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happy birthday talbyloo.
eight years seemed to have flown by….just like that!
my big 9 pound baby is growing up so quick.
love you sweet girl.


tami reed - Awh Happy Birthday to the bookie!

Beth - What a sweet girl! I hope she had a great day!

susie whyte - lots of cake being eaten at your house these days!! happy birthday, talby!!
okay, let me just say a HUGE thanks to you….
i won the PW book on no. 17 cherry tree lane’s giveaway!! yay!!!!!! thanks for the side bar heads up! 🙂

se7en - Oh wonderful happy eight – What a fun year is coming your way!!!

Kristine - she’s darling! great cake! you have been celebrating a lot of birthdays lately… i guess that’s what happens with big families!

Kelly - wowie! yum that looks good! love the owl tray too. Happy birthday Talby!!! Pretty girl and pretty plate with the roses. Kelly

Sarah@Clover Lane - What is the deal with your cakes??? I am not even a huge cake fan, but everytime you post a picture of a cake you made I get massive cake cravings.
Happy Birthday Talby!

Julie - Talby is such a cool kid! I hope she had a great birthday!

DreamGirlLisa - Aww, how sweet, the times flies, doesn’t it? So sad our babies have to grow up. My “baby” is 14 now, doesn’t seem possible! I will be making rainbow cupcakes for her soccer party this weekend…the girls should get a “kick”out of them:)

pve - You really must have a book, showing other Mom’s how to celebrate life!

your cool friend Cheryl - Happy bday to your little girl!
ps. I love that birdie tray! 😉

Stephanie Carroll - Happy Birthday, Talby!
Meg, wondering if you ever go to these sorts of things

emily - happy birthday talby!
i have the same antique china with the sweet pink flowers!!! i need to take them out of the cabinet more often!

Kate - Happy Birthday! That’s it… I’m pulling out my cute plates and using them. No more waiting!

Cate O'Malley - Happy Birthday, Talby! That cake and ice cream looks perfect for the celebration – yum!

Sophie - Happy birthday Talby1
Such a sweetheart (:

amy - happy bday talby.
btw-if i was crazy enough to have another child (maybe someday–see i’m crazy enough to not say never. and apparently i can’t complete one thought before running into another one!), i would so name my baby girl talby.
it’s such a precious sweet name.
have fun at silver bella. that’s some seriously crazy crafty stuff over there. 🙂

Tracy - Happy Birthday Talby! Cute picture of you and the cake! Hope you have/had a great birthday sweetie! :o)

pam - happy birthday talby!!! 🙂

Staci - Happy Birthday Talby!!!!!!!! Hope she had a great day!!!! We have an 8th birthday coming up next May….wow, does the time just fly by 🙁

Jess - Happy Birthday to Talby! The cake looks fantastic!

jennifer - What a fun cake! Bet she loved it!
Happy Birthday Talby!!!

sarah - Happy Birthday, Talby!

Cindy Ashmore - Happy Birthday Talby!

julie - Eight is great! Happy birthday Talby!

Gratsia - Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Shari Barnes - Oh… I want some cake NOW!! Might have to bake one today!

Kristy Ledford - That’s it…I’m making my son’s Bday cake. You’ve inspired me with your cute, scrumptious looking cakes and cupcakes.
Happy Birthday Talby!

Emily - love that owl tray? where ever did you make that delicious purchase?
also, i am a new reader to the site and i am in lust with your house. IT’S GORGEOUS! (i just broke the no capital letters rule. boo me!)

angela - That cake and ice cream wants me.It is calling my name. Your sweet girl is precious!!! Happy Birthday Talby!

erin j - You always make the cutest cakes. Love it!!

misty - talby & annie have birthdays so close together! That’s how it was for my sister and I. I was in late august and she was early sept. I loved that because we got to celebrate our b-days, have halloween- then the holidays~ there was always a celebration it seemed.
I love the cake~ It looks so good, especially with the ice cream! I love how you even piped on the pink frosting! its making me hungry!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh Happy Birthday to your 8 year old! It does go so fast. Love the scrumptious cake and ice cream. Makes me want some soooo bad:)

missye - It really does fly by quick!
Happy Birthday Talby!
And you have totally inspired me to start making my children’s birthday cakes again!

adrienneK - look at that cake!!!happy birthday talby!!!so sweet!!!

danyele - that is awesomeness…strawberry and chocolate and cake! sweet!

TRACI - Great cake, she’s a cutie and YES, the years FLY by!!!!!!!!!!

Starnes Fam - Happy Birthday! Love her name…..don’t think I’ve told you that.
Looks like another great cake!

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