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i am behind.

if you are waiting on your pictures from me….

sarah jane

i have not forgotten you.
but i am very slow.  
thank you for being patient….i am trying to adjust to this new role as a working woman
while still working 24-7 at home. (the laundry alone is enough to make me cry)
seriously while i am typing this annie is having a HUGE meltdown tantrum downstairs.
like lose your mind kind of screaming….
and i have no idea why.

so don't worry.
your pictures will be done soon.
i can tell you this…you will all be happy.  
i have looked at all of your photos and every one of you will love your shots….yes!  

i appreciate you.


AND i did not succeed on my 2 rooms a day plan.
i did clean the boys' room…for 6 hours.  
i mean….come on!  
that is just wrong.


IMG_1717 IMG_1739

that's our cat emily.
she is a sneaky quiet kitty that no one sees….and she HATES waffle with a passion.

i also cleaned out the laundry room…packed for a trip…washed all the clothes…and got a lot done.
but not 2 rooms a day.
i STINK at goal setting.


AND that same new kids on the block song was on this morning??
the first time was cool but twice in one week…20 years later….too much.


AND i was 7 months pregnant with talby when 9/11 happened.
i had just dropped lauren at school, scott at preschool and sean at a sitters.
i listened to the radio as i drove from the sitters to the lab to have a blood test done.
i was in a little bit of shock.
i had no clue what was going on.
i went into this little lab and a woman sat behind her desk listening to a tiny radio
and i could barely hear it.
it was the two of us alone in this building listening to people yelling and screaming 
"the second tower just fell" etc.
tears ran down in my face…big and pregnant in my bright pink shirt…in the corner chair.
i called craig and asked if he was ok…what do i do…please come home.
it was such a helpless feeling.
a tragedy.
i took my kids out of school and sat home worrying myself sick.
crying all day…sure that chicago would be the next hit.

and today….i am getting on a plane.
on 9/11.

Joanna Peck (Jodi) - I should have been pregnant with my 3rd…..but he had been taken by C section on Aug 22nd. (he was due on Oct 19th) he weighed 2# 6oz at birth. I was HYSTERICAL that morning. We were in a different city…in a different home…so we could stay at the hospital everyday to be with him. My 6 year old was in a school–that she was not familiar with. I had a 2 year old that I had to take up to the hospital with me everyday–I could hardly walk those 1st few days, You are not supposed to drive-HAH! I had a preemie–I must hold him, talk to him, sing to him. I was driving by the 4th day alone. My husband was on 3rd shift then– so he slept during the day. All of this to tell you I was HORMONAL and HYSTERICAL! I was pacing back and forth saying– I need to get my baby, I need to get my baby! I too was in a suburb of Chicago, thinking it was next! My husband had to shake me and tell me– you can’t take him out of the hospital– He will die, you can’t take him. The fear was overwhelming. It felt to me like I was choking. I will never, ever forget that day. So sad for our country! On a completely different note….No idea there was a cat in your house. We have one that looks just like her named “Tiggy”

pve - This morning -my husband asked me to find out the time of the movie show and then tonight when he asked what time the movie was and I said I had not done it….I simply saluted. He could whip anyone into shape or shame…lol
Enjoy your time away getting further behind….he he.

Audrey - Ahhh, I could have written this post…keeping up with house/kids/work is tough! Kid rooms take longer to clean than they should! And I too was 8 months pregnant on that morning. I cried listening to re-broadcasts from 9-11 today, and remembered so many things I will never forget.

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - The room looks good! 🙂 Although I noticed no “in the closet” shots! lol… Sorry, maybe I am the only one who throws everything in the closet? lol…
Cute cat!

Jaime @ Simply Arizona - The room looks good! 🙂 Although I noticed no “in the closet” shots! lol… Sorry, maybe I am the only one who throws everything in the closet? lol…
Cute cat!

Sarah W. - 6 hours! You deserve some kind of fantastic treat, i’m sure!
I did not do one single room this week. I picked up a few things here and there… but as for my deep clean one room a day…. NEVER happened. I’m not good at goal setting either.
Being a mommy and working gets in the way of cleaning sometimes, and seriously there’s a million other better things to distract from cleaning.
I remember this day 8 years ago so well.
Overwhelmed. Upset. Angry. Scared.
I cried. Waited for my daddy to get home. And attacked him with the
biggest hug ever when he came in the door. (he had just been in new york and washington dc. just days before)
Be safe on your trip. And have lots of fun.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I spent the day with my New Yorker friend today. Every Sept. 11th she wakes up and has a hard morning cry. We can’t really understand the fear and grief that gripped the people of that city. It’s still so hard to fathom.

Michelle - I get goosebumps when I think about that morning. It still brings back that same helpless feeling, every time. We saw the very best and the very worst in people that day.

pam - laundry should be a four letter word. 🙂

Ashley Ann - Man that long list of people to get pictures too…I KNOW that feeling…and all the late nights that come with it. Hang in there, I can’t wait to see all the amazing pictures you have stored away for future blog posts! Congrats on a quickly growing business…stay true to you in the midst of it!

Amber - love the cat pictures. :o) and today i have wasted 1/2 of the day sitting in bed taking naps and surfing the web. o_O don’t feel so bad.

Elisa - Be kind to yourself about the work.
I too struggle, and threaten to quit almost every day.

robyn Beckley Vining - i was in chicago, too. i know.

robyn Beckley Vining - i was in chicago, too. i know.

Amy B - Not waiting on pics – darn it – GA is too far away, but you go girl! You’ll get it all done and it will be fabulous!!! Thanks for reminding us all that we aren’t in this mom thing alone.

Sarah - Boys rooms take twice as long…you know, the Legos, the moldy hidden apple cores, the empty crinkled Dorito bags, the dirty shirts hidden in the closets…
I totally procrastinate on THAT room.

Miranda - 6 Hours to clean your boys’ room…bless you. I love that other people type blogs while their kids are screaming…I’m always trying to gauge the urgency of a cry while I type ONE MORE SENTENCE.

Karina - I’ll never forget 9/11 either. Even though I’m up in Canada, all flights were grounded that day and we had house guests who could not fly back to the UK. I was off work and just sat in front of the TV all day. Then I attended a huge memorial on Parliament Hill and cried with thousands of others. It is hard to believe it has been 8 years.
I, too, would like to know: where are you going?

Laura Phelps - 9/11….ya know, I had JUST flown from NYC back to LA on 9/9 that year. I sat and stared at the luggage tag on my bag as the towers fell. And I had nearly stayed in NY longer, alone with Jack, pregnant with Belle. Had I stayed, I doubt I would have ever gotten on a plane with my babies alone back to LA. My father and brother work in NYC. I lived in the West Village before moving here. Jack and I played at Battery park nearly daily. He would sit in the jogging stroller and we would roller blade down..with the towers as our destination. I am glad you posted about it…we need to remember.
and on a lighter note…your Emily looks just like our Delilah.
Have a safe trip…to…where?????

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Safe travels to you!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Fun boy room! And I liked hearing you 9/11 story. Such a defining and terrifying moment for all of us. I’m sure we all remember exactly what we were doing at that moment.
Also – Where the heck are you going? You just sorta threw that one out there, right at the end.

carissa... brown eyed fox - i was pregnant too! what a scary… “what is happening to our world” day!
i TOTALLY understand the plane thing… i have a pit in my stomach EVERY time i board a plane… BUT… get on that plane… HE is with you… HE will get you through! i pray for peace for you! safe travels!
there is NO way i could get two rooms done in a day either… we have WAY to many distractions! at our own pace… it eventually gets done! 🙂

Sharla - The sad thing is I think I could spend 6 hours cleaning EVERY room of my house right now. I hope to get at least one knocked out this weekend.
Can’t wait to see the pictures – you have been BUSY girl!
Have a great weekend.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - so chloe and talby are the same age, cause chloe was two weeks old! i was nursing her while watching it unfold on tv. it was my 19th birthday.
safe trip 🙂

Sarah @ In A Dream - I thought you had mentioned a cat at some point – it’s good to see her! Very pretty! My cat had to stay outside once we got our Scottie because of a lot of “spraying” or basically peeing all over everything.
It’s quite amazing how this country has changed since 2001. I miss all the flags and the national pride. I was in the seventh grade when it happened and didn’t even know what the World Trade Center was. Boy, did my world change!

Kathy - Safe travels!!

jennifer - Here’s to laundry, doing the best we can on the housework, and to living in a still free country 8 years later…
Have a wonderful getaway wherever you’re going. Hope it’s just you and Craig. 🙂

Lori Danelle - I’m great at Goal-Setting.
Just horrible at Goal-Following-Thru.
have fun on you trip!!

Joel Rodell - I didn’t make the list!

Jill J - I too had no idea there was a cat in the house! How funny.
I was 4 months pregnant with my son (my first) on 9/11. I remember watching it all on t.v. and balling my eyes out thinking, “what have I done bringing this child into the world at a time like this?!” What a scary feeling that day was. I can’t imagine living in a country where war is constantly raging.
On a lighter note, have a good weekend! I hope it’s productive… and relaxing. That can happen, right?

Julia - that sounds like a good kind of behind – can’t wait to see the pics

Jo - I did not know you had a cat, maybe that’s because she hides! 🙂 love the boys’ room, good job!

CK - I was pregnant with my first child on 9/11. I cried, too. I was so worried about the world that we were bringing her into. A few years ago, we visited the site of the 2 towers. There is this wind that blows through and the presence of so many lost… It literally gave me goosebumps. My heart still aches for all of those that lost loved ones that day. May God continue to comfort them.

mom - I felt the same way when I flew to France 3 years ago today! Who would book a flight on 9-11? We would!!Ha.
Can’t wait to get the kiddos for the weekend.

Stephanie - Hard to believve it’s been 8 years since the tragedy of 9/11.
I didn’t know you had a kitty! She’s so cute. I love how you just walk in a room and there they are randomly curled up asleep on a peice of furniture or under the dining table. I’m a kitty person in case you didn’t pick up on that!

Maria Masurat - Travel safe today – know that you’ll be in my prayers.

adrienneK - omg you need to go look at my “happy” laundry post!!!!
a cat?! i had no clue you had a cat?!?
oh my look at all the KU stuff my husband is from kansas and his dad and step mom and other family still live there,so we have a ton of jay hawks kiddie gear for the girls!!

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