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ku basketball and a cold

after my black friday shopping…10 stores in five hours…2 coffees.
good times.  
no crazy waiting at 4 AM or anything.

we rested in the afternoon and after dinner craig took me, scott and lauren to the KU basketball game.


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scott was pumped up.  
he got high fives from all the players.
in the car on the way to the game i asked scott to tell me who the players were because i didn't know anybody this year. (bad fan)
he immediately rattled off every player and their number.
he is obsessed with sports.

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(in a comment left by my sister…a BIG KU fan)…"they pretend to read the paper when the visiting team roster is announced, because they are so lame they are not even worth listening to. Then, while the announcer prepares to say "Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2009 Kansas Jayhawks" the kids are rapidly tearing the newspapers into little bits of confetti to throw when the players come on the court."

the opening announcement was AWESOME!! it would make ANYONE a jayhawk fan.
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scott leaned over and whispered in my ear "tell dad i am loving this!"
later i said "ok scott…i have them all memorized…quiz me."
he did and i got them all right and he was shocked.
see….moms can be cool sometimes.

i think this would be scott's dream…

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rob riggle and jason sudeikis were there.  :)
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that t-shirt cannon was the coolest thing!  
it could shoot like….10 shirts in 10 seconds.
and craig caught one.
lauren almost had it.
they are going to share the shirt.

it is a great atmosphere at Allen Fieldhouse.
i wish we could go more often.
thanks for watching the 3 other kids mom and dad.

we came home from my parents' late that night and i felt a cold coming on.
i was hoping it would pass.
but it didn't.
i am feel cruddy.

but i hope some sleep will make a difference.  

i am off to bed.   

kansas jayhawk t shirt - Wow, those are some really great pictures! I would love to go to a game like this. My husband’s whole family Went to Kansas state, they all have Kansas jayhawk shirts. I want to get a little one for my baby girl win she is born in August. I can’t wait till her first game.

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Tracey Young - We have a KU front porch this Christmas! We live in the middle of Husker country though-waiting to see if anyone destroys it!!!Hope you are feeling better soon and looks like you had a great time shopping!!!

Jemm - (Gasp!) I was wrong! You live in….(gulp) Lawrence. So sorry for your loss…he he. I still like your blog and won’t hold it against you:)

Melanie - Sounds like you had a great time. You are right, moms can be cool sometimes! Hope you get better soon. My husband was sick a couple of weeks ago and it has come back. He is off to the doctor again tomorrow.

Caron - Well, this post answers a question I’ve had for a long time. Meg, you may believe me when I say no announcement in Allen Fieldhouse could make me even think that little chickenhawk is cute, let alone become a fan. πŸ˜‰
Go Cats!

Amy - Loving all the crimson and blue pictures! I am such a big KU fan, it is embarrasing. There is nothing like Allen Field House, Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Paula - Hi,
I found your blog a while back on the Nester, and I had to comment on this post!!
I grew up just outside of Lawrence. Moved in 2003 to Alaska, but I must say, there is much about Lawrence that I miss.
Thank you for the Jayhawk post!!!
Made my day!

Ashley Crenshaw - I am a BIG GINORMOUS KU fan! Love seeing my old stomping grounds again. I need to make the trek back to Lawrence to watch a game. Love the fans, atmosphere, everything. Rock Chalk! Glad you guys had a blast! Allen Fieldhouse NEVER disappoints!

Laura - I work for Mizzou…I don’t think I can read your blog anymore. Just kidding! I’m new to Missouri and they tell me that we’re big rivals. It looks like you had a great time at the game.

No.17CherryTreeLane - you even make sports pictures look interesting.
i like you!

tasha roe - Meg – just finished the wreath!

mel - What a fun night! I went to University of Colorado & since we are in the Big 12 with Kansas, I always loved going to the game when Kansas was in town because they were always ranked in the top 10 & it was such fun basketball to watch! Love college basketball! And, even though I am not a KU fan, I always pick KU to go to the Final 4 in my March Madness bracket. Gotta represent the Big 12!!

jeanne - I hope you are feeling better. Tried to reach you tonight…I will give you a call tomorrow. I am coveting something of yours:-) Have a great night!!!

michelle - okay, you are seriously SUPERMOM! what you accomplish in a week is absurd. oh, and inspiring πŸ™‚
i can’t believe you even memorized all the names of the players. what a mom!

Deb - Nothing like KU Basketball. It is like a religion at our house. Second only to Jesus! Glad you had a great time. Love the pics. Made me feel a little homesick.

sandy toe - I love them all reading newspapers!
sandy toe

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Looks like a blast. Cute mascot!! Glad you lived to tell about your shopping experience. You never know…some people get a little crazy:)

Rach - Seriously??? 10 stores in 5 hours?? Go shopper go!!! I would have had more than 2 coffees though. πŸ˜‰ Happy you survived.

Staci - I”m impressed!!! Memorizing the names AND numbers!! You so totally rock!!!! My memory is waaaay bad πŸ™ What a FUN time it looks like you all had!!!! I’m home with a cold too….cruddy is a good word πŸ™ Hope you are better today!

Rose - I had a friend take me to a game at Allen Fieldhouse once….definitely an experience for any college bball fan!
Unfortunately, I am an Iowa State fan and people are saying we are just as good as KU this year! :o)
Great photos!!

lora - Sounds like good times! We’re heading to Kansas (from Canada) at Christmas… check it out. We’re thinking about relocating. Anyhoo….hope you feel better soon.

Tonya McDaniel - There’s nothing quite like being in Allen Fieldhouse is there?! My hubby and daughter go to Late Night in the Phog every year…my son and I get a little jealous! πŸ˜‰

Kate - How fun!! Hope you feel better!

Sharla - This is coming from a die-hard Kansas State fan – I’m so happy you were able to go enjoy that college atmosphere. So happy for Scott!! πŸ™‚

Teresa - This gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. I live in Roy Williams’ territory now and so miss my Jayhawks! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

lorel - great post Meg! Colleen – they pretend to read the paper when the visiting team roster is announced, because they are so lame they are not even worth listening to. Then, while the announcer prepares to say “Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2009 Kansas Jayhawks” the kids are rapidly tearing the newspapers into little bits of confetti to throw when the players come on the court. A fun tradition.

Beth Ann - There is nothing like being in Allen Fieldhouse. Seriously the best place in the world!!! Glad you got to go and it looks like it was a fun time with you all!
I had a cold during Thanksgiving. It was not fun! Hope you feel better soon.

purejoy - can you believe your post made me cry?
to share that kind of experience with your kids… priceless.
can you tell that i just sent my college freshman and sophomore back to school?
yikes… the empty nest thing that i was so sure i was managing felt alarmingly normal feels pretty empty all over again.
grab em. hold em. and love em.
these days are fleeting. i so love hearing about your family (but not in a creepy way) and am sorry you are feeling bad. sending e-zicam your way.

Brooke - We were just a Notre Dame game the other night. I love to go to college games. Glad you guys had a great time! And hope you are feeling better soon.

tasha roe - Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
Love some KU Basketball.
Its the most wonderful time of the year! πŸ˜€

colleen - Not being well versed in KU basketball, why are they reading newspapers? I am a UCONN girl (university of connecticutu) and we don’t do this…. Great photos! Love the Tshirt cannon.

Casey - How fun! Our 9 year old is smitten with the Jayhawks since moving here. I encourage the kids to embrace where we live……we buy t-shirts and such as soon as we settle…..and it’s been KU and the Chiefs since arriving.
He’d love to go to a game!

Heather Richter - Just moved here from overseas to Kansas. They love their Jayhawks it is contagious. I hope you feel betta.

Lori - Hope you feel better soon! πŸ™‚

Jules - Hope you are feeling better! I’ve got the cold too, it’s the time of year for it! Looks like you guys had a really fun night!

adrienneK - we LOOOOOOOOOVE KU!!and yes you checked right we live in tennessee and yes you are right i went to the U of Memphis BUT we still cheered KU on to their victory when they beat the U of M lol (my husband is from kansas) and what can i say i love KU too!!! go jay hawks!!! LOVE this post!!!

Kathy - What a great night! Hope you are feeling better!

susie whyte - oh, how i would love to go to a ku game…and i’m not even a huge fan. not since raef was there. ha ha. getting my 78 yr old stepdad to a game is high on my priority list! πŸ™‚
at least you made it through thanksgiving before becoming a member of “contamination station”(as i like to call it). πŸ™‚ hope you feel better.

your cool friend Cheryl - Sorry you’re coming down with something…I feel the same way. Ugh.
The game looked fun. In Chicago we have so many professional teams, I feel like we never watch any college ones, but the atmosphere of college games is the best!

Diana - Oh Jayhawks….that brings back memories. I was born in Hutchinson Kansas and my dad was born and raised there. My grandpa calls us the Jay Wackers…hahahahahha!!! My daughter wants to go to college there (we will see about that) too far away from Arkansas. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. You are so down to Earth I feel like you are a dear friend and I could knock on your door and come in for coffee in your kitchen. My son would LOVE to play at your house….so many kids and so much to do! Thank you for making my days brighter just by reading your daily adventure. You have a gift (mom, decorator, photographer, etc) keep up the good work.

Dawn W. - Looks like you all had a great time. Just wanted to let you know…my daughter left this afternoon to go back to school and she wanted me to make her your recipe for Mint Brownies to take back with her to the dorm. They are sooo good.
Hope you start feeling better.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Looks like fun! And Lauren is SO gorge. I cannot get over it.
ps- FNL. Are you watching?

Amanda - ok, your blog just lost a few points with all this red and blue you’re gagging me with!

amy d - colds suck…hope you start feeling better soon, maybe you should up your coffee intake πŸ™‚ …and the bball pictures are very colorful,(go cats!) and that’s all i’m gonna say about that πŸ™‚

stodd - As a KU alum,there’s nothing like Allen Fieldhouse! Love your blog, by the way! πŸ˜‰ I was down at Sarah’s fabrics just last week and told her that she had been talked about on a couple very popular blogs… she thought that was cool. Happy Thanksgiving!

J.B. Kinrich - Go, Jayhawks! (I lived in Wichita for six very important years, from grades 1 through 6.)

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