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happiness high

i am about to bust at the seams with joy.
my weekend was THE BEST.
and i want to tell you all about it……soon.
but for now i have to work.






i will be on the computer every waking moment.
if you see your family….can you email me your address so the minute
i finish your pics i can mail it out to you? thank you thank you.

this weekend in omaha…
i met her.
and her.
and loved them immediately.  
as if we have known each other for years. (that is just so good…makes your heart smile)

and i will link every single person i met soon.
and show you what i made…what i bought…what i think of silver bella…soon. 

but i gotta work.

thank you for buying water.
we raised over $10,000 in 24 hours!  AMAZING!

Romantic bed and breakfasts - Life is so much busy right now taking some time for seeking
and finding satisfaction and happiness.Smiling with innocent kids and family makes you feel relaxed.

tami reed - Awh cute kids, love their smiles!

Jeanne - Isn’t it amazing that we ended up at the same table the last day??? LOVED our time together and can’t wait until the next time we meet up. I connected with you right away and I can’t wait to get to know you better.

Christina - I am stunned at your final comment!! Just wow.

Kelly - cutie cute cuties!
Awesome about the water!!!! Praise God! Kelly

julie - God is so big.
1,000 lives in Africa changed.
Tons of minds an hearts in America changed as well.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh see I told you you would love Jeanne. I am so jealous I wasn’t there to gab with the both of you. Can’t wait to hear all about it. She said you were wonderful by the way…of course I knew that already;)

angela - Good grief…how do you have time to breathe? Your pictures are GREAT! i know all of those parents will be so excited to get them from you!!
$10,000 yeh!!!!!!!!

your cool friend Cheryl - $10,000? Awesome!!

Elisa - Oh Meg that is so great!!!!

Kelly - beautiful pictures!
I must have missed why you were in Omaha?! I’m here too….

pve - You are awe inspiring.

jennifer - Glad you had such an amazing time!
And that just totally ROCKS that $10,000 was raised!
Woo Hoo!

danyele @ a thorn among roses - do they get any cuter than these peeps!?! i love love love the last pic!

Ruth - I have to tell you, I used your instructions for Rainbow Cupcakes to make red/yellow/blue cupcakes for the children at church, yesterday. They were a BIG hit, with children and adults. The frosting was fantastic, too. I was a little worried about the mess they would make but there was not a crumb left on the floor! I swear, the children inhaled the cupcakes. My own three are begging for more….in Christmas colors, school colors, Colts’colors, Valentine colors, etc. Thank you!!!

Kara - your pictures are amazing! I especially love the baby in the basket 🙂 so sweet!

Jody - $10,000! Wow, that is amazing! The pictures that you took are beautiful. Love the baby in the basket.

Stephanie - The picture of the baby in the basket is BREATHTAKING! A great reminder that life is precious. I love your blog!

Jill J - That is awesome! $10,000! I donated on Saturday and my kids and I just watched the video and prayed this morning. (They were with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend.) Thanks for doing this. I’m so glad that I have “gotten to know” people online that have the same heart for the poor that I do!
Can’t wait to hear about your weekend!

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