, thanks so much for sharing!

my year without - Okay, I would LOVE to hear how your no-sugar thing is going so far. It sounds like you are being smart about it….giving up things that you KNOW have sugar in them but being more casual with other foods.
For me, I could not find this kind of moderation so I had to quit it completely….even the minute amounts in canned foods, sauces, breads, etc.
How is it going so far?

Kelly - I was just Ooo’ing and Ahhh’ing over your style when I read how you’re avoiding processed sugar, and I know you said it’s only temporary, but I thought I would pass along my blog anyway, in case you’re interested πŸ™‚ I use only natural alternatives to processed sugar, like honey and stevia.
You rock. Love your site. Cheers, Kelly

aubrey - you’re good about the sugar–i seem to have made it my personal mission to finish off all the crap from Christmas, with plans every day to make some new kind of junk.
i’m beginning to think i need a pioneer woman cookbook. is all her stuff pretty easy to make? easier than Racheal Ray anyway? i think i better go and see what they say on amazon.

Stephanie Carroll - Girl. Did you read my post (not that I really think you read my blog) about PW meatloaf? At least yours wasn’t raw.

Sarah @ Clover Lane - i will go listen…
and sammy looks just like waffle…a smaller version…those eyes!

Londen - I just found your blog and WOW! First I LOVE your house and the way you have made it so young and fresh, old houses are my favorite. And your family is beautiful! I will be back, I have a lot of looking around to do.

Anita - I read A Long Way Gone and it was really amazing…children in this country are so blessed, for the most part….And Rachel’s speech- well, I cried so hard I have Yoda eyes- all swollen now…And I will not give up sugar. But kudos to you for doing it.

Sarah Alsey - Thank you for the link to Rachel’s story. As a newlywed struggling to figure out how to serve and how to be “better” or “good enough”…I needed this. Thank you for your honesty. I’ve never met you, but I cherish your communication. I’m going to pass this on to my best friend who just found some truths in Titus 2 the other day.

adhocmom - Love your dog’s name. . my husband had a dog named Cinnamon. Can’t help but think they would have been good friends.

Dianne Avery - Love the bathtub pic. That needs to be printed and hung over your bathtub!! πŸ™‚

hannah - watching rachel’s talk again tonight. thank you so much for sharing her story.

amy jupin - hi miss megan,
just popped in to say two things…
1. love the bathtub pic!
2. i listened to rachel’s story this past spring and when she passed, i cried for days. she was such a remarkable woman! thanks for reminding me of her words and bringing those thoughts back to the forefront of my mind. good, loving words for busy tired mommies.

seb - Thank you so much for posting Rachel’s speech…I listened to it last week and her words still linger in my heart…absolutely moving and amazing! She has a testimony that I am sure is changing many hearts…all for God’s glory! Thank you again for sharing her…

Karina - This will sound strange to you, but I listened to Rachel, I cried, and it changed me, EVEN THOUGH I do not happen to believe in God. I am a mother, and I try to serve with joy even if it is not with Jesus in mind. The illness and death of someone like Rachel still profoundly affects me. It terrifies me as well, since I don’t happen to think we go anywhere after death. I wish I could believe in an afterlife, but I was brought up not to. I am exploring faith though; I find it compelling, I am especially attracted to blogs that are maintained by Christian women because I seem to share so many of their values (even with a huge gaping hole where God should be) and I am envious of those who can “get into it.”
Thank you for sharing – these things go beyond being Christian; they touch all of us who share the fact that we are human searching for meaning in life. I will be reading those books too.

gina - You had me at the first photo- love it!
I would never attempt to give up sugar, but I have been eating less candy since my anti anxiety medicine kicked in, I guess I don’t need soothing from chocolate sources as much anymore. πŸ™‚

Jo - Hi Meg- I too have read A Long Way Gone and found it very moving/distressing/eye-opening/so much more/can’t find the words. Boys being forced to act in ways that most grown men would never consider. A must read! Enjoy

Sasha Farina - i’m gonna get those books.. thanks for sharing!

tasha roe - The video is fantastic!!
It hit home in a lot of ways – i’ve found a lump while weaning my daughter, a high school friend’s best friend found out 3 days ago she has stage 3 cancer, and of course….i feel like i’m still searching for my purpose.
thanks for posting it!!!
Love wins!!

Summer - I did listen, and cried. Such a lesson.

Brenna - I am here to serve with joy…too. Thanks for sharing.

Kristine - wow – i recently saw Half the Sky on oprah and suggested it to my book club. they didn’t bite and i’m number 305 on the waitlist at my library. i think that means i should just buy it. i hear it’s a MUST-read for everyone, especially women. and my hubby just read A Long Way Gone over Christmas. btw reading more books is on my “things to do before 32” list! good for you for reading too! these books will change your life i’m sure! xo

Georgia - I wish it was 10c here. Over the UK its -10 degrees at the moment!!! we have over 12 inches of snow. i feel like i have moved to Alaska! lol

Courtney Walsh - Waffle makes me want a dog.
And I really dont’ want a dog. But Waffle? He could bring out the doggie love.
It’s freezing here too…and I don’t go on night dates anymore. I only do day dates. Anything past 7 p.m. and I’m sure to fall asleep.
It’s 11:25 am and my day date starts in 5 minutes. Oh, and it’s freezing here too. Love that wrinkly-toed picture! πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - I want to read both of those books!
please let us know how they are!
what a cute picture of waffle = cutest dog ever! maybe
even cuter than my cockapoo, I thiNK!!!!

Elizabeth - Long Way gone was sad and eye-opening for me. It’s easy to live your life, in your little world. . . far away from the other half of the world. This brings you closer and gives you perspective. Very powerful.
I haven’t read the other, but look forward to adding it to my list.
BTW, are you drinking your coffee black on your sugar-detox?

Angie N - Hi Meg – I am a fellow lurker among others…so hi!
I have read a long way gone…amazing. I balled. So be prepared.
Love the foot picture – I so wish I was camera talented.
Have a great weekend!!

sandy toe - Love the feet picture…so cute and fun!
sandy toe

feather - i just have to leave a comment on the sugar. (side note: i’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now… but i’m intimidated to comment because the *number* of comments you recieve each post! now I’m LAME-O!)
anyway, back to the sugar. i’m with you. and it sucks. but i have found, in my many sugar detox experiences, that it does get better. once it’s out of your system, you don’t crave so much. just remember, once you start, you can’t stop! it’s so hard…

Nancy - I am a sugar addict… so hard to cut back or detox.. I really need to. Maybe we can start a support group or something like that. I made the Chocolate Sheet Cake from PW cookbook… oh my! But, wait. THat is sugary. BUt, when you NEED to make a cake.. make it. You won’t regret it. Our dog, Charlie, just got a haircut. He is such a hottie right now. Happy Weekend… Nancy

christine - hi meg
first of all
LOVE the feet photo!
great lighting!
listened to Rachel at 5 am yesterday as i drank my morning coffee
i cried and cried and cried
and absorbed so much from those 55 minutes
i too have kept that quote in my head and heart
“i am here to serve with joy!
i cannot imagine the strength it took her to not only be present that night but to be able to speak her words so beautifuuly and with such grace and humor
one of my dear friends passed away at the same age as Rachel from colon cancer
it will be 6 years this spring
i think of her every day but this time of year in particular because she started to get really sick
i’ll never forget the image of her sitting on her couch in pain and so nauseaus and leaning down to her 4 year old asking for a kiss
it is heart wrenching to think that children are left motherless/fatherless through the death of a parent
thoughts that are too painful to dwell on
i like to think my faith in Jesus is strong
i cannot imagine going through life without Him
listening to Rachel has given me the realization that i need to serve more
think of myself less
and do so with joy!

Lauren - Hi. I, like a few others who have commented, am not sure how I stumbled onto your blog to begin with but I am a faithful reader. Thank you for posting a link to Rachel’s story. I am a new-ish nurse curretly working on an oncology floor, and death has been a very hard thing for me to deal with. Listening to Rachel’s testimony tonight has helped me to look at it differently–even to find *joy* in it. Anyway, love your blog and your life is encouraging! Thanks πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - I want your bathroom. ever thought of renting it out to tired moms who might want to enjoy a bath? πŸ˜‰ when i grow up, i’m getting a tub WITH JETS.

sarah - I listened to most of it, and the my silly internet didn’t want to cooperate.
So I need to go back and listen again.
Thanks for sharing about her πŸ™‚
Wow. Just very inspirational.

anna - are you going on a compassion trip?! lucky you!

jami - I have read a long way gone. It is amazing, powerful and moving. I don’t read all that often but that book was a quick read because I could not put it down. Good luck with them both. I am going to look into the other book!

Seleta - Thank you for sharing Rachel’s video. As I type this comment with a lump in my throat and warm feelings in my heart, I am reminded of what matters most in life: a relationship with God. I need to work on that. A lot. Why is it so easy to get distracted from this key point in life?
I am happy to finish what’s been a rough week with a reminder so important. Thank you.

Staci - It is FREEZING here in OK too!!! And Waffle…well he’s got to be the cutest thing…no grooming needed! He just gets cuter and cuter with that hair πŸ™‚ I am sooo not a reader….I only like to read magazines πŸ™ I am definitely the Lame-O one here!!! I’d love to know about the books….might just have to give them a go! Good luck with the no sugar thing…I’m watching my sugar intake too…..I wish I was self disciplined enough to only eat one cookie…instead of ten!!! Ah well! Only one life to live πŸ™‚ Bundle up and have a great weekend πŸ˜‰

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’m doing the no sweets thing too. I can’t even begin to think of eliminating breads and cereal etc… one thing at a time. I guess we are in it together;)
I listened to about 15 minutes of Rachel and then got interrupted and couldn’t restart where it stopped, so I’m going to have to make time to start it all over. It was really good though. Have a great weekend Meg!

Rebekah Brummel - I read A Long Way Gone and had HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES but it was eye opening. I have a 10 year old son & a 5 year old son we are adopting from Ethiopia and this book floored me thinking about children fighting. Oh, the little boy that cries for his mom as he dies. . . . it still HAUNTS me it does. (That didn’t give anything away I swear). But this book was one more thing that helped us decide to adopt. . . . .

Jenn Baker - I am a history teacher and I read “A long way Gone” last year… I LOVED it! We were also in the process of adopting a child from Sierra Leone— but then they shut the country down to adoption— so it was a must read for me! I hope you like it! What project are you doing the reading for?

candace - Yay for no sugar! Those books look incredibly intersting. I’m curious about this upcoming project.
Have you finished Crazy Love yet?

Darby - Meg:
You know you’re a blogger when your husband asks you if you’re going to take a picture of dinner!
Did you read PW’s cookbook LEFT to RIGHT instead of TOP to BOTTOM…it’ll get you every time.
Rachel totally ROCKS. Praise the Lord for her life and testimony!

jill - i can’t remember how i found you, but i love your blog πŸ™‚
but-now i’m scared to try the meatloaf…what went wrong? i got her book for christmas and was thinking about making that soon.
and i heard of a project in march just today…if you are going i am excited to read about your time!

asibtroy - I’m new, came from the homies! Love your stuff!
Be prepared with LOTS of tissue and a couple nights of uncomfortable dreams after reading long way gone. It is an amazing story. That boy is a testament to the true human spirit – the ability to survive and forgive… but maybe never really forget.
I’m so excited to get half the sky, its on my list. Love the author and love how it is helping bring the idea of empowering women and girls to the forefront of our conversations about how to make the world a better place for everyone.
I’m also reading three cups of tea, as an educator its required reading lately.
These seem to be the hot ticket! Can’t wait to hear what you think!

carissa... brown eyed fox - i have been on… my kids have been on such a sugar binge the last month.
i sure could use a “dedoxification” too! πŸ™‚
haven’t read those books… peaked my interest though.

rjost - Yo, Waffle!
The shaggy look is all the rage this winter. It’s good to have that natural coat when it’s time to play outside. With my black coat, the snow stands out bright and white. I love to bury my face in the snow.
Your sister,

Kara Tait - HI Meg.
I normally don’t comment on blogs, I just stalk them on a daily basis!! (lol) Love your blog BTW….
I just want to thank you for sharing the link to Rachels story. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I am going to listen again….. I might even buy the dvd.
I sent the link to many of my friends, hopefully one out of 20 will listen.
Thank you again. ~Kara

Alicia Butler - Meg: You don’t know me…I am a friend of Pam Buller’s. She had a link on her blog a while back to your blog and ever since I have checked your blog frequently to be encouraged and inspired by your creativity! Anyway, I decided to write tonight because one of my new year’s resolutions was also no sugar. And I basically have the same parameters as you have…no cookies, cake, candy, etc…It has been going well for me too! I always crave sugar in the afternoon and the evening more than other times of the day – not sure why? Maybe I need the “high” to give me energy.
Amazing how sweet fruit is beginning to taste. One of my treats is an orange in the evening.
Anyway, keep going. WE CAN DO IT!!!
grace and peace.

elizabeth - I have begun to listen — thanks for the link. And I’ve read both books, and I think they’re both extraordinary. I particularly liked the Nicholas Kristoff one and read his columns in the NY Times avidly. He’s a thoughtful reader and writer and really thinks outward and outside the box.
This was a sweet post —

A pocket full of posies... - Loved the Rachel link…Life changing or challenging- however you choose to look at it-
Waffle- good gravy that is one cute dog!
and NO SUGAR!- honey, I’ll keep you in my prayers! πŸ™‚

kana - Sir Waffle looks so nice in his crown. Loving those wrinkled piggy toes. It is cold here in Tennessee as well! Hope you are doing great.

Abby - Thanks for the reminder to go and listen, I will do that tonight. I made PW’s meatballs last night – delicious – though I will double the recipe next time, my husband ate half the pan! I am trying one recipe a week from her book, good thing losing the baby weight wasn’t on my goal list!

Debra - I listened to Rachel too. Thanks for sharing it, I really need to learn to serve with joy big time. Good going on the sugar thing!

tara hawks - I have read “memoirs…” It is intense and eye-opening…and the other one was recommended to me literally an hour ago, so I am going to get it soon. I do work in Uganda with a program called Sewing Hope. Please look at our website. I can tell you more if you are interested. Rachel’s talk was humbling, in a word.

Laurie - I listened to Rachel as well…and posted on facebook immediately. I’ve started listening again…it is amazing and challenging and encouraging and…well, thanks for sharing.

emily@remodelingthislife - I made PW meatloaf last week. Had never had meatloaf or made meatloaf. Hubby proclaimed it was fabulous. I did her potatoes but had another friend’s recipe from years ago exactly the same so I was used to how great they are.
Sorry about your canceled date night.
Would love to hear how you like the books.
I’m reading Three Cups Of Tea.

Lisa Liddell - I love waffle… he is just gorgeous. I want one!

Cassie - long way gone is amazing. πŸ™‚
and guess what book arrived in MY mailbox today?!?!?
a project, huh?
excited to get started on the book!

julia - can’t wait to see waffle without his winter coat.
i’ve decided that you going without sugar is enough for me…i’m virtually going without sugar…in reality i had a really yummy, delicious, full calorie Coke today….i felt a little guilty after…

Kristi - Hi, I’m Kristi! This is my first time visiting your blog, and I’m totally in love. I can’t stop snooping around it, seriously!! Your house is amazing, the decor is just awesome. I love it all. You are good! Thanks for the inspiration, I will probably be back because I know I didn’t get it all in today!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Great pic. πŸ™‚ And I’ve heard a lot about Half the Sky. Can’t wait to see what you’re leading up to there…

Ashley Ann - Top picture…too wonderfully fun to look at. love it!

Pammy - I listened. I loved it so much I posted it on my blog. I may even order the dvd. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Holly - Ok I am gonna have to listen…I havent yet….I am a little jealous that you have the will power to not have sugar as I indulge in a bowl of Honey Smacks. I am cutting back on caffiene..not by choice I might add and it has been so hard! Oh and I am definately going to have to try the recipes. SOunds Yumy!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - i listened to it while i wrote christmas thank you’s yesterday. so good. i had to stop and cry my eyes out a couple of times. convicting. good. love the “i am here to serve with joy.”

Leah - I listend to it last night. Went through alot of kleenex. Alot of power in that 55 minutes! A good reminded of who God is.

Michelle - I’ve read A Long Way Gone – very powerful,moving book. Excellent read.

Katie - I’m not sure I’ve ever commented before, but when I found myself saying “I did that!” twice while reading this post I had to comment! I have read the Ishmael Beah book, I enjoyed it. I also made PW’s meatloaf and twice baked potatoes for dinner last week and I messed up the meatloaf too and it took me FOREVER to get dinner on the table. I froze the leftover potatoes and as PW says, they do freeze beautifully. (I omitted the green onion as she suggested.) Bravo to you on no sugar, keep up the good work!!

Susan - I’ll be interested to see what you think of Half the Sky. I bought it for both my mom and a friend for Christmas but have not read it myself. Saw the authors on Oprah and thought they were amazing!

Jackie - I love your blog – I was introduced to it through Jeanne. Lovely pictures and wonderful words to match! I’m off to listen to Rachel – I’ve had that on my list for days and really think now is the time and “I am here to serve with joy” really hit home with me today – I love it and I think some days our hearts are particularly open to hear/see ideas to embrace! Thank you!

Lacy Brauner - I went and listened. Posted on my Facebook. Texted my mother-in-law for her to read. And plan to tell my bff to listen. She is a wise one, wise for her young twenty-six years, its causing her to doubt beliefs she was raised with, and I never was. I think this will enlighten her, even if just a little..Thank you meg for posting it. And like you, i listened while I cleaned my kids playroom. I kept thinking’how does a four and one year old make such a huge mess?’ ‘why cant they just learn to clean it themselves?!’…then she said it, i am here to serve with joy. i too am making huge changes this year. One of them, you gave posting that speech.Thank you again..(I dont have a blog, and wont in the near future, though Id LOVE to. I cant take more time away from my family then I already do with work, and everything else life throws at me;], but I do love yours and check it everyday)

Liz M - What project are you reading those two books for?
I am keenly interested….thanks

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