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we went to chicago for our anniversary.

15 years.

it doesn't feel nearly that long.

i have been with him longer than i haven't.

that is such a safe and lovely place to be.

we flew out on friday after getting the kids settled with grandparents.

(we love that grandmas watch the kids!)

dave picked us up at the airport…did a trip down memory lane through the old neighborhood…


i saw you old neighbors sitting inside your homes…marybeth.  you were on your computer.  :)

you too sue.

it was too late to just show up unannounced.

i could spend a week with jenny easy….but i will take what i can get.

we talked till late.

we went to IKEA on saturday.

oh my love for ikea will never die.

i fit as much into my carry on (that i made craig carry since it was so heavy) as i could.

these lights are fabulous.


they are HUGE.  hold out your arms and that is how big each one of these lights are.

and they are made of paper!

so creative.

i didn't get one though…

we went for our usual gluttonous family style meal at maggianos.

we were short a few people that are usually with us….but we managed just fine.

who knew only four people could eat so much?!

we deserved a free t-shirt…or complimentary stretchy pants.


that's my bff…chicago jen.


the first night was at jen and dave's.

the next night we went to a hotel…the airport hilton.

i had LOW expectations.

and i was so pleasantly surprised.  it was nice!  and SO quiet.

i think i only heard one plane…and we are across the street from the airport!

impressive hilton.

well done.

and i was glad (for many reasons) my kids weren't there because the windows would have given me

a heart attack.

AND they opened!

it makes my heart jump just thinking about it now.


we rode the train downtown.

we spent all of sunday in chicago.

walking around just craig and i together.

we didn't have to go into any lego stores even.

i got to see everything i wanted…hey except what about pottery barn? did you trick me craig?!

craig was checking out all the architecture…

and going into buildings we have never gone into…just to see them.



craig's favorite.





we ran into our friends from newton…they were in chicago for their anniversary too.

they had run a half marathon that morning.

they are awesome.

they were headed to american girl place. 

(we knew they were in chicago but we weren't planning on seeing them downtown…just later for U2) 







the bean is just so cool.

i could sit here all day…i love to people watch.

everyone is smiling here.



i told craig i think we should live on the top floor of that middle building.

"just a simple home for two"

i thought we should just have the whole floor.

i dream big.

those windows are gorgeous!

IMG_1838  IMG_1840

ok…this is gross.


i am sorry.

i just had to share.

it was so crazy…

she put her kid by the fountain right in front of us and then just bends over to take a picture.

showing us all her goods!


she did it several times…so i took her picture.

i just had to.

if you are reading this lady….thank you for at least wearing the underwear.


we met up with the kansans and dave & jen for dinner.

stuffed pizza….YUM.

then we walked to soldier field for U2.





this was the stage before they started.

it was super big….like rock star BIG.

with gi-normous screens.



he didn't bring me up on stage.

i thought i heard him calling me but no one else heard it.  




U2 junkies.




you must click on this one.

make it as big as your screen….and then just think of what it would be like to be Bono.

can you even imagine all those people screaming for you?!!

it is unreal.




it was amazing.

you should go to their concert.

you won't be disappointed.  

i promise.

even if you don't know all their songs…you will LOVE it.

we made it back to kansas monday morning.

the kids were happy (most of them) to see us. 

and we were ready for them…we missed them.

they loved their chicago souvenirs.  

i love getting away with the

he is my favorite.

so…now you have been reading about me waaaaay too long.

you should go get something done.

me too.


tami reed - looks like you had a great time! You should have taken pics in front of Harpo studios lol. Im use to live in the midwest too! Cleveland, Ohio! We were neighbors lol

cufflinks - Wow!
How amazing does that look.
I love U2 but never had the opportunity to go and watch them live. I had heard that their gigs are something special but looking at your pictures it looks absolutely stunning.
I wish i was their!
I can imagine your aniversary must have been really special.

Kristine Robb - omg you crack me up! the lady… the craigster… the going and doing something else besides read your blog…
your pics are so great! makes me miss my sweet home chicago… my husband used to live in marina towers (the corn cob looking bldgs on the river – 48th floor) the year before we were married. it was amazing!
i had several friends at the concert. glad you had a blast! your pics gave me the visual for what they had to say about it!

Diana aka "knzus" - wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! what a great place to go for your anniversary… and btw, Happy Anniversary a few days late! have missed reading you, been so busy, and ill with my migraines, and busy, and well, life gets in the way of regular blog reading, heh-heh LOL! geesh, that lady with the goods that aren’t even good, oh my *rolls eyes* sure glad we don’t have that here… or do we???? always love your pics… love that you share your world with us, thank you for that… inspite of the undie fashion blunders ROTFL! {{hugz}}

Joni Lloyd - we used to visit chicago every summer while my parents did wholesale shows at the merchandise mart. it was a tradition to eat at portillos and try to catch a cubbies game if they were in town. thanks for sharing the pictures. brought back lots of memories!

Teri - Happy Anniversary! I am so jealous! My last anniversary that we got away, we lived in Chicago and went somewhere else. We didn’t know we’d be moving a month later. We are planning a huge family trip back, but to walk with my hubster all to myself.
Did you know- that you can order Portillo’s and it will be overnighted? We do it for Christmas every year.

Diane - Hi. I normally don’t comment but I love reading your blog.
First, great pictures … always love to see your what you capture … and that lady? Now that was hilarious. Couldn’t stop laughing!
My husband’s cousin was at the U2 concert as well so I shared the pictures. And the one that you say to enlarge, well, she did that and found herself in the picture!! She was so excited! So thanks for sharing.

Sam - Ok, seriously that women needs to invest in some longer skirts. Nasty. Definitely agree about the apartment. Imagine what great light you would get…..

Heather Anuta - I love your Chicago pictures! I am from Chicago but go to school in Ohio. I love whenever you even mention Chicago. I was home the same weekend you were there. I was actually there for the half marathon your friends were there for. I love the Portillos pic.. I had to get some before I made the drive back here.
I, too, could spend all day at the bean people watching. It’s just the most beautiful city! Thanks for sharing!

Jen - OH. MY. WORD! I cannot believe the lady in the fountain! Can I have your permission to post that on my blog with a nod to yours? I could use it for a post I’m ruminating over–seriously!
Chicago is my VERY favorite city! My husband and I are probably the ONLY people in the world who want to retire to a loft apartment in downtown Chicago. Hey–dreams are free!!

sara's art house - LOVE the Chicago pics!!!!

Melanie - Guess what, Megs? Me & my hubby were on the FLOOR of that U2 concert! Yep, I won radio station tickets and we had floor access. It was SO awesome looking up at those thousands and thousands of people. Not to mention that we were on Soldier Field where the Bears play. Too cool.
Glad you enjoyed Maggianos…we go there every July to celebrate our oldest son’s bday, as it’s his favorite restaurant.

jessica - chicago looks amazing! awesome photos!A congrats on the anniversary. 🙂

Jenny - What a great weekend!
The photos of Chicago look fantastic. I would really love to go there.
I love those light shades at IKEA. I was looking at them last weekend. IKEA is one of my favourite places.
The U2 concert looks amazing. The stage is incredible. I saw them last time they were in Sydney – they always have amazing effects.

Dawn - Chicago . . . what a fun city! It is one of my favorite cities to visit! Loved seeing it through your eyes!

amy - I have enjoyed starting to read your blog. Check out ours… Ordered Ed Emberly books today for crafts for my boys…they will love them. I’ve always wanted on of his books! amy

Kimberlee J. - The other night I asked B what he would like to spend money on more than anything—you know what he said? Seeing U2 in Norman, OK. He loved the pictures and you are spurring on the cause…maybe I should just send you with him???

Nicole - WHat a great trip . . . made me want to get away with my man! THose times are AWESOME!!! I’m with you on the IKEA love, I miss mine in UT! WHAA! THat lady bending over was HILAROUS, like I laughed out loud!! Glad you had fun, have a great time at the craft fair!!

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - Happy Anniv, Meg! We celebrate 15 years this year too (and I have been with my DH over half my life as well)… =)
I was actually born in Chicago… but we moved when I was 18mos old. I want to go back for sure – and your pictures just proved the point even more (except for the underwear lady, I could do without that scenic view!).
Thanks for sharing!!

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - Happy Anniv, Meg! We celebrate 15 years this year too (and I have been with my DH over half my life as well)… =)
I was actually born in Chicago… but we moved when I was 18mos old. I want to go back for sure – and your pictures just proved the point even more (except for the underwear lady, I could do without that scenic view!).
Thanks for sharing!!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Happy belated anniversary…..your pictures take me there!

Sandy - Once again – great pictures! I’ve never been to Chicago, but between yours and my daughter’s pictures I REALLY want to go.
The picture of the lady bending over – you should send that in to …what magazine is it?…Glamour??…that has the DO and DON’T fashion pictures. Maybe she’ll see herself in there (although I doubt she reads magazines like that). They will insert a nice black rectangle to protect her privates. …maybe she should have thought of that!

Elisa - I saw them many years ago when I was at UT- great concert. I would love to see them again!
Glad you got away, always a good thing 🙂

pve - Guess I need to post mine.
It is coming – the anniversary.
22 years, so I have got you beat.
You kill me with all you do,
you bend over backwards –
with all your shots.

Mary Beth - True Story. Swear to Gawd.
1981 or 1982…a band called U2 was playing in Ames, Iowa.
We went.
( I went to Iowa State University back then.)
Didn’t LIKE them or didn’t GET them….AND WE LEFT!!!
After all these years, I’ve wanted to call that old boyfriend and ask if it WAS U2 that we left. I’m pretty sure it was.
Really nice pics, Meg!

Christina - Amazing, all of it! U2 and Ikea to boot!
Happy Anniversary. I love what you said about your years together.
And as you said…now I’m off to bed!

nicki - I’ve been reading, but never posted before! Anyway Happy 15th Anniversary. My husband and I just celebrated ours as well. Well, celebrating conveys that we’re on the same side of the world…. he’s deployed in the Navy. We have 5 kids as well (4-13) and we lived in Chicago when we first got married. We try to get to a u2 concert every tour, but won’t this time as I just feel traitorous going without him!
Oh and I needed to know, what pizza did you eat? Sometimes I dream about Connies’

Sara - I rarely comment (but am a long-time reader!), but had to comment on this to tell you a.) Happy anniversary! and b.) we probably walked right by each other on Sunday!
I live in Chicago (and work in that big white building behind the bean) but played tourist on Sunday and took my dad and sister on the architecture boat tour. I was wondering if I’m on that boat in your picture of the river! How funny would that be. We saw lots of the half-marathoners, too. They made me want to start training for something, but I’ve never run more than a mile in my life. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed your weekend in the city, and OMW that that girl with the underpants!! Yikes.

Sally - Look how many people love you! 54 comments is impressive.
I love Ikea. I used to live an hour away…now live 6 hours away. It’s hard.

Carol S. - Awesome pics, awesome blog, what a great concert that must have been. I turned down a pair of tickets last week because I had a church anniversary dinner to go to…..arghhhh! I think I’m heading downtown with my two boys for an overnight while dh is on a fishing trip. We love just hanging downtown Chicago!!

Suzanne - Looks like so much fun and I LOVE CHIGAGO !!!!!
Thanks for sharing makes me want to go again.
Just imagine what heaven is gonna look like with all those people (and more) are praising GOD 🙂 awesome.

Jerri - Happy Anniversary! Looks like you had a great time!! The pic of the lady, YIKES!…makes me hope I have never bent over with a skirt on…not that I would wear “that” outfit or anything! I feel like Bono was calling you name but you just couldn’t hear him! ha ha

Melissa Smith - Yeah! U-2 – we are going to the Atlanta show in October – can’t wait. Looks like you had a blast!

Trina McNeilly - Meg….. looks like you had such a great time. i was in the city that day too…..and some friends had an extra U2 ticket.. it was like a giant kiss from heaven…. I had wanted to go so bad but wasn’t able to and at the last minute that day I got to go. I LOVE seeing your pics.. I was like way up at the top…which was fine with me but it is cool to see a little closer. Wasn’t it like super amazing when he sang Amazing Grace? 80,000 people were there is what I was told…wow! So glad you guys had a such a wonderful weekend!!!!! You can never go wrong in Chicago!

Sara Cameli - So happy for you guys that you celebrated alone and out of town! 🙂 You’ve got to cherish the moments…cracked up at funny lady picture. Nice. Real nice. heh heh.

Julie - That looks like the best weekend ever. Congratulations on your anniversary!

Lori - I probably should go get something done….but this is more fun. I’m so glad you had a great trip! And, I think it’s HALARIOUS that you took a picture of that lady. Awesome. But, what was she thinking!?

Amanda - This really makes me want to visit Chicago!

shannon - love your blog! my friend shared the link with me. where can I find you on etsy?

Kelly - Thank you for sharing your trip with all of us. I’ve been married 21 years and have never done anything special to celebrate. You are so very lucky!

Ruth - happy anniversary! and oh wow… these pictures are amazing. those downtown ones with the incredible buildings… gorgeous. as for miss buttcheeks… uh, no words. but classic picture!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Won-der-ful pics Meg. I was just in Chicago this summer and there is just so much to see. Love the pic of the lady flashing you…too funny. That concert looked amazing!! I have two other friends that were there. Unbelievable being in a crowd of 80,000. Great get-away with your honey. Congrats on 15 years. That is definitely something to celebrate:)

Deborah Clark - Chicago looks so beautiful, will put it on my bucket list of places to visit, when the kids have left home. lol

Erin - Looks like you had a great time. I love Chicago!!! Can’t wait till I take my girls there.

Dina - looks like a great weekend ~ congrats on 15 years.
and not to sound all stalkerish or anything, but I like you 🙂 thanks for your blog!

Michelle B - What an amazing trip! I am going to Chicago in October – but for work but staying downtown. Maybe I can talk DH to come with me so we can have fun too. And as I am reading your blog post I am listening to Pandora radio and what came up…U2! How fitting! Happy day! Oh the lady bending over…that kills me. HA!

Sophie - Chicago looks like a wonderful city, I must go some time.
Congratulations to youself and Craig; here’s to fifteen more happy years!

Shana - I like your pictures better than mine.
Is Bono wearing a clown hat in that close up?! I don’t remember seeing that.
Nice shots.

Wendy - Looks like an amazing time with your love. Congratulations on your 15 years! 😀 I second the “icky-poo” comment about that poor unfortunate soul who needs a longer skirt.

jody - great u2 pics!
happy anniversary! we celebrated our 15th in chi-town in july–we met there, what a great city.
yes, glad she had undies on!

Christa - Oh Man! We are going to the U2 concert on Sept 29th! This makes me so excited!

Lauren - Happy Anniversary! My hubby and I have been dying to go to Chicago forever! Maybe one day we’ll actually make the trip from Georgia to the windy city! You’ll have to tell me all the “must-see” places and of course some places for the best food!

Kathy T - Happy Anniversary. We moved from Chicago to NJ 3 years ago. When I go home, it’s for the food. Portillos, Potbelly’s, etc. Oh, how I miss it! Hope you had a great time.

Jodi - You are officially my favorite blogger E.V.E.R!
Happy Anniversary!
Awesome pictures, I’m excited because it looks like your seats are about where our seats are in Foxboro and Giants stadium. It looks like you had an amazing view! 4 more sleeps for us! I am sooooooooooooo excited! Are you on or Interference?

kasey - yes…that U2 concert was fabulous {we went sat night}.
glad you had fun.

Staci - HOW great!!!! Happy 15 Years!!! We just celebrated our 12th…Brian whisked me away on a surprise getaway!!! I know to some…they would be disappointed, but not me…he took me to an AGA cooking school in North Carolina!!! We cooked for 3 solid days….and I loved! I loved learning something new together 🙂 But Chicago would’ve been grand too!!!!!!! We are going to the U2 concert in October in OK!!! I can’t wait after seeing all those great pics of your’s!!! And all I can say about that underwear lady is…YIKES!!!!!!

jennifer - Happy Anniversary! So glad you got to get away. It’s a must! Looks like it was an amazing weekend.
LOVE Maggiano’s! My sister used to live in Chicago and I miss being able to go visit her there.
Thanks for sharing the pic of the lady and her junk. HA.LARIOUS!!!

adrienneK - what awesome pictures!!!you look great! so much neat stuff…and uh that woman is yucky lol

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Chicago! I love it. I’m so lucky to live (relatively) near. Happy Anniversary to you. Does this mean that in 5 years Cory and I get to take a fun trip? We had late-night Papa Johns this year for the big 1-0. 🙂

Jocelyn Stott - WOW – GREAT photos and it looks like it was a wonderful trip. Chicago has such great architecture. Happy Anniversary!

Wendy robinson - Yummm Portillos!

Angela - Wow!! What a great post! My mom was born near Chicago, and even though she doesn’t get to go that often, she loves it. I hope to get to go with her one day. Without kids. LOL
Your picture of the lady at the fountain was like a train wreck!!!

Kristin - Oh So Fun. I live in the Suburbs and just love our day trips to the city. I am glad you enjoyed your trip. The renegade craft fair was in town this weekend and we went in for that. It was great.

Toni :O) - I heart Chicago so much! Awesome town and I’m SO jealous you got to see U2. One of my best gal pals is seeing them in California next month…I think at the Rose Bowl if I’m not mistaken. Looks like you guys had tons of fun and that is so great. Happy 15 years. My hubby and I celebrated 16 in May…awesome to find the love of your life isn’t it? Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip and that lady…blech…sometimes, I wonder what people are thinking…my goodness!

Leslie - Congratulations on 15 years!!!!
Woooohoooo – vacay with no kids…
jealous you got to see U2!
OMG, what was she thinking? Yikes Stripes!!!!!!!!
My retina’s have been scarred for the day.
And, I gotta know, what kind of lens do you use?
Thanks for sharing!
As always look forward to your blog every day!

Beth Ann - We were in Chicago this weekend also for the U2 concert. It was amazing. I love Chicago!! I see there are still tickets available for the OKC show they are doing Oct. 18th. I am trying really really hard to talk my husband into buying tickets. I’m not sure it’ll happen though! - Oww, so much fun. I am totally jealous of your trip and can’t wait to go to Chicago someday-yeah, I know…sheltered.
My office heard me laughing out loud when I saw the picture of that lady!
Happy Anniversary! Ours was yesterday, although we are about 13 years behind you.

Tracy - LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures and storyline, Meg – glad you and Craig had a great time! My husband is originally from Chicago and we are HUGE Chicago Cubs fans but that U2 concert looked like “the bomb” – HA! Happy 15 year anniversary – the hubster and I will be married 12 years this October but we just returned from celebrating our 10 year anniversary in Europe (2 years late) last week. If you have time to check out my blog – I have the first 2 days of pictures up. Have a great day! Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Sarah - WoW MoM! <--- I regards to the lady showing her goodies. WOW. I love the bean. And all your fantastic pictures. Looks like a great trip!!

aubrey - I so hope Underwear Lady reads blogs. So disgusting. Think she’s the same lady that turned a pair of men’s briefs into a sports bra? (Did you ever see that email floating around?)
Chicago looks fun–I’ve never been there and wouldn’t know what to do or where to go, so I’ll have to reference your blogposts about it if we ever do. 🙂

Sara @ Queen of the House - That looks so fun!! Especially the U2 concert and Zero kids!!
I want to thank you for that picture of that lady…just made my morning. 😉

Julia - first time I’ve recoiled in horror whilst reading your blog – eew!
That stage U2 was on was amazing – do you think they take it with the where ever they go?

Kathy - Happy Anniversary! What great pictures been to Chicago once and I don’t think I saw anything on your blog starting to wonder where the heck I was!!! Concert looked like a blast. What a wonderful celebration!

Sarah - It looks like you had a great time! Congrats – fifteen years is definitely something major in today’s society. I blew up that picture like you said and you’re right, it is unreal!

Kerri Wood Thomson - Awesome U2 photos. I was thinking about selling my tickets to see them in Norman–but you’ve changed my mind.

Jeannine - Happy Anniversary!
You two are adorable together =)
I just had to leave a comment to tell you how much I love your blog.
Thank you for letting us into your life!
You have to be one of the most amazing women ever.

Keri ~ ForeverFoldingLaundry - What a great weekend! Glad you had fun. Isn’t it nice to still like your husband after all those years?! 🙂

Georgia - Awww looks like you had a fab time away!
Pics are lovely as usual xxx Oh and HaPPY Anniversary! 🙂

callie grayson - happy anniversary! welcome to chicago such glorious weather we have been having this last week!!
I was at Ikea too on Saturday!!! (schaumberg, ikea were you at that one??) with my mum. we also had to go to bollingbrook, the other ikea didn’t have what I needed so I went to both!
that photo of that women, hilarious!!
U2 looked awesome, they always have the best set design.

carissa... brown eyed fox - OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! ya KNOW what i am referring too! mouth open! bless her heart Lord!
so that’s where you were! too fun!
AND what a celebration…
hAppY AnnIveRsArY…
15 years is very special!
what a time!
what great memories for your heart!
thanks for sharing ll your fun with us!

Hannah - It looks like you guys had SO much fun!!! U2 definitely rocks my face off. 😀
My Mom and I just went to Chicago last weekend! We didn’t stay as long as you guys, but it was tons of fun. The buildings are so big and beautiful!!
I love the pictures you took too, you captured the fun of the city! Except that lady… Unacceptable!
Have a super day!

bopha - so, the lady, can that be for real, with the mismatched tube socks and all!

Anna Marie - Yes! That looked like an awesome time! and YES! I need to go get something done…garage sale this weekend…aaahhh
p.s. That lady….icky-poo!

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