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i am here….

right now.

not on letterman…
we are at the concert in chicago RIGHT NOW!!  
sunday night…soldier field…oh yeah.

and i hoping that THIS is the year…
bono will pull me up on stage and dance with me and kiss me with his sweaty face.
and then i will pass out.
and he will carry me off stage back to craig's arms.

it hasn't happened at the previous 3 concerts we've attended…but maybe this year!!

Melanie - Oh my goodness, Meg, we were at the U2 concert in Chicago on SATURDAY night! I won 2 tickets from the Loop radio station (97.9) back in March. We had field access, which was awesome.
Could you believe parking was $45??! At least it was where we parked – McCormick Place.

Julie - I saw them only once, in 2001, and it was seriously the greatest concert I have ever seen. I would LOVE to see them again and I hope you write some kind of review!

evan - how was it?!!! amazing, i’m sure. we go see them in vegas october 24th. it will by my 2nd time but michael’s 4th. black eyed peas are opening… kinda excited to see fergie!! who opened for them in chicago??? was it snow patrol??? i LOVE them. i’m dreaming of that same sweaty bono-kiss. {sigh…} 😀

Debra Cripps - My daughter is going to see them in Toronto this week, maybe she’ll get lucky!!

Jodi - There is nothing that compares to sweaty Bono kisses! I’m seeing them next week in Massachusets and New Jersey, so, so, SO EXCITED!
Bono pulled me on stage September 3rd, 1992. I have never recovered from that experience.
I hope you had an amazing time!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - One of my other favorite bloggers, Kasey from Lola B’s was at that concert. How cool! Love U2:)

Jo - KC &I were just listening to U2 🙂 i loveeeeee it

Renee - That’s so cool, Meg. Glad to hear you’re still enjoying yourself and your DH at a concert no less! I haven’t had so much as a date night in months. A friend of mine from high school was there and she WAS pulled on stage. How weird, right? Hope your ears aren’t still ringing. xoxo

danyele - i have some friends that made the trek to the concert too!!! wooo hooo! i am squealing with jealousy!

Jill - My brother was there too! Hope you had an amazing time!

Kathy - So jealous love U2 and Bono I have the same crazy wish too.Have a great time.

Kaitlyn - That’s so cool. I have some family members there right now. They drove 5 hours there today and will drive the 5 hours back tonight after the concert for work in the AM. Hope ya’ll have fun!

Christina - No way! I would love to give my husband tickets to a U2 concert. What a great time!

karen gberger - May all you dreams come true!

Michelle - LUCKY! I would love to see U2 in concert. This reminds me of the Springsteen video that he pulls Courtney Cox on stage. My sister wanted to be her every single time we saw that video as kids. I hope you get your moment tonight Meg!

dawn - Good luck!!!

Andrea Robinson - I’m so with you sister! Hope your concert is great – even if you don’t get sweaty kisses.

meaghan - you are at your FOURTH U2 concert?!?!?! i have to officially hate you now.

Miranda - am deeply jealous. but will still cross fingers for you.

Ashley Ann - oh that is just not far…so, so jealous…so jealous…so jealous. Have fun!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - You are too funny!
Here’s to wishing you sweaty kisses!!!

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