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i had the best entertainment for 3 women coming to visit…  


we spent the night at carolyn's (my happy place) so we could get shopping much quicker in the morning.

it was a gorgeous morning….




we had happy baby janey by our side and we were ready to shop.
our destination was the hillsboro arts & crafts fair…a yearly event the 3rd saturday of september.
rain or shine…thankfully this year it was SHINE!
i love the craft fair booths but i also think the antique stores in town are great too.
we found all kinds of treasures.





all three women bought the locally famous granny's mustard…craig would have been so proud. 

lunch was all kinds of yumminess…funnel cake…tater twisters…noodle soup…homemade pie…mmm!
we had lots of girls shopping and eating together.

and we found some not-so-special treasures.



if you are looking for a birthday gift for julie…she really wanted that angry bear wall hanging.
ha ha ha ha ha

at the end of the craft fair my friend kerry called me and said "you HAVE to come to this barn sale!"and i was so happy my guests wanted to go too.
we followed homemade signs down a gravel road to what i will now call my dream world
it was everything i love and ten times more.















do you see why i was in love?
when i went into the first barn…of the three….i almost cried….i am not kidding.
i have been looking for THIS since i moved to kansas.  
i didn't think it was here.

i felt like i was on a junk buying high.  

buzzed on rust and chippy paint.  :)

here is my take away from a day of craft fair bliss.






kristen - Just curious where is that barn and is it open year around.

Amy R. - Your weekend looked like so much fun! That barn sale was to die for! Wish I lived closer. That metal turquoise stool is awesome. Would love to see what you do with it. I enjoy your blog!

kate b - I also would have cried walking into that barn. AMAZING. I would have died taking pictures there. What a treat! And those Kansas morning shots are amazing!

Kristine Robb - i need me some rusty chairs!

Jen H. - I’m loving that green toolbox. That sale would be my idea of heaven too. I have a favourite antiques barn near me that is like that all the time. I only allow myself to visit it about twice a year!
That antler chair is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen.

Rachel / cREaTe - WOW! unbelievable stuff! i’m in KC … i’ll have to look up hillsboro. 🙂 i LOVE your finds. those dishes are BEAUTIFUL [the ivory ones] and that wood divider thing ROCKS & i would love to know how you’re going to use it. unfortunately, i almost lost my lunch … my page was stuck loading on the hide & antler photo … *urp* … that kind of stuff doesn’t usually bother me that much, but i guess staring at it for so long, i started to really take it all in. i had to look away. and well … now i might have become a vegetarian. 🙂

Dina - Can I just come and hang with you??? I live in Wichita and feel like I could just stalk you….I’m so joking…that’s kind of creepy..:-)…but I do love your style and also live in an old house.
LOVE every picture you post. I’m so sad I didn’t go to Hillsboro last weekend and soooo jealous of all your finds:-)

Christina - Meg, I love how you are able to see beauty in the not-so-obvious places. That is such a gift. It reminds me of how God looks at us. You are able to look at something that others might see as useless or worthless and find purpose and value.
Your treasures are wonderful and you are a treasure. I’m so glad I can learn from you.

Lisa - How can it be that I live an hour from Hillsboro and have never heard of this sale?! I’m kicking myself. Next year…
I would love to know about the barn too. Great stuff!

Tiffany Morris - Seriously… I think my imagination is stuck in your body! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your style. I wish you could help me with my house. I know what I want, but can’t DO IT for some reason! 🙂
Hugs – Tiffany

Mandi - Okay…I am officially jealous of Kansas!
And, about the crock pot quesadillas…they were as amazing (and easy) as they sound. I made them for my sister and her friend tonight and it was a huge hit. I see these again in my near future!

Annette - Hello, it is Annette I have to know if the barn sale was just a one time thing or is it something that is open to the public? It looks like to much fun

Sara Cameli - OOOOh Meg, loved these. That barn would make an awesome art studio…and I LOVE your picture of the chairs lined up with the beautiful background of farmland – the yellow, green and blue…and the morning shots of hay and mist…so lovely.

Tammy - Wow, I would have loved to tag along too! You really picked up some great treasures!

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} - And so many people think Kansas has nothing to offer! My heart started beating a little bit faster when I saw your photos. I used to live in Emporia and would drive over for the craft show. Such fun! But that barn sale?! Wow! I’ve never seen one quite like that. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures with us.

Shannon - I HAVE to visit those barns! Where are they exactly?

Debra Cripps - Ooh lovely things, lucky, lucky girls!!

Ashley - Pure Heaven!
I need the barn and all it’s contents!
So glad you had a wonderful time!

Adrienne Anderson - Wow!! My heart just dropped when I saw the pics of the barn sale. Is it still going on?? I’ll come down from Chicago this weekend!!

Courtney - Oh my GOSH that place rules!!!

Leigh Ann - Ohhh MYYYY!!!! Whay can’t I find a barn sale like that!

Amanda - Wow! I’m from Kansas and now live in Colorado. It’s funny how the things you’ve been searching for are always hiding in plan sight. I so love your blog! You bring a fresh and beautiful perspective to a world that is often times gloomy and somber.
Thank for sharing your life and heart with all of us!

Jodi - Hey Meg –
Can you tell me where the barn is? Is the sale only once a year?

Jenny Wenzel - Meg…it’s Jenny from the garage sale. Can you tell me where those barns are…I NEED to go!!! Or at least the contact info? THANKS – Jenny Wenzel

Jess - You would have to drag me kicking and screaming outta there! The barns look like giant treasure boxes for grown-ups. And how cute is baby Janey?
The blue chair you scored….I remember having a red one at my grandparents house. I would love to find one of those.

Kacey - Oh, what fun! All the color – that must have been incredible. Great finds!

Laura Phelps - I will be honest. I am in a grumpy mood this morning. And the pictures are making ME cry. I saw THREE things that I have been searching for. I am feeling jealous and bitter.

Staci - HOW fun!!!!!!! I’m with Misty…..I only live ONE state away from you in OK….why don’t we have great Barn Places like that??? I guess….we get football 🙂 hee heee (Although…your Jayhawks are gonna give us a run for our money this year!!!! YIKES!)

jennifer - LOVIN’ all the color!

Schrag - Where in the world are those barns?!?! I live close to Hillsboro and could totally find them. Need details – please! 🙂

Tracy - I wondered if that wood piece was yours at Molly’s…I saw it and wanted it, but then it said Megan on it…rats. Where was the barn sale….I want some of those old chairs to put on our deck. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend….what fun!!!

Summer - Loved looking at these pictures….I have to bring myself down out of the clouds now. Thanks for sharing!

Alicia - How do you do it???!! Your pictures always amaze me Meg! I love the shot with the chairs in a row and a beautiful field of KS sunflowers in the background…perfect KS! CO is very nice but I do miss KS sometimes! Happy Day!

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - Lovely!!! Yeah, I’ve been looking for a place like that here in Arizona… After seeing your pictures, makes me want to look harder!! 🙂

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - Lovely!!! Yeah, I’ve been looking for a place like that here in Arizona… After seeing your pictures, makes me want to look harder!! 🙂

cally - Oh my heavens. Where is that barn. I’m in the car.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I think I could cry too! What an amazing place you found there…so jealous. Beautiful eye candy Meg. Thanks for the gorgeous pics.

kasey - I’m so sorry my invite was lost in the mail! I would have had a blast with you guys.

coffeeanddaisies - my heart stopped beating briefly when i saw your pictures….
oh my goodness….
so MUCH goodness…
nice to read that someone else appreciates that historic value of things….
they all have a story don’t they?
i’ve gotta get my butt down to kansas!! 🙂
great pictures. thanks.

Sharla - Great stuff. I wasn’t feeling bad about missing the craft fair this year until I saw your pictures. And like others, tell us more about this barn sale. All the time or was this a one-day thing?! Love those rocks/gems!

kristi rediske - Your pictures are great-I went to the Hillsboro Craft show too-drove to Kansas to take my mom to that and the fair. I wish I would have known about that barn-where is it? Sure would like to go to that next time I am in Newton.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’ve nearly cried before, too. No one else seems to understand it. LOVE your finds. I would have been drawn to all the same exact stuff, except for the pink polka dotted tub thingy. (sorry)
By the way, did you ever find your chicken feeder/coop thing you were looking for last Summer? I still think of you when I see one out at a flea.

valerie - You got some gorgeous pictures of what looks like a beautiful morning!
And I agree with Julie. I think I need that angry bear. Even if it’s just to hide it in cabinets and scare my husband. 🙂

traci - yep, i think you died and went to junk heaven. that barn is awesome. i would get lost for days in there. great treasures. love the clock!!!

Sue K. - having flashbacks of kane county with you…those were good times!!! i miss them and you :(. looks like you had the BEST time. i especially love the old aluminum chairs…those COLORS…

chris - Love it all what fun , I linked to you today in my post .
Just beachy

Trasie - OH MY GOSH……Tell me more about this barn sale? Is this place open all of the time or was it just a weekend thing? I so want to go there!!!!! Tell me more!

kristin - i. want. one. of. those. bikes.
and that green box you have.
and that clock.
oh, it is all so good.

HomageBlog - That sounds like my ideal Saturday! I need to find something like that around here! Love, K

Holly - Oh MY! I am coming to visit. What, you don’t know me? Sorry about that detail, but we will be BFFs in no time flat!

Julia - WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR??? I gasped, I cried and then I ate breakfast.

Michelle B - oh my! Wonderful! Can I come next time?

Sarah M - I wish I could find places like this in the UK. We only have expensive antique shops near me 🙁 I love those 7up bottles.

Kathy - Great finds…I want to shop there too!OMG I have to come to Kansas! You take the most amazing pictures!

Grace Matthews - I love these pictures. They are awesome. What kind of camera do you have? I just started a photography class and I am so loving it.

Heather - Looks like so much fun! I need to find me some antique/barn yard sales in my neck of the woods. I think it could be a dangerous hobby:)

sarah - It’s really unfair at how much stuff I wanted to bring home, and couldn’t figure out how to get back on the plane with me.
The picture of that bike, is amazing.
I love your EYE!
It was so fun, especially the barn sale!
Thanks for taking us 🙂

pve - i can taste the lead paint….

Jill - OOOOOhhhh, I am dying over the rusty patio chairs!!

CherryTreeLane - Oh my word…I am so jealous of all you took away–what an amazing find! I wish they had something like that in So Cal…..

Kristin - It looks like you had a blast. If you have any specific info on the barn sale. When and where, I would appreciate it. My Sister lives in Hutch and I visit her often, we would love to check it out. : )

Lori - Ooooo, envious. Such fun! Glad you had a good time!

Shealynn Benner - Great shots! Sounds like fun! Julie and I are friends. 🙂 I made the camera strap slipcover she gave you! Hope you like it! 😉

Nicole - I crack up thinking of you 4 girls who have never met walking the streets of Hillsboro!! Seems surreal!! WHAT FUN!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t been to the arts and crafts fair in FOREVER, need to do it now that we closer. I’m excited for all your awesome buys!! I need an old bench for our laundry room, I bet I could have found one at the barn sale!!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - good stuff!

adrienneK - i would DIE at the barn sale sooo much goodness…hmmm kevins family lives in newton…we might need to consider moving lol what lucky ladies you had visiting you!!!

jody - my dreamworld as well.
love those hidden gems in the midwest…so fun to come upon. your finds look delicious!

Sarah - It looks like you girls had so much fun! I am super jealous.

Ashley Ann - I want those outdoor chairs at the Barn Sale…I want a Barn Sale! Next time you hear of one, feel free to send me an email!

dawn - OOOOH. MY. GOSH!!! I need to get to Kansas!!! Seriously, I think there needs to be a road trip next summer. My baby — and a U-Haul! She’ll be five by then — she can even help carry! (As long as we find something fun for her — she’s good to go for hours, bless her heart!)
I totally understand why you had so much fun. Completely and totally understand.

Lori Danelle - You make me want to move back home!!!

Sarah - What great stuff! Those looks like really awesome places to buy fun things at. I love that pink polka dotted bucket! All those old bikes make me swoon! I think I need to visit Kansas sometime!

Trish - Um, yes I can see why you almost cried, cause I was holdin’ back the tears. So jealous right now! Why can’t I find a barn sale like that?

misty - i love it- do you know where i can get the ring that says Birthday girls have more fun?
i wish we had stuff like that in Ok!

DreamGirlLisa - What fun! Those beautiful white plates and that pink polka dot bucket are my favorites, you found some great stuff! I really enjoy your blog, it takes me to a happy, comfy place…kind of weird maybe, but who cares, right?

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